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The Forum > General Discussion > Mean Girls and Labor's Bullying of Kimberly Kitching.

Mean Girls and Labor's Bullying of Kimberly Kitching.

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Senator Kitching's death and bullying is not a 'diversion', Foxy. I am rather surprised that you see it that way.

As for the SA election, the government lost the election for things it did or didn't do over the past four years. The electorate punished them for it. Interestingly, it was the 'moderates' (aka, lefties) who lost their seats. The few who are left, apart from Vicki Chapman, are more to the right, as people expect of a centre right party. My electorate has been Labor ever since I have lived in it. I'm quiet happy with the MP, but I put her second to One Nation on principle. She still got 67% of the vote, and I don't begrudge her that. She has assisted me on a couple of matters, she works hard for the electorate, and I don't mind that she is Labor. At least they have an impressive leader this time.

The SA rout has led NSW transport minister, David Elliott, to blast his own mob for its wokeness and moving away from the centre right.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 22 March 2022 2:05:06 PM
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Kitching's husband did not name anybody and he made
it clear that it was a small number of people who
opposed her views internally - which as you know is
the norm in politics. He did not list names of state
that they were women. As I said earlier - none of
us really know the truth of the bullying allegations
and therefore we really should not be finger-pointing
at anyone, especially when the track-record from both
sides of the major parties is not a good one.


We all have our opinions. Like you, I also stand by mine.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 22 March 2022 3:29:22 PM
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The husband has probably heard of libel laws, but he certainly alluded to the three ghastly girls, and everyone in that church, including the mean trio would have known who he meant.

You claim that "none of us really know the truth of the bullying allegations"? I think we did and do. But I'm more concerned, not about your opinions, but about your statement that it is no "wonder that both the Coalition and the Murdoch Press are diverting the implications of the SA election", which is simply untrue. The shocking behaviour of three members of the ALP (unless you are calling a dead woman a liar) and the leadership and deputy leadership of that group refusing to investigate that hypocritical behaviour after telling the government that it had trouble with women, should have been reported, and was, along with all the other news of the day.

I don't remember you being so precious about the ABC's hounding of an innocent George Pell, or the rape accusations against a government minister that could not be defended because the accuser was deceased.

If I had time, I could bring up any amount of instances where you cheered on the ABC and Chanel 9 papers witch hunts, but you would deny everything.

Yes. Opinions are fine, but scurrilous comments and untrue statements are not.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 22 March 2022 5:34:02 PM
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Ex Labor MP, Emma Husar, has added her experiences with ghastly girl Keneally, who she says ostracised her and froze out, ignoring her after she "got what she needed". Her treatment was similar to that of Senator Kitching.

Hopefully more women, and men, will speak up before the election so that voters can know the truth of a party that has been hiding its own toxicity behind its accusations against the government about the very things they are guilty of themselves.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 22 March 2022 7:05:53 PM
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Here's an interesting of firsts for the right side of politics:

First female federal Cabinet Minister (without portfolio) – Hon Dame Enid Lyons in 1951 – Liberal
First female federal Minister with portfolio – Hon Dame Annabelle Rankin between 1966-68 – Liberal
First female in any Parliament – Edith Cowan OBE (WA State) 1921-24 – National
First female in Qld Parliament – Irene Longman 1929 – Country Party
First female in Vic Parliament – Lady (Millicent) Peacock 1933-35 – UAP
First female federal MP – Hon Dame Enid Lyons AD, 1943-51 – UAP/Liberal
First female Senator from Queensland – Hon Dame Annabelle Rankin 1947-71 – Liberal
First female Cabinet Minister in Australia (WA State) – Hon Dame Florence Cardell-Oliver 1949-53 – Liberal
First female Mayor in Qld – Nell Robinson OBE, Mayor of Toowoomba 1967-81 – Country/National
First federal female Cabinet Minister with portfolio – Hon Dame Margaret Guilfoyle AC, DBE 1975-82 – Liberal
First female Lord Mayor of Brisbane – Sallyanne Atkinson AO 1985-92 – Liberal
First female Lord Mayor of Sydney – Lucy Turnbull AO 2003-2004 – Liberal
First female party leader in SA – Isobel Redmond 2009-2012 – Liberal
First female Speaker of Tasmanian House of Assembly – Hon Elise Archer MLA 2014-17 – Liberal
First popularly elected female Premier of NSW – Hon Gladys Berejiklian (Liberal) 2019-2021 – Liberal
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 22 March 2022 9:58:58 PM
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While the Fox media in particular are trying to now steer the discussion toward Albanese personally they will then need to defend Morrison's character over his deliberate inaction during the Porter matter plus various rouge MPs.
The longer this contrived story lasts the more it will develop onto undesirable areas and there are already unflattering discussions about Kitching, her husband and their financial dealings and previous history. However the chances are they will remain protected by some of the media in the same way Kathy Jackson was.

However despite the hysteria the latest poll taken during the "mean girls" revelation shows no hoped-for "bounce" for the government so they may need to look elsewhere for an angle.

I'm the one trying to make political capital out of this? Really? This whole matter and discussion is about weaponising the death of one woman for political purposes. There is similar history and culture on both sides but the focus seems to be on allegations about three women specifically and not all women irrespective of their politics.
Posted by rache, Tuesday, 22 March 2022 11:49:19 PM
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