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Labor's Jobs And Skills Summit

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Oh, shadowminister is still here?
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 2 September 2022 1:53:08 PM
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Hi Paul,

Home Affairs Minister Clare O'Neil and Immigration
Minister Andrew Giles have summed up the next
steps on migration and visa processing after
hearing from employers, and unions about the severe
labour shortages and the need for skilled foreign

There's a desperate need for healthcare workers, for
skills needed to build infrastructure and places
for technology sector workers.

Businesses are interested in sponsoring employees on
permanent visas, shifting the focus from temporary
to permanent migration and future citizenship.

The federal government is also committing to clearing
the visa application backlog.

Andrew Giles, Immigration Minister said:

"We want people to choose Australia and our
processes and policies must work together to
support that choice."

Childcare is also being discussed as are workers for
the agricultural sector and farmers.

So much to cover in a Summit that only goes for a couple
of days. However, when the cameras scanned the huge hall
in Canberra, it was most impressive to see the huge
amount of people in attendance. All there to contribute.
Makes you proud.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 2 September 2022 2:04:40 PM
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Hi Foxy,

The Summit has been highly successful with some good outcomes. Time will tell if those outcomes lead to practical benefit for the nation. The 35,000 increase in permanent migration is warranted in an attempt to help plug the skills shortage, but long term 180,000 TAFE training places will be of greater advantage.

All poor old Dud Dutton could do was stand on the sideline and engage in some of his now familiar negativity, and worker bashing.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 2 September 2022 4:03:52 PM
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Hi Paul,

We can see that the opposition still doesn't
get why they lost the last election and they keep
repeating their past mistakes. Alvin Toffler
once said words to to the effect that:
"The illiterate of the 21st Century
won't be the ones who can't read and write. They'll be
the ones who can't learn, unlearn, and re-learn."
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 2 September 2022 4:48:07 PM
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Lets start with the 3cases of wine, and the expensive handbags given to Roberts from a grateful 'Greywolf', not disclosed as required on his parliamentary register until questions were asked. How was it Roberts was able to off load his family trust shareholding in 'Greywolf' before the crash, others were unable to do so. There are many more questions, including was any political pressure put on ASIC not to investigate.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 2 September 2022 5:01:52 PM
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Hey ttbn,
"Another 35,000 EXTRA immigrants to be added to the strain on housing, infrastructure, health services and the environment.

Announced this morning, but decided well before the summit."

It was never Labor's Jobs And Skills Summit in the first place;
It was the Business Community's Immigration Summit.

The tail's wagging the dog.
It wasn't Albo's idea, Albo just thought it was his idea.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 2 September 2022 5:58:45 PM
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