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The Forum > General Discussion > Do Politicians Really Care About the People?

Do Politicians Really Care About the People?

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On the first day of parliament for 2020, it was "nice" that our representatives gathered in the chambers and delivered sad speeches of condolence, and back slapped each other in a show of unity over the bushfires. We are all saddened by the loss of life, and destruction of property caused by these fires.

However that was not the first order of business for the day for the National Party, whose constituency has been impacted to a greater degree than any other parties by these horrific fires. What did the Nationals see as the priority? Not the bushfires, or the coronavirus troubling Australia, the worsening economy, nah, climate change heaven forbid, but rather who gets the top job, and presumably the top money, available to one of their own as party leader and deputy PM. As Barney Joyce said; something like, who can be expected to live on a backbencher's pay...certainly not me!
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 5 February 2020 6:00:55 AM
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How's it all going Mark Buckley?

Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 5 February 2020 9:19:27 AM
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Of course there are politicians who are in the game because they care about people.

In Australia, they just happen to be the ones associated with Labor and the Greens who represent a society based on a more equitable distribution of wealth and power. They tend towards socialist ideologies which aim at reducing social inequalities and provide equal opportunities independent of a person's social status.

The Liberals and the Nationals represent capitalism and a less equitable distribution of power and wealth. They believe "greed is good" as Gordon Gekko proclaimed in the movie 'Wall Street'. They believe in unbridled exploitation of one social group over another social group. They believe that the legal system should serve the upper class at the expense of the lower class. Etc., etc., etc.

Look at Albanese and Morrison. It's easy to see which one is in it for the people and which one is in it for himself.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Wednesday, 5 February 2020 9:56:44 AM
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LNP and ALP are two sides of the same coin. I was in parliament when Turnbull acknowledged two retired MP's Alanah McTiernan and Bruce Billson and they were applauded! They were there because they lead a joint High Court action on stopping a reduction in MP's travel entitlements after retirement, they failed.
Crushing irony, Alanah went on to be made (In commonwealth retirement) a State MP and then a State Minister again. Does she get two State pensions and a Commonwealth one?
Brucie got pinged for not declaring monies paid to him.
We get what we vote for!
Posted by JBowyer, Wednesday, 5 February 2020 10:38:27 AM
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Mr Opinion: You must have a very personalized definition of what "capitalism" is.

Here's the definiton given by Merriam-Webster: "an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market." (

As you can see. The main-stream definition says NOTHING about most of the things you are claiming/hinting that fall under (or are due to) capitalism. That is, capitalism doesn't require:
- class structure,
- the "greed is good" mantra,
- the legal system being biased to one class than another,
- the unbridled exploitation of one social group over another social group.

If you want to visit example of western countries which have a private sector based on a very free market economy (ie: one heavily influenced by capitalism with regards to the private sector) then visit Denmark or Sweden.

If you want to visit a western country which has a lot of governmental interference with the free market in the private sector then visit the United States.
Posted by thinkabit, Wednesday, 5 February 2020 10:48:22 AM
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What a load of gobbledygook!

Political speaking, Liberal and Labor politicians are as different as chalk and cheese.

All you have just done is to show to everyone how a man with little knowledge takes a long time to tell you how little he knows.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Wednesday, 5 February 2020 10:49:24 AM
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What is your background?
Posted by Mr Opinion, Wednesday, 5 February 2020 10:51:22 AM
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Mr O, full of ignorance and bile!
You are a sleazy ALP supporter but balanced, a chip on both shoulders. You are beneath my contempt, begone!
Posted by JBowyer, Wednesday, 5 February 2020 12:29:45 PM
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Dear Paul,

I think that some young politicians do care about the people initially when first voted in.

But it quickly wears off. Nobody can remain unscathed in that pool of acid.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 5 February 2020 1:12:42 PM
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The Coalition puts funds into the coffers for the future but Labor blows it every time on securing the votes of the Public Service & the Welfare dependents.
That's why neither stays in power for any length of time because of the greed of the voters !
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 5 February 2020 2:04:28 PM
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"Look at Albanese and Morrison. It's easy to see which one is in it for the people and which one is in it for himself."

