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Black Lives Matter

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If 3rd Wave (Intersectional) Feminism is based on the principle that the masses should be equally balanced by the approved arbitrary minority.

If 4th Wave Feminism is based on the principle that all men are rapists or complicit in a culture of the rape of women.


If Black Lives Matter is based on the principle that all white people are privileged and complicit in a culture of rape of black people.


I'm not sure how all these Black Lives Matter protesters can march comfortably down the street.


History has been bloody on all sides and some cultures have been more successful than others. All we can do is look after those around us. Forcing people of different cultures together under the principle of multiculturalism, communism, liberalism, or capitalism will only create conflict and alienation.

Every culture deserves their own nation.

As far as I can see the vast majority of white people are peaceful conservative traditional people that don't seek the excessive hendonism of strange sexual practices such as rape- and just try to get on with their lives in their communities in as peaceful way as they can- based on the values of their ancestors.

It seems that white people despite their many faults have managed to live relatively successful lives and communities and other cultures want what white people have- but not being capable of creating this in their own communities seek to invade white communities.

There are particular historical issues in different countries.

Israel and Palestine agreed on a two state solution to differences of cultural opinion- what will we choose? Or will we allow others to choose for us?

Europe is for the Europeans- The Dalai Lama.

I believe that these movements are intentionally and unreasonably insulting to men and white people with the aim of achieving power.

Men and White People need to defend themselves if they are being attacked.

Defund the Equal Opportunity Commission- it equates possibility with probability.

Ban Communists from the public service.
Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 19 July 2020 4:22:58 AM
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“Every culture deserves their own nation”.

And that’s exactly what they had until stupid white people came up with multiculturalism, mass immigration from the Third World, and globalisation to satisfy their own greed.

Non-whites didn’t suddenly decide that they wanted to go to the West; they were invited, begged to come, by stupid white politicians and big business without a vote of a by-your-leave.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 19 July 2020 4:12:07 PM
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Thanks ttbn
Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 19 July 2020 4:16:29 PM
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I'm very uncomfortable about this post. The idea that there is a set of behaviours attributable to someone because of the colour of their skin is abhorrent. It is what is called racism. So I've approved this post on the basis that it will be labelled what it is, and people will have a better understanding of the issue as a result.

It's also the case that while racism used to be identified with the extreme right, it is now coming from the not-so-extreme left as well. "Whiteness studies" is not something a conservative or liberal would approve of, yet it is taught in major educational institutions. That racial stereotypes have become that widespread they are now taught in mainstream educational institutions licenses racial stereotyping aka racism. That is also abhorrent.

The idea that certain races belong to certain geographical areas was part of the justification for the Christchurch shooter. It is a Nazi concept,called "blut und boden" (blood and soil), which is touted by neo-Nazis.

However, in the recent High Court cases of Thoms and Love at least one of the judges adopted the same idea that the blood linkage with a particular geographical area is natural and inseverable. I don't think the judges are Nazis, but their thinking shares the same logic, and ultimately will lead to some of the same conclusions.

So it seems we're stuck with this racist dialogue at a time when racism had almost faded from Australian society. I hope the resurgence of these concepts meets the fate it deserves.
Posted by GrahamY, Sunday, 19 July 2020 5:40:03 PM
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I think you might have to find a new planet to follow up ideas of a country for each culture.

While I don't really like concept of multiculturalism either, there is nothing wrong with any country comprising different peoples
Posted by Chris Lewis, Sunday, 19 July 2020 5:41:37 PM
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Good post Graham.

i think you can express concern about concepts like multiculturalism, and not be a racist.

I am currently working on a piece, albeit it is very hard to write, where my concerns about large-scale Chinese and Indian migrants has nothing to do with race.

I really hate any notion that points to the supposed decline of Australia and the West due to race or any ethnic group.

In fact, I believe a multi-ethnic nation is a prime example of good liberal democratic leadership
Posted by Chris Lewis, Sunday, 19 July 2020 6:02:33 PM
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Claims by conservatives that now is "a time when racism had almost faded from Australian society" is untrue. Blatant racism such as black kids banned from the public swimming pool may have vanished, but overt and systemic prejudices still very much exist in Australian society.

A survey of 6,000 Australians from May 2017 to December 2018, found the following;

People who are highly prejudiced against religious minorities (27%), racial minorities (27%) and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (25%). People highly prejudiced against LGBTI people (21%), prejudiced against women (17%), older people (4%) and those with disabilities (6%).

Most people as part of a minority can attest to discrimination against them in one form or another on a fairly regular basis.

"While staying in a Melbourne hotel on a business trip, Seyi, who has dark skin, was singled out by an attendant and had to prove he was a guest before using the pool. Other guests received no such treatment." My grandchildren have told me, at the swimming pool (only to be used by residents and their guests) in their complex the "Pool Nazi Guy" will ask them their unit number, but not ask white kids who are also swimming at the same time. Maybe the PNG knows those other kids, maybe not.

Only yesterday in a women's dress shop, my wife who has brown skin, and to some could be mistaken for an Aboriginal person was looking at a coat, as soon as she removed it from the rack, the shop assistant rush from the counter passing a white woman on the way, who had removed an item from the hanger, the assistant quickly offered the wife customer assistance. Can I say that was based on a pre-held prejudice of the shop girl that "black" people are more likely to steal things. It happens to the wife often in shops, too often to be a coincidence.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 19 July 2020 7:11:18 PM
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based on a pre-held prejudice of the shop girl that "black" people are more likely to steal
You've already made up 'your' mind on your pre-held prejudice about white people thinking that way.
I don't actually think that incident happened anyway, you're simply physhing to support your pre-prejudiced mentality !
Posted by individual, Sunday, 19 July 2020 7:26:53 PM
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Thank you GrahamY for your post. As you know to make progress in the world it's necessary to be challenged. I don't think the Nazi's were the only ones in history to talk of blood and soil. One of Niven's Law's is "no concept is so pure that you won't find idiots supporting it". You could argue that many of the wars in history were fought based on blood and soil. Jewish people fought for the Soil of Judea in antiquity and lobbied in recent times. Thanks for the information about the High Court. I think that some people have a greater attachment to geographic locations than others.

It can be very hard to follow the principles outlined by Voltaire- thanks for your patience.
Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 19 July 2020 8:05:31 PM
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Sorry Paul but I can't quite fathom your maths re: 'Survey' ( 27% + 27% + 25% + 21% + 17% + 4% + 6% equates to 127%). I'm sorry to hear your wife has aspersions cast at her because of her skin colour.
Posted by Albie Manton in Darwin, Sunday, 19 July 2020 8:08:05 PM
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I am disappointed by the suggestion that Canem Malum’s post is racist. I do not believe that it is, and I’m pleased that I will be out of Wi Fi range from tomorrow for a few days and will avoid the coming welter of self-loathing and Australia-bashing that has already occurred per courtesy of Paul 1405. Graham’s “Nazi” reference also sets the tone for the coming ‘discussion’.

Sorry, Graham, but I think that you have emboldened the usual suspects..


Be careful, mate. Respect the fact that Graham didn’t censor you, and remember that most people argue this subject subjectively and with emotion - not with knowledge or any understanding of other races. People who call others ‘racist’ really don’t have much at all in their lockers.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 19 July 2020 8:50:28 PM
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Let's set some ground rules,
No1 What is a 'white'?
Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 19 July 2020 9:31:10 PM
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Think what you like Indy, maybe you picked up a dozen slabs of XXXX with your latest welfare handout and its clouded your judgement. Previously you moaned on the Forum that one welfare increase hardly was enough to get you an extra schooner down at gods waiting room, the recent two cash handouts, 1500 bucks, must seem like all your Xmases have come at once. Enjoy it, while it lasts.

Well Albie, maybe some people in the survey were multiply prejudiced against several groups. If Indy took the survey he might tick a dozen boxes. My wife is well familiar with prejudiced people, unlike me, she has experienced it throughout life. Way back in 1955 as a 5 years old, and her first day at a Maori school run by Pakeha (European teachers), the first thing her teacher did was pin an English name on her dress, and said that is your new name, use it, not your Maori name. The teachers would smack the children on the legs if they caught them talking to each other in their native tongue, telling them, you only speak English here, my wife's English was not very good in those days, they spoke Maori at home. She has absolutely no animosity towards Europeans at all today, despite some very bad past experiences that she has told me about.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 19 July 2020 9:53:59 PM
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This thread is misnamed. BLM is a reaction against a very real problem. It has nothing to do with "if the moon is made of green cheese" type statements.
Posted by Aidan, Sunday, 19 July 2020 11:27:51 PM
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I don't like the French. My experience with them has been unpleasant.

I don't like white or black French.

Does this make me a racist?

If it does, in the words from that now racist movie, I don't give as damn.
Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 19 July 2020 11:33:42 PM
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Good point Is Mise- You'll have to ask the Black Lives Matters people I guess what they mean by White Privilege. For me White People probably refers to my ancestral line and their communities since ancient times- British. To me that seems to be the limit of my responsibility to other ethnic groups. I could extend that to Europe if I looked back thousands of years. It's a little complex because the BLM movement is worldwide.
Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 19 July 2020 11:39:48 PM
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Before you even start with Black Lives Matters, you want to take a better look at whats happened since 2016.
You need to ask yourself this:
Are Democrats willing to destroy America to remove Trump from office?
- The answer is 'Damn right they are'.

The Democrats stole the 2018 mid-terms and installed Nancy Pelosi as speaker on the back of the Russian collusion narrative, which was all lies.
The FBI knew this in Jan 2017, there should never have been an investigation. It was all made up bs.

Its Democratic Mayors that have deliberately facilitated the current BLM unrest.
They are deliberately trying to cause race riots.
Just wait until November, then you'll see what chaos is.
- You don't actually think they've planned on toning things down between now and the election do you?

BLM started after the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, by George Zimmerman in 2012.
BLM is not about equality, its about revenge against white people, and in the bigger picture political insurrection against a second term of Donald Trump organised by Democrats.

Democrats are connected to Antifa, and Antifa have co-opted BLM.

You all need to follow the history of Antifa back to Nazi Germany and also go back to the 60's race riots, Black Panthers, communist underpinnings, support for cop killings, Angela Davis and all that stuff.

Populist TV 008: A sneak preview of my Black Lives Matter Documentary
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 20 July 2020 1:31:17 AM
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Enjoy it, while it lasts
Cheers, I'd enjoy it even more if there were the slightest chance that you contributed but my (beer) gut tells me you're a master tax avoider !
Unlike most of us who purchased the rest of our lives during our working years.
Posted by individual, Monday, 20 July 2020 7:06:22 AM
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I don't think every culture ever had their own nation.

If they did, when was that? Enlighten us.

there is no use rewriting history and now declaring that all Europeans were brothers. they clearly were not given all the wars and racism that occurred
Posted by Chris Lewis, Monday, 20 July 2020 7:46:40 AM
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how strange that we are talking about what an overrated individual said many moons ago when many of the great thinkers then were still very much racists (and hypocrites).

The idea that one race, or ethnic group, is superior to another, is simply rubbish and should be called for what it is, stupid racism.

You don't fight radical protests groups by also talking rubbish.

But that is what we have from right wingers in this country, at least on OLO.

So ok Einsteins, tell us how the world would function with the world you would be promoting.

I am not talking about not liking certain peoples. Many of us do that, including myself.

I am talking about a world of nations comprising separate cultures.

Talk about a world of make believe
Posted by Chris Lewis, Monday, 20 July 2020 8:10:39 AM
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Thanks for the information Armchair Critic...

Angela Davis is a pretty interesting person.

Studied under Herbert Marcuse founder of the New Left- Troskyite New Freudian. ... "Firearms registered to Davis were used in an armed takeover of a courtroom in Marin County, California, in which four people were killed"... "she joined the Communist Party and became involved in numerous causes, including the second-wave feminist movement, the Black Panther Party, ... In 1969 she was hired as an acting assistant professor of philosophy at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). UCLA's governing Board of Regents soon fired her due to her Communist Party membership; after a court ruled this illegal, the university fired her again, this time for her use of inflammatory language." etc,

Yes Antifa seems to have a uniform and as you've said- have been around since the 1920's in Europe- they seem to wear black and sometimes also red at the rallies and they are easily delineated against other protesters. Of course their flag is made up of black for anarchism and red for communism. Their tactics at rallies appear to be extremely sophisticated. They are appear well disciplined and set effective ambushes for the police using cameras and other elements. They seem to be very well connected in government and society. I only became aware of Antifa fairly recently- they don't seem to be well known in Australia or perhaps even in the US. I think they've been able to stay under the radar somehow or perhaps they have been recreated in the modern era.
Posted by Canem Malum, Monday, 20 July 2020 8:16:52 AM
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Black Lives Matter organisation is both claimed by Hamas and Marxism as their movement. it is not based in skin colour but ideology. Their agenda is to break and destroy Western values of the nuclear family and Judaeo-Christian world view. The idea is to rewrite history as Western values being evil and unjust and cruel.

