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Black Lives Matter

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If 3rd Wave (Intersectional) Feminism is based on the principle that the masses should be equally balanced by the approved arbitrary minority.

If 4th Wave Feminism is based on the principle that all men are rapists or complicit in a culture of the rape of women.


If Black Lives Matter is based on the principle that all white people are privileged and complicit in a culture of rape of black people.


I'm not sure how all these Black Lives Matter protesters can march comfortably down the street.


History has been bloody on all sides and some cultures have been more successful than others. All we can do is look after those around us. Forcing people of different cultures together under the principle of multiculturalism, communism, liberalism, or capitalism will only create conflict and alienation.

Every culture deserves their own nation.

As far as I can see the vast majority of white people are peaceful conservative traditional people that don't seek the excessive hendonism of strange sexual practices such as rape- and just try to get on with their lives in their communities in as peaceful way as they can- based on the values of their ancestors.

It seems that white people despite their many faults have managed to live relatively successful lives and communities and other cultures want what white people have- but not being capable of creating this in their own communities seek to invade white communities.

There are particular historical issues in different countries.

Israel and Palestine agreed on a two state solution to differences of cultural opinion- what will we choose? Or will we allow others to choose for us?

Europe is for the Europeans- The Dalai Lama.

I believe that these movements are intentionally and unreasonably insulting to men and white people with the aim of achieving power.

Men and White People need to defend themselves if they are being attacked.

Defund the Equal Opportunity Commission- it equates possibility with probability.

Ban Communists from the public service.
Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 19 July 2020 4:22:58 AM
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“Every culture deserves their own nation”.

And that’s exactly what they had until stupid white people came up with multiculturalism, mass immigration from the Third World, and globalisation to satisfy their own greed.

Non-whites didn’t suddenly decide that they wanted to go to the West; they were invited, begged to come, by stupid white politicians and big business without a vote of a by-your-leave.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 19 July 2020 4:12:07 PM
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Thanks ttbn
Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 19 July 2020 4:16:29 PM
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I'm very uncomfortable about this post. The idea that there is a set of behaviours attributable to someone because of the colour of their skin is abhorrent. It is what is called racism. So I've approved this post on the basis that it will be labelled what it is, and people will have a better understanding of the issue as a result.

It's also the case that while racism used to be identified with the extreme right, it is now coming from the not-so-extreme left as well. "Whiteness studies" is not something a conservative or liberal would approve of, yet it is taught in major educational institutions. That racial stereotypes have become that widespread they are now taught in mainstream educational institutions licenses racial stereotyping aka racism. That is also abhorrent.

The idea that certain races belong to certain geographical areas was part of the justification for the Christchurch shooter. It is a Nazi concept,called "blut und boden" (blood and soil), which is touted by neo-Nazis.

However, in the recent High Court cases of Thoms and Love at least one of the judges adopted the same idea that the blood linkage with a particular geographical area is natural and inseverable. I don't think the judges are Nazis, but their thinking shares the same logic, and ultimately will lead to some of the same conclusions.

So it seems we're stuck with this racist dialogue at a time when racism had almost faded from Australian society. I hope the resurgence of these concepts meets the fate it deserves.
Posted by GrahamY, Sunday, 19 July 2020 5:40:03 PM
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I think you might have to find a new planet to follow up ideas of a country for each culture.

While I don't really like concept of multiculturalism either, there is nothing wrong with any country comprising different peoples
Posted by Chris Lewis, Sunday, 19 July 2020 5:41:37 PM
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Good post Graham.

i think you can express concern about concepts like multiculturalism, and not be a racist.

I am currently working on a piece, albeit it is very hard to write, where my concerns about large-scale Chinese and Indian migrants has nothing to do with race.

I really hate any notion that points to the supposed decline of Australia and the West due to race or any ethnic group.

In fact, I believe a multi-ethnic nation is a prime example of good liberal democratic leadership
Posted by Chris Lewis, Sunday, 19 July 2020 6:02:33 PM
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