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Howard, immigration & electoral suicide

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While I tend to agree with your first para, you are wrong in your comments about Pauline Hanson. It is clear that you, and others, have been influenced by the spin of Governments, major political parties and other self interest persons. Pauline never 'ranted' against aborigines or Asians. If you actually took note of what she said you will see that she spoke against the Governments policies and not the Asians or aboriginals themselves.

Like Boaz said they did a 'job' on her because she was a threat to them and their cosy undemocratic two party system. Both the Feds and the Qld Government were involved in railroading her. We need more Pauline Hansons to show up the short comings of our politicians.

If you look at one issue she is currently pushing, FGM. There have been reports to Governments as far back as 1994 about people sending girls overseas to be 'done', FGM carried out here and even some doctors being involved. What has Governments done? nothing and agreed that it will increase. I asked my State Minister for Health why no one has ever been charged with FGM, although fresh evidence comes available at Hospital casuality departments. The answer was we are educating the most likely communities and there is cultural sensitivity.

Fair dinkum!. The parents are having pieces of flesh hacked off Australian girls, maybe on the kitchen table, and the Government is concerned about cultural sensitivity. It is traumatic for the girls and in some countries up to a third of the victims die. Recently 2 girls died in Egypt, where it was done in hospitals.

The hypocracy is great. Now and then there is a blitz and prosecutions on those carrying out their cultural activity of cockfighting, but nothing about FGM. Our Governments give tacit approval to this torturous practice.

Pauline is right to raise the issue, and other matters the Governments would rather not be exposed.

On high immigrstion. Both major parties are in the pockets of big business who want high immigration. He who pays the piper calls the tune.
Posted by Banjo, Saturday, 18 August 2007 12:25:41 PM
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David, you said........"Aime.. that article about the CIA is quite understandable, and the shocking idea of a general strike and union takeover is just as the same article."

David, I'm not exactly sure where you are on the issue of the CIA interfering with our political system. Surely you're not saying you 'understand' that they had to destroy the Whitlam Government?

I remember those heady days very well as part of a small group dedicated to "the cause." I was young, naive and had no conceivable idea of just what I was getting myself into. I soon found out one dark, winters evening and I doubt I've ever been so scared in my entire life. My pulse is through the roof right now just thinking about it. I left a good career with the Government and fled Melbourne within a few days to go bush. I never returned and consider myself very fortunate to have gotten out when I did, but I'll always believe that the unions were right to propose a general strike at that time. Someone had to stop the b...ard opposition! They were destroying a democratically elected Australian Government. Such a shame that the difference between the two major parties has become so blurred these days.

The sad thing is, I can see that exact same thing happening again should the Greens take the throne later in the year. I've done a lot of study since my 'life changing experience' and found that nothing has changed at all. In fact those forces that seek to obtain power at all costs have indeed multiplied.
Posted by Aime, Saturday, 18 August 2007 7:45:42 PM
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Boazy: "I'm going to try to contact her about some strategic methods which might make her look less of a dill."

I can only encourage you in this endeavour, old chap. With any luck she'll pay as much attention to you as she did to the other Davids.

Here's to Boazy's appointment as a strategic adviser to Pauline Hanson!
Posted by CJ Morgan, Saturday, 18 August 2007 10:09:07 PM
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Banjo said: "Pauline never 'ranted' against aborigines or Asians. If you actually took note of what she said you will see that she spoke against the Governments policies and not the Asians or aboriginals themselves."

She did mention that Australia was "in danger of being swamped by Asians", although the comment was aimed more at Federal immigration policymakers than the Asian communities themselves. Immigrants shouldn't be blamed for our own government's reckless policies.

Interestingly, Pauline Hanson's comments about Asian immigration have been echoed in recent years by New Zealand's Winston Peters. He has claimed that New Zealand was "being dragged into the status of an Asian colony" and has warned of "Asianisation by stealth". Peters is now the foreign minister of New Zealand.

A host population can easily feel overwhelmed by the too rapid entry of peoples from vastly different cultures who unintentionally challenge a nation's sense of cohesion. It is therefore the responsibility of the Federal Government to ensure the nation's absorptive capacity is not overborne. In this regard, both Coalition and Labor governments have failed. Hawke-Keating were subservient to the multiculturalists and ethnic lobbies, while the Howard Government's immigration policy is being almost solely dictated by big business. Once a proud part of the history of Australian nation-building, immigration has now become an absolute debacle.
Posted by Dresdener, Sunday, 19 August 2007 8:10:35 AM
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If SEQ runs out of water within 12 months, is the ethnic makeup of the population of any significance? This is about some profiting greatly from immigration at the expense of all Australians. I notice that Pauline now wants to stop Muslims immigrating: It seems that she still hasn't realised that the relevant issue is the way that immigration is being used to rip off all Australians, not the ethnic makeup of the immigrants. The proponents must be smiling broadly.

Divide and rule.
Posted by Fester, Sunday, 19 August 2007 12:22:16 PM
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Overall numbers is one aspect of immigration. Compatability and social cohesion is another aspect. From my obserbations, the main group that don't get along with others, even other Muslims, are Lebanese Muslims. But Muslims have a poor reputation in most western countries for causing social problems. We do not need to import social problems.

NineMSN ran a poll the other day and asked if people agreed with Pauline Hanson that we stop Muslim immigration. 56732 (71%) said yes and 23417 (29%) said no. Seems she is not alone.
Posted by Banjo, Sunday, 19 August 2007 2:41:00 PM
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