We should not be using the term without understanding the ideology, and thousands of blacks refuse to support the movement as it does nothing for the black community. Are Black lives matter Black?
Posted by Josephus, Monday, 20 July 2020 9:09:34 AM
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From Paul1405- Claimed prejudice is interesting- even used in the workplace by white people- difficult to prove- can be misattributed- there are a few interesting behaviors and tactics- passive aggressive, victim reversal. This state of "office cold war" is difficult for productivity- difficult determining legitimate complaints- opportunistic complaints. I've heard it said the party more open to legal conciliation gets a raw deal. You could argue that the whole multicultural agenda is opportunistic on many sides. There was a case of Queensland student who was apparently killed by Indian "Puneet Puneet" who then claimed that "Australia was racist" for charging him and demanding his attendance in court. In the shop example (Paul1405) a minority person may feel intimidated because they "are" a minority not from being treated as one. Salespeople are rude to everyone- pouncing on weakness- though I increasingly perceive rude behavior from "Black" sales people- which shows the power is shifting. Breaking the ice is a social challenge and of course outsiders are going to feel alienated. I think everyone favours their own kind- not only white people- that's why we have the war of the sexes, wars, wars between the age groups, etc. And that’s why multiculturalism doesn't work. Sometimes all you can do is get the neighbours- in a broad sense- to stay on their side of the fence. The history of the world is the history of war- refuse to fight and die.
Posted by Canem Malum, Monday, 20 July 2020 9:32:02 AM
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I find it a little disingenuous to choose a partner from a "different culture" and then wonders why that partner is not accepted as part of "your culture" and you are not fully accepted in theirs. They seem to have a view that the world should change for them. When you choose a partner from another culture you have to assume that there will be difficulties- often unseen. Like the person with a mohawk that complains that people look at them differently- isn't that why the person got the mohawk- so that people would see them differently- so that they would see themselves differently- then they blame the world because they didn't get what they wanted. Rather than blaming the world if they tried to understand the world maybe they would enjoy themselves more. The way you act, dress ecetera tells others about you- whether you respect yourself and the community. If you want others to respect you- you have to respect others.
Posted by Canem Malum, Monday, 20 July 2020 9:32:51 AM
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What started the current crisis?

The death of George Floyd in Minnesota

You should look at people like Keith Ellison AG for Minnesota and prior Deputy Chairman of the Democratic Committee
"Extremist views of the Islamic variety are no bar to moving up the ladder in liberal social and political circles. Take Keith Ellison, for example. He embodies both the extremes of liberalism and the extremes of Islamism. Yet this didn’t prevent him from being elected several times to the House of Representatives, and after that to be named the Deputy Director of the Democratic National Committee.

Currently, Ellison is Attorney General for the State of Minnesota, and, as might be expected, he has had a few things to say about the riots in Minneapolis. Among other things, he has been retweeting theories that white supremacist groups may be responsible for the violence."

Look at the people where the trouble is starting:
Seattle Mayor - Jenny Durkan - Democrat
Chicago Mayor - Lori Lightfoot - Democrat

Look at Democrats efforts to stop Trump using the federal government to stop the protests:

House leaders ‘alarmed’ federal officers policing protests

Top leaders in the U.S. House said Sunday they were “alarmed” by the Trump administration’s tactics against protesters in Portland, Oregon, and other cities, including Washington, D.C., and called on federal inspectors general investigate.

“This is a matter of utmost urgency,” wrote House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-New York, Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie G. Thompson, D-Mississippi, and Oversight and Reform Committee Chairwoman Carolyn B. Maloney, D-New York, in a letter to the inspectors general of Department of Justice and Department of Homeland Security.

There's a connection between The Muslim Brotherhood, Antifa, and the Democrats.
Obama and the 'Arab Spring'.
Soros and Ukraine.

Antifa and the current unrest in America is just another coloured revolotion done by the same people who've been doing it elsewhere.

Why is George Bush supporting Biden?

Because Biden represents the same elite interests that the Bush's represented.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 20 July 2020 9:45:07 AM
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Why do you guys always refer to overseas, especially the USA.

As we are Australians, explain why your concerns are relevant to here rather than referring to tensions in a very different society.

Explain why multiculturalism does not work here, where are the problems and so on.

Go on, use your brain cells rather than hiding behind your hatred and other national debates.
Posted by Chris Lewis, Monday, 20 July 2020 10:16:03 AM
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Different blokes, different swamps :)

Posted by loudmouth2, Monday, 20 July 2020 10:58:47 AM
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Well Graham Y, I agree in principle with every you've said, but years ago when I was posted to the Redfern Police District, as a mere S/Const., Everly Street, and environs would run red with blood every other night, with black on black.

It was a veritable war zone and every initiative undertaken by our Insp. to change that unenviable fact, was met with derision and allegations of racist police - Mate I dunno, it seems the place is relatively stable now, I wouldn't know? They are the hardest demographic of all, to effectively police. Just my experience is all.
Posted by o sung wu, Monday, 20 July 2020 11:06:06 AM
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I've read some pretty stupid comments on OLO, but yours take the cake:

"Every culture deserves their own nation."

Meaning what ? Every tribe ? Every language or dialect group ? Ethnic group ? Religious group ? 'Race' ?

So how many nations should the UK break up into ? Geordies and Glaswegians should have their own nation ? Australia too ? Apartheid, here we come ?

So Africa should be even more fragmented, into a thousand nations ? India too ? They should all go to war in order to fix their 'national' boundaries forever ? So how else could they secure their boundaries ?

Should we all continue to try to live together, in societies with equal rights for all, the common rule of law for all, equal opportunities for all ? Or are you proposing that there is a sort of hierarchy of cultures in countries like ours, in which some people should have more rights than others,on some 'national' criterion ? I would certainly oppose that.

The equal rights of everybody here matter. All lives matter. And yes, Black lives matter, along with everybody else's.

Posted by loudmouth2, Monday, 20 July 2020 11:12:34 AM
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Chris Lewis- Thank you for your comments. Most of your questions I've answered as best I can.
Please see some answers below...

Comment 1-

how strange that we are talking about what an overrated individual said many moons ago when many of the great thinkers then were still very much racists (and hypocrites).

Answer 1-

I find it offensive that you might call my ancestors evil (racist) hypocrites- and all of everyones ancestors. But if the term racist perhaps means that they looked after their families and communities then maybe they were. The term racism is a fairly recent term in terms of history- to me it doesn't really add much value to dialogue- but then again communists don't want dialogue- they want submission- classic leftist evolutionary revisionist negationist "cancelling". Everyone is a hypocrite- inconsistencies in beliefs- the paradoxes of life. I don't look to anyone for approval of my existence or my ancestors- no offence. However there is the concept of "enlightened self interest".

Comment 2-

The idea that one race, or ethnic group, is superior to another... rubbish and should be called... racism.

Answer 2-

I'd generally just call racial superiority incorrect (rubbish) myself- but you can add the term racism- if you're up for propaganda.
Sometimes propaganda can have a useful motivating effect if used in the correct way- which is determined by circumstances.

Comment 3-

You don't fight radical protests groups by also talking rubbish.

Answer 3-

I agree with you- interested at your implication that (leftist) radicals talk rubbish. In a fight you just have to fight- if you think you die.

Comment 4-

So ok Einsteins, tell us how the world would function with the world you would be promoting.

Answer 4-

The world "was" mostly separate cultures in many ways. The left would say Judea still had Assyrians and weren't a monoculture but most people would disagree. This is common in leftist revisionism at Universities and elsewhere. There are well established processes for removing people from countries used by most countries of the world- by gentle or less-gentle means.

Overall I favour Parochialism
Posted by Canem Malum, Monday, 20 July 2020 11:36:52 AM
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OK CM, at least you responded.

For what it is worth, I have concerns about high levels of Asian immigration, but for economic reasons rather than race/culture.

I don't want our govts to merely cop out of making hard policy decisions by simply relying on immigration.

As for the diverse ethnic nature of Australia, I love it and do not fear the future.
Posted by Chris Lewis, Monday, 20 July 2020 11:45:49 AM
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Posted by Bazz, Monday, 20 July 2020 12:15:37 PM
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What, rivers of blood ? So there are battles in the streets ? Can't say I've noticed. But I've enjoyed the company of quite a few people from other than my own mob lately.

Get a grip. On the other hand, don't .....

Posted by loudmouth2, Monday, 20 July 2020 12:23:12 PM
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Different blokes, different swamps :)
Same species though, same class & Phylum of parasitic worms.
Posted by individual, Monday, 20 July 2020 12:36:47 PM
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Some base racism on the differences between racial groups.
There is one factor that seems to be ignored in such a comparison.

They are different. No point ignoring it in a discussion like this.
For instance, the Africans in all the thousands of years they soley
occupied their continent did not develop their life style and did not
even invent the wheel. No development until colonisation.
Until the Egyptians appeared no formal civilisation appeared.

As far as I am aware no progress was made until homo sapiens replaced
the Neanderthals in Europe.
Then some time later civilisations developed in both the Middle Eastern,
Greece and China.
These developments were accompanied with the development of Astronomy
and mathermatics.
Some groups of peoples had it and some didn't.
It can only be put down to intelligence levels, there is nothing else.

Of course it is a "Bell Curve" so each group will have its geniuses
but it is just that some groups will have more geniuses than others.
An interesting outlier is Israel, they have more Nobel Prizes for
science per million than anyone else. It seems their IQ is very much
higher than others.
Unfortunately the Arabs who might have done well originally adopted
the practise of cousin marriage to keep property and wealth in the
family. They started this practise at least 2000 years ago and have
badly damaged their genome.
If they stopped cousin marriage now it would take hundreds of years
to repair it.
It is sad, but realistic, that some races have a higher average IQ level than others.
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 20 July 2020 1:19:27 PM
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Yes Joe, be careful in London with its high level of knife crime.
Oh yes, and don't cross London Bridge.
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 20 July 2020 1:26:54 PM
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Africans have been farmers for many thousands of years, they may have kicked 0ff the Egyptian civilization as the Sahara dried out and the populations there retreated to river valleys such as the Niger and the Nile. They were smelting iron when Europeans were still fighting each other with rocks.

When the British first got to what is now Nigeria, they found at least one city (Ibadan) which was larger than any European city.

More negatively, there wouldn't have been a trans-Atlantic slave trade without highly developed, feudal and war-like societies in Africa, which were probably trading slaves to the Roman Empire long before.

Posted by loudmouth2, Monday, 20 July 2020 1:33:02 PM
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Joe Loudmouth said-

I've read some pretty stupid comments on OLO, but yours take the cake:

"Every culture deserves their own nation."


Thanks for your feedback Joe.

I mean if every culture has their own police force their, own government, territory, their own companies, etc... their own nation... they have no reason to complaint that they are being mistreated by evil white people. If they can't play nicely everyone has the option to go and sit in the corner by themselves. But the communists see this as evil racism- everything is about power- who's got it- who wants it. The business people "capitalists" see this as a missed opportunity to exploit a world wide market. Most people don't like change- they are responsible within their own sphere- and they have a right to peace. Sadly others like chaos- we need to disenfranchise these people.

The US Declaration Of Independence despite any faults says- A government should be of the people, by the people, for the people- multiculturalism seeks to subvert these ideals.

The UN Human Rights Principles talk about attempts to fracture a people is genocide. In many cases this contradicts their Hate Laws in the Convention on Civil and Political Rights (tabled in 1957 and ratified with conditions in 1992).

US Trade founded undermined the people distorting policy.

Zoologist Desmond Morris- Human Zoo a Supertribe where no one cares about anyone else.

Confucist scholars talk about the family as being the fundamental unit of society- which the communists, the capitalists, Locke Liberals (industrial structure) wants to destroy.

Others have talked about the enslavement of society by the brainless industrial system fed human cogs. Not that I think that Taylorism doesn't have some value- Drucker is interesting too.

The industrial system doesn't want thinking people.

Any system that gets too big too complex becomes problematic- some just want to see the world burn. Some just don't want to think deeply.

Don't think feeeeel. It's like a finger pointing at the moon- don't look at the finger- or you will miss all that heavenly glory. Bruce Lee.
Posted by Canem Malum, Monday, 20 July 2020 1:38:11 PM
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Yes, interesting, Joe;
Are you saying that African smelting took place before the Bronze Age ?
The largest development I thought took place in Africa was the Arab
colinisation of Nth East Africa, which I think goes back to sometime in
the BC era, long before European colonisation.
Were the Egyptians originally Negroids or were they from early Mesopotamia ?
I quickly realise how much I don't know.
In Africa the slave trade was Arab run with tribes being sub contractors.
Appalling that it can be described in business plan language.
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 20 July 2020 1:48:50 PM
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The Egyptians of Pharaoh fame were probably a mixture, over thousands of years, of Black African pastoralists moving up and settling along the Nile from the south, and Berber pastoralists moving their herds across from the Sahara and Mediterranean coast and also settling in the Nile valley.

If you're ever in north Africa, call a local Berber an Arab. Very likely, the Arabs - after their invasion of north Africa in the seventh century - saw the easy money in perpetuating the slave trade further south, which is, by the way, a feature of very many ancient societies, Greece and Rome for example.

Very likely, the smelting and working in bronze in West Africa pre-dated that in Europe, or even perhaps Mesopotamia.

Posted by loudmouth2, Monday, 20 July 2020 2:24:33 PM
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Audi, vide, tace, si tu vis vivere.

A suggested motif for the BLM flag.

Their message is plain. If you want your peace, be obedient to our call.
Observe us, listen to us, but keep your mouth shut or we destroy your peace.

The BLM social misfitism, can only be resolved on the same streets as their uprising against social order. History is the purveyor of this truth.

A book on this history is "dance between the flames" Berlin between the wars.
Anton Gill.
How to rid society of this low element is chronicled.

If war on the streets is what they want, and obviously it is, then give it to them.

Posted by diver dan, Monday, 20 July 2020 2:24:50 PM
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Joe, I noticed while reading something about Egypt a reference to a
black Pharaoh. For it to get a mention, it must have been other than
a regular occurrence.