Come on, Opinion, Paul is the resident jokester!!
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 5 February 2020 9:11:42 PM
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The answer to; Do Politicians Really Care About the People?
I'm surprised someone bothered to begin such a topic.
Of course they DON"T CARE about the people!
As Yuyutsu pointed out, and I've said before, even if a new poly is naive enough to think they are going to make a difference, after a few weeks in the 'snake pit', he is quickly turned.
But in the main, most are there to line their own pockets.
There is no doubt in my mind, that the ministers with portfolios are definitely reaching under the table for the illusive brown envelope, any time they issue a major contract.
Sure they have to be seen to be doing things like enacting their election promises, but even those are heavily laden with 'kickbacks' at every opportunity.
Why do you think we get so much of our major public goods from overseas, because it is too hard to follow the money trail in a foreign country.
Many times it was pointed out that a poly went into politics with a net worth of X, yet when they came out they had gained more wealth than their total pay when they finished politics.
Of course there are many factors and variables to account for some of it along the way, but not ALL of it.
That sleazy scumbag, Keating, is a classic example.
He was at the door of bankruptcy with his wog partner in the pig farm with foreclosure and bankruptcy the talk of the day.
Then when he came out of politics he's suddenly worth millions.
Paul if you are either naive or stupid enough to believe that labour pollies care more about the people, then you are a shining example of a typical labour voter.
Sad so sad.
Posted by ALTRAV, Thursday, 6 February 2020 12:37:27 AM
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To answer my own question. Its easy to be as cynical as the likes of ALTRAV when it comes to politicians, believing they are only there to line their own pockets etc. Generally that attitude comes from people who are used to doing exactly that, or wished they could, but circumstance does not allow. As the 'Old Man' would say; "Its only a rort son, when you're not in on it", for some that's true. We're had crooked politicians, no doubt about that, Eddie Obeid is a shining example of such. Having worked with, and known many politicians, and aspiring ones, over many years, from all sides, I must say the vast majority are decent people who care about others, and truly want to make a difference. For most, and that's the majority, those who are not the PM or Premier, or a Minister of the Crown, 99% of politics is about the mundane, its their daily job. One thing an idealistic newbie will learn very quickly, and this includes all from the PM down, politics is about "the art of the possible", it requires a high degree of pragmatism. Not only in how he or she deals with the opposition, but also how one deals with those from their own side of politics as well, particularly for those in power at the time. In many ways this is perceived as a weakness by the voter, "its not doing what it promised, its not meeting my expectations". Politicians cannot always keep everyone satisfied, no matter how much they would like to, with an eye on the next election.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 6 February 2020 6:30:27 AM
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The way a person treats his/her family probably indicates to a degree how much a pollie or anyone 'cares' about people. Really it is bit of a nonsense question without measuring sticks. Personally I think a PM keeping his promise of a 5 day holiday to his kids and wife is admirable. Many MP's ditch their husband and wife for younger models which could also indicate they are selfish enough poop on the electorate.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 6 February 2020 11:35:05 AM
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If we look at the standard of road marking in regard to the centre lines on our roads then the answer must be that politicians couldn't care less about the road toll and the welfare of people in general.

I just drove on a main road which has 19 obvious road hazards in the first 20 kilometres mainly blind corners but including four blind crests and the whole distance has the passing permitting intermittent centreline and nary a double line in sight.

The New England Highway has blind corners and car hiding dips and the broken line going around/through them, likewise the Gwydir Highway, undoubtedly there are many more examples.
Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 6 February 2020 12:18:06 PM
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Indeed Runner, it has long be noted that most "Kings" only care for their cocks and their coffers hhahaha


And to quote Paul:

" ... Having worked with, and known many politicians, and aspiring ones, over many years, from all sides, I must say the vast majority are decent people who care about others, and truly want to make a difference. ... "

Truly!? Are you so naive? When considering the mainstream political establishment you are talking about people who have made a practice of locking up children, without charge or trial, indefinitely, in circumstances known to produce adverse medical outcomes. How many have been destroyed as a result of acquiring environmentally induced, irreversible psychiatric harm?

