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Weak Opposition

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Just when I thought that there couldn't be anyone stupid enough to fall for Albozo's fatuous beat-up, there you are.

According to the Governor General, swearing in for responsibility for multiple ministries is neither illegal nor even unusual.

This would enable the PM to step in if a minister was unable to perform his duties for illness or vacation, such as during a pandemic.

Now the liar is parroting Labor talking points.
Posted by shadowminister, Tuesday, 16 August 2022 4:53:15 AM
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I didn't think that a believer in "Westminster Democracy" with its traditions and principles would so easily accept the trashing of that system. Morrison secretly set himself up as a de-facto dictator assuming secret ministerial powers for himself, without informing the Australian people. Many on the conservative side of politics, including Bridget McKenzie and others, were forthright in their condemnation of Morrison's actions.

BTW; If I'm not mistaken, Morrison was elected as the representative of the people of Cook at the recent Federal Election. He's failing to do what he was elected to do, saying; "Since leaving the job I haven’t engaged in any day-to day-politics.” The bloke is failing in his duty to his constituents, and should get out. No doubt Morrison is cooling his heels in parliament, whilst setting himself up for some plumb job from a grateful benefactor from his time in office
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 16 August 2022 5:59:00 AM
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Once again you are spouting drivel. Everything Morrison did was by the book and he has trashed nothing. Considering that there are more portfolios than ministers, being sworn into multiple portfolios is standard practice. Also, the PM has authority over all his ministers, his word is Law and that applies to Albozo too.

To prevent yourself from looking like a complete idiot again, you should think before posting bollocks.
Posted by shadowminister, Tuesday, 16 August 2022 7:35:29 AM
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Hey Indyvidual,

That's just so typical of the non-contributors' mentality, opposition for opposition's sake !

I've always argued that democracy is flawed.
To demonstrate just how flawed it is...

If the leader of one of the parties were to stand at the podium and announce a bill that formally recognised the sky as being blue,

Then the leader of the other party would be obliged to stand up and oppose it, instead arguing that the sky was actually some other colour.

Both sides would argue over it for weeks, the issue would become hamstrung, and nothing of use would be achieved.
Their job is not to come up with good policies for the betterment of our nation,
- It seems as though their jobs are to simply argue amongst themselves.

In this context, they actually make autocratic leaders who do achieve things for their nation look genuinely appealing.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 16 August 2022 10:42:45 AM
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You obviously have no understanding of the Westminster system of government. You are clueless concerning open government, ministerial responsibility, the cabinet decision making process, and the responsibilities of the PM. We have a Prime Minister, not a Trump like President that you of the far right believe we should be embracing. Morrison was acting more like the Fuhrer of Nazi Germany, than the PM of a open democratic society such as Australia.

Even Dud Dutton is trying to distance himself from the Morrison debacle, others on that side of politics have be far more scathing in their comments, eg Barnyard Joy and what he has said! Admittedly Joyce and Morrison are bitter enemies in and out of government.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 16 August 2022 12:10:17 PM
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Lying again I see. Firstly I have never supported Trump, only trashed the lies that you and others from the far left whinge were repeating.

And from your post, you clearly are completely clueless on how Parliament works and in spite of all your bleating, you have completely failed to show anything that Morrison did wrong.
Posted by shadowminister, Wednesday, 17 August 2022 3:58:20 AM
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