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Multiculturalism Did not Work
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Posted by Belly, Friday, 6 December 2019 2:56:26 PM
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The over-educated simpledoms think it does ! Posted by individual, Monday, 9 December 2019 7:08:05 AM
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Posted by individual, Monday, 9 December 2019 7:12:19 AM
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Post ww2 migration worked, we gained good people and too learned a great deal from them
They kept their culture and soon ours as well Why the need for change, who is behind multi cultures in one country Be honest, some from the Muslim faith, convinced their God it the true one, will never integrate If the target was one world one people it failed What was the target? Can we see the truth if we in say Saudi Arabia tried converting some to Christianity we would soon be dead? Minorities , those who are the real reason this did not work, are in fact as racist as the KKK towards us in our country We need better some integration is worth looking at Posted by Belly, Monday, 9 December 2019 10:48:00 AM
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> Not enough to drop the middle eastern desert dress, One feature of multiculturalism is that people can wear what they like. Dropping traditional clothes is NOT an objective of multiculturalism, so shouldn't be used to judge its success or failure. > not enough, some, to understand our faith is not theirs but we have every right to be whatever we want Freedom of religion, including freedom to change religion, is one of the cornerstones of multiculturalism. Failure to accept it is a failure of our education system and of our immigration screening rather than a failure of multiculturalism. >A total belief far too many have, their God is the only true one, harms them more than us As a Christian, I now find myself lumped in the "them" category. Why do you think my religion harms me? >Nothing wrong with integration Nothing wrong with integration itself, but plenty wrong with trying to force it on people. >If the UN wants one world it must stop creating silly things like this It's one world whether you like it or not, but you seem to have completely misunderstood what the UN's role is. Posted by Aidan, Monday, 9 December 2019 11:14:40 AM
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Christ, Belly, nobody is forcing you to wear a hijab or speak any other language or eat funny food. As Aidan says, you - and every other person in Australia, whether you like it or not - can wear what they like, speak how they like, eat what they like, fart how they like.
Nobody is forcing anybody, but of course, most migrants and refugees (there's a difference, Belly) know that they have to learn English, gain a measure of employable skills and stay out of trouble with the law. And if every Muslim woman wore 'Australian clothes', what then ? You would complain that they're stealing our way of life ? And now that they are, how to round them up and keep them out of sight ? If it works for the Chinese and how they're treating the Uighur and Kazakhs, why not do the same with all foreigners here, isolate them, separate them, they're plotting to inter-marry anyway and steal our young women - is that it ? Is your bottom line that they shouldn't be here at all ? Well, maybe not all, only the darker ones shouldn't be ? And the ones with funny eyes ? Who deliberately dress different just to piss Belly off ? As far as I am concerned, multiculturalism is working: it always takes time, a generation or so. Of course, there are minor problems, MINOR problems, if any at all, as there has been with every group since 1788. But together we'll work through those. Enjoy the ride Joe Posted by loudmouth2, Monday, 9 December 2019 2:31:40 PM
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Aiden/Loudmouth try thinking like the true bigots
We have plenty, they even here, try to tell us every Muslim should be deported and banned My thought remains my view, burqa is something men force on women, it FGM too is harming our ability to get along with some Muslims Be nice damn me for an opinion you do not like But why for God's sake tell me why, we stopped integration and tried the fraud some make multiculturalism? I remain convince SOME ear the burka to express difference And too here and world wide an end is coming to the separatism we see as a result of this madness Posted by Belly, Monday, 9 December 2019 2:41:22 PM
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Your last post is just one big load of bull$hit & a disgustingly insidious attempt to distort what the real issue is ! That is my opinion ! Posted by individual, Monday, 9 December 2019 5:40:04 PM
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Multiculturalism began, for Australia, in 1788.
Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 9 December 2019 6:29:28 PM
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Multiculturalism began, for Australia, in 1788.
is Mise, Wrong ! It was there long before then ! 1788 merely was the beginning of recording events in English. Posted by individual, Monday, 9 December 2019 8:34:52 PM
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I believe we have a perfect right to not only expect integration, but to demand it of anyone who wants to come here, live in our country, become a citizen, & take advantage of what we have built.
