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Electricity bill.
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Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 23 December 2020 7:53:25 AM
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ttbn says, "Always look at the cost per kwt, not fancy 'discounts' and other BS.", so I've decided to do just that. I moved into my current house four years ago and opened an account with Origin Energy. Here are the prices I've paid for electricity at the start of every quarter*.
In list below: PU = Peak Usage rate, which is the price I pay for mains power, with units [c/kWh] SMC = Solar Meter Charge with units [c/Day] - which over a quarter is negligible at only a few dollars SC = Supply Charge with units [c/Day] - which averaged over the last four years has surprisingly decreased. SFI = Solar Feed-In rate, is the rate they pay me for supplying solar to the grid, with units [c/kWh]. (As-an-aside, it is interesting to note that the total quarterly money I get paid for solar is ball park the same as the SMC+SC charge. Is this a coincidence or evil conspiracy? :) ) jan/apr 2017: PU-23.26 SMC-6.26 SC-116.47 | SFI-6.00 apr/jul 2017: PU-23.26 SMC-6.26 SC-116.47 | SFI-6.00 jul/oct 2017: PU-24.51 SMC-6.43 SC-114.19 | SFI-7.00 oct/jan 2017-18: PU-24.51 SMC-6.43 SC-114.19 | SFI-7.00 jan/apr 2018: PU-24.51 SMC-6.43 SC-114.19 | SFI-7.00 apr/jul 2018: PU-24.51 SMC-6.43 SC-114.19 | SFI-7.00 jul/oct 2018: PU-24.20 SMC-6.43 SC-112.73 | SFI-7.00 oct/jan 2018-19: PU-24.20 SMC-6.34 SC-112.73 | SFI-7.00 jan/apr 2019: PU-24.20 SMC-6.34 SC-112.73 | SFI-7.00 apr/jul 2019: PU-26.63 SMC-6.974 SC-124.003 | SFI-7.00 jul/oct 2019: PU-24.915 SMC-6.974 SC-116.061 | SFI-7.00 oct/jan 2019-20: PU-24.915 SMC-6.974 SC-116.061 | SFI-7.00 jan/apr 2020: PU-24.915 SMC-6.974 SC-116.061 | SFI-7.00 apr/jul 2020: PU-24.915 SMC-6.974 SC-116.061 | SFI-7.00 jul/oct 2020: PU-23.935 SMC-6.70 SC-111.498 | SFI-6.00 So over the last 4 years, the cheapest was jan/apr 2017 @ 23.26c/kWh and the most expensive was apr/jul 2019 @ 26.63c/kWh. This is an increase of 14.49%. However, from 4 years ago (jan/apr 2017) till most recent (jul/oct 2020) the price has increased from 23.26c/kWh to 23.935c/kWh. This is an increase of just 2.90% which is way less than general inflation. [*Note: prices typically change during a period not at the start.] Posted by thinkabit, Wednesday, 23 December 2020 9:18:37 AM
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Dear Hasbeen,
This is pretty simple mate. What tariff are you on? Regional Qld so probably 11. What was your cost per kw last year and what is it this year? Posted by SteeleRedux, Wednesday, 23 December 2020 9:47:50 AM
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Hi Steele,
Hassy hasn't gone metric yet, can you put that in BTU's. He does so love horsepower, still keeps a Clydesdale just for that purpose. Happy holidays Steele, all the best to you and yours, take care and a Happy New Year. Got the local tribe over for Xmas day. Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 23 December 2020 3:17:57 PM
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Dear Paul1405,
And happy holidays to you too. A couple of biggish family gatherings coming up. Eating and drinking far too much of course but it will be good to catch up. And yes unlikely to hear from Hasbeen on those prices I feel. “Residential customers Typical customers on the main residential tariffs (tariffs 11, 31 and 33) are expected to pay around 5.9 to 16.6 per cent less for their electricity in 2020–21.” Go to page 4 for the graph. This is on top of the 4% reduction over the last financial year. All down to those pesky renewables dropping the prices. Posted by SteeleRedux, Wednesday, 23 December 2020 5:19:16 PM
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Same for us Steele, eating and drinking, down for a big lot at our place, I'm doing the hangi, Maori's have no idea when it comes to that sort of thing. I miss my brother-in-law, he would feed a 100 people with an in the ground hangi at his house, he would pay for the lot, a very generous man, could not do enough for people. We got on so well, Jake The Muss, and this "Skippy" married to his Sis. Seriously, it always goes well, I use pickled pork rather than fresh, along with chicken and lamb plus lots of veg.
Just had an unexpected Xmas visit from our mokopuna, along with her partner and our great grand moko, she's only 6 months, children with children, but they're doing fine, never a problem with so much family support. Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 23 December 2020 8:52:24 PM
P's Hassy house FOR SALE 90 pounds, 8 shillings and threepence halfpenny.
Hassy, a happy holiday season to you and the family, and all the best for the new year. and I mean that sincerely.