These people are absolute filth and need to be terminated in my view.

Australia has but about 25 million people and by the standards of other states a huge gdp. And yet, all too many in the community suffer from lack of appropriate medical care, lack of appropriate legal care, inadequate diets and homelessness to but mention but a few of the significant issues.
Posted by rEPRUSu, Thursday, 6 February 2020 3:40:01 PM
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New England you say Issy,

It was Bonking Barney who was tasked with redoing that line marking job up on that track, but unfortunately he couldn't get out of the cot on time. Well you understand when the beaver calls, what's a bloke to do!

Remember our jingle at the next election; IF YOU WANT A CLONKER IN THE JOB...VOTE FOR BONKER!
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 6 February 2020 4:37:21 PM
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"These people (politicians) are absolute filth and need to be terminated in my view."

After you have lined all the politicians up against the wall and shot them, that is what you mean by "terminated" is it not. What's the next step?

Judging by the above comment, you appear to be some kind of crazed extremist. Correct me if I am wrong.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 6 February 2020 6:26:43 PM
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"These people (politicians) are absolute filth and need to be terminated in my view."
Have you ever bothered to take a good look at the voters ? No wonder the pollies lose their integrity !
Posted by individual, Thursday, 6 February 2020 8:28:43 PM
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I think Australia should be ruled by Koala Bears.

And we should move Canberra to Byron Bay for the convenience of the bears.

Then we can run bare tours on push bikes to happy people up, while they tug on a "bunger" and blow smoke rings, through which must pass all new legislation.

Seconder for that?

Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 6 February 2020 8:33:11 PM
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Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 6 February 2020 8:33:11 PMI think

" ... Australia should be ruled by Koala Bears. .. Then we can run bare tours on push bikes to happy people up, while they tug on a "bunger" and blow smoke rings, through which must pass all new legislation.

Seconder for that? ... "

Absolutely. That would undoubtedly be a step in the right direction.


Posted by individual, Thursday, 6 February 2020 8:28:43 PM

" ... Have you ever bothered to take a good look at the voters ? No wonder the pollies lose their integrity ! ... "

Indeed, how much can a "Koala bear?"


It appears that you have become quite emotional and rabid yourself Paul. Though perhaps others here can attest that there is nothing new in that. You can, after all, be terminated from your employment can you not, and that doesn't necessarily involve lining you up and shooting you.

But it appears that you are in fact an apologist for these child abusers. How interesting. But what is extreme is "their" treatment of children. The fact that some of us want them removed and punished, to my way of thinking, is not extreme at all.

As for shooting some of them, that would be far too quick a death for them. I would prefer to have them locked in a pain amplifier and brought out for public humiliation and torture with their victims getting first dibs at "pushing the button."

But I operate by consensus for the most part. Post-conviction we would have a vote to determine whether or not to execute them. If the nation as a whole did not want this, so be it, but those who voted to keep them alive would be the only ones who would have to pay for their upkeep and the rest not. Those required to pay would have the option to opt out at any time. ;-)
Posted by rEPRUSu, Friday, 7 February 2020 3:30:02 AM
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rEPRUSu old cock,

I see you have changed your tune, its gone form; "need to be terminated" to, "be terminated from your employment", employment now being the operative word. To the reader that's a whole new interpretation.

This thread like so many others on the Forum is descending in farce, which I'm not saying is a bad thing. Although the 'Crusty Old Coots' brigade may not agree, they never do, as they perceive themselves as "Oh so important" are you important rEPRUSu? BTW, being relatively new to the Forum rEPRUSu (did you suffer some kind of typing hysteria when you chose that nick, or does it contain a dark and sinister meaning, which is beyond my comprehension?), I ask have you attained the prestigious age of 85 yet? The reason being I need to know if I should place you in the forums COC brigade or not, which is rather crowed at the moment, note the long line of Zimmer frames parked outside the Forums door, standing room only inside.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 7 February 2020 5:04:56 AM
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Indeed, how much can a "Koala bear?"
A more apt question would be "how much should a Koala bear".
Posted by individual, Friday, 7 February 2020 8:11:52 AM
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I can find the answer to that one Individual.

