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The Forum > General Discussion > More reason to lower the rainbow flag for good!

More reason to lower the rainbow flag for good!

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Faint hope Foxy I'm afraid. The mere sniff of something for the likes of diver dan and ttbn to hang their wilful blindness to the facts gets their pulses racing. All we can hope for is that no-one they care for gets infected.
Posted by Aries54, Wednesday, 3 August 2022 1:15:48 PM
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Dear Aries,

Many people are at the autumn of their lives.
This might be an appropriate time for some
of them to look into their souls and learn.
The goal of life is that we're supposed to
end up wiser. And more importantly - to end up kinder.
Both to themselves and everyone around them.

(Unless of course their surname happens to be Trump).
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 3 August 2022 1:56:44 PM
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While there are good reasons to lower the rainbow flag, monkeypox is not one of them: how could raising the rainbow flag possibly make one more susceptible to monkeypox when the disease is transmitted by physical contact, not through the internet?

This data simply shows that homosexual men that were born after 1970 should get vaccinated.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 3 August 2022 9:20:59 PM
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Dear diver dan,


You wrote :

« Monkeypox spreading disproportionately among the gay community in San Francisco … the vast majority pay the price of immoral lifestyles »

You also kindly posted links to the source of your information but there is no mention in either of them of “the vast majority pay[ing] the price of immoral lifestyles”. That was obviously your own personal comment.

The fact is homosexuality is a perfectly natural phenomenon, just like heterosexuality. There is no such thing in nature as ‘the norm of the heterosexual union’. Both heterosexual and homosexual unions are ‘normal’. As Petter Boeckman, a zoologist at the Norwegian Natural History Museum of the University of Oslo has pointed out: ‘No species has been found in which homosexual behaviour has not been shown to exist ... a part of the animal kingdom is hermaphroditic, truly bisexual. For them, homosexuality is not an issue.’ Boeckman observes social advantages to the free expression of homosexual behaviour and adds: ‘It has been observed that the homosexual couple are often better at raising the young than heterosexual couples.’ (source:

Religion historically regards homosexual sex acts as sinful, based essentially on an erroneous understanding of ‘natural law’ (the law of nature). Religious dogma is constantly proven wrong in its interpretation of nature by scientific research (e.g., Galileo’s condemnation for heresy when he declared in 1610 that the earth revolves around the sun).

Need I add that since the revelation of the widespread practice of paedophilia by the world’s Churches and religious institutions they don’t exactly qualify as paragons of morality. If anybody should “pay the price of immoral lifestyles”, Church clergy and members of religious institutions must come on the top of the list.

Religion is certainly in no position to impose its morality on anybody. It’s not even a case of the pot calling the kettle black. It’s exactly the inverse that is true.

It’s civil society, ordinary people, condemning the Church clergy and religious institutions for their shocking immoral behaviour - and rightly so.

Who could deny it ?

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Thursday, 4 August 2022 12:11:01 AM
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Dear Banjo,

«Religion historically regards homosexual sex acts as sinful»

Not quite, not Hinduism.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 4 August 2022 12:19:41 AM
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Dear Yuyutsu,


Many thanks for your input. I immediately looked it up on the internet and found this :,women%20engaging%20in%20homosexual%20acts.

Your further comments would be appreciated.

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Thursday, 4 August 2022 12:27:25 AM
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