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The Forum > General Discussion > Mean Girls and Labor's Bullying of Kimberly Kitching.

Mean Girls and Labor's Bullying of Kimberly Kitching.

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When even ABC declares that there is no incriminating evidence against Porter why should Morrison act against Porter based on what is essentially gossip?

As for the bullying of KK by the Labor weird sisters, there is ample evidence including a complaint lodged. The point is that unless Albo grease does something Labor's credibility goes out the window.
Posted by shadowminister, Wednesday, 23 March 2022 7:16:54 AM
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We've all had our says in this discussion.
And as we can see we all have different ways of
thinking as a result of unique individual experiences
which is why there will always be disagreements.

I think that it is worthwhile to talk to people we
disagree with because it does encourage us to think
more deeply about certain topics. Without disagreements
there would be no individualism.

Of course we can't always be on the same page as this discussion
has shown. I am grateful to ttbn fir starting this discussion.
It did provide me with more information on the complex world of

Anyhow, I look forward to our next discussion and hopefully
we shall try to understand each other a bit better.

Take care everyone and have a nice day.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 23 March 2022 7:19:29 AM
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Hi Foxy,

I can only comment personally on Kristina Keneally, who I got to know some what during the 2011 state election campaign when she was Premier of NSW, and member for Heffron, the preferred Premier of the labor right faction run by Eddie Obeid, Labor suffered a resounding defeat that election due to the Obeid scandal. Generally in elections candidates show respect for other candidates, its an unwritten rule, I found KKK to be snobbish and condescending towards others, both the Liberal and Greens ran females, my friend is now a Senator for NSW, the Liberal girl was very nice, but very inexperienced. In a shock preference meeting I had suggested preferencing Miss Liberal and putting Kenneally last on HTV as a statement on corruption. My suggestion did not go down well with some of my fellow Greens as they had fallen for Kenneally's; "I'm no ones (Eddie Obeid) gal" line in relation to her position as Premier, others including me knew better. If the Liberals had a more experienced candidate, and ran a decent campaign I still believe with Green preferences they could have won the safe Labor seat. In this instance I can quite believe what a bitchy attitude Kenneally would be capable of.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 23 March 2022 7:56:58 AM
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Yes mate. Really, you are.

For the opened minded, non-ideological among us:

"A recent, report (sic) by the Independent Review into Commonwealth Parliamentary Workplaces found that women were twice as likely to bully another woman 66% than, they would a man at 32%" (See Phillip Hickox, 'Mean Girls' in today's contributions.) See about nurses.

"Female bullying is not something to be scoffed at, it needs to be tackled at the root, when bullying women are developing their strategies and tactics."
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 23 March 2022 8:16:24 AM
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The Kimberley Kitching ‘mean girls’ allegations are not going away. Anthony Albanese still refuses to inquire into them.

Albanese cannot lead his party or a few wayward politicians. I would say that makes him incapable of leading a country of 25 million people.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 23 March 2022 9:49:37 AM
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All the ABC did to Porter was to say that copies of a certain letter had been distributed to certain people - full stop. The rest of the information came from elsewhere, including Porter who outed himself. The ABC was the ideological target and taking on Murdoch would have been out of the question.

Since the Porter case was settled out of court with no financial penalty payable (although the ABC agreed to pay mediation costs) it did not find him guilty or innocent, despite his claims. As far as the ABC was concerned there was no point in proceeding further.

If he was vindicated as he claims, why did he legally resist the public release of certain ABC documentation requested by other media groups?

Porter should have stood aside at least during the proceedings or Morrison should have at least removed him from the Attorney General portfolio. In any case the use of a "blind trust" goes against all convention and again, nothing was done and it was eventually up to Porter to resign from the Ministry himself.

It was the same for Alan Tudge who took it upon himself to resign despite being cleared of breaching Ministerial standards in an internal investigation.

Now that the standard has been set what are the chances that any of the "mean girls" should stand aside on the basis of gossip and accusing Albanese of not meeting standards the PM has deliberately avoided himself seems a bit hollow.
Posted by rache, Thursday, 24 March 2022 12:58:18 AM
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