I'll ask the Koala Bears first cousin, Wombat. He runs the local fruit and veggie shop, I'll report back.

Posted by diver dan, Friday, 7 February 2020 9:26:46 AM
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I'll ask the Koala Bears first cousin, Wombat.
diver dan,
why am I not surprised to find you fitting in & conversing with the Wombats ?
Posted by individual, Friday, 7 February 2020 10:41:44 AM
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Seeing as how some of the muppets on this site think we are the same person, should we really play with their minds by dropping all pretence of sanity, and rave like them? The best insult I have received was that I was so dumb I should write for the ABC, which I sort of think of as a compliment. And don't forget the other clown who thinks the BOM uses a dodgy thermometer to take the temperature? How many does BOM guy have? How does he get from Mangalore to Broome, to take the dodgy readings? Seriously, we should treat this forum as a group therapy session, in between sipping lattes. I am relatively new to this playpen, but I must say I like it. The sheer stupidity of some of the far-right team is fun, fun, fun. And don't forget, If you're not having fun, it's not worth doing. Tommy Brolin, guitarist.
As to the lattes, I live in a country town north of Melbourne, and I am ashamed to say it is impossible to get a good coffee here.
Posted by askbucko, Friday, 7 February 2020 11:39:08 AM
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askbucko, Typically you malign those who do not empathise.
You have to be made aware of the fact that the right are the ones who create opportunities for the left, if we delve into the structure and performance of the two.
I choose to call them the 'blue' collar and the 'white' collar.
It is amusing to contemplate the left attitude towards business owners.
There is a comical notion that has been one of the main beefs with the left, in relation to the right.
It went something like; the right stole money from the left to become as wealthy as they have.
The retort to that is quite comically and obviously; the left have no money to steal from them.
I'm slightly disappointed that you have chosen to side with Paul, as he has far too deep rooted ideologies about the working class and the bosses.
I think I understand the frustration the left must feel when they see these undeserving pricks driving around in expensive cars and all the toys and lifestyle.
Most of these scum are gouging, but not off the workers, off the customers, who are indirectly workers if not from his company.
I too regard the employment of a non-owner of a company to get paid way too much for what they do.
BUT, I also believe that the OWNER, the one who established the business, put his life and assets on the line, took a huge risk, and so on, deserves ALL the profit the company makes.
The senior management people who work for big companies like banks and so on, absolutely do NOT deserve the millions they get paid.
So the moral of the story is just remember what it was like when you were out of a job, be super grateful that your boss was prepared to put everything on the line so that ultimately you had a job.
As an owner of industrial workshops, and a land lord, I am always rooting for the tenant, that he succeed and makes a lot of money, why?
Because we ALL make money.
Posted by ALTRAV, Friday, 7 February 2020 12:18:31 PM
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Hi askbucko,

Welcome to the Forum, please enjoy your stay here, we have a terrible shortage of intelligent thinking posters, I read your first 'blog' and I certainly like your style. you are needed to counter the goobers of the wrong side! Why would the 'Crusty Old Coots' Brigade get the idea we are the one in the same person, I have no idea. Could it be we may think alike on many topics, you never know.