There were of course the Nubian Kingdoms of Kush that had their own
Pharoahs which were black.
There were wars between Kush and Egypt and when Kush was the winner
they may have appointed black Pharaohs.
Strange how features of those ancient times echo down the millenia.
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 20 July 2020 2:57:13 PM
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I think it is now obvious that it has nothing to do with black lives.
That was just a good launching pad.It is one of the early signs of the
alliance between the Chinese Communist Party and the Organisation of
Islamic Countries (OIC) of UN infamy.
Those countries have recently formalised their alliance with the Amman
treaty or agreement.
The left wing of Marxist organisations such as Antifas, which is a left
wing fascist organisation, have made BLM an affiliate in effect.

Frankly how two markably different organisations with exactly the same
objectives could hope for more than a period of co-operation before
their identical aims force them into dispute.
The Chinese are atheist
The IOC is ultra religious.
They both DEMAND that they rule the world.
The Chinese will demand that the law be Marxist ala Bejing.
Th IOC will demand the law be Sharia.

Disputes between them seem inevitable.
I suspect the Chinese are just playing the Arabs.
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 20 July 2020 3:29:42 PM
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Lives matter. Anything else is racist.
Posted by runner, Monday, 20 July 2020 4:10:10 PM
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"As far as I (CM) can see the vast majority of white people are peaceful. CM rephrase that, and leave out the word white, and I'll agree with you. Modern Europeans as a group, have easily been the most antagonistic warmongering people the world has ever seen.

"other cultures (non-white) want what white people have- but not being capable of creating this in their own communities seek to invade white communities." The vast majority of the non white people have no desire to invade white communities, what Australian Aboriginals and Native Americans etc etc are trying to invade white communities, really! In fact the invaders of other communities for the past 500 years have been predominantly Europeans.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 20 July 2020 6:00:18 PM
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Modern Europeans as a group, have easily been the most antagonistic warmongering people the world has ever seen.
Are you sure about that or is it just another one of your hate speech quips ?
Posted by individual, Monday, 20 July 2020 11:49:10 PM
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When you're saying that white people are antagonistic I find it hard to disagree... assuming you're white.

Maybe you want to make white people feel guilty for their ancestors and for themselves. I'll leave it to others to decide if they or their ancestors are evil for any acts. I feel confident that my ancestors are not complicit in significant acts of harm to other peoples that warrants my slavery or disenfranchisement in modern times.

My understanding is even when European's (or the broad West) established military presence in locations they left the location relatively intact- and with better technology- China, India, Japan. I'm not sure this will be the case after the Indian, Chinese, African invasions of western territories.

Probably the west did have a greater military capability over the last 500 years due to the renaissance, the enlightenment, the industrial revolution, the Catholic church.

Most antagonistic relations seemingly stem from a shortage of resources and over-population- the west and specifically Australia has managed to control this relatively well for the last 100 years- despite the "populate or perish" mantra- we have lived within our means. This was discussed in Plato's Republic.

The west can do more in energy security/ self sufficiency.

Irony- I'm sure the Green Watermelon Communists and the New Left never invaded anyone. Who was it that got the Communist Prize in the name of Lenin or something?

“I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think”

O Sung Wu-

Posted by o sung wu, Monday, 20 July 2020 11:06:06 AM

"the Redfern Police District, as a mere S/Const., Everly Street, and environs would run red with blood every other night, with black on black."

Answer- Good to hear from you again. And thanks for your experience. Police have an impossible job made harder with politics.
I like thinking about the times when the police were part of the community but were rarely needed- a simpler world.
Sometimes I think that Black people would feel better in their own society- with their own institutions but I don't expect you to agree.
Posted by Canem Malum, Tuesday, 21 July 2020 3:16:57 AM
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BLM is an inherently racist organisation.

While it uses a handful of horrific acts of racism by police as its justification, this is simply the excuse it needs to drive its deeply racist identity politics.

Nothing demonstrates this more clearly than the assaults, robberies and murders of those blacks that don't fit into the archetype such as store owners policemen etc.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 21 July 2020 3:44:24 AM
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CM, possibly o sung wu is referring to Eveleigh St and the 'The Block' in Redfern back in the 70's. I recall a visit to the infamous 'Empress Hotel' on Regent St, one of only a couple of "black pubs" in Sydney in those days, located near the train station and Eveleigh St. When it got going The Empress was a sickening sight of depravity to behold. One Saturday arvo back in the day, a mate wanted to show me the "sights". And what a sight it was, what an eye opener. Take a crowd of dysfunctional people, ply them with cheap grog until half of them can't stand up, and let em' rip. On cue the coppers were around with their paddy wagons, ready for heavy handed policing, bar fights and street brawls were common, a string of arrests ensued. The result was old Redfern Court house was very busy on a Monday morning. A cycle repeated weekly.

What happened, police and the local community leadership got together to turn things around, through cooperation. The Empress Hotel was no more, things worked so well that I recall black Redfern had a lower crime rate on a Friday and Saturday night than some white locations such as the northern beaches. People started to feel safe in the area, to a point where some very nice local eateries opened up, the pubs went up market, and people could spend a pleasant evening socialising.

Before leaving Sydney The Cauliflower Pub, one of the oldest hotels in Sydney, a stones throw, and a world away, down Botany Rd from the above, with it bistro dining, retro bands on a Saturday night, was a great place for us to meet up with friends and enjoy a good night out, that's how things should be for all. Given a chance communities can do it.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 21 July 2020 6:27:02 AM
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Hey Canem Malum,

"Maybe you want to make white people feel guilty for their ancestors and for themselves. I'll leave it to others to decide if they or their ancestors are evil for any acts. I feel confident that my ancestors are not complicit in significant acts of harm to other peoples that warrants my slavery or disenfranchisement in modern times."

It doesn't matter if your ancestors were complicit in acts of harm towards others.

You are not responsible for anything that happened before you were born.

Maybe if your ancestors got rich off others expense before you were born, and as a result you benefited from this, then maybe the matter of your wealth and how you came into it might be a topic of discussion, but it still would not make you responsible for anything that happened.

If you were born into and inherited wealth from your ancestors mistreatment of others, and others made a case that you were liable for redress because of what your family had done before you were born, I'd probably argue in favour of what was 'considered lawful at that time'

If you got rich off slaves, but it was legal to have slaves then you didn't essentially commit any crime.

Just because something is inherently wrong with the idea of 'owning other people like assets' one should also accept the fact that it most certainly wasn't considered illegal.

Who is responsible for past misdeeds, when everyone's long since passed?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 21 July 2020 6:32:06 AM
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Is there no moral obligation, only a legal one? Then those charged with crimes against humanity, could argue "I was acting within the law as it existed at the time", but that begs the question; How did that law come about? The answer is the elite of which I was a part, made laws that accommodated what we wanted at the time.

We in Australia, benefit today from the past exploration by our European ancestors. There is a connection between the past deeds and our modern society. I'm not advocating that we should try and wind back the clock, that would be ridiculous. At the very least if the present inadequate conditions for some are the result of the past actions of others, then regardless of that, we do have a moral obligation to try and redress, as best we can.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 21 July 2020 7:58:15 AM
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Where all societies fail so miserably is when they reach a high standard of progress they switch into moral regress.
The more money they get paid the less work they perform. The more power they attain the more corrupt the become. Not only Whites, they're simply the one who admit their wrongs & some make efforts to remedy the wrongs. Which non-white society do we see doing that ?
In my book, the worst trait of Whites is the stupidity that invariably follows success !
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 21 July 2020 8:20:48 AM
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Oh god I get sick of this lefty bleeding heart garbage. The world is a much better place today because of European colonialism.

Take India. Yes the poms extracted a huge amount of wealth from India, but they built the infrastructure to allow them to do it. The transport system that allowed India to prosper, road rail & ports were all built by the poms. Every single Indian today is still better off thanks to the nation building done by those poms.

We can't judge the past by the overblown standards of today, or one culture by the standards of another. There was huge complaint of the shipping conditions our POWs were subjected to by the Japs. It is only when you realise they were shipped to Japan in the same ships, loaded to the same level as those same ships had transported Jap troops to the islands.

If we were to ship livestock in the same conditions as steerage passengers were shipped pre WW11, there would be a new outcry. Things & cultures change, & should be left in their own time.
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 21 July 2020 9:48:44 AM
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yeah Hasbeen it was a lovely place for young girls before colonisation. Certainly was lovely for the uncles. We could put up a few statues in remembrance. The woke crowd are sick puppies.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 21 July 2020 10:39:21 AM
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runner then the Catholic missionaries arrived and raped the young girls and buggered the young boys, before baptising babies, and then putting everyone, including the babies, to the sward. Central and South America 15th and 16th centuries. All you want is your blinkered sanitised account of history.

Hassy, but a little while back on the Forum you suggested nuking 200 million men, women and children in Pakistan. Is that an answer to your sickness of this lefty bleeding heart garbage. Every time I bring that suggestion of yours up, you hide from it, are you embarrassed you made such a statement in the first place?
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 21 July 2020 11:55:32 AM
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What a nasty little man you are Paul.

Yes I know that any culture that does not defend itself from it's enemies, & it's potential enemies is simply stupid, & will disappear pretty quickly. The time to start is before your potential enemies are strong enough to do you much damage. Wait too long to sit on enemies, & the cost to you will be very high.

I will never hide from this opinion, but the fact I can't be bothered responding to you says more about you than anyone else.

In the same way it is about time to start culling the dangerous breeds of sharks, & all crocks where numbers have exploded. A species that protects it's own predators is nothing but stupid, & anyone who condones protecting animals that increasingly are tearing it's members apart is certainly totally stupid. The members of that species that advocate protecting those predators are self hating viscous fools.
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 21 July 2020 1:36:40 PM
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The rape and buggery and domestic violence that is going on in indigenous communities is an order of magnitude higher than in non indigenous communities and there is no indication that it differed in any way before colonisation.

The flawed inclination by left whingers is to assume that indigenous peoples were completely without fault prior to colonisation and that all their violence and depravity is because of the way they were treated.

Many of the Chinese were brought here as indentured labourers and treated dreadfully yet in spite of this they pulled themselves up by their shoe strings and now function as excellent citizens.

In short, many of the ills suffered by the indigenous have little to do with colonisation and given the $bns thrown at them have shown little propensity to help themselves. Throwing more $bns at them is not likely to make any more difference than the previous $bns.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 21 July 2020 2:03:05 PM
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"What a nasty little man you are Paul." Hassy I'm not the one who suggested murdering 200 million people, something you refuse to retract from. The difference between you and Hitler is Hitler had the capability, you don't. I take it your "culling the dangerous breeds" (of animals) is a euphemistic play on preemptive human annihilation, get them before they get us stuff. Your post only digs you into a deeper hole.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 21 July 2020 2:19:30 PM
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There is a catch 22; if we do not submit to Islam those 200 million are
committed to kill all unbelievers.
They have started on the unbelievers, Christians, Hindus etc in
their own country and India and they have nuclear weapons.
They have history in this, they killed around 8 million Hindus in 7th century.
Now that is very Islamaphobic and I am a naughty boy for saying the
unmentionable, but---
Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 21 July 2020 3:35:27 PM
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AC- I may have a slightly different viewpoint than yourself and the mainstream on this. But I appreciate your support. You said "You are not responsible for anything that happened before you were born."

I surmise that if we have rights from before we were born we also have responsibilities- the arms length factor is one that needs to be taken into account- as other factors. It can be somewhat arbitrary. I often try to find ways to see beyond the chaff- and be objective- however as in warfare truth is the first casualty- and in the end sometimes the one who lives or dies is based on the will to survive. In the movie Rocky they called it "heart".

This seems to be consistent with the Science Philosopher- Paul Feyerabend.

In old times some of these abusive Aboriginal men probably would have had the bone pointed at them- perhaps this should be done in modern times- but in a different way.
Posted by Canem Malum, Tuesday, 21 July 2020 4:05:47 PM
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"Many of the Chinese were brought here as indentured labourers and treated dreadfully yet in spite of this they pulled themselves up by their shoe strings and now function as excellent citizens"

About 3,000 Chinese men in total arrived in the colony of NSW between 1848 and 1853 as Indentured labourers. Following the discontinuing of convict transportation in the 1840's cheap Chinese labour was seen as a substitute. As soon as the importation of Chinese labour began there was fierce opposition from locals with a strong racial undertone in the protests. At the expiration of their contracts many returned to China, it is unclear as to how many settled here, although it was reported that a man living in Gulgong NSW who past away at the age of 105 in 1911 was the last known indentured Chinese labourer in Australia.

The Sydney Chinese Market Garden. Following the incorporation of Municipalities in NSW under the Municipalities Act 1858, small holdings of land were leased, generally for 99 years, to entrepreneurial Chinese citizens by local authorities. The Chinese operated the leases as market gardens, supplying produce locally, and to the Sydney markets in Haymarket central Sydney. Imported male labour, some with families back in China were used in the gardens, and the gardens operated on the "dong" system. The system allowed for part of the yearly profit from the garden to be given to an individual, allowing that person to return to China with a relatively large amount of money. However labouring in the garden could be for up to 20 years for each worker. The gardens were operated as carefully controlled collectives, and all business was conducted by a headman, the non English speaking workers had little contact with the outside world, other than the arranged visits by prostitutes, and the occasional group outing to Chinatown for the pleasures of the Opium Den.

The last Chinese market garden in Sydney was heritage listed and was still operating as a family business at Matraville as recently as a few years ago.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 21 July 2020 10:11:34 PM
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Just of interest, the Chinese market gardeners were able to get extremely high vegetable yields from often very poor sandy soils. They did this through intensive plantings and crop rotation, and by using as much composted horse manure as they could obtain. The gardens were very labour intensive, working sunup to sundown, all work done manually. The only concession to modernism was a horse and cart, later an old truck, to transport produce, and pick up horse dung from surrounding stables on the return trip. My 'Old Man' always said the Chinese were hard people, and never to be underestimated.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 21 July 2020 10:25:29 PM
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And here again is uncle Paul, 14.05 Klm from Nimbin, giving us all his inflated view of Chinese importance to Australians, as viewed through the smoke haze of his bong. (Obviously).

