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The Forum > General Discussion > What To Expect If The WEF Gets Its Way

What To Expect If The WEF Gets Its Way

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Mr. Opinion,

I'm not sure that China would have much use for OLO's low intelligence name callers, except to show the idiots what real racism China-style is like.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 30 December 2020 10:39:28 AM
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People need to keep in mind that the Korean War has never been concluded and that China in 1950 was at war with the World (UN Forces) in order to establish a totalitarian regime on the Korean Peninsula.

So who in their right mind trusts the Chinese? Definitely not me!

[Aidan, you didn't think so. Can you reference that you did? No, of course you can't.]
Posted by Mr Opinion, Wednesday, 30 December 2020 11:28:52 AM
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Mr 0,
I never claimed I did. I may not have seen it, let alone deemed it worth responding to. Or indeed it may not have been there at all.
Posted by Aidan, Wednesday, 30 December 2020 11:52:03 AM
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Dear Mr. Opinion,

«I'm convinced that Australia will be amongst the first to fall to Chinese aggression.»

Of course you are, being so much invested in being able to tell us all, "I TOLD YOU SO" that otherwise you will have to eat your hat!

And this positions you squarely in the pro-China camp.

Economic aggression is already happening, it is likely to escalate further and it could even, at worst, turn into a naval blockade, cutting off Australia's oil supplies. Shortages and rationing can be expected, also cyber attacks, but a physical military attack against Australia remains a fantasy. We are not alone, we have great friends, including nuclear ones, so the consequences for the Chinese would be far too painful.

Happy vaccine year!
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 30 December 2020 12:30:44 PM
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But Mr Opinion saw it coming and was the first on The Forum to say that China was annexing the South China Sea.

And now Mr Opinion is saying that the South China Sea will be the launching pad for China's attack on Australia.

The Chinese see Australia as part of Asia and they see Asia as belonging to the new Chinese Empire under Xi and his successors.

Why do you think China has been so eager to transmigrate its people to Australia? Answer: To make Australia look Chinese to the Chinese nation-state.

Look at Sydney, which has become a Chinese city.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Wednesday, 30 December 2020 12:36:23 PM
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You come across as an apologist for the Chinese.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Wednesday, 30 December 2020 12:37:57 PM
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