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Howard, immigration & electoral suicide

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I see little difference in migration policy's of both sides of politics.
While a certain lady is attempting yet again to rise to the top of politics with another view it is uncertain she can do so.
Demos has a view we are big enough now and some agree but this is more than true of the world it self ,can anyone see it in reverse without war or disease?
Howard may keep his seat but it is now not a conservative one, I like to think all who vote do what they think is best for them or even the country nothing wrong with that is there?
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 18 August 2007 6:35:01 AM
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hooray... AT LAST people are getting it and saying it :)

"Reap...what you sow" exactly.. the stuuuuuuuuuuuuuupid libs have wanted their cake and to eat it too. Just like the stuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupid replublicans in the USA. "ohhhhh DON'T stop that source of cheap labor from Mexico.. make a lot of 'concerned noise' and look like ur DOing something but for goodness sake..our economic well being depends on being able to exploit these people"

But then,... when the 'cheap labor' votes against them, and SUDDENLY the Democrats (or Labor) start increasing wages and conditions to what is deemed 'fair' then..suddenly the economic viability of the structures which depended on the cheap labor is DEAD.

Which leads to the obvious issue of 'WHY THE HELL ALLOW UNFAIR PRACTICES' in the beginning ? haaah... the simple answer is:

-short sighted GREEEEEEED.

PAULINE should be ranting against this, as well as the 'other' issue currently on her agenda. But..then in a frenzy of futile self preservation all and sundry will declare her "racist" etc :) and do another 'job' on her.

Oh..I forgot stuuuuuuuuuuuuupid labor :) can't leave them out of this diatribe.. what will they get ? aah..they (actually 'we' who vote for them) we will suddenly wake up to discover that our country and its policies are controlled by a small number of marginal seats which are in turn controlled by small numbers of well organized and politically savvy migrants.

Errr..what was that Dresdener stated above about 20% migrant populations and "Labor" sitting members ? I think..its called.. A FACT.

It is not 'electoral' suicide we should worry about, its NATIONAL/CULTURAL SUICIDE.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Saturday, 18 August 2007 7:10:26 AM
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Well said- You know I raised the issue that the Governments- please note I said " Governments' not Government are looking at making Australia a Ritual Slaughter country in the name of allah.

Dont get me wrong I have many Muslim friends David who find themselves stuck between a rock and a hard place. They can not object despite the fact they do because they HAVE to put the rules of Islam and Allah first.
So was it fair to bring them here in the first place.?
Sure was if you happen to be a migrant.

Perhaps not if you are an average Aussie who likes their kids to say the lords prayer at school and visit Santa at the shopping centers.
We must all be very very careful NOT to blame the Muslim people living here.
This belongs at the feet of our leaders on both sides.

After all it is NOT them that make our laws but the Government.

Rudds certainly not objecting either and I think this thread gives people a better idea who not to vote for if we want to try to keep any of our standards in Australia.
Yes Labour certainly do get a lot of votes from migrants.
Will you support them or perhaps Pauline who said over and over again - We DONT have the water apart from many other things she was purposly mis quoted on.

She did warn u
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Saturday, 18 August 2007 9:15:19 AM
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"Fester, do you think a Rudd-Labor Government would be any better?"

I doubt they will, Dresdener, though cutting the 457Visa rort might might improve things a bit. The whole issue is about the huge profits derived from immigration. The profits come wholly at the expense of all Australians and other countries, when you consider the parasitic reliance on skilled foreign workers, which our government engineered as a cost saving measure.

As for BD suggesting that Pauline failed because she had a job done on her, I would suggest that her behaviour has helped pro-immigration interests greatly. Ranting against Aborigines and Asians instead of arguing for the wellbeing of all Australians wont help.
Posted by Fester, Saturday, 18 August 2007 9:28:08 AM
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It doesn't really matter which of the two major parties are in power. Massive and unwelcome immigration will not be halted by Australian political entities. Why? Be cause immigration creates enormous indirect wealth for huge American corporations. In short, Australia is being used as a giant quarry to prop up the mighty US war machine.

Both Liberal and Labor are in the service of the CIA. They have been for a very long time. Remember the Whitlam dismissal? All organised by the CIA by clever use of what became known as the "loans affair."
Remember how Bob Hawke announced he'd look into closing down Pine Gap? Nope, maybe you're a bit too young? Hawke was taken for a 'tour' of Pine Gap, no doubt by CIA operatives and the whole issue suddenly disappeared.

Think I'm a little paranoid? Well, maybe I am, but take a look at this link to the Whitlam affair if you have the time. It's only one of many articles that can be found on how the CIA manipulate various countries, including Australia, to suit the American need.......

Interesting to note how towards the bottom of the article of how the Pacific Fleet was ready to bomb an Australian city to put an end to the Whitlam Government.

We may as well forget about playing politics in this country. A few individuals can do nothing to break the ties to the "mother ship" which is the US of A.
Posted by Aime, Saturday, 18 August 2007 11:18:02 AM
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Fester.. I think Pauline 'lost her job' for 2 reasons.

1/ She speaks with foot in mouth.. a striking appearance but not a fluent speaker on anything (hard to listen to, lots of hesitation etc)

2/ She did have a 'job' done on her by all sides. The "left" was just the 'attack dog', but they served the interests of the Right also.

I'm going to try to contact her about some strategic methods which might make her look less of a dill.

Aime.. that article about the CIA is quite understandable, and the shocking idea of a general strike and union takeover is just as the same article.

It just serves to underline how CLOSE we are to being consumed in an orgy of power grabbing by any side which thinks it has the numbers or the strategic positioning... on infrastructure or resources.

I cannot wait for my first encounter with the ETU on the issue of their (in my view)RACIST, ANTI-AUSTRALIAN SUPPORT FOR TERRORISM... which is how I feel about them.
I'm getting to know an ETU bloke at the moment, but I can't really say how...but there will be.. a demo at the ETU office in due course declaring our opinion that they are racist, greedy, treacherous and supportive of extremists.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Saturday, 18 August 2007 12:14:03 PM
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