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The Forum > General Discussion > More studies show up the global warming scam.

More studies show up the global warming scam.

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Global Warming Solved! Scientists Find Reforestation Can Cool The Surface By 2-6°C Relative To Grassland Area. [Huang et al., 2020] (Novick et al., 2020).

How long is since Tony Abbot told the dills this.

Of course climate change has nothing to do with their agenda. It is simply the tool the greenies/lefties want to use to destroy western democracy, to install their dream of socialism/communism on us.
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 5 May 2020 5:55:56 PM
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Dear Hasbeen,

So the greenie tree huggers were right, it's just a matter of planting more trees.

Are you going to don your tie-dyed tee-shirt and give them a hand?

And it is great you have referenced an article clearly stating that AGW is real and needs solutions to combat it. Never thought I would see that day from you. Congratulations on at least making this small step.

But you really do need to stop drinking from the coolaid at NoTricksZone old chap.

They twist, turn, misshape and mishandle studies like these all the time.

They have come to the understanding that planting more trees has a localised cooling effect and now they are trawling around trying to get supportive papers so they can claim they have an easy way out.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 5 May 2020 9:24:39 PM
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Just wait for studies of the effect on our atmosphere due to COVID-19, it'll be a massive improvement. But, once the travel junkies fall back into their indisciplined gallivanting GW will again be fashionable !
Jet planes are major contributors to air pollution.
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 5 May 2020 10:37:34 PM
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Steely we already have twice as many trees in Oz today, as stood at first settlement, Shown by satellite observation & CO2 is helping them multiply rapidly. Time for Europe to do it's bit.

As an aside, I bought a turf farm to run my horses. I planted over 500 trees, of which about 100 have survived. Part of that was I planted 200 Paulownia trees, highly recommended 30 years ago as highly successful agroforestry for grazing properties, providing shade & forage.

I watered the damn things through 3 years of low rainfall, only to have all bar 3 of them turn up their toes with root rot in the first wet year. Others were removed as undesirable.

The real success story in trees in SE Qld is silky oaks, [Grevillea robusta]. Not all that surprising as they are native of the area. I planted a few, which are now self seeding all over the place, & surviving both wet & dry conditions robustly, [like it].

Not great shade trees, they are beautiful & produce excellent timber for furniture.

I'll be very surprised if you could rival my tree planting over the last 50 years. I'm a great believer in using trees, but only as I wish. Damn fool greeny council rules about not cutting trees are a real hindrance. When some councils rules prevent property owners removing undesirable trees, you would be a fool to plant more in those districts.
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 5 May 2020 10:47:36 PM
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No doubt about ya China, you are a real chocolate!
Posted by Mr Opinion, Wednesday, 6 May 2020 10:02:14 AM
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Dear Hasbeen,

You write; “Steely we already have twice as many trees in Oz today, as stood at first settlement”

I have heard that figure bandied around before and whenever I have asked for evidence it has never been furnished. Are you going to be the first?

As to your 50 years tree planting record I agree I probably wouldn't come close besides which mine have mainly been mixed species around riparian areas so not done in bulk.

The utter over-exploitation of the timber resources in this country is a sad tale and the story of the red ceder is a case in point.

“However, as can be imagined, despite Governor King, in 1802, issuing a general order banning cedar cutting without authority, cedar cutting continued unabated.  It extending up the coast of New South Wales reaching the Tweed River by the 1860’s.  Then into Queensland, and finally reaching the Barron, Daintree and Jonstone rivers in north Queensland by the 1870’s.”

But they were still hard at it 30 years later.

“In 1834 an Illawarra correspondent to the Sydney Herald , complained of the disorderly conduct of the cedar thieves, referring to them as “a set of lawless people, addicted to bushranging and cattle stealing”.  Another correspondent claimed that they had “kept the district in a state of drunkenness and iniquity for years.”   The cedar cutters certainly led hard and lonely lives, living with even less comfort than the stockman – plying through the dense forest, physically slaving from dawn til dusk, wet, cold, filthy . . .  They were not popular with the settlers, nor stockmen, who looked upon them as unruly intruders.  Raping the landscape of Red Cedar, above the law, they actually had no rights whatsoever on the land.”

As to the study that Notricks is frothing over the authors are not climate scientist but were looking at the local impacts of the cooling effects of forest coverage. Over course providing shade and increased evapotranspiration will have a greater cooling effect than grasslands. These guys were just confirming common sense.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Wednesday, 6 May 2020 12:37:40 PM
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