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Labor's Jobs And Skills Summit

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The Greens being in support is a dead give away that the proposals will not be good for Australia
Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 22 August 2022 10:38:17 PM
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Only Paul the Putinist and left whinge nut jobs, think that spending tons of cash when inheriting a record low unemployment from the coalition is a good idea.

That is Albozo and his clowns are boosting inflation and interest rates.
Posted by shadowminister, Tuesday, 23 August 2022 3:42:57 AM
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Hi Maverick,

At the end of the day it comes down to what degree all other Australians are willing to give Aboriginal people a meaningful say in their own affairs. In the past its been very much a white mans prerogative to determine what's "best" for Aboriginal people. Sometimes the European acted with malice, but at other times it was done with a paternalistic mind set, which although noble in its endeavour was often a failure. Thinking people realise that these previous paternalistic approaches failed to give satisfactory outcomes for a reason, and its now time to take a different tack.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 23 August 2022 6:07:19 AM
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I demand a policy of medical cost responsibility for actions of stupidity.
I was sent a video yesterday, by a female friend who wanted to gross me out.
The video at first appeared to be a man having a colonoscopy, that is until the surgeon pulled out a 1 foot long cucumber out of his butt.

People work hard and pay their taxes, but they shouldn't have to pay for some gay guy who likes to cram things up his backside.
My housemates sister was a leading nurse at one of the cities leading hospitals, pre-covid.
(She left in relation to vaccine refusal)
She told my housemate this kind of thing is actually quite common.

Australians shouldn't have to go to work to pay for that.
- And this as well as many other stupid things is the reason why you have 8hr waits at hospital emergency departments, and why we will lose the medicare safety net for a basic standard of health to all citizens if things don't change.

- video available on request -

Tell me should Australians be expected to pay the costs of this woman's botched Brazilian butt-lift.

Having a big fat ass is neither appealing, nor something that other people should have to pay for, along the same lines is peoples sex-change operations, Aussies shouldn't have to foot the bill because people want to switch genders.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 23 August 2022 8:26:43 AM
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One of the defining features of fascism is the partnership between government and big business to order things to suit each and achieve what those groups think ought to be societal aims. NO I'm not saying this thing is fascist. But its closer to that style of government than is comfortable.

This is an attempt to have certain power centres impose an outcome on all others while purporting to be 'inclusive'.

Who will be there representing small business which need I remind is the biggest employer in the country? Who will be there representing sole traders? Who will be there representing non-unionised workers who are by far the largest proportion of workers?

As I've said previously, my hope is that the Libs will return to true liberal values following the upheaval of defeat. I doubt Dutton is the person for that. But his decision to avoid the trap of this corporatist convention is a positive sign.

Whatismore, the summit has zero chance of avoiding the tsunami headed our way and by not being part of the summit, Dutton will be able to appear more prescient in a year or so.
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 23 August 2022 10:21:28 AM
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What we need is a fascists style Prime Minister who secretly tries to usurp total power for himself. Ring any bells for you?
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 23 August 2022 5:00:33 PM
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