Yes one of the COC's did claim the BOM was using a dodgy thermometer to measure world temperatures, all part of the Commie conspiracy on CC. Another regular COC on the Forum, claimed he had definitive proof that GW was a fraud....He had asked another old codger down the road if CC was real, that old bloke told our COC in true scientific jargon "NAH!" so there you go.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 7 February 2020 6:18:35 PM
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askbucko, I implore you to reconsider siding with this hopeless, hapless of a sad and sorry person.
You will be making a huge mistake if you side with him, as his beliefs are so arcane and pre-historic, let alone selfish and out of touch with today or anything equitable and balanced.
He's gone beyond fanaticism, bordering on mental instability.
I'll let you decide, as I know it won't take long before he exposes his flawed mantra's and dogma.
I hope you will see through him.
Posted by ALTRAV, Friday, 7 February 2020 7:34:18 PM
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Harvey Weinstein cared about people. He did attend the women's rights marches (pre cursors to pussy heads).
Posted by runner, Friday, 7 February 2020 9:23:52 PM
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With ALTRAV you get Archy Pell and Rolfy Harris. According this COC, a couple of misunderstood victims of depraved children. What do you say?
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 7 February 2020 11:07:49 PM
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Paul, keep it up. So far you are just an annoying, pathetic, irrelevance, it won't be long before you will be a complete laughing stock.
Your comments are way off, and your digs and quips simply explain your mindset and EQ.
I suppose you can't help it, you are wired this way, then so be it.
Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 8 February 2020 12:44:40 AM
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ALTRAV, you chose to attack me in the first instance describing me to Mark as; "hopeless, hapless of a sad and sorry person...beliefs are so arcane and pre-historic, let alone selfish and out of touch...beyond fanaticism, bordering on mental instability"

Because I didn't take your insults lying down, instead hitting back with a kick in the guts to a known weak spot of yours, you become all sanctimonious, the very poster who calls others "maggots" and "morons". All I can say to you is tut tut, you give it to me, and I'll fire right back. With your continued diatribes of gibberish and support for the senseless, and defence of the indefensible, you are an easy target.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 8 February 2020 5:53:59 AM
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Politicians shouldn't actually "care" about people, they should care about society. People should care about people but they don't & blame Govt instead.
Just imagine for one minute if Govt would stoop as low as many people are ?
The best coxswain can't win if the rowing crew is useless, same goes for politics !
Try & run an economy with indoctrinated drugheads flashing a BA ! Wouldn't work ? No, but that's what we're facing right now !
Labor or Coalition, the morons out in the community are so far gone beyond recover that the only solution is changing Education & that can only be achieved by ridding ourselves of the useless bureaucrats presently in charge, the bulk of whom are Labor !
Posted by individual, Saturday, 8 February 2020 11:24:00 AM
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"...why am I not surprised to find you fitting in & conversing with the Wombats ?..."

Well my!
Of course, I'm a country boy!

But Wombat, although not really my hero, is quite the Capitilist.
Should we give him credit for that?

To sketch you a picture; he owns (to my knowledge), two investment properties, rides a surf board when time permits, and his fruit and veg shop allows him time to escape, and is ugly, which makes him attractive to the girls. (I have a theory on that one).

Does he care if Politicians care? He doesn't seem to mind one way or the other! You see, Wombat is very focused. He eats roots and leaves! And thus is not married!
My sort of guy!

Would you like more? Story that is, I have a sneaking suspicion he is related in a distant way to Grand Pappy Amos and the girls and boys, of the family known as the "Real McCoys".

Posted by diver dan, Saturday, 8 February 2020 12:48:09 PM
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"New England you say Issy,

It was Bonking Barney who was tasked with redoing that line marking job up on that track, but unfortunately, he couldn't get out of the cot on time. Well, you understand when the beaver calls, what's a bloke to do!"

One would have thought that even a dim Green such as yourself, would know that roads are a State matter and have nothing to do with Federal politicians.
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 8 February 2020 1:03:02 PM
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Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 7 February 2020 5:04:56 AM

" ... BTW, being relatively new to the Forum rEPRUSu (did you suffer some kind of typing hysteria when you chose that nick, or does it contain a dark and sinister meaning, which is beyond my comprehension?)

You are full of presumption Paul, which perhaps comes about from a lack of evidence-based training. How do you know that I have not frequented this forum, from time to time, for more than a decade?

Even so, there appears to be a change in you. If I do not misrecall, you have always been "left of main" and "green." And for the most part, decent and civil. I cannot recall that it was ever your practice in the past to "play the man" and "not the ball" though this is perhaps understandable giving the nature of your political adversaries.

But they do appear to have affected you to the extent that in some not insignificant ways you have become a little more like them than perhaps you would want to believe.

I believe that in part this has occurred on account of the seriously precarious nature that the world is now in, and is an attempt by people like yourselves to achieve greater leverage with your audience.

