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Bye, bye Scott?
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Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 11 April 2021 11:57:46 AM
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Van Onselen, not Onslow.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 11 April 2021 6:52:06 PM
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I reckon he will be dumped in the lead up to the next election, being replaced by Dutton.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Sunday, 11 April 2021 7:17:01 PM
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I'm somewhat amazed at his arrogant assumption that he will win the next election. As far as I'm aware, the Liberals don't have a rule making it hard to change leaders as Labor does, following the Rudd removal by Gillard. The Liberals got rid of Abbott, then Turnbull, so they might go for a hat trick - after all, he is only an accidental leader, there by dint of Turnbull's whispering in some very wet Left ears that have moved on. I can speak only for myself, but I know that other people who stopped voting Liberal after Turnbull got the job are still intending not to vote Liberal after Morrison's lack of the right stuff. If the Liberals want to win the next election - which they do not deserve to if they hang onto Morrison, they should already be sounding out Dutton.
Of course, Morrison might get the message and bow out gracefully. Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 11 April 2021 7:42:07 PM
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I'm not a fan of conservative politics, obvious from my posts about Morrison, aka ScumO'. The fact is Morrison is not a politician of substance, peel away the thin veneer and it exposes a fairly ordinary bloke as leader. However Morrison is still the best thing the conservatives have going for them, he is a winner, winning and perception is everything in politics, well, that don't say much for Albanese. The Australian public warm to moderates, and Australia is populated with moderate leadership, and it has been since the days of Gough Whitlam nearly 50 years ago. Dutton, like Abbott, both being moderates but with a perception of being radical. Dutton in the PM job his approval would collapse with the public just as a poorly perceived Abbott's did.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 12 April 2021 10:01:15 AM
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Predicting anything in politics is risky at the
best of times - so we've been told. Then there's the old adage - "Get out while the going is good." Whether Morrison does get out or is forced to get out, we'll have to wait and see. "How Good is Scott Morrison?" the book by Wayne Errington and Peter van Onselen apparently is a good read. According to Laurie Oakes - "The book rips away the PR curtain to look at the real sins and virtues of our 30th PM." And Barrie Cassidy says: "Scott Morrison is very good at doing not much and yet winning the politics." Errington and van Onselen produce a forensic examination Scott Morrison's leadership. Flawed or not? Reading the book may help to judge. Lets look at Scott Morrison's track record. He won an unwinnable election. His successful management of a pandemic. Whether he chooses to go on a high is up to him. The only person for his job appears to be Peter Dutton. The Coalition may decide it would rather go with a sure bet at winning - which Morrison will undoubtedly do or risk Peter Dutton. Interesting times ahead. Posted by Foxy, Monday, 12 April 2021 10:17:30 AM
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ttbn, has been looking in far right field for his new messiah ever since he slipped on the Corny Banana peel some years back. I think he tried the lovely Pauline only to find she is a sandwich short of a picnic in the brains department when it comes to politics. Believing Dud Dutton to be the conservative savour is believing in miracles. ttbn there must be someone, other than Dutton, out there you can offer up as a far right totem for the believes to pray at their feet. Don't say Trump he doesn't qualify, too septic....tank.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 13 April 2021 6:34:22 AM
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Here are some ABC knockers (.)(.) Posted by shadowminister, Tuesday, 13 April 2021 9:54:08 AM
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Careful what you wish for: Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 13 April 2021 10:03:52 AM
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Firstly, Scott is unlikely to be forced out of the liberal leadership as he has done so well in the past. If he does choose to go that will be entirely of his own making. Secondly, the left whinge polemic from the Keating hack Don Watson, in the left whinge Monthly rag (sic) is so biased it is not worth repeating. Considering how you whine when something from NewsCorp is referenced then link this drivel. Defunding the ABC is not a free speech issue. I have no problem with the existence of left whinge rags such as the Monthly, the Guardian or the old Fairfax papers as I can choose not to read them and I contribute nothing to their existence. What I and many others have a problem with is a blatantly left whinge vanity project with a dwindling audience being funded out of my pocket. I wouldn't give a jot if the ABC continued in its ideological miasma if it was independently funded. Posted by shadowminister, Tuesday, 13 April 2021 12:10:16 PM
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Accusations of bias are useful tools to undermine confidence and support for our national broadcaster. Just as fake news is deployed by Putin's Russia to undermine social stability in institutions in the West. Also some bias in the ABC is not a vice but a virtue. And it is mandated in its charter. Specifically the ABC is required to provide within Australia innovative and comprehensive broadcasting services of a high standard as part of its network consisting of national programs that contribute to a sense of national identity and inform and entertain and reflect the cultural diversity of the Australian community. Commercial media has no such mission. The ABC especially radio devotes air-time to issues that are ignored by other media. BTW - Don Watson is an award winning writer and journalist, and the link I gave was meant tongue-in cheek. At least it made me laugh out loud. Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 13 April 2021 1:13:54 PM
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cont'd ...
