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Joe Rogan Experience with infectious disease expert
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Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 12 March 2020 7:55:27 PM
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Steele, interesting pod cast, watched about 30 mins. Not to be alarmist, in 1919 'The Spanish Flu' killed 15,000 Australians in a population of 5 million. With about 300,000 spectators it appears The Australian Grand Prix has been called off after a two-hour crisis meeting overnight.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 13 March 2020 7:36:12 AM
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Hi Paul,
I should have posted this 15 minute grab of it an let people watch, as I did, the whole thing if they wanted. They did divert into diseases infecting the deer population in the US but I found it interesting none the less. The get back to addressing the coronavirus at about the 33 minute mark. It was good that they addressed some of the myths surrounding the virus. It starts here; but you will have seen it already. It really is a matter of numbers, as the video says this will go through the community one way or another with 50% of us becoming infected. What is important is we try any stop the numbers spiking and overwhelming of health services capacity. It would appear the best time to get this is as later as possible, when treatments are refined and the bulk of the expected spike has moved through the system. I had someone tell me that there are hospitals in Melbourne that are triaging in the carparks. People are advised to remain in their cars and medical teams examine them there. Interesting times. Posted by SteeleRedux, Friday, 13 March 2020 9:18:17 AM
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The WHO has released a statement saying that only one in 6 people will became seriously ill with this virus. Only one in 6!
You are correct, the more we stretch out new infections, the better hospitals will be able to cope, but even a small part of the population getting sick at once is going to put a severe strain on our health system. According to stories coming out of Italy, many people need to go onto a ventilator, even young people, and as an old nurse, I know that we don’t have enough ventilators in this country to cope with these type of numbers, especially if pregnant women get the virus and go into early labour. They might not need a ventilator but their premature baby will. Here in the Kimberley, health staff are extremely concerned about the virus getting into the aboriginal population, especially those in remote communities because so many have chronic diseases and compromised immune systems. Let’s hope everyone does the right thing regarding infection control measures. Posted by Big Nana, Friday, 13 March 2020 9:58:10 AM
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"I had someone tell me that there are hospitals in Melbourne that are triaging in the carparks. "
As I battle my own personal war against mortality, I visited the local GP yesterday. They have a gigantic sign outside the entrance asking anyone who'd visited the usual countries (USA not listed!!) or who had a temperature, or a sniffle,or a cough or a sore throat or .... to stay outside and alert the receptionist who would alert a doctor. Sure enough there were two couples outside being attended by a doctor in what could have easily passed for a haz-med suit. Said doc was running back and forth to get all the equipment he needed to diagnose whatever caused the particular issue. Speaking to him later, he determined it was an allergy to a local tree pollen, and that one of the suffers had been in to see him every year at this time for a decade for appropriate anti-histamines. My GP (not the guy in the haz-wed suit) agreed it is insanity to go through all that but that the edict had come from on high. Meanwhile, in Australia approximately 3000 people will die of plain old vanilla flu' this year. Just another example of the fact that humankind NEEDS to be panicked about something. But stay calm...once this is over we can go back to fretting over AGW. Posted by mhaze, Friday, 13 March 2020 10:12:05 AM
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Dear mhaze,
Yes I think those of us who are struggling health wise will need to be particularly cautious. This is what is happening in Washington State at the moment where it has entered elderly facilities, King County: 83 cases, 17 deaths as of a couple of days ago. As to comparing it to the Spanish Flu this is how Michael Osterholm addressed it in the video. Dear Big Nana, Even more concerning are reports of permanent lung damage with lung transplants post infection occurring already. As mentioned in the video the obesity rates of Americans compared to Chinese numbers is a real issue impacting recovery rates, something Australia is not immune from either. Posted by SteeleRedux, Friday, 13 March 2020 10:48:59 AM
Joe's skill is bringing a layman's curiosity to the discussion and asking the kind of questions most of us would like to put.
I found it engaging and informative. Hope others might do the same.