However, you apppear to suffer, as many in this tin pot country do from one of the greater evils

(for want of a better term)

of this place. And that is that you have been socialised, de-sensitised and indoctrinated to the extent that you do not see things as they truly are.

For example, if any person inside ugly australia treated an australian child in the manner in which successive guvment administrations treated the children of the asylum seekers they would go to gaol for a very long time. It is child abuse, and plainly the perpetrators are child abusers
Posted by rEPRUSu, Saturday, 8 February 2020 2:53:11 PM
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So, suffice to say, I cannot agree with your pathetic and insipid view that most politicians are good people who care for others. They are rather career professionals who care for little other than them and their own.

" ... I ask have you attained the prestigious age of 85 yet? The reason being I need to know if I should place you in the forums COC brigade or not, ... "

Actually, I am only about 50

(and still relatively wet behind the ears hahaa3)

As for my nick, I wouldn't have thought it beyond your comprehension.

rEPRUSu is simply "Usurper" in reverse.


The crown is a baby stealing, child-abusing, parasitic and genocidal institution and its knowing and obliging servants are filth.

There is no statute of limitations on some crimes and the crown must be brought down and punished. Perhaps you would find that statement also to be extreme and would prefer rather to go down to school and have a lesson about jolly old captain cook.

Whilst you Paul may want to use a capital "v" for victoria I do not, for that is not the true name of that place but rather that which was imposed by genocidal invaders.

Neither do I refer to the Original people as Aboriginals.

They are to me the "Original Australians" and those closest to me are the "Nyoongar" people. Such a repulsive people that you cannot even address these people by their true names. So many destroyed, and that also in the post WWII period.

(And don't even start me on the extra-judicial killings committed to safeguard some of this country's darkest secrets. Most of you will not understand the significance of what I just said there, and it is best that it remains that way, but for those that do, you may consider it a warning shot across your bows and indicative of what is likely to happen if matters get any further out of hand)
Posted by rEPRUSu, Saturday, 8 February 2020 3:14:10 PM
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Are you for real?
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 8 February 2020 4:52:32 PM
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Here's another example of why they don't care or, perhaps they are just plain stupid.

"Road Rules NSW.2014.

Current 8 Sept 2018 [and presumably still so].
Part 9. Rule 114

114 Giving way when entering a roundabout.
(1) A driver entering a roundabout must give way to
a) any vehicle in the roundabout, and
b) a tram that is entering or approaching the roundabout."

How can one comply with this law when the centre of the roundabout is full of foliage and it is impossible to see one or more of the other entrances?

Someone must be responsible for obstructing the drivers' vision and causing a situation where an accident could happen.

Ever wondered why most roundabouts have negative camber?

Simple, that's the cheap option for drainage, and there has been at least one truck rollover caused by cattle moving when the truck reached the negative camber on the Gwydir/New England roundabout in Glen Innes.
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 8 February 2020 6:07:06 PM
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No prob Issy, our man Bonking Barney when elected, not only will he eliminate world poverty in his first term in office, he'll also deal with that roundabout problem of yours.

Now what's that about your horseless carriage and you can't see steam ships entering the roundabout, due to a herd of headless elephants in the centre? No prob BB's got a handle on that one already!

Now as BB's political hero from over the boarder would say "Don't YOU worry about that!" God rest his soul.

When you come to vote remember our motto: IF YOU WANT A CLONKER VOTE FOR BONKER!" Catchy is it not, a sure fire vote winner?

BTW, Issy do you need an Olympic swimming pool in your back yard, well how about a polo field, not your style, a sports stadium? BB is cashed up with taxpayer money, just wants to know how much to spend to get your vote.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 8 February 2020 7:14:36 PM
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Do you have a little celebration every time the road toll figures look like going up?
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 8 February 2020 7:53:30 PM
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Issy, no more than you celebrate every new mass shooting in the USA. See your pin-up gal, Sports Rorts McKenzie got the bullet. I hope not before she dropped a few quid of taxpayer money around to you gunnie mob.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 8 February 2020 10:41:27 PM
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"Issy, no more than you celebrate every new mass shooting in the USA...."