As far as Morrison is concerned? Read what I wrote on that subject. Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 13 April 2021 1:15:18 PM
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The accusations of bias are undermining the ABC mostly because they are true. The mandate of the ABC is to be non-partisan and objective, which they routinely ignore. Commercial stations do not require a mandate, but also produce programs to inform and entertain simply because it is what the consumers want. My comments on SM were directed at Pauliar. Don Watson's article was not just tongue in cheek it was a sneering polemic. Posted by shadowminister, Wednesday, 14 April 2021 6:07:31 AM
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shonkyminister, are you the right knocker? BTW I haven't asked in a while; How's that imminent arrest you claimed in the beat up Bolt case going, been a few years now.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 14 April 2021 9:55:30 AM
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Still lying through your teeth about a claim I never made I see. How are your 2 mates, remember the 2 high-level Greens convicted for paedophilia? Posted by shadowminister, Wednesday, 14 April 2021 10:02:17 AM
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Why is it that some people find it necessary to
name call and insult. That is not reasoned debate. It's a sign of a limited vocabulary and small mind. It needs to stop. And saying - "He does it too," or "He did it first," is childish. Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 14 April 2021 10:32:40 AM
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No matter what the topic, the usual ratbags end up arguing among themselves about things which have nothing to with the thread.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 14 April 2021 10:47:21 AM
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Now back to the topic.
Quiet frankly I really can't see Scott Morrison leaving so soon. He's a young man, with a young family. His salary is a very attractive one. As are the perks that go with the job. And in the Coalition he's already a proven winner. Mr Albanese and Labor - don't appear to be great contendors for the job. My guess is that Scott Morrison will be with us for a while yet. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 15 April 2021 11:14:26 AM
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Mark Ludlow writing for The Australian Financial News
tells us that "Peter Dutton's name has been thrown around as a future party leader and PM. But the thought of the hard-liner former Queensland police officer and conservative stalwart being a serious contender for the nation's top job is usually scoffed at by the left and some political commentators as wishful thinking by disgruntled backbenchers..." (Who were unhappy with Malcolm Turnbull). Still you never know. He's now been appointed to the new cabinet as Minister of Defence - and he could do an excellent job in that portfolio. You never know. Others are tipping Josh Frydenberg as Morrison's successor. He's a bit young and inexperienced yet. But you never know. As I stated earlier predicting anything in politics is risky at the best of times. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 15 April 2021 11:48:28 AM
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ScoMo seems to be out o this depth. What do you reckon the odds are of him going the same way as Rudd, Gillard, Abbott and Turnbull before the next election?
