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Anti-Semitism In Australia
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Posted by david f, Sunday, 30 January 2022 9:58:28 AM
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Dear David F.,
Thank You for providing us with this information. What a tragic history. It is hard to believe that Christians who supposedly follow the teachings of a Jewish Rabbi could be so anti His people. It is difficult to understand. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 30 January 2022 9:58:38 AM
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I'm not an expert but in my limited understanding Christian's have done more for Hebrew's than many other cultures.
Britain created Israel- and suffered for it- the two main negotiation points after the war were- 1. the war bank debt and 2. Israel. As I understand Britain is still paying WWII debt. Perhaps Britain could have negotiated better debt relief if it gave up the Israel negotiating point. Is it the Hebrew position that Britain isn't broken enough. The West continues to favour Israel in the Middle East- financially and otherwise. The US has allowed the Hebrew culture to develop since the 1880's and now contains one of the largest populations of the Hebrew diaspora globally. No other culture will come to our aid as our Anglo-sphere culture is being destroyed- only we can protect ourselves. We will see things that others won't. In modern times people assaulted in public don't get aid- because people don't feel safe to do so. I guess it's David F's view that Christian nations are bad because his people were attacked by a Christian nation and other sovereign Christian nations didn't do what he wanted and therefore Christianity and Christian nations need to be destroyed. Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 30 January 2022 10:59:12 AM
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Western nations including the US at times have attempted to create an environment for world stability- but our resources are limited- so we need to decide what is in our enlightened interest for ourselves. Others will always disagree and may wish us to be penalised for our efforts.
In the end we can't fix all the problems of the world and shouldn't try- maybe we can solve some problems- not all. If some cultures want to destroy our civilization on that basis- well that's their choice- and responsibility. I can understand that WWII was the last biggest disaster to Hebrew culture- as a result countries in the West lobbied to have Israel created as remediation- one of the main stated issues was that the Hebrew's didn't have anywhere to go when the German government enacted their 1930's policies- the creation of Israel would give Hebrew's somewhere to go if similar occurred in the future- other cultures have also had big disasters- over emphasis on one disaster deprocates other realities. Most have sympathy with the Hebrew situation but there is only so much sympathy to go around- at some stage we need to focus on other things. Hebrew people seem to be saying that they aren't happy with their treatment. Is the Hebrew people saying that they want more? Nobody expected the Spanish inquisition. I'm not an expert but that is my understanding. I think it's time for a new phase in the Jewish discussion. Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 30 January 2022 10:59:44 AM
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Anyone can call himself or herself a Christian without actually being one. I believe in the idea of Christianity, but I have no time for organised Christianity which fell under the spell of Left wokeism long ago. The Catholic Pope, Francis for instance, is more South American socialist than he is Catholic.
The latest outrage to come from the Anglican brand is a 40ish looking priests saying that Jesus Christ was practising transgenderism when he washed the feet of Apostles, because that was a job women usually did. Apparently Jesus 'the tranny' did other things generally done by women. I'm now worried that I could be transgenic too. I've done the washing and ironing for about 30 years, and I cooked and cleaned for about 5 years after I retired and my wife was still teaching. Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 30 January 2022 11:31:49 AM
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Foxy wrote :" Read the link I gave from the BBc.Argue with them not me."
My apologies Foxy. When you wrote your post I thought you were stating your opinion and using the link to support that. I didn't realise you were just regurgitating someone else's opinions _______________________________________________________________________ "An old Fascist like mhaze " I object. As I taught you a coupla months back, Fascists are socialists. And I object to be linked with such a moronic notion as socialism </sarc>. " try to minimize the NAZI involvement in the holocaust " Actually, and this'll probably go over your head, saying that the Nazis originally intended to relocate the Jews increases their crime, since it shows that they knew mass extermination was morally wrong. "re-house Europe's Jews at some undisclosed location." Well I did mention that location earlier. But it was over a day ago and therefore its no surprise that its exited Paul's memorybanks. "He claims it was only because the war was going badly for Germany that murder become the preferred NAZI option" I don't claim....I know. Paul's lack of historic understanding or even curiousity leds him down the garden path again.... "Rademacher recommended on 3 June 1940 that Madagascar should be made available as a destination for the Jews of Europe. With Adolf Hitler's approval, Adolf Eichmann released a memorandum on 15 August 1940 calling for the resettlement of a million Jews per year for four years, with the island being governed as a police state under the SS. They assumed that many Jews would succumb to its harsh conditions should the plan be implemented.[5] The plan was not viable due to the British naval blockade. It was postponed after the Nazis lost the Battle of Britain in September 1940..." Compare Roosevelt's 'M Project' plans... "simply try to deflect to the monster Stalin..." Yeah I knew that pointing that most mass murdering regimes were Marxist wouldn't please you Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 30 January 2022 11:41:08 AM
I believe it was only in recent times, the word kill was removed from the Ten Commandments, and the word murder substituted, thus sanctioning state sponsored murder. A true Christian is a pacifist. In Buddhism there are no Commandments, but to strive for true Enlightenmentone has to have a personal set of Commandments and values to live by.
Dear Paul,
There are many translations of the Bible. In the original Hebrew Masoretic text the Hebrew word meaning murder was used.
Generally when people call something true it conforms to what they believe. I imagine every Christian believes he or she is a true Christian whether or not that person is a pacifist. As far as I am concerned every Christian is a true Christian if they believe they are.
According to the net:
10 Commandments of Buddhism are:
• Do not destroy life.
• Do not take what is not given you.
• Do not commit adultery.
• Tell no lies and deceive no one.
• Do not become intoxicated.
• Eat temperately and not at all in the afternoons.
• Do not watch dancing, nor listen to singing or plays.
• Wear no garlands, perfumes or any adornments.
• Sleep not in luxurious beds.
• Accept no gold or silver