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The Forum > General Discussion > Multiculturalism Did not Work

Multiculturalism Did not Work

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Don't worry everybody, things will be a lot different when China takes over.

If language is the measure of cultural determination I would definitely say that Australia is more bicultural than multicultural: Sino- and Anglo-. Look around the big cities, especially Sydney where one has an option of speaking and reading in either English or Chinese.

I was looking at Sydney Airport website last night. Yes I had the choice: I could either view it in Chinese or English. There was no French option, no Italian option, no German option, etc. Just English or Chinese. Simply because almost half the population of Sydney is of Chinese descent, with most using Chinese as their preferred language. I think it was Chomsky who said language was the only pure form of culture. Anyone?
Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 10 December 2019 6:36:21 AM
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Dear Belly,

You are always speaking truthfully. There is much merit in the things you have to say. You are like me, we call a spade a shovel.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 10 December 2019 6:40:31 AM
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"Multiculturalism began, for Australia, in 1788.
is Mise,
Wrong ! It was there long before then ! 1788 merely was the beginning of recording events in English"

In which language were they previously recorded and where can I get a translation?

I agree with Hasbeen, if people don't like our ways then don't come here
Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 10 December 2019 9:23:35 AM
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is Mise,
There are paintings, there are records by none other than Mathew Flinders & other such brave & competent explorers who found evidence of pre-European contact i.e. multiculturalism here.
The Maccassans visited Northern Australia long before the others & then there were the Gwion Gwion who also left evidence (Bradshaw Paintings).
Small scale multiculturalism but multiculturalism nevertheless. Even the Aborigines had different cultures hence their regular clashes with each other.
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 10 December 2019 9:48:22 AM
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I could bring to the discussion hundreds of things proving others visited here long before Cook
Not one of them, in any way, contributes to the modern Australia's needed debate on Multiculturalism vs integration
We can toss around all types of be nice calls
But I offer the post world war two migration and those it broght here, made us the country we are
Why did we need to change
Too the great grand children of that mass migration hold the same concerns I do
Keep their culture but show more respect for ours
Our culture need not be a victim of someone's intention to form one world one people
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 10 December 2019 10:52:52 AM
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People continue to make the age-old mistake of referring to race when it actually is culture.
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 10 December 2019 4:30:56 PM
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