What a beautiful fairy tale Uncle Paul. Now tuck in kiddies and wish them all a peacful night with the sandman.

Actually, it was Prime Minster Andrew Fisher in 1911, who initiated the "White Australia" policy. Take note here, a Labor...yes repeat, Labor Prime Minister.
What a dastardly act some would say. But most didn't at he time.

And could you please rise to the occasion with a truthful response as to why it was actually necessary for the innovation of the policy.

Thank you Uncle Paul, in anticipation.

Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 22 July 2020 9:15:06 AM
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Obviously black lives don't matter too much to the Black Lives Matter demonstrating mobs.

In which case, why should they particularly matter to anyone else.
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 22 July 2020 10:55:50 AM
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If the indentured Chinese can uplift themselves over a few generations, the indigenous with 40 000 years should have had no problem.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Wednesday, 22 July 2020 11:01:37 AM
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A bit unfair - Chinese have been farmers for thousands of years while Aboriginal people here were hunters, fishers and gatherers across the country in 1788. Farmers and foragers have very different ethos, one consciously works by the sweat of his/her brow and plans ahead, the other perceives - perceives - that bounty drops out of the sky as a result of secret knowledge and appropriate ceremonies previously observed. So farmers consciously work, foragers wait and enjoy the bounty of their ceremonies.

Of course, that was then; this is now. Many, many Aboriginal people either have had experience, or are descended from Aboriginal ancestors who had experience in the early days, of planned, hard work, on their own farm leases, or working for farmers. My wife's gr-grandfather was one of the first Aboriginal men (quite a few Aboriginal women preceded him) to take out a farming lease in SA, around 1868. The Protector here was eager to give out equipment, fencing gear, etc., even breed-animals, to Aboriginal lessees.

Aboriginal women ? Yes, indeed: many white fellas took up the chance to marry Aboriginal women and thereby gain access to blocks of land, which were always in her name, not his. Check out the entries in the Indexes to each of the volumes the South Australian Protector's Letters, on www. where I've noted the names of Aboriginal women and men who held land leases.

I would say that, down this way, much hunting technique had been forgotten by 1900, and that there were probably more Aboriginal people involved in farming by then than in foraging - although there too, the Protector gave out boats, fishing gear and guns so that people could make use of their right to use the land as they always had done. Those rights still exist, by the way.

Posted by loudmouth2, Wednesday, 22 July 2020 12:06:56 PM
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"..., and then putting everyone, including the babies, to the sward."

Does that mean that they made them lay down on the grass?

Anyone got a definition of 'whites' yet?

It can't be skin colour otherwise many Italians, Spanish and Portugese will have to be left out and many Indians, Turks and Iranians etc., let in.

Scientifically 'white' is the presence of all colour and 'black' is its absence.
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 22 July 2020 12:56:15 PM
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Issy, according to accounts a Spanish Conquistador would hold a screaming Indian baby by the arm whilst a Catholic monk would baptise the baby in the name of the Catholic god. Once baptised the child would then be unceremoniously run through by the Conquistador. The belief was the child being without sin would go straight to heaven. Had it lived it would must certainly have become a sinner and ended up in hell.

From a BBC documentary by John Pilger: "They buried our babies with only their heads above the ground - all in a row they were. "Then they had a test to see who could kick the baby's heads off the furtherest. "One man clobbered a baby's head off from horse back." The documentary notes: "No British colony was born under so cruel a star as Australia." This happened. It happened in Australia. To Aboriginal people. To their ancestors. By British colonists. And without any recognition, they are told to 'just get over it'.

Moctezuma II; After the Aztecs paid a kings ransom to the Spanish in silver and gold for the release of their Emperor Moctezuma II the Spanish "did the dirty" and murdered poor old Moctezuma anyway.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 22 July 2020 7:24:56 PM
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My understanding is much of the mistreatment of Aboriginals was done by the Squatters. Queen Victoria had as I understand a fairly enlightened view of "the natives". Australia in many places was fairly lawless. The police were employed by the squatters and they tried to avoid entanglement with the Queens Forces. Even the colonial population was treated fairly harshly.

Sounds a bit like "Lord of the Flies".

Power can be a terrifying thing. To hold onto it they terrify. Who has the power now?

The greater the understanding the greater the tormented perspicacity.
Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 22 July 2020 10:34:13 PM
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Dear "bonga" Paul.

You've obviously made a decision to whimp off stage on the Chinese issue.
So I will conclude for you.

As in 1911, at the implementation of the white Australia policy by a labor government,
It was concluded that rather than a tribe of bandy legged clones taking control of the financial strings of power, it was prudent to act tough against them as a preference to insurrection of the masses, and the overthrowing of the fledgling Commonwealth government, as such precedents was starkly before their eyes in Darwin, as the example.
That's the same Darwin where the Governor was frogmarched out of town by the angry mob, protesting the negative influence of an overpopulation of Chinese.

With the rising tide of anti-Chinese protest which is unfolding right now on the world stage, I think your perceived need to quietly take your marbles and run home to Mummy on the subject of your pro-Chinese attitude, and plain treachery to your own nation, is wise.

Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 23 July 2020 6:31:38 AM
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Do we have rednecks and racists in the Australian military? Hot on the heels of a most protracted, yet to be concluded, investigation into war crimes of murder committed in Afghanistan towards Afghan villages by Australian military personnel, film has come to light of Australian soldiers waving an American Confederate flag! We should cringe in embarrassment.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 23 July 2020 6:58:03 AM
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You disgusting low life.

Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 23 July 2020 7:18:12 AM
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Canem Malum, unfortunately we can't put much stock into the thoughts of Queen Victoria, the poor woman was addicted to opium, and dare I say involved in an affair with a Scottish commoner. I blame her for the modern day decline in morality.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 23 July 2020 8:06:59 AM
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"I surmise that if we have rights from before we were born we also have responsibilities"

You may have rights in the womb, but I don't see any argument that holds merit regarding responsibilities.
Prior to being conceived and life beginning in a womb, you did not exist.

How can ANYONE be responsible for ANYTHING that happened before they existed?

It's simply not possible.

Wife to husband:
"Let's conceive a child. When it's born we'll blame it for things that happened before we conceived it".

- Utterly ridiculous.

Black Lives Matters
Do they want empathy, understanding and change? or
Do they want us to feel guilty and extract vengeance?

My grandmother was part indigenous, and and her ancestors (mine) fought in the Frontier wars against white foreigners, beyond that my paternal ancestor originally came here as a prison sentence on a convict ship for stealing a sheep.

Think about this:
Am I responsible for things that happened before I was born? NO
Should I have some sort of white guilt when I have indigenous in me?
- Or am I only free from white guilt if I identify as indigenous and 'hate whitey'?

i.e. 'Join the divisiveness gang' and 'take up the fight' against the current PC enemy 'White people'.
If I take up the fight against 'white people' am I them free from 'white guilt'?

Now it makes me think about those poor Aussie University students sent mad trying to conform to PC culture and narrative and 'not be racist'.
What in the hell have these idiots done? But I digress...

Should I feel guilt and apologise for what my white ancestors did when:
1/ I'm not responsible for what they did
2/ It wasn't even their choice to come here.
The British judicial system decided that for them back around 1800.

What should I think about this?
I don't feel guilt, but I certainly am capable of feeling empathy.
If you come at me saying certain things are unfair, I might agree with you.
If you come at me pointing the finger, I'll respond with a different finger.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 23 July 2020 9:12:10 AM
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"Do we have rednecks and racists in the Australian military? Hot on the heels of a most protracted, yet to be concluded, investigation into war crimes of murder committed in Afghanistan towards Afghan villages by Australian military personnel, film has come to light of Australian soldiers waving an American Confederate flag! We should cringe in embarrassment."

I stand with you on the war crimes, but would argue Australians had no business being there.
Are we at war with Afghanistan?
Or helping US meddling in other nations?

How exactly is it a 'Defense Force' if we have boots on the ground in other countries?
- Isn't it more like an 'Offense Force'?

Well it doesn't make any sense to me.

As for the reason I responded:

Paul's upset that there are 'Patriots' in the military?
- What the hell?

What is it you want?
An army of politically correct imported immigrants, fighting for a politically correct nation of imported immigrants?

And who do we fight?
Other nations of immigrants?

So our army of politically correct imported immigrants fighting for our nation of politically correct imported immigrants will do battle against another army of politically correct imported immigrants who are fighting for their own nation of politically correct imported immigrants.

Who dumb is that?
No point to wars or armies except to carry out elites plans while the human race depopulates itself through wars of design that only benefit others?
Obviously armies only exist now to fight for this stupid raceless nationless grand future paradise right?

lets all be happy muppets
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 23 July 2020 9:30:57 AM
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Beware all of you who may be doing family research, the further back you go the more responsibilities you will accrue.

Having found Gaius Julius Ceaser II among mine I'm burdened with guilt, I thought that having Charliamaine and William the Conqueror was bad enough but now I'm brought to a new low.

But the personal worst of all was finding Diarmid MacMorrough, known in Ireland as "the first traitor" as an ancestor so I am also saddled with guilt for all the trouble in Ireland since the late 1100s.

Woe is me!!
Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 23 July 2020 4:49:34 PM
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Is Mise- You'll have to get dressed up in your finery like "Cato The Younger".

You've obviously got a glorious and illustrious heritage. Kudos
Posted by Canem Malum, Thursday, 23 July 2020 5:57:04 PM
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Because black lives matter
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 23 July 2020 7:11:12 PM
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An appalling story...

Sovereignty of nations says that people can do what they want in their own country.

Rather than getting tied up in internecine conflict- it's wasteful of scarce resources that can be used in better more effective ways- maybe that is the better option- we have given them resources and they have burned them- we have tried to fix the problems and are punished for it- we have tried our best and now we need to try something completely different and go back to first principles.
Posted by Canem Malum, Friday, 24 July 2020 11:42:06 AM
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Dear GrahamY,

I'm really not sure why you are uncomfortable approving the post. This is pretty standard fare on OLO, so much so that there really isn't that much energy for stomping on it. While good on paul1405 and loudmouth2 for having a bit of a crack there are some of us who really can't be bothered.

There is a big pendulum swing in the offing at the moment both in the US and here. The opening of the baseball season saw virtually all players take a knee, we have seen the same with our own AFL. Those who were embolden by Trump are now becoming increasingly shrill as they have now shown themselves for who they really are.

Now the first preference is to ignore them, to see them as that racist, drunk uncle at a family gathering. People sigh, cast a knowing look at others, then just move on.

What possible reason would there be to engage with this author? OLO of years ago would have just ignored him. Now there are enough of his ilk to produce a little cheer-squad geeing each other on.

It is fine to allow toxicity if you feel it can be adequately dealt with due to the dynamics within the group. I'm not sure that exists in a form that puts this stuff to bed anymore.

Perhaps being a little more circumspect in the future might be the order of the day.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Friday, 24 July 2020 2:48:34 PM
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"Sovereignty of nations says that people can do what they want in their own country."

We don't really have sovereignty.
We have a version of sovereignty in which 'we think we are independent and decide our future' but really the opposite is true, we don't decide anything.
We don't really have democracy, we have this watered down faux democracy, which is really only democracy in outside appearance.

Were only allowed to decide things for ourselves that don't even matter.
Things that through '2 party pass the baton politics' will eventuate nonetheless, as they keep on moving the goalposts.

What you want to do is look at the things where we have no say;
Where we cannot decide for ourselves, where it's already been decided for us.

Have a look at the international bodies that steer our decisions.

Strong Cities Network
'Uniting mayors, municipal-level policy makers and practitioners to build social cohesion and resilience to counter violent extremism in all its forms'

Powering Grassroots Networks Against Hate And Extremism
"Extremism is a global phenomenon that is ill served by top-down approaches. We work to empower and facilitate civil society, fostering networks of independent, community groups and influencers to take the lead at the front lines, applying their granular expertise and credibility in a way that delivers impact at scale.

ISD’s networks include practitioners, youth, women, community influencers, former violent extremists, victims and survivors of violent extremism. These networks provide granular knowledge and context, which inform the creation and distribution of counter-extremism programmes and form the most effective channels to maximise reach and impact."

Relationships with State Governments
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 25 July 2020 4:22:51 AM
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"ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability is a global network of more than 1,750 local and regional governments committed to sustainable urban development. Active in 100+ countries, we influence sustainability policy and drive local action for low emission, nature-based, equitable, resilient and circular development."
On the page linked above, you'll see a link to 'Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy' - Oceania region

"The Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy (GCoM) is an international alliance of cities and local governments with a shared commitment to accelerate ambitious, measurable climate and energy initiatives to meet and exceed the Paris Agreement objectives. The GCoM serves cities and local governments of all sizes in all parts of the world, working with city/regional networks, national governments and other partners."

Your local council is a signatory to this.

Were only allowed to decide on the stuff that doesn't matter;
i.e. The issues that can slowly implemented against our will anyway with successive changes of government.

Were only allowed to decide on stuff that doesn't matter, whilst we have no choice and must follow the above global plans.

The stuff we decide on that doesn't matter, that can be implemented against our will through successive changes of government sits beneath these 'bigger plans' that have already been decided for us, and which we have no say in.

Anyone every heard of these organisations?
These nobodies are deciding your future for you.
You think you have sovereignty and democracy, but all you really have is a mental illness from being deluded.

