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So what the hell was it all for.

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Hasbeen asks.

*… what the hell was it all for, except to promote corruption…*

An exhibition of official panic, with all the predictable outcomes.

Now the shark has turned for the kill, denial is the official position.

Posted by diver dan, Saturday, 18 December 2021 9:01:14 AM
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Just wait for the coming flu season, some of us won't be here by the time next spring arrives !
Covid will play almost as big a part as stupid people !
Posted by individual, Saturday, 18 December 2021 10:38:29 AM
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Individual says.

*… Covid will play almost as big a part as stupid people !…*

There now appears more evidence than ever that politicians are simply glorified corporate managers, educated in compromise.

Wasn’t Donald Trump refreshing!

Posted by diver dan, Saturday, 18 December 2021 10:51:07 AM
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I am really, really pissed off with the continuing announcements of daily Covid cases. Just imagine if, prior to Covid, influenza cases were broadcast daily. Lots of people got the 'flu; some people died of it if they were old or infirm. How boring would it have been! Just as boring as Covid statics for people who didn’t even know they had it are now.

Given the bungling of politicians and government workers, lots of the tested might just have a cold or, at worst the 'flu, which doesn't even get a mention these days.

Paul 1405

Come on! It's nothing to do with changing governments if individuals are to take responsibility for their own lives and health. Individual responsibility gets governments out of our lives. You get sick, you go to a doctor, who treats you or tells you what you have to do to help yourself. As for quarantining, the only people who have to be protected are the old and infirm, and if granny doesn't have family with enough sense not to visit her when they are sick, she should have trained them better.

I know people like you need politicians to tell you what to do and to protect you from everything nasty, but many of us are capable of looking after ourselves and resent political interference in our lives
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 18 December 2021 11:07:04 AM
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Many Australians have been scared stupid by Covid, even though very few people die of it or even suffer much discomfort. Some Australians have become mentally unhinged by Covid, at least by the daily badgering and scaremongering from government and the media about Covid.

Umpteen "new cases" doesn't mean that they are serious; but the government, their publicly-funded clerks posing as experts, and the media, don't differentiate between the serious and the mundane.

Fear is the key to power and control. Too many Australians are too frightened to realise this - and they don't notice that the tyrannical laws and abuse by governments and officials appear to be solving nothing. Two years this has been going on!

Now, we all "need" booster shots, despite the fact that the vaccinated are being treated the same as the unvaccinated. What next!

Things will never again be the same in Australia, and petrified Australians have allowed the change to occur: even praising and thanking the new tinpot dictators in, mainly, state administrations.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 18 December 2021 11:47:37 AM
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So sure of Australian's inability to look after themselves the ABC and its pet "relationships counsellors" are, they are predicting that family relationships will break down because families are not capable of "navigating" Covid vaccination decisions.

What's to 'navigate' when it comes to getting yourselves and kids vaccinated!

The Australian Counsellors Association thinks that you should pay their members to guide you. Whatever you do, don't make your own decisions in the Nanny State. Whether it's hayfever, Alzheimer's, cancer or Covid, there's always someone looking to make a dollar out of you.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 18 December 2021 1:43:55 PM
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