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The Forum > General Discussion > Climate sceptics have been played by the Fossil Fuel industry

Climate sceptics have been played by the Fossil Fuel industry

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"It is like saying after a devastating bushfire that regrowth has increased by a third so everything is back to normal."

Yes it's exactly like that. After one natural event another natural event follows.

"Do you at any stage pause and think 'why am I doing the bidding of multi-nationals and their slick disinformation specialists?"

No. I only look at the data. Who is delivering the data is really beside the point although, if the data turns out to be less than accurate then the deliverer might help explain why. Do you ever wonder why you reach a conclusion and then look for the data to support it? Which is of coarse the exact opposite of how science should work, although you then, hilariously, claim to follow the science.

"Weather records lag climate trends and the fact that what we are seeing is in lock step with a warming planet then they are most certainly relevant. "

If I was a shallow as you and went off to find some place on the planet that recently experienced unusual cold, would that prove anything from a climate point of view? Weather isn't climate. Weather is one place at one time most definitely isn't climate. Promoting it as having meaning is just something that is used to reel in the gullible.
Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 7 August 2022 11:01:33 AM
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Dear mhaze,

You claim: “No. I only look at the data.”


If you did that we wouldn't be having this silly argument.

Here is some data for you.

9 of the 10 hottest days recorded in the UK have happened since 1990.

Most people would regard this as signalling a climate trend. But you steadfastly refuse to do so. Why do you think that is?

BTW only 2 of the top 10 coldest days since 1960 occurred after 1990.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Sunday, 7 August 2022 11:28:05 AM
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No one would bother arguing about global warming if erratic energy was viable. Erratic energy is not up to the job, hence the the hysterical vilification of fossil fuels.

Humanity can benefit from good arguments and suffer from bad. It is a shame that the entirety of the anti-nuclear argument was "It's bad! Mkay?". Thanks to garbage like that nuclear energy is forty years behind where it could be.
Posted by Fester, Sunday, 7 August 2022 11:51:47 AM
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Dear Fester,

In your first incident they lost 7 batteries from the 100,000 battery modules at the site. Far better than the earlier fire.

The second incident involved a Tesla catching fire after it had been sitting in a junk yard from being written off in a severe accident three weeks earlier.

If you are looking to make a point here I'm not sure what it is.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Sunday, 7 August 2022 12:06:07 PM
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Dear Steele,

7000 or 7%. Not 7. The facility was off line from February to July I think. That is significant. And when lithium batteries catch fire they tend to stay on fire. That could make them very hazardous, especially if the car caught fire in an underground car park.

I am all for things that work. Fossil energy works. Hydro and geothermal can work. So can nuclear power. Erratic energy is yet to prove itself and seems to have many hurdles; Overcoming the hurdles, were it possible, would likely make erratic energy far more expensive than other options. I cannot fathom the enthusiasm for it.
Posted by Fester, Sunday, 7 August 2022 3:05:48 PM
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You're still talking weather and mistaking it for climate. If I was so inclined I can find plenty of WEATHER events that show unusual records but I know that wouldn't mean anything.

Also (and sit down while I tell you this) England ISN'T the world. No, really.

But just for fun -

Sydney was "the longest stretch of cold days in May 2021 in 54 years".

There have already been more white Christmas in London this century than the whole of the 20th Century.

"An Arctic air mass has engulfed practically ALL of transcontinental Russia since the beginning of December, 2020 resulting to many regions suffering their longest stretches of subzero cold on record."

But that's all weather, not climate.

Just for fun, another story..."96 percent of U.S. temperature stations used to measure climate change fail to meet what the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) considers to be “acceptable” and uncorrupted placement by its own published standards." And when they are excluded, the remaining untainted stations show no warming this century.
Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 7 August 2022 5:37:33 PM
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