Well, I'm glad to see that.
Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 9 February 2020 9:43:01 AM
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No problem Issy, with COC's having driving problems BB has the solution, as always. When elected our man Bonking Barney will take all licences off all COC's, that includes YOU. Besides you have your 'Zimmer' frames, and motorised golf carts to fly around shopping centres in. That's all licences gone, driving, shooting, dog etc etc.

To compensate for your loss of licences, BB promises to issue every COC with a new set of government approved false teeth! How about that! Great policy.

Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 9 February 2020 11:04:43 AM
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After losing the spill against McCormack the other day I suppose Barnaby Joyce is now feeling like he has a lot less government in his life. So that should make him happy as this is the guy who told everyone over Xmas that he didn't want government in his life.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Sunday, 9 February 2020 12:47:24 PM
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I do hope that whatever it is that you've got is not transferable to human beings; is it painful?
Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 9 February 2020 3:03:06 PM
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whatever it is that you've got is not transferable to human beings; is it painful?
is mise,
Well, it infected SteeleRedux, Mr Opinion, diver dan & most other Lefties. Obviously transmitted in University ! Painful ? Only to the rest of us !
Posted by individual, Monday, 10 February 2020 12:53:15 PM
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Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 8 February 2020 4:52:32 PM

" ... rEPRUSu. Are you for real? ... "

Somewhat sadly, I do rather wish that I did not know many of the things that I do. I am according to some, empathic and am also a good listener, and many people have confided in me over the years.


what I am prepared to say is this:

Military "black site" for want of a better term.

Unwitting "Desert People" wander in and are detected.

An execution squad is despatched to safeguard secrecy and then dispose of the evidence.

In the aftermath, a member of the squad, whilst under the influence, confides in an old friend during a moment of a crisis of conscience

(trained lawyer and minor business personality)

visa vi the nature of the site and what he and others had just done.


Some years later, I became mates with the individual who was confided in, and upon coming down with cancer and in his twilight moments, and is is not uncommon, he began to tell the stories of significance in his life which is how I came to hear the story.

He was a veritable "Dragon's Hoard" of significant stories, some of which had allegedly come from his son who did at that time work with one of australia's security agencies.

Such as the alleged fact that the australian authorities have known full well and for a long time exactly which members of which country's political establishment ordered the Bali bombing.

But that they chose deliberately not to release this information.


Suffice to say, I did, I believe, appropriately report these matters. And, I have shut my hole about the lot of it for more than a decade and remained true to my promise. And that is the way I would prefer it to remain but ..
Posted by rEPRUSu, Monday, 10 February 2020 11:30:38 PM
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rEPRUSu, I too have concluded some very telling and unsavoury facts about a very evil group of people with visions of grandeur, who ultimately want to rule the world.
I've always wondered how they can achieve this, when there are at least two if not three countries that are difficult to manipulate, let alone control.
Then I began to realise that this group, actually just one family, were so wealthy, no one has been able to uncover their TRUE wealth, not what they declare.
They do it through the banks, by lending money to countries for major projects or investments, which are very difficult to repay.
The one who started this cockroach family once famously said "give me control of a countries finances, and I care not who is running it".
They have been responsible for ALL the major wars and regime changes since the 17 hundreds.
I don't make this stuff up, I just dig it up.
No matter how far fetched it may seem to the plebs.

Just a taster.
Posted by ALTRAV, Tuesday, 11 February 2020 2:21:31 AM
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What happens when a couple of conspiracy theorists get together?
Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 11 February 2020 3:19:38 PM
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What happens when a couple of conspiracy theorists get together?
Is Mise,
A Leftist convention that's costing the rest of us !
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 12 February 2020 6:33:46 PM
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Indy, are you suggesting I am a lefty?
Boy you really don't read these comments do you?
I am neither left not right, but I would say, on balance, the left are way out on left field and are so into themselves and their dogma or mantra beliefs that I can't go near them, they are very sick.
Where-as the right is equally full of scum-bags and even bigger liars, they at least, have a more workable mantra, and not some socialist, marxist, communist crap of an ideology.
Posted by ALTRAV, Friday, 14 February 2020 3:24:22 PM
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Hi There Issy!