Posted by Aidan, Thursday, 15 April 2021 12:51:42 PM
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Hi Aidan,
Anything can happen in politics I guess. It all depends how much support the other guys have within the party. At this time who knows? If Morrison can pull a rabbit out of the hat - anything is possible. I'd say that Dutton is a strong contender. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 15 April 2021 1:19:14 PM
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Pragmatic is the best word to describe Scott Morrison; he does what he thinks is best for him at the time. Morrison has no values, no fighting for anything, including the traditional innocent until proven guilty - see Holgate, Porter, army veterans and Dyson Hayden for starters. He won't fight the culture wars - woke is OK. If throwing you under a bus looks like a winner for Scott, under the bus you go.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 15 April 2021 3:51:54 PM
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Morrison will lead the Coalition to the next election. The majority of Liberal MP's realise Dutton, like Abbott before him, is a loose cannon, unpredictable on most issues. I agree with ttbn, "he (Scotty from marketing) does what he thinks is best for him at the time", very much a smoke and mirrors man, his leadership on issues is questionable, bushfires, women, economy, the pandemic, but he still appears as relatively a safe pair of hands, which makes for the devil you know, is better than the devil you don't.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 18 April 2021 4:22:36 PM
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ABC reporter remarked on the "coal loving" in Industry & the ABC presenter then followed by saying that the PM "admits" the effects of emission & finally agreed to go with the 2050 targets.
To imply that the PM did not previously accept the effects of pollution is nothing short of character maligning & to imply that industry is coal loving is nothing short of the utmost degree of stupidity ! What these two Taxpayer exploiting Parasites failed to say & understand is that without an alternative, what is the alternative ? Is being an indoctrinated git a prerequisite to join the ABC ? Posted by individual, Tuesday, 20 April 2021 6:32:09 AM
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This was just posted on the news: Pretty obvious Biden can see through Soot's new clothes. Another Soot-up: all talk, no action. "I'm no the guy holding the carbon hose." Posted by Mr Opinion, Thursday, 22 April 2021 8:31:31 AM
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Morrison lead his government back to power by not being Labor and by rejecting Labor's awful climate policies.
Now, Morrison - very much a one man band, so we can't blame his ministers - is pretty much the same as Labor, and he has pretty much the same awful climate policies, which will get worse after the meeting with America's senile president. When questioned by critics, he will clench that jaw, and change the subject. A truly awful PM, and not much of a man either. Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 22 April 2021 9:13:27 AM
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Then why did you vote for him? Posted by Mr Opinion, Thursday, 22 April 2021 10:31:58 AM
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What is it with you that you presume to know things about anonymous people on a computer screen!
I DID NOT vote for Morrison because I don't live in his electorate. I DID NOT vote for the Coalition because they have moved too far to the left. I WILL NOT respond to your sicko, delusional posts again. You should get your GP to refer you to a psychiatrist before you find your self in a mental institution involuntarily. Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 22 April 2021 11:42:44 AM
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You actually believe Soot is at the extreme Left. Which basically would make you a fascist. I suppose you have a big life size picture of Mussolini stuck on your bedroom wall. Posted by Mr Opinion, Thursday, 22 April 2021 12:21:55 PM
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Mr O,
I once watched an interview with a Septic Tank, who thought Hitler was a bleeding heart liberal, who went too soft on the Jews. The strange thing was he wasn't joking, he was serious. ttbn might think the Queen, the Pope and the Dalai Lama are all raving Communists, after all he was a disciple of Corny Banana until CB shot through leaving poor old ttbn in the larch. Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 27 April 2021 8:43:07 AM
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Talking about dinosaurs have a look at our Yesterday's Man trying to promote the origin of global warming to upcoming LNP deviants - make sure you turn on the volume before playing: He was later heard telling someone "I've got your back." shortly before he became PM. It's a shame that his dashing image as a manual coal loader has been marred by a cohort of LNP deviants who think that masturbating on office desks and allegedly raping staffers are acceptable social behaviour. Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 27 April 2021 9:12:40 AM
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Morrison owes his "popularity" to the appalling ALP leader. The latest poll shows him ahead again, but being ahead of Albanese is not beyond the abilities and personality of a corpse.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 27 April 2021 9:30:23 AM
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Look what I just found on the news: OK everyone, sing along: Hallelujah Hallelujah . . . Hallelujah Halleluja Halle . . . lu lu lu . . . jah Hallelujah And God said to Scotty From Marketing "Go forth and multiply . . . and let your people eat coal . . . . for coal is with them and they will be coal." Hallelujah Hallelujah . . . Hallelujah Halleluja Halle . . . lu lu lu . . . jah Hallelujah Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 27 April 2021 1:10:59 PM
Shades of the US, with a dud leader making way for a woman?