No one should be given permanent residency, & never citizenship unless they can display they have integrated. Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 9 December 2019 8:46:10 PM
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I knew on starting this debate some would find they dislike me
Others would wonder how this lefty idiot ever found the truth Let me be clear, it is my view others, [you name them] including the UN came up with the bright idea we can live as one but with multiple cultures, each to be respected But consider this, post World War Two migrants grandchildren, in numbers equal to any other, name multiculturalism a failure Market days and boy I go to many, know heaps of stall holders from around the world, are full of such folk willing to tell me we have ruined our country Look with eyes wide open for just a minute, see Denmark, it has banned the Burka, said it is not part of our culture See the slums of France, or come home look at the Grandville area in Sydney. not Muslims, Christian Lebanesse [ ten even twenty years never worked living on our social security, Tell me what was wrong with integration How can, you tell me, extreme Islam [and it is here in numbers] ever mix with us Wait, tragedy is coming, it truly is, we will suffer an act of terrorism, maybe many, and know then if not now every countrys in the world can not kill its culture because a few think it would be nice Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 10 December 2019 5:51:04 AM
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Don't worry everybody, things will be a lot different when China takes over.
If language is the measure of cultural determination I would definitely say that Australia is more bicultural than multicultural: Sino- and Anglo-. Look around the big cities, especially Sydney where one has an option of speaking and reading in either English or Chinese. I was looking at Sydney Airport website last night. Yes I had the choice: I could either view it in Chinese or English. There was no French option, no Italian option, no German option, etc. Just English or Chinese. Simply because almost half the population of Sydney is of Chinese descent, with most using Chinese as their preferred language. I think it was Chomsky who said language was the only pure form of culture. Anyone? Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 10 December 2019 6:36:21 AM
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Dear Belly,
You are always speaking truthfully. There is much merit in the things you have to say. You are like me, we call a spade a shovel. Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 10 December 2019 6:40:31 AM
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"Multiculturalism began, for Australia, in 1788. is Mise, Wrong ! It was there long before then ! 1788 merely was the beginning of recording events in English" In which language were they previously recorded and where can I get a translation? I agree with Hasbeen, if people don't like our ways then don't come here Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 10 December 2019 9:23:35 AM
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is Mise,
There are paintings, there are records by none other than Mathew Flinders & other such brave & competent explorers who found evidence of pre-European contact i.e. multiculturalism here. The Maccassans visited Northern Australia long before the others & then there were the Gwion Gwion who also left evidence (Bradshaw Paintings). Small scale multiculturalism but multiculturalism nevertheless. Even the Aborigines had different cultures hence their regular clashes with each other. Posted by individual, Tuesday, 10 December 2019 9:48:22 AM
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I could bring to the discussion hundreds of things proving others visited here long before Cook
Not one of them, in any way, contributes to the modern Australia's needed debate on Multiculturalism vs integration We can toss around all types of be nice calls But I offer the post world war two migration and those it broght here, made us the country we are Why did we need to change Too the great grand children of that mass migration hold the same concerns I do Keep their culture but show more respect for ours Our culture need not be a victim of someone's intention to form one world one people Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 10 December 2019 10:52:52 AM
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People continue to make the age-old mistake of referring to race when it actually is culture.
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 10 December 2019 4:30:56 PM
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What does "integrate" mean?
Posted by mikk, Tuesday, 10 December 2019 5:52:44 PM
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Integrate is when the Left gets its way at the ballot box ! Posted by individual, Tuesday, 10 December 2019 7:00:04 PM
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Multicultural works for People schooled in the diversity of Western thinking, it does not work for those who believe Western thought is corrupt, and must be changed to monoculture Eastern thought. Some immigrants have come clearly to confront the Crusaders as they call them, and overcome them, which means, they have not healed from the scars of the Crusades. They are backward thinking to Eastern laws enforced by a cruel war Lord 1,400 years ago. It is below their pride to submit to the Crusader laws, and would rather die than adjust.
Posted by Josephus, Tuesday, 10 December 2019 7:34:06 PM
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People are asking if multiculturalism works as if it was designed with some specific purpose in mind.