We decide nothing.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 25 July 2020 4:30:14 AM
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Now think about the Black Lives Matters protests and specifically ask yourself why most of the people are white kids from university.

What the hell is going on here?
30 years ago University students wouldn't shut the country down trying to support Aboriginal people.
Not even Peter Garret and Midnight Oil were capable of that with 'Beds are Burning'.

Whats changed?

- The minds of these Uni students -

They're victims, they cant think objectively for themselves.
Their puppets in someone else's school-play.

They've been peer pressured into acting the way they do because they think it's the right way to act.

Look at them lash out, they're minds are backed into a corner.
Is this not how they're acting?

They are so busy trying to prove to each other that they are not racist, the only way they can do it is follow the narrative that is set for them, and 'Hate White People'

That's the only way they can conclusively prove to their peers at University that they themselves ARE NOT racist.

Western countries have become very sick.
The only thing that can be garnished from this is that someone has 'ulterior motives' interests in steering our society.

They don't think we can decide for ourselves, but they will let us think that we have democracy, because that is the vehicle in which they best consolidate the power they want over us for themselves.

About time we all see it for what it is.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 25 July 2020 4:51:08 AM
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Thanks Armchair Critic for your post. I always find them very informative.

Yes I'm very concerned by organizations and policies that undercut "the vote" and the peoples view. There are many of these front organizations coming out of the woodwork.

There was the case of the "Sleeping Giants" that eventually got DOXed and the leader who worked in an advertizing firm was found to be engaging in activities against their own business client BMW. Of course he lost his job. The Sleeping Giants appear to have been sadly instrumental in shutting down Australian TV Channel "Your Money" by lobbying advertisers.

The universities are another thing- the universities have become overwhelmed with foreigners- when universities as I understand are for the locals to develop talent. The locals are afraid. Very worrying.
Posted by Canem Malum, Saturday, 25 July 2020 7:23:46 AM
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Words poken by the true resident rent gouging elitist landlord.

I don't waste my time in thought processes disturbed by the ideas of a well greased manipulating propaganda machine, front lined by newspapers radio or television.

To embolden blacks, homosexuals and all other stray scum bags, to feel superior because of skin colour or degenerate activities, is not only crude, but dangerous, (to them).

Like I've said here. If they insist on a fight, then they should be obliged to encounter one.
On the streets is an ideal base for the fight: that is a historic fact with many precedents as example.

As an experienced artisan with the BLF in street marches from the past, facing off with Petersons personal army of the time, the Queensland Police force, I can assure you, having your brains knocked out on the footpath defending your cause is guaranteed to test your resolve towards a cause.

Obviously to me, it's a real issue on the pages of OLO, where too many are simply opinionated without evidence of resolve, putting money where their mouth is.

As for defending the resident OLO social terrorists such as "bongo" Paul 14.05 Klm from Nimbin, you need a rethink.

Posted by diver dan, Saturday, 25 July 2020 10:07:08 AM
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Dear diver dan,

Well if your cause is a highly corrupt and thuggish union then I suppose you have a point.

People in American are being whisked off the streets by federal police without identification. People are taking beatings, being seriously injured, losing eyes, getting fractured skulls and dying. And you say they lack resolve?

All I mentioned was players taking a knee at the season opener of the baseball and you have somehow in your twisted mind you feel this makes black people superior to you?

Mate, get a grip.

Are you really that insecure?

And what on earth is a social terrorist?
Posted by SteeleRedux, Saturday, 25 July 2020 10:27:52 AM
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Thanks to this BLM crap, Coon cheese is going to disappear even though the name comes from a Dr. Coon who invented a cheese making process: nothing at all to do with the fact that red neck Yanks might have refered to American Negros as 'coons'; certainly nothing to do with Australian Aborigines, as claimed by local blacktivists.

Coon cheese is owned by a Canadian firm called Saputo. How like Canadians to kowtow to Leftist extremists. For people wishing to show what they think of this corporate virtue signalling, these are the products of this company to avoid buying:

Cracker Barrel, Devondale, Great Ocean Road, King Island Dairy, Liddells, Mersey Valley, South Cape, Sungold, Tasmania Heritage and Warrnambool Cheddar.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 25 July 2020 10:44:29 AM
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Hey Canem Malum,

"Thanks Armchair Critic for your post. I always find them very informative."

Thanks, but you're probably giving more credit than is due.

I've gone back and read some of my comments...
Sometimes there are sheds of intelligence in them, but often its just as much an disgruntled rant.

- It is kind of hard to come across well rounded when I frequently touch on grey area topics.

"Yes I'm very concerned by organizations and policies that undercut 'the vote' and the peoples view. There are many of these front organizations coming out of the woodwork."

It's just not undercutting the vote, it's making the outcome of the vote completely unimportant in the bigger picture.

We are allowed to (think we) have democracy because it suits the plans of those elites that wish to make the new rules, they're using democracy too, only against our interests and in support of their own.

We're allowed to think we have democracy so long as we bow to the likes of Yassmin Abdel-Magied and Greta Thunburg.

Do you all not see that these groups I previously mentioned represent a gameplan to steer society in a certain direction regardless of what the people themselves want?

Your assumed democracy only exists within a narrow 'permitted' band.

On the left, they're very organised.
On the right, two people cant even hold a discussion on a basis of merit without being labelled heretics and becoming target of these leftist networks.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 25 July 2020 11:58:59 AM
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This utter garbage has been going on for years. When I sailed back into Oz in 1976 I spent some time in Townsville. There was one of these mostly European ancestry "aboriginals" stirring up the same rubbish there at the time.

You see there is a particular rock on the eastern side of Magnetic island on which the shags like to perch to dry off & warm up. This particular rock is so outstanding it is even mentioned as a navigation aid in the Admiralty Sailing Directions of the area for the last couple of hundred years. It's called White Rock.

The naming of this rock had nothing to do with racism or anyone's skin colour, but with what shags do after a successful hunt. Their droppings have been painting this rock white for centuries.

Now if I were coloured & considered this rock in conjunction with any race, I would think it funny that the white race was here associated with bird droppings, but not so our brave activist. He wanted the name of this rock changed to Albino Rock.

It certainly tells us how much the aboriginals of the area have to complain about, & why they will have to get a bit more maturity before any reasonable person will take their activism seriously.
Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 25 July 2020 12:03:29 PM
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Dear Armchair Critic,

You say; "we bow to the likes of Yassmin Abdel-Magied"


Mate, this was the cancel culture in full swing which the right as so expert at but sook up when it chases one of their own. Yassmin was forced to go overseas to escape the approbation and threats that were heaped on her. Now you are trying to claim some sort of victim status?

What an absolute crock!

Bloody hell you lot are cry babies. It really is thoroughly unedifying. Might be time to have a good hard look at yourself.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Saturday, 25 July 2020 12:14:35 PM
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And what on earth is a social terrorist?
Steele redux,
A socially inept & indoctrinated moron i.e. a leftist !
Posted by individual, Saturday, 25 July 2020 12:19:32 PM
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CM, in one post you advocate for a military takeover by General Brassbottom, then its I'm all for democracy! What's it to be with you, a "General" election?
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 25 July 2020 12:27:14 PM
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the blm degenerates far happier now with less police and many more black deaths. Congratulations to all the cowardly gutless democrat mayors. Good to see the mob of tyrants turning on them. Maybe they might stop bowing the knee the violent marxist and try governing in order to at least earn a little of their fat salaries.
Posted by runner, Saturday, 25 July 2020 2:03:56 PM
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.."Well if your cause is a highly corrupt and thuggish union then I suppose you have a point."...

Well no it wasn't any more thuggish than a Saturday afternoon football match, which was hard work.

The BLF was peopled to a large degree, by footballers who traveled around furthering football careers.
Always welcomed by the BLF and given lucrative menial labouring work on building sites as a hand to entertain a mostly white Anglo Saxon society with an entertaining recreational pursuit.

Facing off on street protests was a sport of sorts. Front rowers were positioned forward for obvious reasons, and the opposition army did likewise.
The balance filled in the ranks where they considered themselves the most useful.

At the time I was totally disinterested in ideology, and highly interested in surviving by scoring a high paying job.
I actually liked Peterson. He had good ideas. EG no homosexual school teachers was innovative. He was a solid Christian, and made no secrets of it. And it was often his Givernment infrastructure projects which kept us fed.
Unfortunately, it was with joeys mates, where disagreements arouse.

BLM would not survive two minutes breathing in good old Queensland of yesteryear.
Shame it is how the old lady slid down the gurgler with time.

Posted by diver dan, Saturday, 25 July 2020 2:22:13 PM
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Dear diver dan,

So you did it without facing pepper-spray, without being tased, without projectiles being fired from modified shotguns which have been tearing out people's eyes.

You did it without having to confront lines of fully kitted anonymous figures in military garb, many toting assault styled weapons backed by armoured personnel carriers.

And you were big burly footballers who enjoyed a scrap.

Well how about you spare a thought for the young and old, male and female, radical ANTIFA and ordinary citizen who are trying to stare down a highly militerised police force in the US.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Saturday, 25 July 2020 4:23:27 PM
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You live in a cocoon mate.

You appeal to my sympathetic nature: I don't have one, especially for the long list of victims you proffered as evidence of the oppressed.

What difference having your brains rearranged on the footpath, the weapon that performs the alteration?
Petersons army had a reputation, go check it out for yourself. They were as corrupt as any police force in Australia (and worse), and were a protected entity.
You took them on at your own peril.

But I do believe our small vocal group was treated with some respect not afforded others who fell into the "wayward" category. After all, we were actually the workers and toilers, and football entertainers, (and collection of others), considered useful and productive.
Certainly not the university type with stupid ideas how others should think and act.

Ours was a campaign for better conditions and pay which benefitted a type called the "the worker". A long forgotten phrase now. Useful in short. Non-subversive.
The BLF along with the Waterside Federation were left leaning, but I recognised no such trends among the crowd.

Posted by diver dan, Saturday, 25 July 2020 6:25:33 PM
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Well this bloke is a navy veteran who had never attended a protest march. Two bones in his hand busted and a face full of pepper spray.

Hardly a 'university type'.

He took a decent beating without reacting aggressively. Are you going to tell him he was soft and his grievance illegitimate?
Posted by SteeleRedux, Saturday, 25 July 2020 6:41:01 PM
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Armchair Critic-

Well being a Traditionalist myself I've learned that our people need to "understand the enemy" and "understand ourselves". The communists excel at propaganda and manipulation- the Jewish lobby is also extremely politically astute- try reading The Jeruselum Post- their analysis is amazing- of course they are pretty good at spinning things in their favour too. Of course the different lobbies all have their own particular angles and their own particular and peculiar alliances and strategies. The Communists and the Jewish strategies though different seem to view the world though a more advanced kaleidoscope.- but in the end they all want power- of course it's always at someone else's expense. Alliances are often temporary and rife with betrayal though that isn't always the case.

It's interesting that the Jewish lobby seems to have a deep affinity for business- yet Jewish people tend to vote democrat in the US- this is just one example of the complexity of sub-national special interests- and many of them have powerful international links.

I was learning about Jewish history- and the siege of Jeruselum by the Roman's- perhaps the exile of the Jews from Judea caused a massive population explosion of the Jewish people- I don't think the Jewish homeland in Israel would hold all the Jewish peoples of the world. They seem to live amongst other diaspora's in modern times.

More generally the climate in the world seems to be ripe for an assassination or two- interesting times indeed. Be careful of your friends and your enemies- and the Ides of March.


I think you understand the concept of martial law in a crisis. Some people play dumb- some people want a crisis.

Hasbeen- You're right about the activists being around for many years- but they didn't seem to get as much traction in the past.

Ttbn- Thanks for your comments. The Canadian's were never as loyal as the US to their own communities. ;)
Posted by Canem Malum, Saturday, 25 July 2020 6:54:02 PM
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We rightly call out China for human rights abuse, yet our conservative politicians In Australia remain mute as Trump unleashes his Nazi dogs on peaceful protesters!

Steele, I don't often call you out for being wrong, but this time I must, tell us you were mistaken! Surely Christopher David was in Hong Kong, not Portland USA, in the land of the free and the home of the brave! Were they not Xi's communist goons beating on an innocent man, dressed like militarists in a war zone somewhere in the Middle East.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 26 July 2020 5:25:59 AM
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You equate yourself with a brain? Well, from my view you must be joking.

Re. Your video link from Washington Post. Firstly finding the truth in the Washington Post is equivalent to finding the truth from the ABC.
What they and their like project as truth, is actually half-truth bordering on total lie.

Firstly, the self entitled fat dude standing alone in front of a working force of the military, attempting to enforce law and order, is totally out of order!
Where is your point?

Secondly, did you happen to notice Molotov cocktails spinning around on the ground under the feet of the military personnel? You failed to mention that!

Added to that, the video acts as a witness to looting of shops, where a crowd of your mates attempt to rip the shop doors from their hinges.

This video actually bears witness to how sick and lost you and your mate, so oft defended by you, "bongo" Paul 14.5klm from Nimbin, are. So deep in the woods of confusion, keeping company with Goldilocks and the three bears!

Anarchists, is unequivocally the brand name for you lot.
In your proffered video, what I would expect to see is a sniper on a roof top taking out the ring leaders. You know not how lucky your anarchist mates are, in the US.

Posted by diver dan, Sunday, 26 July 2020 9:32:50 AM
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Dick Diver Dan,

Molotov cocktails don't smoke, they explode into flames. Those are tear-gas canisters, which, as we all know, protestors have an unlimited supply of.