"I do hope that whatever it is that you've got is not transferable to human beings; is it painful?"

Glad you asked that Issy, our man BONKER is on the coronavirus, note the red face, BONKER is injecting himself twice a day with the virus with no ill effects, it gives him the strength to carry on!

Following our fantastic successes in the New Hampshire primaries where BONKER scored 148% of the vote, with his nearest rival that decrepit old Colonel Sanders bloke whose policies are all about chicken scoring zilch. BONKER is certain to be the next Prime Minister of The United States of Australia. Hows that!

New policy; BONKER wishes to announce his new COAL policy. Its the 'COAL in kiddies Lunch Boxes' policy. Yes every child in Australia will be given a high energy, nutritious lump of COAL in their school lunch box everyday, yum. Hows that for an energy policy? Shortly BONKER will launch his latest book 'COAL in the Aussie Diet' packed with yummy COAL recipes you can prepare at home. BONKER has been eating COAL ever since he discovered its low in cholesterol and high in natural minerals. Fantastic!

BTW; Our exclusive polling shows BONKER has 27,000,000 of the primary votes for Prime Minister of Australia. Allowing for a slight margin of error that translates into 198%, and that dirty scum ball McCormack who pinched BONKERS job is on minus two!
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 16 February 2020 7:09:45 AM
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Those of you who actually care about the truth and are still willing to learn of the kind of underhanded things being perpetrated and planned by some of the wealthiest and most influential people in the world, might want to take some time off to read my link below.
I keep saying these guys are bad, and should be eliminated, well here's more proof again from a different source.
We are being targeted, RIGHT NOW!
Read it and weep.
Posted by ALTRAV, Sunday, 16 February 2020 5:31:28 PM
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ALTRAV, if we are to believe Daniel Estulin then we should be concerned about the 'Bilderberg Group' and what they may be planning. Is he being overly alarmists about the objectives of these elites? Don't know! You call for the replacement of these powerful elites, saying "(they) should be eliminated". How are they to be "eliminated", and what do you envisage as the 'New Would Order' once they have be disposed of? Could we see another group of elites arise in their place under another name? Like you have under Communism, Fascistism and all the other ism's.

BTW, nothing to worry about ScumO', is not on the invite list.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 16 February 2020 9:52:28 PM
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Paul, don't worry about Scomo, he is just another little fish in an ever expanding body of water.
You are quite right in assuming that once you eliminate one lot of evil bastards, there are a whole lot more of them lining up thinking they can do what the previous thieves couldn't.
So they get eliminated as well.
This is how the Elite handled the mass genocide of their own less than perfect people.
If you look at my video link I put up previously, all will be revealed.
For example, who would believe that the elite Jews were behind the mass executions of the lower caste Jews?
They ensconsed Hitler to the position he rose to with the help of the Elite.
And one of his orders were to kill off all the lower caste, infirm, queers, even Romany, and so many more.
This was at the behest of the Elite.
Check out the video, go on, what have you got to lose?
Posted by ALTRAV, Sunday, 16 February 2020 11:30:53 PM
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What supports the claim of my now dead "conspiratorial" friend with a son in the employ of the australian security agencies is that if you go to Indonesia and speak to the police or other members of their executive, they may well tell you as they have told me that indeed it was prominent members of the malaysian guvment that ordered the terrorist strike in Bali.

The Indonesians at least are not afraid to call it as they understand it.

And, one of the reasons it is claimed that the trash in the australian guvment chose not to reveal this is that the poms have a special joint facility with the malaysians hidden away in the jungle of what used to be called Borneo.

I'm all for targeted assassinations and the sooner that rabid malaysian pig gets a bullet in his head the better.

Millions of people in the world suffer on account of a relatively small handful of evil people who have got the guns and that is a situation that needs to be rectified.

Trump did a good thing i.m.o. when he executed that equally rabid iranian pig.
Posted by rEPRUSu, Wednesday, 26 February 2020 5:26:26 AM
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