So for me that begs the question: Why was multiculturalism adopted? Posted by Mr Opinion, Wednesday, 11 December 2019 5:30:20 AM
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Individual put some thought in to your one liners please
OK so we want to know what integration is or was It is or was what Islamic countrys would demand of us if we moved there It is what took place here, post world war two migrants both integrated and kept their own culture Be honest, not truly thing about this, multiculturalism seems, to be a word used to tell us to accept Muslims I do, but not all, not the few who show hate for us A government should rule for most not a minority No government can please us all, but as sure as I live the western world, slowly but surely, is rejecting multi cultures as a good or wanted thing Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 11 December 2019 6:07:50 AM
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Why is it that those who don't participate in the creation of our common wealth but hold their hands out furthest, invariably vote Labor ? Now do you see why the Left is pandering to them so much , plenty votes there ! Posted by individual, Wednesday, 11 December 2019 7:21:06 AM
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Indy it pleases me knowing your left exists only in your mind, truth is I am a centrist, left of todays right
You seem unable to focus on this truth migration, refugee flows, are seen by the right as boosting the economy, *constant growth* This thread talks about many faiths and cultures other than Islam, some very real failures in our current policy in this area Until we confront the truth, stacking more in the west to try to ease troubles in other countrys is importing poverty Too integration is the best and easiest way not separatism under the name multiculturalism Room exist to address the issue, try it not radom racism mixed with a left that never existed IF some one [I think it likely] is trying to bring about one world one people they are failing Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 11 December 2019 12:43:32 PM
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faiths and cultures other than Islam,
Belly, Yeah and, which of the others openly advocate our demise ? Posted by individual, Wednesday, 11 December 2019 3:31:30 PM
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MATE! I do not like the faith, but never let my imagination run wild as you do here
Look at our first Bible, understand it, it is one of the three born in the middle east And some claim it let us murder others Life must be hard for you Living henny penny like in a world waiting for the sky to fall My very reason for posting this is not to claim every Muslim is in any way a threat BUT to WARN multiculturalism did not and will not work Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 11 December 2019 5:12:11 PM
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'Yeah and, which of the others openly advocate our demise ?'
actually idiotic secularist calling for climate emergencies (by pushing the fallacy of overpopulated earth). Considering they support the mass destruction of the unborn it puts them on par with others wanting to destroy life. Posted by runner, Wednesday, 11 December 2019 5:18:47 PM
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And some claim it let us murder others
Belly, What page says that in order to gain World domination ? Posted by individual, Wednesday, 11 December 2019 5:23:49 PM
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put your money where your mouth is & tell us how much you donate to the starving ! Do you support those whose income doesn't catch up with the demands for feeding the little ones ? Oh, sorry, I nearly forgot-you pray for them ! Posted by individual, Wednesday, 11 December 2019 6:31:21 PM
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Runner/Individual apart from highlighting your bigotry and lack of understanding the thread is dead
Tried, truly did, even wanted to ask this * Do the countrys, all of them, our multicultural migrants come from practice multiculturalism?* Are Islamic countrys on board with it? Would we be able to open a pork bar b q shop next to our Christian Church in say Iran? Pakistan? Iraq, Saudi Arabia? Someone must think one world one people is worth a lot of pain on the way, including loss of culture and nationality In truth it would be, even with the pain, but only if we could leave all the never existed God Myths behind Posted by Belly, Thursday, 12 December 2019 5:34:50 AM
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i'm afraid I can't follow your waffle ! Could you please try to write in basic English ? Posted by individual, Thursday, 12 December 2019 7:46:12 AM
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indy you my friend can not follow anything and any one, come out from under your rock, try thinking with an open mind
See you in another thread and can only hope you bring your mind with you Posted by Belly, Thursday, 12 December 2019 10:45:23 AM
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I have the same problem with belly,s posts,some are too jumbled to even try to follow. I disagree with most on this thread as I dont believe we are multicultural. We are multiracial but not multicultural as all our laws, governance, education and military is derived from the Westminster system with a few adaptions. You will note that all the foreign cultural practices that are acceptable to us are already part of our culture. There are a few exceptions and we turn a blind eye to a few, like FGM, polygamy and underage marriage. But nothing of any significance and we certainly do not make specific laws to suit certain groups. We expect all to obey our laws and society standards. Problems arise when some groups desire to set their own standards based on their old countries ways. Posted by HenryL, Thursday, 12 December 2019 11:16:59 AM
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Hi Henry,
Perhaps a slightly more vague and appropriate word would be 'multi-origin-group' - as time passes, Australia has taken in groups for more and more varied origins, nd as far as I can see, quite successfully. Of course, some people from some groups have more problems adapting - or integrating, if you like - to Australian laws, customs, language and ethos. That's how it's always been - my Irish ancestors certainly had some trouble adapting to English dominance here (on top of overbearing dominance back home). In fact, in each colony, the first mature generations of local-born people also jibed as pommy-born toffs with their born-to-rule arrogance, forming the Australian Natives' Association in 1871 for example. So it was in all overseas colonies: in South America, local-born people called themselves 'creoles': whites born in the soil of the colony, even aristocrats like San Martin (whose family crest was pale blue and white, (hence the Argentinian and Uruguayan flags). Once those native-born took power early in the nineteenth century, the epithet 'creole' was taken over by the next group down the totem pole: the mixed-race local-born people. But let's stick to the fuzzy word, 'multiculturalism'. Of course it takes time to adapt, learn the language, get to understand the country and the people here already. But as far as I can see, the great majority do so. They inter-marry, usually in the second generation (so look out for your daughters and granddaughters, you alt-rightists). They tend, in the second generation, to enrol at universities at higher rates than natives. They take your jobs, as is their right if they are better qualified. They are not, and never will be, automatically your subordinates or servants. That's how it's always going to be in Australia, and always has been. Alt-rightists need to get used to it. Joe Posted by loudmouth2, Thursday, 12 December 2019 11:48:07 AM
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'put your money where your mouth is & tell us how much you donate to the starving !'
