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voting age

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The voting age should be lifted to 25 years, which is when the human brain is fully developed according to the experts on such matters. Only old perverts seeking under aged whoopy pander to kids.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 9 March 2020 9:13:33 AM
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They eat up our taxes without contributing
As you don't grasp the difference between contributing & contribution you should really refrain from constantly looking like a prize git !
You're not contributing anything of value, all your contributions are silly quips.
You're a perfect example why the voting age should be lifted to 21 or 25.
Posted by individual, Monday, 9 March 2020 11:34:30 AM
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We will recruit an 18 year old to go to war and kill the enemy.
So it is hard to say he should not vote.
However the 18 year olds coming out of the protected atmosphere of the
schools have been brainwashed and will need a few years of the real world.

I remind you that Greta Thunberg turns 18 next birthday !
Now that should be a warning.
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 9 March 2020 1:30:31 PM
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In a democracy, a person who believes that "public good" exists and is worthwhile to forward, ought to start a political party named "The Public Good Party", then convince as many as they can to vote their party in.

Once voted in, then either employ the experts to determine what policies forward the public good, or if you believe that this knowledge is equally distributed among the general population, conduct the necessary surveys/referendums among those who desire the public good.

Demanding to deny voting rights from those who are for any reason incapable of determining what the public good is, is akin to denying voting rights from those who disagree with your party and its ideology. If this is what you want, then the honest thing to do is to openly declare that you do not believe in democracy.

As for children, there is no reasonable justification for their wishes to not be included in a democratic vote. If your claim is correct that they are incapable of expressing what politically they want, then their parents should vote on their behalf.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 9 March 2020 1:41:44 PM
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I am not that concerned about the VOTER, but I think I should be. However I am extremely concerned about the VOTED. Given the outright lunatics in government today driving Australia towards disaster, namely the 'Coalition of Fruitcakes' led by their fearless leader ScumO' Morrison, they being the VOTED. It was on a sunny Saturday last May when the VOTER made the terrible decision of making these fruitcakes the VOTED! Some of those VOTERS who made that terrible decision last May are the 'Forum Old Farts' brigade, and none are a day under 85! I ask at what age should we take the vote of Mr and Mrs Gerry Atric? A sinility test at 65 should do the trick, it would knock out some of the forums oldies that's for sure.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 9 March 2020 4:35:38 PM
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Dear Paul,

Have you considered the possibility that some of these "Gerry Attric"s may fully agree with you, but are only forced to vote in order to avoid the fine?

Many young people too, actually, curse the day they ignorantly handed in their AEC-registration form.

Let anyone of ANY age vote provided that:
1) they want to; and
2) they pass a basic test to indicate that they understand the process and what the different parties stand for.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 9 March 2020 5:55:00 PM
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