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The Forum > General Discussion > Is Australia A Compassionate Nation?

Is Australia A Compassionate Nation?

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We like to think we are, especially at this time of the year. On a national level we see a big supermarket chain accused of ripping off their employees for millions, simply to boost their already bloated bottom line. At an individual level I can only relate a story; An old lady in her 70's or 80's dropped a gift card in the carpark, a gift from her daughter for Xmas, she quickly realised, having walked only a few meters, on turning around she seen a young woman scoop the card up. Despite calls of "excuse me", the young woman dashed off to her car for a quick get-away. The old lady was philosophical about it; "Hope she needs it more than me". The irony is it happened outside the very supermarket mentioned in the first sentence. Was the young woman an executive of the supermarket, just out to improve the bottom line.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 13 December 2021 6:32:12 AM
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Australians are as compassionate as any other nationality, and more so than some. Some sections of the community are less so than others, and the Greens are a among the less compassionate. Their interest is not in the well being off a "70 or 80" year old woman dropping a gift card, but in but sending her back to work because she is a burden. Greens, 'thy name is hypocrisy'. Fortunately, only about 8% of Australians are fooled by them. And, by the way, the snatching up of a fallen gift card is not indicative of hardship; the person scoring the free card could have been a wealthy Green.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 13 December 2021 7:45:20 AM
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Hi Paul,

I think Australians are a compassionate people.
They're not perfect - and of course as individuals
there will always be selfish people in the group.
But look at how Australians rally round in times
of crisis - be it bushfires, floods, or any other
disaster. Complete strangers jumping in to save
lives either on our beaches, on our roads or
in general helping people in trouble.

Having been in hospital so many times - I've been
helped by so many caring people - not only by the
staff - but visitors of other patients.

I remember the time I told the person in the bed next
to mine how I'd love a bowl of corn flakes for breakfast
but it was a no go. Well that afternoon a visitor
of that person came and brought with them a packet of
corn flakes for me with the words - " Here you are love,
Here's something for you." And gave me the biggest smile.

And there were so many other moments. Moments from complete
strangers. I think compassionate Aussies far outnumber the
occasional mean-spirited ones. And when you smile at people
you always get a smile back.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 13 December 2021 8:22:48 AM
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Yes'n no !
As greedy as many are they also show compassion on a much greater scale than others.
Posted by individual, Monday, 13 December 2021 8:52:30 AM
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Dear Paul,

I forgot to mention the valuable work that the volunteers
do in our communities in all sorts of areas. This needs
to be acknowledged. So again yes, we are a compassionate
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 13 December 2021 12:08:56 PM
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ttbn, not long back you were singing the praises of The Australian Fascists, masquerading as The Australian Conservatives, a fully paid up member you be, what a joke, a sucker born every minute. Try to poke fun at the Green vote, last election it was 20 times what your bunch of dills got. Fearless Leader was flying first class around the country, while the likes of you were paying for it. What was their welfare policy, oh yes, work for the dole, and a reduction for all welfare payments including your Old Age Pension.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 13 December 2021 2:37:32 PM
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Dear Paul,

Your question, "Is Australia A compassionate Nation?" makes no sense because Australia is a continent, not a "Nation".

Of the people who live here in this continent, some are more compassionate, other less, but this is not what you asked.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 13 December 2021 5:08:06 PM
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That's just Paul1405 trying once again to gauge support for his insidious agenda.
Posted by individual, Monday, 13 December 2021 6:49:17 PM
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Dear Individual,

You should at least give Paul the benefit of the doubt before blaming him of some "insidious agenda".

I believe that the main thrust of this discussion which he introduced was about compassion, about how people here treat each other - a very legitimate topic, rather than trying to claim something about Australia being a "Nation" or the like. That could well be an innocent common error, most possibly just absent-mindlessly repeating expressions from media propaganda.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 13 December 2021 9:09:10 PM
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Given your past frequent lies, I call bullsh1t on your story about a store owner stealing a customers gift voucher.

What about the unions that turn a blind eye to agreements that benefit the shops over the workers? Your fascism is showing.
Posted by shadowminister, Tuesday, 14 December 2021 2:50:17 AM
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To clear up a couple of misconceptions, I have no "insidious agenda" in raising this, or any other topic for discussion. The story of the gift card is true, and of course it was not picked up by an executive of Coles supermarket's, just some other shopper. When told of the card and the fact it happened outside of our local Coles, the irony of Coales stealing millions in wages was not lost on me. I could have also related the story of the homeless fella who ran through the 'self serve' at Wollies while I was there with a 2L bottle of flavoured milk, I think it was chocolate, much to the anger of the employee on duty, with her cry of "stop, you have to pay for that!", all I said was; "go thirsty man, its free", wife told me to shut up, more irony.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 14 December 2021 5:21:30 AM
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Hi Foxy and Yuyutsu,

When I say Australia the Nation, I'm refering to more than just its people, although its people is its most impotant component. I'm also refering to government and institutions, business and organisations that make up the Nation of Australia. Yuyutsu you say Australia is simply a continent, I respectfully disagree, its more than that, for the better or worse, its also what I have described as a nation. Therefore I think my question is valid. As Foxy said; "So again yes, we are a compassionate nation!" I totally agree, we are still a compassionate people. Maybe its better if I ask where is the pendulum of compassion, and which way is it swinging. Given the events of the past year or two, with Covid, and the actions of our governments, institutions, businesses and organisations, in general, as well as the actions of the people, is the pendulum swing in the right direction?

p/s Foxy, a most enjoyable Xmas lunch at a local club, with the volunteers yesterday, 15 or 16 old folks made it, its mostly old folks who have the time, although there are a couple young people in the group, but they were working, being a week day. All paid for their own meal. Next week its the Community Xmas Lunch, all welcome, and its free. Such compassion!
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 14 December 2021 6:14:12 AM
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give Paul the benefit of the doubt.
His legacy on OLO shows that he has an agenda & it's nothing to do with harmony in society !
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 14 December 2021 7:13:33 AM
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Angry Man Paul,

Your constant yapping about someone who retired from politics two years ago and hasn't been heard of since is no defence for the Greens or your own ratty rantings. The Greens are still around doing their worst. Cory Bernardi has rendered himself harmless. Adam Bandt is getting more dangerous all the time. And it is you who keep reminding us of that. You are actually doing us a service while doing your party and idols a disservice. If Bandt knew of your existence, he would wish that you would keep quiet.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 14 December 2021 9:49:09 AM
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Don't you want to force young Australians into some kind of national service against their will, working for your benefit. You also want to sack public servants for no other reason than you don't like them. As soon as I disclosed I had some aboriginal blood, you called me a 'concrete jungle bunny' then claimed not to be racists. Did you once moan that your welfare rise wasn't enough to buy you another scooner of beer.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 14 December 2021 10:03:25 AM
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Dear Paul,

«I'm also refering to government and institutions, business and organisations that make up the Nation of Australia. Yuyutsu you say Australia is simply a continent, I respectfully disagree, its more than that, for the better or worse, its also what I have described as a nation.»

And I respectfully disagree.

The said "government and institutions, business and organisations" are imposed over the innocent people of this continent who only want to live our lives peacefully. We, the people of this continent (and surrounding islands) are their victims who were given no choice in the matter. While they also stole the name of this continent, we are not impressed nor believe their propaganda.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 14 December 2021 10:48:45 AM
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