try minding your own business Individual. Why on earth would I tell someone who is Christophobic and has a habit of closed minded bigotry. Posted by runner, Thursday, 12 December 2019 1:03:43 PM
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Well still find the word, its meaning, some it includes, in my view unwelcome
Look at America, forget Trump racist bigotry, they never needed the word Multiculturalism But are , like us, made up from just about every race in the world Some do not ever intend to in any way integrate, why then are they here Posted by Belly, Thursday, 12 December 2019 2:34:36 PM
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I dont know if other countries practice multiculturism or not but I know we do not. I will continue to use the word multiracial as i think it best describes us. Multiculturalism was a term that Al Grassby borrowed from Canada and was supposed to blend diverse people into one nation, but it failed miserably. Remember the slogan 'Unity in Diversity', what rot, even two different types of muslims cannot get along, the whole thing is a pipe dream. No we had better go with integration and select those immigrants and refugees that we know integrate best. We do not have to accept anyone that turns up. Making some of the diverse fit is like putting square pegs in round holes. For example I am sure muslims would be far happier in muslim countries. The African youth in Melbourne have shown they are far from happy being here. Posted by HenryL, Thursday, 12 December 2019 2:40:38 PM
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try minding your own business Individual.
runner, Cheers for proving me right re your mentality ! Posted by individual, Thursday, 12 December 2019 2:58:52 PM
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It's possible that integration is working far better than many on this thread think. Many Muslim women wear 'ordinary' clothes, so are comparatively invisible, and many who wear hijabs and/or long skirts are happy to be here, it's simply what they're used to wearing; perhaps even some of the women wearing nikabs are too, it's just that their husbands don't want them to be getting out dressed, as they see it, immodestly. And of course, the Latin Americans and central Asians and Polynesians are getting along quite well here, it seems. Of course, many refugees would rather be back in their home countries if only they were safe to return to, that's what makes them refugees: they've had to uproot themselves to flee, and to learn a new language when they get here. Storm in a tea-cup really. Joe Posted by loudmouth2, Thursday, 12 December 2019 3:01:28 PM
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Fair cop Loudmouth you are right most do integrate
That was always the intention My dad, a man of his time, was racist towards refugees, [very long time ago] Overheard a conversation with a sitting ALP member, quote , they are the breeders in time their kids will be like us I never forgot and as a kid age up working in Sydney many migrants took me under their wings Italian family nearly made me one of them However not every Muslim would, or will ever integrate, faith nothing else, divides us needlessly Posted by Belly, Thursday, 12 December 2019 5:31:39 PM
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Wait and see, Belly :)
Posted by loudmouth2, Thursday, 12 December 2019 5:57:49 PM
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Extreme even primative, but the thread tells of riot and protest in India, because that country proposes giving rights to citizenship, to non Muslims Yes my words are cruel but he truth is Multiculturalism is a word used only in the west It took the place of a far better word integration, and that last word stopped no one from celebrating their past country and proudly being one of us too Some culture,some nationalities, some from within both will never even try to be one of us True and disturbing Posted by Belly, Friday, 13 December 2019 5:38:37 AM
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Yes my words are cruel but he truth is Multiculturalism is a word used only in the west
Belly, very true ! Mainly by comfortable & securely employed bureaucrats ! Posted by individual, Friday, 13 December 2019 6:13:56 AM
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You're aware that the vast majority of people in India are not Muslims but Hindu ? As well as Jains, Sikhs, Christians and Buddhists ? Joe Posted by loudmouth2, Friday, 13 December 2019 7:05:07 AM
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And, what a peaceful multicultural society they are ! You reckon that's why so many try every trick under the Sun to come to Australia ? Posted by individual, Friday, 13 December 2019 7:44:53 AM
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For god's sake you fellas, make up your mind - do you want to attack Muslims, or India, immigration, how people dress, refugee policy, population 'growth' or just brown-skinned people in general ?
