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The Forum > General Discussion > Talk about the wrong message!

Talk about the wrong message!

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Hi Aiden,
Those in greatest need get priority housing over those who are waiting but in less need.
Do you deny that's a sensible policy?

I think it's sensible, sure, but I don't think rewarding criminals with benefits others citizens aren't entitled to goes beyond the pale.
You're essentially rewarding people for their criminal behaviour and punishing deserving battlers who are pushed down the list every time someone comes out of jail.

"Do you deny that when people are released from prison, many of them are objectively in the greatest need group?"

Don't care.
No one else's fault they're in the position they are, taxpayers already had to pay for their mistakes when they paid to keep them to locked up.
Give them nothing.

You get your centrelink countercheck and then you make your own way to the mens lodge.
And if they want to chage you $250 a week for food and lodgings;
- And you don't have a cent left to your name - then that's your problem.
Go buy a $50 tent from BCF with your counter check and pitch it somewhere.

It's one thing to say you want to help those in need,
Another thing entirely to take away from those most in need;
- To support the lives of criminals, who are wehere they are by their own choices.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 4 June 2021 10:56:51 AM
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>You're essentially rewarding people for their criminal behaviour and punishing deserving
>battlers who are pushed down the list every time someone comes out of jail.

No, Armchair, you misunderstand the situation completely.

THE HOMELESS get priority.
That includes people who are homeless when they come out of prison.

And that is as it should be. Prison is about rehabilitation as well as punishment, and we want to avoid the situation where they think committing more crime is the only way to get by.
Posted by Aidan, Friday, 4 June 2021 12:17:05 PM
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What happened to “flattening the curve”, now never mentioned after four lockdowns, each one of which was supposed to do the job? Why the latest lockdown? Not because Sutton the chief health officer said there was a “beast” of a strain in Melbourne. There is no evidence that the strain is any worse than previous ones, or that it spreads any faster, or any differently from the previous ones. So, what is the justification?

We will never know, because it’s just another panic-stricken example of socialist incompetence. Now, Morrison has stuck his bib in, with a sudden and miraculous interest. Obviously something to do with the coming federal election, just like all his moves.

The virus will probably be with us forever. We need politicians (fewer experts) who won’t scamper down the rabbit hole every time a new variant is rumoured.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 4 June 2021 12:18:03 PM
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Dear Hasbeen,

How's it going old cock? Good?

Now a Victorian who has seen the Murdoch media pile all over Andrews, a bloke we feel has done a fair old job, it does stick in the craw a bit when the below standard quarantine effort by the Liberal run South Australian government lets loose an infected traveler into our State and buggered it all up yet you lot of Murdoch sycophants attack Dan the Man yet again.

How does that reasoning go in your brain? Why aren't you getting stuck into Steven Marshall? I will tell you why, because you are all hypocritical flogs flapping your gums for the heck of it.

Enough already.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Friday, 4 June 2021 12:37:40 PM
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A few words from Daniel Wild:

"The Prime Minister and Treasurer are lockdown-enablers.”

“The federal government must now accept responsibility for the continued lockdown in Victoria which has unleashed another wave of humanitarian and economic pain across the state.”

More incentives for incompetent premiers to lock down. A Liberal federal government is propping up Labor state governments!
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 4 June 2021 1:17:16 PM
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A federal government is supposed to serve all
states and their people - especially in times
of need - and that includes Victorians.
Luckily our current government realizes that
and is doing it's job. Which by the way the
state government has not so far asked for help.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 4 June 2021 1:31:19 PM
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