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A new program aired on the ABC last evening 'REVALATION', the first episode covered the revolting story of notorious Catholic Paedophile Fr. Vincent Gerard Ryan. Ryan served 14 years jail for sexually abusing more than 30 young boys in 70's, 80's and 90's in Catholic parishes around Newcastle NSW. Of course the Catholic hierarchy at the time covered up the disgusting behaviour of this grub. In my opinion Ryan tried to use the program to mitigate and justify his actions. Why I say "enough is enough" Ryan is still a full member of the Catholic Church, worse still the Church still recognises Ryan as a priest, allowing him to practice the so called holy sacrament of the Eucharist, turning bread and wine into the body of Christ.

ABC podcast, about 30 minutes long.

George Pell personally invited Ryan to his own ordination in Rome, like the way Pell supported that other notorious paedophile Fr. Gerald Ridsdale. Was there an understanding, or even cooperation between these Catholic paedophiles in pursuit of their vile practices.

Ryan, now 81, should he live so long, will spend up to another three years and three months in jail for two more proven offences, committed against two boys during the 1970s and 1990s at parishes in the Hunter region.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 18 March 2020 9:28:00 AM
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'George Pell personally invited Ryan to his own ordination in Rome, like the way Pell supported that other notorious paedophile Fr. Gerald Ridsdale.'

a bit like the Clintons and other democrats were so close to Harvey Weistein and jeffrey Epstein. Of course it would not be in the interest of the abc to run something much more recent.jeffrey Epstein.

Yes guilt by association except for regressives
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 18 March 2020 2:00:23 PM
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no doubt the abc will feel morally superior in continuing to go after their man Pell while teaching fat nudist how not to leave skid marks around the place and have another one of their character crapping on whities. They are a charming mob paid for by you and me.

btw I have no time for the Catholic church but this won't stop the guilt by association mob accusing me of defending paedophiles as their dishonesty knows no bounds. I do wonder whether the timing of this is to influence activist judges.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 18 March 2020 2:25:20 PM
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>Of course it would not be in the interest of the abc to run something much more recent.jeffrey Epstein.
They showed that on last week's episode of 4 Corners.

You seem to constantly criticise the ABC based on the agenda you imagine they have!
Posted by Aidan, Wednesday, 18 March 2020 2:39:36 PM
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Aidan only the totally blind could fail to see the ABC agenda.

When is your next optometrists appointment? A good one could perhaps remove those blinkers you have over your senses.
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 18 March 2020 2:45:19 PM
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Well I applaud the ABC for hounding these people for what they did to the kids in the Newcastle region. And I look forward to their next instalment when they regurgitate the case of Milton Orkopoulos.

Whatismore, using the same criteria they've used with people like Ryan, they (the ABC) will assume that anyone even tangentially associated with Orkopoulos must have known what he was doing and therefore covered-up. I can't wait to see ALP pollies and assorted functionaries grilled about what they knew and why they hide it.

What's that you say? You don't think the ABC would do such a story? Surely you're wrong. That would only be true if they were utterly biased and had an agenda. Perish the thought.
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 18 March 2020 3:29:05 PM
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The manager down at 'Big Bank' in charge of kiddie accounts, although having abused dozens of children and done 10 years in jail for his crimes is still in his job, still being paid by the bank. The CEO of 'Big Bank' knew this manager was abusing children when the kids came in to open accounts, but all he did was move the manager to another branch where there were even more children opening accounts. In fact 'Big Bank'think so highly of this manager, he often wins manager of the month awards for his outstanding work with children.

BTW, 'Big Bank' still wants you to bank with them, and have your kids open new accounts with their kiddie account manager. The CEO of 'Big Bank' wants to remind everyone 'Big Bank' is outraged, and will do everything possible to stamp out paedophilia at the bank.

Paedophile Fr. Vincent Gerard Ryan, is not simply historic news, he is still a member of the elite one percent of Catholics who make up the clergy. There is no doubt about Ryan's guilt, he pleaded guilty to a series of lesser offences which got him only 14 years jail. In my view the Pope in Rome is directly culpable in Ryan's guilt, he knows about this dog, yet still has him on the same level as all other priests. Ryan just got another 3 plus years for other offences committed against children. When is "enough is enough". If I had young children, for their safety, I would not allow them within a bulls roar of a Catholic Priest, as that church knowingly has paedophiles in its ranks!
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 18 March 2020 4:21:48 PM
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From a post over on Australian Hunting Net:

"It would seem that though we all despise paedophiles, when one of them goes on TV he is seen to be telling the truth and that lying would never occur to him."
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 18 March 2020 4:26:25 PM
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Well lets agree that the paedophile priest Ryan should of been castrated. I imagine the snivel libertarians would of protested against that.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 18 March 2020 4:26:45 PM
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Dear runner,

Four Corners did an entire show on Epstein just this bloody month mate. What are you on about?
Posted by SteeleRedux, Wednesday, 18 March 2020 5:07:55 PM
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You said:
"... Ryan is still a full member of the Catholic Church, worse still the Church still recognises Ryan as a priest, allowing him to practice the so-called holy sacrament of the Eucharist, turning bread and wine into the body of Christ."

In the interests of strict veracity you ought to have added:

"When Ryan was first arrested in 1995, the church withdrew his "faculties", meaning he was no longer able to perform religious duties in public, hear confession or call himself "father".
However, he remained a priest and can still say the Catholic mass in private."

Puts a slightly different slant on things.

