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The Forum > General Discussion > So what the hell was it all for.

So what the hell was it all for.

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With Covid, Scott Morrison avoided confrontation - abandoned leadership - and established the 'national cabinet', removing the democratic oversight essential to the Westminster system by disempowering his own cabinet and backbench, but empowering Leftist state premiers.

Combined with his betrayal on zero emissions, Morrison is looking more and more like a slice of toast leading up to the election, which will please the opposition which, let's face it, is very little worse than the government. The opposition hasn't improved their image; but the Coalition has come down to their level.

One commentator recently wrote: " … in the absence of significant cultural changes it is unlikely that Australia will be substantially different in two decades if the Coalition are in government for a majority of the time as opposed to Labor. The Coalition has been in government at the federal level for around 75 per cent of the time since World War Two, but we are nevertheless where we are today".

Just as it has taken many decades for the left to transform and denigrate Australian society and culture, so it will take time to rebuild.

It's a terrible pity that there are no politicians currently capable of rebuilding.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 19 December 2021 4:40:42 PM
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Dear Foxy,

«"Living with the virus" is risky possibly because an
increase in hospitalisation would threaten to overwhelm
the health system and this would end up being more costly.»

So as long as everyone can get a hospital bed, everything is fine and we should be living happily with the virus?
Is that the whole issue? all the hell it was about - sufficient hospital beds?

Let anyone who thinks so, spend the rest of their days as happily they want, in hospital...
Posted by Yuyutsu, Sunday, 19 December 2021 6:07:11 PM
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educated in compromise.
diver dan,
Yes, because that's what our so-called 'Democracy' dictates !
Posted by individual, Monday, 20 December 2021 6:54:52 AM
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The scaremongers just put out a boring list of 'cases', which could be anything from a sniffle to no symptoms at at all. If people didn't line up for hours to be tested like the poor slavish fools that they are, the only real cases would be those hospitalised or dead. We would then be better of and not bothered all the time by the dangerous, power-mad idiots stuffing up the country - the ones who never reveal how the results of these so-called Covid tests differ from the ordinary 'flu, which hasn't had mention since Covid, the common cold, or other mild respiratory problems. If things are really as 'bad' now, what is it going to be like in winter! All you scaredy cats might as well go to bed and wait to die.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 20 December 2021 8:41:55 AM
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SR, you have bobbed up again. Any word on how Sweden is strolling along nicely with Covid Omicron whereas israel and others are literally filling their pants in fear with far more cases?
Posted by JBowyer, Monday, 20 December 2021 9:24:15 AM
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Media headline this morning blares that 'omicron demands more restrictions' as if a strain of a wog has purpose and personality. Even our jellybelly politicians are not panicking or trying to panic us over a strain that even "experts" don't know much about.

What is our worst enemy. The weak political class or the powerful anything-for-a-headline-and-damn-the-consequences media.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 20 December 2021 9:39:39 AM
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