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Hands Off Our Cash!

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If two people agree on a cash transaction in private, who is going to know about?
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 2 March 2020 8:39:33 AM
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ttbn, people ARE and WILL try to keep on doing cash transactions.
The problem is that the bastards who are behind this push, also control the banks and have a long term vision of controlling humankind.
So the first of the line of scumbags put it, whoever controls a countries money, controls the country.
That's not the very words he used, but the sentiment behind it.
So all this is hedging towards their big plan.
What the problem is, is that once it's law, you will be charged as a criminal if you are found to be carrying $10,000 or more on you.
It will be reduced to #3,000, and then later to $1,000.
The point of all this is so the bank controls your money and where you spend it.
So the idea of withdrawing small amounts till you reach the amount you need, won't work, it's when you have that amount that you are vulnerable to being charged.
And don't forget, they will be monitoring transactions, especially those with a pattern.
Just wait till it's $1,000.
Of course most people won't care, they don't have six figures in the bank, and most lefties feel entitled so they bludge off the system, so they would be more than happy to see us lose our cash and join them in the dole queue.
I did warn people ages ago, and the usual mockers and knockers made their usual ignorant, arrogant, petulant responses.
Obviously these people have no money or savings, so not only have they exposed themselves as miserable, ignorant losers, but the fact that they have no money, so their comments are moot, as are they.
Posted by ALTRAV, Monday, 2 March 2020 9:54:45 AM
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Well it looks like it's too late, so unless people get off their collective arses, we are done for, as it looks like the banks cash grab legislation is doomed to go through.
Their pushing it hard so as to negate the amount of push back by the community.
We thought we had a chance with labor promising/committed to voting against it, and it would have failed because they had the numbers, but no, the rotten two faced creeps backed down changed their minds and have now said they are going to vote with the govt on this, even though the filthy pigs keep trying to distance themselves from it by saying it's Morrison's bill.
And yet their going to back him, what scum, the lot of em'.
Honestly this is the stuff of assassinations, and we're quickly heading that way.
And the idiots wonder why good decent people lose it and go nuts with a gun.
They can't get to these pricks because of the body guards, and now you wonder why, so they resort to shooting/killing innocent people, frustrated in the hope that their plight will be heard.
But so as to not get a wave of people suddenly attacking pollies, they keep the truth about the gunman's plight out of the media so the public won't get angry and retaliate.
Have you never wondered why we don't ever get a plausible or even a reasonable explanation about the shooter and why they did it, EVER?
We are fed the usual BS, which the sheep lap up, every time.
Wake up you morons, conspiracy theories exist because we can't get the truth, so people speculate and theorise with what little info they can find or dig up.
If more people would concern themselves with things that affect them and their families health and finances, instead of bloody fu$(ing sports, we would be so far ahead and so much better off.
Right now with everyone walking around with their heads up their arses, they have NO idea, NOT A CLUE, what's going on around them or to them.
Posted by ALTRAV, Monday, 2 March 2020 4:44:19 PM
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Look up the latest CEC report.

This is not the latest, I couldn't download it, you won't like it.
Posted by ALTRAV, Monday, 2 March 2020 4:46:48 PM
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I doubt that the poor daft things cheering on the the idea would have two bob to bless themselves. Most people live hand to mouth these days, and they really hate people who can buy things with their own money. It's all debt and whinging.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 2 March 2020 5:47:36 PM
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ttbn, too right, and yet we have to put up with their loser left thinking, and wonder why they don't get it or see it.
I don't care what the morons think about the FACT that the elite Jews namely the Illuminati, the Bilderberg group are to blame for ALL the worlds ailments and man made disasters.
The ones controlling or directing the group, do not show their faces and keep well out of the public arena.
You will find no real substance on them, and if you did, it would be removed before long.
I had bookmarked a very good site/report describing and explaining how the Rothschilds owned and or controlled 97% of world banks and financial institutions such the federal reserves and so many others.
Whenever I went to download it for a topic I was writing, it was not there.'
This occurred several times, till lately I can't find it any more.
Fortunately I have linked it onto a few responses to OLO topics, I hope if I have to use it I can find it again, in OLO.
This has happened to me before, every time it involved the Rothschilds.
I know it's not, so if you want to keep a low profile so badly, what have you done that requires such concerted and focused efforts to keep out of the public eye.
I wish a few more people would start digging into this evil, sick, bastard of a family, they won't believe some of the things they have done, and still doing.
Posted by ALTRAV, Monday, 2 March 2020 7:30:30 PM
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