I don't doubt that Pell may have invited him to his ordination as they were ordained about the same time in Rome but what bearing does that have on the case, I know of a Police Commissioner who invited a criminal to his graduation but the bloke was not a crim at the time, what evidence do you have that Ryan was a paedophile when he was ordained over 50 years ago?
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 18 March 2020 5:48:38 PM
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runner, nice try at deflection, there is no relationship between Ryan and Weistein or Epstein. Like saying Jesus was a big "C" but that's okay because Muhammad was even a bigger "C", makes Jesus okay! There is a relationship between Ryan and Pell, just as there was a relationship between Pell and Ridsdale, gee poor old Archy Pell should choose his friends more carefully, some of their bad habits might have rubbed of on the grub.

You have been asked many times to name your church, being so proud of it as you are, but you keep it a secret, I wonder why. I've asked you if paedophiles have been uncovered in your church, and what has been done about them, you also keep that a secret. Could it be the runner church and the Catholic church have much in common?
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 18 March 2020 7:21:48 PM
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I want to share an information regarding the solar panel in Australia because Australia is a hot country where solar panel system is fastly growing.
Posted by richard01, Wednesday, 18 March 2020 7:53:54 PM
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Issy, your reference to "police commissioner" and who was at his graduation, birthday party, whatever, has no bearing on matters involving the rock spider Ryan. Does it somehow justify his actions. As far as I am aware, the defence didn't bring up that point at his recent trial, they must have missed that one.

The point is this grub, according to the Catholic Church, has the ability to miraculously turn ordinary bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ, the Pope can also do that, but ordinary Catholics can't, a remarkable miracle in anybody's lingo. Whether he does it in a church, in his lounge room, or in the sh!t house, I don"t much care. Personally I don't believe it, me thinks they made that one up, back in the day when it fooled most people. After all the mumbo-jumbo, unfortunately the bread and wine is still nothing more than, bread and wine, but they believe it, that's all that's important, runner most likely believes it as well.

BTW one of your gunnies went off in Wyong NSW today, with a number of licensed weapons, only one of his weapons was unlicensed, killing one person, wounding two, including a police office. Can you give us his name and club membership number?
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 18 March 2020 7:54:52 PM
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Can you give us his name and club membership number?
Can you also ask if you can get the reasons for the incident explained ? Was the offender a criminal on drugs or just your standard citizen driven to the brink by bureaucracy ?
Posted by individual, Thursday, 19 March 2020 6:56:15 PM
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Indy, good to see you and Hassy and the rest of the Usual Suspects have shut up about educated people, now they are the ones working hard in universities and other institutions, often funded by the government, to deal with the Covid-19 virus. It will be the educated, those dreaded academics you bang on about, the ones doing the research into the virus, the ones who will come up with the solutions. It will be them, and not you boofheads who will save the world from this disaster.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 19 March 2020 8:12:21 PM
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yeah, I can already see it happening, A million useless over-indoctrinated & educated beyond their comprehension pseudo Academics (they're the ones I'm on about) claiming credit for the work of a handful of REAL scientists !
Posted by individual, Friday, 20 March 2020 6:47:08 AM
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"Issy, your reference to "police commissioner" and who was at his graduation, birthday party, whatever, has no bearing on matters involving the rock spider Ryan. Does it somehow justify his actions. As far as I am aware, the defence didn't bring up that point at his recent trial, they must have missed that one"

You are not thick, well not very, so you can see the point but you choose not to; that's your problem.
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 20 March 2020 1:10:10 PM
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why give you any information when you have shown time and time again that you make up your own truth along with the Chinese and other regressives.
Posted by runner, Friday, 20 March 2020 1:28:53 PM
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Issy, on that altar boy thing. I do recall, it was in about 1964 when I was in the 'Sixth' and the final year of primary school with the lovely "nuns", and again the following year, 'First' year of high school with the fantastic "brothers". There were rumours of funny goings on with "Father" and the altar boys. Again in high school with another "Father" there were once more rumours of thing not being as they should be between the altar boys and the old parish priest. In both cases the church was attached to the school. I avoided being an altar boy for obvious reasons.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 20 March 2020 7:54:29 PM
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"... I avoided being an altar boy for obvious reasons".

but did you avoid being an "alter" boy?

We have obviously had different experiences, all of the priests that I knew as a boy were great people as were the nuns also the Marist Brothers, with the one notable exception (as I have mentioned) and he was more of a nuisance than a threat.

There was only one thing that we had to avoid with our parish priest, we had strict instructions to always approach him from the front as his nerves were not the best, he had been a Chaplin and had served in Europe, in the worst of it, in WWI.
When he died the local schools, Catholic, Public and Private closed and the students along with their elders lined the route to the Cemetary.
He was held in very high regard by all, particularly for his work during the Depression.
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 21 March 2020 8:38:50 AM
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Watched the final instalment of 'REVALUATION' on the ABC last night. It certainly threw the spotlight on George Pell, along with his rise to fame in the Catholic Church, it exposed the dark secret of how Pell sexually abused boys at Ballarat during the 1970's. Claims of child sexual abuse at the Catholic orphanage in Ballarat, run by the Sisters of Nazareth were shocking. Pell was exposed as one of those who along with Bishop Mulkearns, who himself was most likely a paedophile in the diocese of Ballarat covered up the crimes of the notorious paedophile Gerald Ridsdale among others.

Many, including myself, would like to see the Catholic Church in Australia, just like other organised crime gangs, declared a criminal organisation, assets seized. That other infamous paedophile mob in the Catholic Church the order of bastards, St John of God, was given a special commendation by Pope Francis himself. Disgusting!
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 3 April 2020 8:07:25 PM
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