Posted by loudmouth2, Sunday, 26 July 2020 10:39:47 AM
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Hey Steeleredux,

"You say; 'we bow to the likes of Yassmin Abdel-Magied'


Ummm... What do I have to say it twice, cant you read properly?

"to the likes of"
* Did you pay any specific attention to that part per chance?

What that means is that we're not bowing specifically to Yassmin or Greta themselves...
But what they represent...

i.e. The racism / multiculturalism agenda and the climate agenda

Are you with me, or are you... a bit slow?

So what I'm saying regards to Yassmin and Greta;
Is if we removed those individuals from the picture:
- like chopping the heads off the bloody hydra, more would just grow back in their place

We've all been arguing back and forth on the climate issue and cant agree
But that doesn't stop our local councils becoming signatories to multi-national treaties like we did come to some consensus.

These elites set their agendas first and then use every trick in the book to make sure it's implemented upon sovereign countries national citizens.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 26 July 2020 11:56:43 AM
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Hey Canem Malum

"It's interesting that the Jewish lobby seems to have a deep affinity for business- yet Jewish people tend to vote democrat in the US- this is just one example of the complexity of sub-national special interests- and many of them have powerful international links."

I was looking this up the other day when I was looking up ICLEI
You'll notice that Global Covenant of Mayors is a part of ICLEI

You'll notice here that it was founded by Ban Ki Moon and Mike Bloomberg.
Mike Bloomberg ran as a Presidential candidate in this 2020 US Presidential election

So Mike doesn't just want to rule America, with the Global Covenant of Mayors that our local councils are a signatory to, he wants to rule us as well.
Evidence here:

Better take a closer look at him then, right.

His family is Jewish, and he is a member of the Emanu-El Temple in Manhattan.

The family lived in Allston until Bloomberg was two years old, followed by Brookline, Massachusetts for two years, finally settling in the Boston suburb of Medford, Massachusetts, where he lived until after he graduated from college. Bloomberg is an Eagle Scout and he graduated from Medford High School in 1960. He went on to attend Johns Hopkins University, where he joined the fraternity Phi Kappa Psi and constructed the school mascot's (the blue jay's) costume. Bloomberg is a member of Kappa Beta Phi.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 26 July 2020 12:37:02 PM
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Ok then I looked at Kappa Beta Psi:
Kappa Beta Phi is a secret society, best known for its Wall Street Chapter that is made up of high-ranking financial executives.

Michael Bloomberg – former New York City mayor
James Cayne – former CEO of Bear Stearns
Jon Corzine – former New Jersey Governor
Nigel MacEwan - former CEO of Kleinwort Benson North America, former president of Merrill Lynch
Laurence D. Fink – CEO of BlackRock
Richard Grasso – former head of the New York Stock Exchange
David Komansky – former CEO of Merrill Lynch
Sallie Krawcheck – former head of Citigroup's wealth management division
Kenneth Langone – former chair of the New York Stock Exchange compensation committee
Marc Lasry - CEO of Avenue Capital Group
Martin Lipton – founding partner of Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz
Wilbur Ross – United States Secretary of Commerce
Alan Schwartz – former president of Bear Stearns
Robert Rubin - former U.S. Treasury Secretary, former co-chair of Goldman Sachs
Mary Shapiro – former chairperson of the Securities and Exchange Commission
Diana Taylor – former New York State Superintendent of Banks
Warren Stephens – CEO of Stephens Inc.
Sanford Weill – former CEO of Citigroup
John C. Whitehead – former chair of Goldman Sachs & Co.
Richard S. Fuld Jr. – former chair and CEO of Lehman Brothers

There's probably a lot of important people in that list:
Laurence D. Fink – CEO of BlackRock stood out, he's Jewish and his company controls the US federal reserve.
They also wrote the bail-out plan in August 2019, 6mths before the pandemic.
I've actually heard that the pandemic saved the US from economic collapse.

Both support Democrats...

If you want something interesting to chew on..
I watched this last night
McDuff’s Mindfields, ep. 61: “Chicago, Columbus, and the 400 Year Cycle”

Quite interesting, It's shows that the US does not represent the idea of 'liberty' that it once did.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 26 July 2020 12:40:51 PM
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FYI, Blackrock is committed to sustainability
BlackRock, Inc. is an American global investment management corporation based in New York City. Founded in 1988, initially as a risk management and fixed income institutional asset manager, BlackRock is the world's largest asset manager, with $7.4 trillion in assets under management as of end-Q4 2019. BlackRock operates globally with 70 offices in 30 countries and clients in 100 countries. Due to its power, and the sheer size and scope of its financial assets and activities, BlackRock has been called the world's largest shadow bank.

"Committed to sustainability
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BlackRock Global Summit 2020: Can sustainability accelerate recovery?
At our first annual BlackRock Global Summit on June 23-24, 2020, we convened more than 3,000 clients and thought leaders for a virtual discussion around one question: Can sustainability accelerate recovery? Learn more about the complex challenges and opportunities sustainable investors are facing.

A conversation with Larry Fink: A fundamental reshaping of finance
Larry Fink, Chairman and CEO of BlackRock, reflects on the impact of his recent letter on sustainability, what he’s been hearing from institutions since and what comes next for sustainability in light of the current crisis."
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 26 July 2020 2:01:18 PM
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Now Joe.

Dick Diver Dan is pretty limp.

Why not somthing appropriate.

Diver Dan, the White Russian with a murky deep past?

Have another go.

Posted by diver dan, Sunday, 26 July 2020 8:23:32 PM
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Thanks AC. I'll check out your links. Yes sometimes I follow the bouncing ball too. To some interesting correlations.
Posted by Canem Malum, Monday, 27 July 2020 7:15:55 AM
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Well the Black lives Matter march is determined to confront Police lines in Sydney. What should happen the organisers be arrested and while in incarceration be required to study the cases of Deaths in Custody reports before they are released. That way they might learn the facts rather than the emotional family focus of a lost criminal sibling or son.
Posted by Josephus, Monday, 27 July 2020 8:12:09 AM
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BLM activists - who really have no interest black lives, just anarchy- are threatening to defy a Supreme Court order backing a ban on their next riot.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 27 July 2020 11:40:14 AM
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I think ttbn has nailed it in one.

BLM has little to nothing to do with saving black lives rather to spread anarchy. Their actions have lead to more black deaths than by police, either directly such as the murders of black shop owners, or indirectly as happened after the last BLM riots where police were ordered not to target black criminals and the number of blacks killed by black criminals spiked. The effect of defunding the police will be to fill the mortuaries with corpses of innocent black civilians.

As for the navy "veteran" who idiotically inserted himself directly between violent rioters armed with rocks and other weapons and the police, he deserves a Darwin award for supreme stupidity. That he inserted himself into a battle zone only to ask a question is one of the greatest porkies of this debate
Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 27 July 2020 12:14:57 PM
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Dear Shadow Minister,

What a load of tosh.

There is a seismic shift happening in America at the moment which will change the country for the better. I'm not sure why they have to put themselves through agony every time a change like outlawing slavery, or desegregating schools, or gun control comes up. We seem to be able to manage those things without that degree of angst. However the momentum is not going away.

That you would once again be on the wrong side of history is not surprising, nor is the fact that you want to paint things in the worse possible light. Why not be open about your racism though? There are some on here who have, like Trump, given up almost every pretense. Isn't it time you did the same?
Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 27 July 2020 12:32:30 PM
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This little piece put to the words of the late George Carlin does have resonance, albeit with some pretty explicit language.

Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 27 July 2020 12:42:30 PM
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Steele Redux,
Talks nonsense. The Black Lives Matter movement in America which is a Hamas / Marxist movement is asking for the State of Texas, to set up their segregated State from the rest of USA. It will be a Communist Muslim State separated from America. He believe this is better than Western Democratic society; his statement identifies his values, "There is a seismic shift happening in America at the moment which will change the country for the better".
Posted by Josephus, Monday, 27 July 2020 2:11:37 PM
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Communists are not Muslims. Muslims are not Communists. Yes, like your president, they each might get into bed with whoever suits their interests at a particular time, but historically they have never co-operated for more than a few months. I'm thinking of the short-lived People's Republic of Eastern Turkistan (i.e. Sinkiang, i.e Xinjiang). Communist parties in Muslim countries tend to have short lives. One of the surest ways of becoming dead in a Middle eastern country is to call yourself a Communist.

To complicate matters, they both may oppose (for their own selfish reasons) dictatorships: so Saddam oppressed both Communists and Islamists, as an equal-opportunity dictator. And all three, of course, would crush any skerrick of democratic impulse. Pity the Middle East.

So there's no love lost either way. Of course, Islam is hardly a left-wing ideology, it's right up their with yours for backwardness, dogmatism and bigotry. Not that communism, in practice, is any better - in fact, they are both different types of power-grabbing, just Mafias in different uniforms and with different slogans.

Clearly, I'm determined to be condemned by both left and right - and on the same thread !

Posted by loudmouth2, Monday, 27 July 2020 2:31:14 PM
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Dear Josephus,


Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 27 July 2020 3:02:48 PM
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Joe said-

Clearly, I'm determined to be condemned by both left and right - and on the same thread !


Joe recently I've noticed that I agree with more of what you say if that is any consolation. Though being condemned widely myself you may not see that as a good thing. Often I find people won't care if you agree with them. If a moderate says something many won't trust their commitment and so won't invest in the relationship. The forum is not necessarily the place to make friends- without a fair amount of adaptability. You have to have an extremely thick skin. Overall I think you try- and that's to your credit. Take care mate.

Li Quan says- Military action is inauspicious- it is only considered important because it is a matter of life and death, and there is the possibility that it may be taken up lightly.

Du Mu says- the survival or destruction of a country and the life or death of its people may depend on military action, so it is necessary to examine it carefully.

The same is true of politics.

According to great Australian tradition -You don't talk politics or religion in a bar- (because it's a friendly environment).
Posted by Canem Malum, Monday, 27 July 2020 6:08:25 PM
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Thanks Runner, Diver Dan, Ttbn, Shadow Minister, and Josephus for your comments. Even Paul1405 made some comments that appeared relatively constructive in speaking out against communists.
Posted by Canem Malum, Tuesday, 28 July 2020 3:07:06 AM
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Glad to see you admit your racism. If riots, looting and murder are the seismic shift you were looking for then you are right. Defunding the police is just what the US needs to stabilise the economy and lift the minorities out of their squalor. As 90% of blacks being murdered are being murdered by blacks, I am sure the lack of police will calm things right down.

As for being on the right side of history, it is looking real peachy from my side.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 28 July 2020 3:30:35 AM
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You all know what the plan is right?

Democratic Mayors are deliberately promoting civil unrest to polarise the situation and gain back the black vote for Democrats (Plan A), as well as create a situation where voting can be rigged through mail in votes (Plan B), with the last line of defence being Trump removed under Continuity of Government. (Plan C)

This has always been the plan from Day 1.
Get rid of Trump, this isn't a decree of the people, its a decree of the elites who's interests are served by the Democratic Party.

The FBI knew conclusively in Jan/Feb of 2016 that the Russian collusion narrative was bs. (That's within 1mth of inaugruation)
They kept the bs going for years and stole back the house of representatives on the back of these lies.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 28 July 2020 7:04:21 AM
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Shadow Minister,

And it would have looked real peachy from the salve owner's or the segregationist's perspective too, until it didn't.

Trump has lost the American people who matter. There are Walls of Moms protecting protesters in Portland. There are Walls of Veterans doing the same. The dam has broken and Trump's fascist behavior is being shown for what it is, anti-American.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 28 July 2020 10:31:39 AM
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I have some deep heat ointment for squash so I guess that would make me a salve owner.

So a wall of obese snowflakes is "the people"? I personally have no love for Trump or the fascist Biden.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 28 July 2020 12:25:51 PM
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And how are people like this snowflakes?

They have more courage of their convictions than you could ever muster and the fact that you feel the need to so blatantly attack them shows you know it.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 28 July 2020 1:21:23 PM
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I never even heard of this woman so how could I attack her? Seriously.

If she was hit by a projectile it was almost certainly thrown by one of the "peaceful" BLM protesters.

I think you just made my point.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 28 July 2020 1:25:32 PM
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seems like the degenerates from blm's have learn't from the Palestinians who use kids and women as human shields as they fire off their rockets. Both groups have that nasty, hateful attitude towards anything decent.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 28 July 2020 1:39:05 PM
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Hey SteeleRedux,
Your news is one-sided.
There's 600 buildings burning in Portland.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 28 July 2020 2:01:22 PM
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"They have more courage of their convictions than you could ever muster"

She's got 3 kids and she's lining up in the front lines of a protest?

- She's obviously an idiot -

I'm not going to say that she deserved it but that's certainly what happens.
And she's a bad mother for putting herself in harms way when her job is to take care of her kids.
She can't do that in hospital can she?

"Feel Good" Story Shows Failure of Joe Biden's America!
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 28 July 2020 2:17:52 PM
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Good to see NSW police acting against about 50 BLM loons defying the ban before they even got started. Arrests and fines handed out.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 28 July 2020 3:04:55 PM
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'Your news is one-sided.
There's 600 buildings burning in Portland.'

yeah the funniest Armchair is the leftist radio announcer who claimed the protests were all peaceful. The next day he arrived at his burnt down workplace. You could not make this stuff up.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 28 July 2020 3:12:02 PM
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I wonder if most sensible people are coming back towards the centre ?

In the US. a 'Million Unmasked March' mustered 150 people. The idiotic gaggle here for the BLM thingo mustered barely 50.

I was hoping for a million people to turn out on the US, unmasked, to prove that the virus was a hoax, to all gather close together for hours, singing patriotic songs, risking the flu, listening to long speeches by Trumpf clones and generally fraternising with each other and perhaps more so with each others' wives. Yeah, that would show the Chinese, and the child-killers, and the euthanasiasts, and the Muslims, and the thugs throwing smoking molotov cocktails everywhere.

But my hopes were dashed, I think by common sense, which, to my surprise, exists even in the US.

Posted by loudmouth2, Tuesday, 28 July 2020 3:14:21 PM
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To Joe Loudmouth-

I only spent a second researching this- it seems a bit confusing- there are counter protests- usually this is a leftist tactic...

This particular protest seems to come from the "right" some members being from the "Citizen Kelly Show". Their issue seems to come from a position of mistrust in big government and contemporary leftist policy.

The "Leftist" BLM protests also seem to be contemptuous of Corona measures.

Fascinating that those on the left and right have come to similar conclusions but perhaps for different core reasons.
Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 29 July 2020 2:51:36 AM
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AC, this video in 'The Guardian' shows a wall of Moms at the front of a very peaceful BLM protest in Portland US, can't see a puff of smoke in sight. Where are those 600 burning building you and Trump claim exist. Trump's fake news to justify his heavy handed military action against a majority peaceful protest.

Runner, just a little bit of history for you when you say; " blm's have learn't from the Palestinians who use kids and women as human shields"
Nah, Colonel Custer used Indian women and children as human shields back in the 1870's.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 29 July 2020 6:28:35 AM
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My point, obviously wasted, was that the great majority of people (including those who might have been tempted to go on one sort of demo or another) are clustering around the middle, taking centrist political positions and avoiding the idiots on both 'left' and right.

Perhaps we're looking at the decline of both Left-idiot policies and Right-idiot policies ? And conspiracy theories from both sides ?

Ah, of course, but that's what they want you to think, while they implant microchips into you by remote control through 5G. Bloody Swedes.

No, it's an un-named group, so deep that even their name is unknown except to initiates, who really control the Swedes, the Chinese, the Jews, cryptocurrencies, etc., even though those [poor fools don't know it.

And the tiny clique which control that secret group are probably in plain sight: it's probably a group of prominent politicians - headed by Trumpf in his cunning guise as the bungling moron in charge of the most powerful country in the world but which can't even control a flu outbreak:" .... The US has five per cent of the world's population and 25 per cent of the world's corona virus deaths."

Devilishly clever.

JFC, now I'm in trouble.

Posted by loudmouth2, Wednesday, 29 July 2020 11:29:34 AM
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To Joe Loudmouth-

You seem to like the moderates... the idea that the truth is somewhere in the middle... and you think you aren't being manipulated- have you heard of "The Overton Window"?

Everyone everywhere needs to struggle through the "fog of war" to determine where their interests lie. It's often difficult and confusing and complex and based on faulty information on all sides but yet we need to keep swimming even when we find ourselves drowning. We try to create a bubble of stability of sanity in an infinity of chaos. Sometimes we try to help fellow swimmers to safety- sometimes they can't be saved and are condemned to drown- and drown you too.

I find it's useful to stand on principles. But mine are not the same as others- that is the domain of another culture.

If you've seen the movie "Inception" you'll have some understanding of what I mean.
Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 29 July 2020 11:54:25 AM
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Antifa rioters has been burning down Businesses in Black neighbourhood.

There are few people who have contributed to the Trump Derangement Syndrome gripping half the nation than Joe Scarborough of MSNBC. Along with this co-host, guests, and other hosts at MSNBC, Scarborough fed the anti-Trump movement an almost four-year diet of paranoia and conspiracy theories.

That derangement is a backdrop and breeding ground for the BLM-Antifa riots taking place now in Portland and Seattle, and spreading elsewhere. Unlike the widespread earlier rioting and looting, the focus now is burning down federal courthouses and attacking the police, particularly federal law enforcement guarding federal buildings and property.
Posted by Josephus, Wednesday, 29 July 2020 4:03:52 PM
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Republican Party history on African Slaves.
Posted by Josephus, Wednesday, 29 July 2020 6:08:01 PM
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Josephus, I have no affection for the American political system. Do I have some affinity with these Democrats or Republicans, no none at all. As if there is some great alternative choice on offer by voting for one or the other, the same monster with two heads. Trump is a massive danger to the world, Biden will prove to be much the same, assuming he gets voted in.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 30 July 2020 6:15:38 AM
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Although there are some similarities, we really have it a whole lot different in Australia then the situation is in America.

Whilst we do have some horrible history;

- We DO NOT have a history of slavery.
- We have a different health system;
- We have different bail laws.

These 3 things fundamentally change the situation in Australia as compared to the system in America.

That said, in America, blacks commit more crimes against every other ethnic group than every other ethnic group commits against them.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 30 July 2020 7:24:54 AM
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Oh yeah '600 buildings burning' in Portland.
- I tried to find a video or source to where I'd heard it but I couldn't find it.
I did hear it somewhere, and the mainstream media isn't saying too much about Portland.

I accept its a dubious claim, and is probably incorrect.

I do know however that there has been riots going on in Portland for over 50days now, and there is a lot of arson.
Whether the 600 buildings figure is true regarding this entire 50+ days period I'm not sure.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 30 July 2020 7:52:59 AM
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Dear Armchair Critic,

You wrote;

Hey SteeleRedux,
Your news is one-sided.
There's 600 buildings burning in Portland.

You are now thankfully walking the comment back.

Here are some observations from someone on the ground in Portland.

So I'm wondering if you have found out where your information came from and what their agenda was?
Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 30 July 2020 11:17:57 AM
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Oh, in case you are interested here is the location of the 2-4 city block involved in the protests.

No idea how they squeezed 600 houses in there.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 30 July 2020 11:49:00 AM
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The protests the wife and I have been involved in have overwhelmingly been peaceful. Before the BLM we had the annual 'Invasion Day' rally in Sydney, 26th January, with 5,000 or more taking part. The vast majority 99% came along like us with no intention, and no capability of being violent. Granted you get a handful of "hot heads", but they are few in number. The "hot heads" are lucky if they can draw 50 supporters at best, more like 5. The protest organisers cooperated with police, cops were okay. I recall saying to one officer while stopped, "ÖT this morning", the reply came back, "Yeah, great". As for those "hot heads" they would set themselves up down near Town Hall, with their megaphone and yelling out their message. The bystanders were more curious and amused than willing believers in what they had to say. Then its off to Hyde Park for a plate of ethnic fair for lunch. All in a days protest.

BTW went to the BLM protest in Brisbane, met up with the niece and her friends at Southbank and we had lunch before leaving them and catching the train home, too many people. All in a days protest.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 31 July 2020 8:53:40 AM
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Thanks for everyone's contributions on this topic. I'm glad that Graham Y was able to let it go ahead. It seems to have been a popular topic reaching over 140 posts.

This topic was based on the comment...

"Black Lives Matter is based on the principle that all white people are privileged and complicit in a culture of rape of black people."

This seems to be based on Trotsky's concept of permanent revolution- those of us participating in movements such as Black Lives Matter need to be aware of this.

In my view every culture deserves their own nation- their own government, their own police, their own institutions, their own borders, their own people.

Thanks to all.
Posted by Canem Malum, Saturday, 1 August 2020 3:17:22 PM
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This nation and the world would be a better place
if we quit judging and projecting our own narratives
upon others. If only more people had some compassion
to look out for one another. And ideally a racially
integrated world could lead to us all having a more
peaceful and balanced existence.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 1 August 2020 3:22:34 PM
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Foxy said 1-

This nation and the world would be a better place
if we quit judging and projecting our own narratives
upon others.

Answer 1-

You mean like the narratives that you espouse?
I believe that everyone should be able to have their own narrative and their own community.

Comment 2-

If only more people had some compassion
to look out for one another.

Answer 2-

Yes the western world has shown a lot of compassion for other people- they have allowed immigration into their countries- despite their lack of reciprocity. Now is the time for western countries to look after their own interest.

Comment 3-

And ideally a racially integrated world could lead to us all having a more peaceful and balanced existence.

Answer 3-

Sounds like Communism to me. At least Foxy is consistent with her ideology.

"A personality cult quickly sprang up around Mao, similar to that which existed for Josef Stalin, with different factions of the movement claiming the true interpretation of Maoist thought. The population was urged to rid itself of the “Four Olds”: Old customs, old culture, old habits, and old ideas."

Similar ideologies has popped up in "Free Trade" theory- the paradigm that smoothing out the culture of the world's people will lead to a perfect capitalism.

I believe that people should be free to live with people they want to live with according to their own laws and institutions. The Equal opportunity commission, the UN, the Australian Government, etc seek to take away that right despite a peoples right to self determination...

"Article 1 in both the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)[23] and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR)[24] reads: "All peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development. " "

The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide

The UN doesn't give rights to people - people give power to the UN
Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 2 August 2020 5:27:44 PM
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The Cultural Revolution, formally the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, was a sociopolitical movement in China from 1966 until 1976. Launched by Mao Zedong, Chairman of the Communist Party of China (CPC), its stated goal was to preserve Chinese Communism by purging remnants of capitalist and traditional elements from Chinese society... the Little Red Book, which became a sacred text for Mao's personality cult,... damaged China's economy and traditional culture, with an estimated death toll ranging from hundreds of thousands to 20 million.

Marx's notion of communism is in this way radically individualistic.

Marx and Engels maintained that a communist society would have no need for the state as it exists in contemporary capitalist society.

Marx never clearly specified whether or not he thought a communist society would be just; other thinkers have speculated that he thought communism would transcend justice and create society without conflicts, thus, without the needs for rules of justice.

The Culture novels by Iain M Banks are centered on a communist post-scarcity economy...
Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 2 August 2020 5:55:15 PM
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Critique of Gramsci
The ideological apparatuses of the State

As conceptual criticism of cultural hegemony, the structuralist philosopher Louis Althusser presented the theory of the ideological state apparatus to describe the structure of complex relationships, among the different organs of the State, by which ideology is transmitted and disseminated to the populations of a society.[17] Althusser draws from the concepts of hegemony present in cultural hegemony, yet rejects the absolute historicism proposed by Gramsci. He argues that the ideological state apparatuses (ISA) are the sites of ideological conflict among the social classes of a society. That, in contrast to the repressive state apparatuses (RSA), such as the military and the police forces, the ISA exist as a plurality. While the ruling class in power can readily control the repressive state apparatuses, the ISA are both the sites and the stakes (the objects) of class struggle. Moreover, the ISA are not monolithic social entities, and are distributed throughout the society, as public and as private sites of continual class struggle.

In On the Reproduction of Capitalism (1968), Louis Althusser said that the ideological apparatuses of the State are... zones of society that comprise complex elements of ideologies of previous modes of production are sites of continual political activity in a society, which are

the religious ISA (the system of Churches)
the educational ISA (the systems of public and private schools),
the family ISA,
the legal ISA,
the political ISA (the political system, e.g. political parties),
the trade union ISA,
the communications ISA (press, radio, television, etc.)
the cultural ISA (literature, the arts, sport, etc.)

Althusser- parliamentary structures of the State- the "will of the people" is represented by elected delegates, are an ideological apparatus of the State... political system, itself, is an ideological apparatus, because it involves the "fiction, corresponding to a 'certain' reality, that the component parts of the [political] system, as well as the principle of its functioning, are based on the ideology of the 'freedom' and 'equality' of the individual voters and the 'free choice' of the people's representatives, by the individuals that 'make up' the people."
Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 2 August 2020 6:05:30 PM
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In Marxist philosophy, cultural hegemony is the domination of a culturally diverse society by the ruling class who manipulate the culture of that society — the beliefs and explanations, perceptions, values, and mores — so that the imposed, ruling-class worldview becomes the accepted cultural norm;[1] the universally valid dominant ideology, which justifies the social, political, and economic status quo as natural and inevitable, perpetual and beneficial for every social class, rather than as artificial social constructs that benefit only the ruling class.[2] This Marxist analysis of how the ruling capitalist class (the bourgeoisie) establishes and maintains its control was originally developed by the Italian philosopher and politician Antonio Gramsci.

In 1968, Rudi Dutschke, a leader of the German student movement, the "68er-Bewegung", said that changing the bourgeois society of West Germany required a long march through the society's institutions, in order to identify and combat cultural hegemony.

Perhaps Foxy and Joe Loudmouth want to continue "the long march through society's institutions" and create a culturally nihilistic world through communist hegemony.
Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 2 August 2020 6:12:08 PM
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Canem Malum,

You have no idea of my ideology.

You keep banging on about Marxism and communism
ad infinitum. My parents fled from communism.
Communists took over their country and occupied it
forcing my family to flee or end up in the gulags of
Siberia or dead like the rest of their family members.

My parents lost everything due to communism. Their country,
their family, everything they owned. So how on earth can
you even imagine that I would ever support any totalitarian

The rest of your comments you Sir can ... no never mind.
Not worth the effort. One request - please sit down and
give your mind a rest.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 2 August 2020 6:27:50 PM
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A rose by another name is still a rose.

Foxy said-

My parents lost everything due to communism. Their country,
their family, everything they owned.


So why would you promote policies which would take from British Australian's everything they own?
Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 2 August 2020 6:56:49 PM
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Canem Malum,

And what policies are those?
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 2 August 2020 7:01:46 PM
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One is high immigration that changes the proportional representation of different ethnic groups within Australia.
Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 2 August 2020 7:10:01 PM
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Canem Malum,

Migrants don't want to take anything away from
anybody. They've been raised to give and not to
take. To contribute. To build. And that is
what they have been doing for generations.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 2 August 2020 7:10:20 PM
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I disagree.
Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 2 August 2020 7:17:53 PM
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Canem Malum,

You would!
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 2 August 2020 7:20:07 PM
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Canem Malum,

However you're only 1.2 million out of a population
of 25.5 million people in Australia.

Do the math.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 2 August 2020 7:22:43 PM
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Ethnic Diversity Today

Understanding the history of colonization and immigration in Australia helps to understand the current makeup of ethnic backgrounds found today. British continue to be the majority with 67.4% of the population. This is followed by other European ethnicities: Irish (8.7%), Italian (3.8%), and German (3.7%). Those of Chinese ethnicity represent 3.6% of the population and the Aboriginal, and Native Australians are now only 3%. Other ethnicities can also be found, though in smaller numbers: Indian (1.7%), Greek (1.6%), Dutch (1.2%), and Other (5.3%). The “Other” ethnicity includes individuals from many countries, particularly European and Asian.
Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 2 August 2020 7:37:20 PM
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see the lying liberal left media still giving looters, anarchist and violent protesters who burn the American flag, burn bibles good press while demonising anyone opposed the draconian lockdowns, wearing of useless masks or showing studies that promote medicines that drastically reduce covid deaths. You would think a few more would care about their kids futures than allowing the marxist to get away with it.
Posted by runner, Monday, 3 August 2020 10:57:12 AM
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It seems that there has been a run on bile at supermarkets because of the virus. It's supposed to be good for poisoning plants. Ah, so that's why I can't see any for sale. You've cornered the market ? You must be a real misery to live with.

If god, in her wisdom, ever lets you into heaven, I think I'll plead with her to let me go to the other place. But soon enough, I expect I'd find god there too, not forever, but just for some blessed relief from the vicious, misery-guts whingeing that she has let herself in for by allowing you in up there. I think you'd have all the cherubims in tears in no time.

Posted by loudmouth2, Monday, 3 August 2020 11:36:07 AM
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Dear Loudmouth2,

Are you intent on doing me out of a job? Taking a rolled up newspaper to the snapping little mongrel has usually been my pleasure but I'm stepping aside. Well done.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 3 August 2020 1:31:15 PM
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The hijacking of America's BLM movement by Antifa whites and varying shades of Aboriginal identifiers in Australia has been described as "an act of ahistorical self-indulgence and …. political stupidity."

While no intelligent Australian denies our racist past, since the 1970s "significant fundamental reforms have taken place, including large-scale Commonwealth financial intervention in Aboriginal affairs following upon the 1967 referendum, the dismantling of racist laws, the Mabo decision, and the introduction of federal- and states- based land rights regimes."

The Australian ratbags completely ignore these facts.

Lies about Aboriginal deaths in custody; false claims about slavery and genocide; Bruce Pascoe's whopping rewriting of history, all continue to cause division and resentment that will solve nothing.

Malcontents unrepresentative of Aboriginal-Australians in general are making more enemies with each day, and giving decent people who realise that shrieking white elitists can't do anything for them (so they have helped themselves) a bad name.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 3 August 2020 2:30:27 PM
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What is exciting is that our current Government is
working to support initiatives led by Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander communities to address
the priorities identified by those communities.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have
worked in partnership alongside Government for the
first time to develop 16 new "Closing the Gap" targets.
This is a significant overhaul of the "Closing the Gap"
agreement that has now established new targets to
address some of the more pressing issues facing
Indigenous Australians.

We can only hope that under the new leadership and working
with the communities this strategy will work where others
have failed. The following link explains more:
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 3 August 2020 2:59:55 PM
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OOOOps. I made another typo in the link.

Here it is again:
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 3 August 2020 3:59:28 PM
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Last try:
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 3 August 2020 5:34:18 PM
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Now that video footage has been leaked as to the lead up the George Flyod's death one wonders why the lying left liberal media has not reported on it. Well I suppose if it wasn't George Flyod, the anarchist, marxist and other haters would of found another selective clip to cause damage and commit violence. What a bunch of hating sheep the regressives are!
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 5 August 2020 2:20:08 PM
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How come every post you put up, drips with vicious hate and anger ? Not a shred of Christian compassion in any of them ? God must be 'reconsidering', as the Russian proverb observes. Or more hopefully, she's getting ready for another bout of smiting and/or casting out into the wilderness ?

Posted by loudmouth2, Wednesday, 5 August 2020 2:54:55 PM
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' How come every post you put up, drips with vicious hate and anger ? '

you are obviously blind to what hate and anger is Joe.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 5 August 2020 3:12:25 PM
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Do yourself a favour and please proof-read your posts
before posting. Surely you can do better or is
something wrong that we know nothing about? If you
need help or counseling - speak up. R U OK?
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 5 August 2020 3:28:10 PM
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the degenerate left wing media next to no reporting about 5 year old white boy in his front yard shot by suspected black criminal in the US. Well I suppose their selective deceitful showing of George Flyod's death gave them the justification to murder, loot and destroy. No kids lives matter march? What a sick lot the regressives have shown themselves to be.
Posted by runner, Saturday, 15 August 2020 2:36:47 PM
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Why are you keeping up with spreading this hatred?
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 15 August 2020 3:42:37 PM
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A Black man kills a white man. That's criminal.

To then assume that all Blacks want to kill all whites, or that this incident shows that people can't live together is racism. Is that part of your religion ?

For a Christian, you have remarkably little compassion for your fellow children of God. I think I'd rather stay an atheist. I wouldn't be surprised if God felt the same way: she must look at you and think, "Where the hell did I go wrong there ?"

Posted by loudmouth2, Saturday, 15 August 2020 6:48:54 PM
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The truth about BLM.
Posted by Josephus, Sunday, 16 August 2020 12:20:22 PM
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I saw that story runner,
The neighbor killed the kid because of his white privilege.
It was a racist hate crime, no two ways about it.
The media aren't going to promote a story like that.

What do I think?
I think you're all a bunch of poorly informed muppets.
Black Lives Matter IS NOT about improving the lives of black people.
Democrats co-opt minority groups for the power they gain for themselves.
This is about balkanising the entire country to remove Trump after his first term, as well as putting police forces under UN jurisdiction.
Why do you think George Floyd's family called for UNHRC to intervene.

In the same way 9/11 was a set up to bring in new laws - ie the National Defence Authorization Act and the Department of Homeland Security, COVID-19 and the race riots are meant to bring in more law changes. All you need to do is look at the bills.

You people want to know the biggest most ugly truth?
There are no journalists to stand up for anyone's best interests.
They are all bought into picking one side or the other and no-one sees the bigger picture.

Not only that, my time here proves that no-one is willing to seek the truth and find things out for themselves anyway.

For over 4 years I told you all where to get the best info on what was really going on but you all ignored me. All of your prefer to be spoonfed the lies of the corporate media or be pushed into one side of the argument or the other instead of getting the facts and standing back to look at the bigger picture.

4 solid years of daily information, and you all ignored all of it.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 19 August 2020 3:33:11 AM
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Thanks AC for the video- You've mentioned George Webb before from memory.
Posted by Canem Malum, Thursday, 27 August 2020 9:42:21 AM
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These programs are interesting...

Some of these Black Nationalists believe that Black American's should move to Carolina, Louisiana and secede- at least they will have their own institutions.

Louis Theroux Weird Weekends S01E09 - Black Nationalists

They are giving drugs to prevent children going into puberty...

Louis Theroux - Transgender Kids

I wouldn't call them definitive but they do raise serious questions.
Posted by Canem Malum, Saturday, 29 August 2020 4:26:54 PM
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There have been such secessionist movements for many decades - Marcus Garvey back in the 1920s and 1930s; Robert Williams led one such movement up until the mid-sixties, then came back to the US from China and did some time for minor sabotage.

It dawns on many such people eventually that they are Americans, not Africans, that America - the US - is THEIR country as much as anybody else's. They built it with their blood, sweat and tears and it owes them.

But it seems each generation has to learn that lesson over and over.

Posted by loudmouth2, Saturday, 29 August 2020 4:33:08 PM
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To Loudmouth- Your argument is similar to the ancient Catholic idea that everyone returns to the church- but with a new coat of communist paint.

I see that certain people follow ideology and some don't. Some see different relationships between entities than those of communist or Locke Liberal or even Capitalist "Australian Small L Liberal" doctrine.

But ironically in a way I agree with you- most people return to their families traditions in the end.

Liberals verses Traditionalists. Top-down verses Bottom-Up.

The irony about "Locke" Liberalism is it's a Global Dictatorship.

See Patrick Deneen on the ABC (of all places)
Posted by Canem Malum, Monday, 31 August 2020 4:06:45 AM
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No, it's a simpler matter - African-Americans or Blacks or whatever you prefer are Americans. They're not Africans in nationality or culture or perhaps language. They are US citizens these days. They are Americans, pure and simple.

But it seems many other Americans, strutting around with their little dicks and high-powered rifles, don't see it that way. And they are therefore in the wrong about their fellow-Americans. The US never was, and never will be, a White Country and they need to get that through their thick heads.

The sooner those half-wits wake up to themselves, the sooner the US can get back to aspiring to be a Great Country, a fully democratic country for all its citizens equally.

Posted by loudmouth2, Monday, 31 August 2020 10:11:27 AM
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Black American's also see themselves as different from the whites. It's not only one way. I can't see the two parties ever getting along. We should let them each go there own way in relative peace. Lincoln was wrong to think that multiculturalism could work- maybe a change of heart led to his death. European leaders etc have said that it hasn't worked. It's only the social liberals who still believe it can work- even Foxy talks of her salad bowl. People need their own institutions- the UN talks about the right to self determination- let them both have it.

Maybe Loudmouth is proposing some sort of eugenics program to solve the ethnic conflict. Maybe propose that every white woman should be raped by a black man to "Make America Grey". Or perhaps just make the blacks the new elite and the whites the slaves so that white women are attracted to the black power. What will black women think of this- will they gang bash and break the white women's ribs and face like at the Melbourne Train Station.

I think we should give some of the "social liberal engineers" a few drops of their own medicine and subject "them" to a little tyranny.

Something isn't true just because someone says it is.

Why is Loudmouth's opinion more valid than another?
Posted by Canem Malum, Tuesday, 1 September 2020 4:07:33 AM
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Perhaps you're right, if you have some notion that Blacks and whites cant live together, that Europeans should all pack up and move back to their European countries of origin.

Just as bloody stupid, mate :)

Meanwhile, inter-marriage proceeds regardless. I'm puzzled why, in the US, more Black men marry white women than the reverse, while here in Australia, it's very much the other way around: here, something like 90-95 % of urban Indigenous women who marry, marry non-Indigenous men. That's been going on at least since the War.

I'm not even going to respond to your other idiotic and blatantly racist idea.

And no, as an opinion, mine is no more valid than anybody else's, including yours. That's what 'opinion' means.

Posted by loudmouth2, Tuesday, 1 September 2020 11:05:38 AM
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Joe Loudmouth said- "The US never was, and never will be, a White Country and they need to get that through their thick heads. "

Answer- Well some people believe that the US is a White Country- that is their opinion- and they should have the right to say it. Not kow-tow to a dialogue designed by the subversive communists, the low wage globalist industrialists and the social liberals (which the communists call useful idiots). I do sympathise with some social liberals as they try to be fair by choosing the middle ground but fail because the ground moves.

Joe Loudmouth does seem to have an uncommon empathy for the Australian Aboriginals. I remember him saying that he has a few relatives that are Aboriginal. It's hard to see beyond one's own "nose" or ..."thing"- at least we get to see another perspective on this forum. In many places people are persecuted for an alternative view.

I still think that a person should have the right to secede.

I see some value in giving Aboriginals their own autonomous zone (and even their own country) if this creates peace between the White and Black communities- the Black community is clearly unhappy with the White community. This has worked relatively well in places like the former Croatia/ Yugoslavia and is seen by many as the solution in Israel in the form of the Two State Solution.

Maybe it would work in Australia and the US too.

Personally I'm tired of hearing the same issues come up generation after generation without a solution.
Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 2 September 2020 10:09:55 AM
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BLM activists demand white people give up their homes in wealthy neighbourhoods.
Posted by Josephus, Monday, 7 September 2020 7:44:42 AM
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Hi Josephus-

Thanks for your post. Yes seems to have released this and there appears to be a youtube video that backs it up to a point- (I haven't watched the video). Also some Christian papers are reporting on it. It's hard to catch events like this on camera so they can be hard to verify. I suspect that Black people do hate and want to replace White people and Antifa (probably a prodominantly white communist organisation) is probably tapping into this.

When Antifa sets up photo ambush "stings" I suspect that they have at least three cameras covering the scene at the same time. I suspect Antifa have a written procedure somewhere.

Our side needs to learn from Antifa tactics even if we deplore them. This is an intelligence war- and everything is complicated in the spy industry. I remember someone talking about Australia's ASIO report recently- it mentioned two things- 1. the far right is on the rise- 2. foreign interference is higher than the cold war. The left only reported on the first thing of course. Of course the sensitive far right is likely to increase their activity if they detect a foreign threat. Sadly if our intelligence community contains the same ideological framework as most of our government departments and especially the extreme left wing bias of Canberra. Government diversity- possibility over probability- non representative bias. The intelligence community is likely to contain a large number of foreign born nationals and an ideology that contradicts a solution to foreign interference.

It's hard to know what is truth when the media is so polarized. Even though I don't respect the left wing media- if they are showing right wing stories then it is more likely to be true. I try to wait till the right wing stories hit the left wing media or some other independent source until I comment on it. Of course some never hit the left wing media because of bias... tricky.

Thanks again Josephus.

"War is hell son" and so is politics.

It all comes out in the wash eventually- sort of
Posted by Canem Malum, Monday, 7 September 2020 1:03:41 PM
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