Joe Posted by loudmouth2, Friday, 13 December 2019 8:48:12 AM
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Loudmouth Joe yes well aware in fact used the link to prove not all terrorists are Muslims
As seen in the white racist anti Jew Murder in America BRITEX bomb dropped last night even Labourers voted conservative Major reason? a wish to say who comes not be ordered toby the EU, this issue will kill the EU History tells me we had it good under integration ,my life was made better for post world war two migration I value mates from many backgrounds including a not practicing Muslim It will alway be true talking about this issue will be branded racist by some We will regret our policy once terrorism takes place here, maybe carried out by some living on our social security Posted by Belly, Friday, 13 December 2019 10:38:43 AM
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Joe, Yes.
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 13 December 2019 10:44:30 AM
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Loudmouth put the stick away I at least am telling it like I see it
Every time someone tells me not to hold an opinion my thoughts go to what next for freedom of speech and thought? The India link HIGHLIGHTED other races than WASPs have views that are not right but exist Not sure it is my right to say not right but sure my thoughts are shared by many Multiculturalism is a word invented for the west And totally not in Islamic countrys Japan and China too Posted by Belly, Friday, 13 December 2019 4:00:20 PM
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We're in Australia. What other countries do is up to them, whether we like it or not. How should we - here - interact with other Australians, as they integrate over time ? A bit like we all have done, more or less it seems ? Joe Posted by loudmouth2, Friday, 13 December 2019 5:36:25 PM
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Multiculturalism does not work anymore. Tough luck!
Losers! ......... Start getting use to being the white trash minority or get yourself a Chinese name. Posted by Mr Opinion, Friday, 13 December 2019 6:53:22 PM
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So you're not actually in Australia then ? Or perhaps on the same planet ? That would make some sense of your contributions. Joe Posted by loudmouth2, Friday, 13 December 2019 8:00:25 PM
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'Losers! ......... Start getting use to being the white trash minority or get yourself a Chinese name.'
only a problem if you are a snowflake. I think the gays, transgenders and coloured people will have more problem with Chinese name calling. Posted by runner, Friday, 13 December 2019 8:44:35 PM
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Loudmouth and runner,
Surely you could see this coming? Australia has a Chinese future, brought to you by your politicians, bureaucrats and business community. A future in which whites are seen by the Chinese as the trash minority. I suppose the good thing to come out of this is that Australia's new white trash minority now get to understand how the Aboriginals feel towards the whites after 250 years of dispossession and attempted genocide of their people. Posted by Mr Opinion, Saturday, 14 December 2019 4:00:25 AM
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We have had Chinese here from the first gold rush
And read about Lamming Flat and other racist riots against them No truly read how ww1 returned troops, then miners behaved Find time, SMH but other press too, to read the again highlighted story about open racism in India against people being able to enter that country OH I know it is cruel racist even a bit mad, but racism exists That word, thrown around even by minorities,in a racist way to claim? they are victims of non-existent racism! We can target those like me wanting to talk about it but we can not stop us from being racists Why must the west do some thing the countrys these folk come from would never do Are we being used to try out a method to prove humanity can exist as one Why, by who, what is the required outcome Just maybe Chinas brutal methods, inhuman efforts, to make every one a clone like person, is in play Posted by Belly, Saturday, 14 December 2019 5:00:20 AM
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Dear Belly,
If it isn't race it's class or gender or religion or something else. It's been like that for ever and will never be any different. Welcome to the real world of humanity. Posted by Mr Opinion, Saturday, 14 December 2019 7:31:47 AM
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Mr O if I could name one single thing that divides us it would be God, every one of the 4.000 man invented
Just read my facebook page and a poster claims Christ is the only God, the others he says are false Tell me then why did he let the others exist? Christ it is said, told at least one joke about non Jews Race, culture can not divide as much without faiths That poster, in defense of his God, damns more than half the world, by telling us their God never existed but his did Posted by Belly, Saturday, 14 December 2019 10:28:21 AM
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Dear Belly,
The existence of an all-loving, all-powerful and all-knowing God was disproven a long time ago. Trying to prove the existence of God today is about as rational as trying to disprove the existence of anthropogenic global warming. Posted by Mr Opinion, Saturday, 14 December 2019 10:39:27 AM
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Mr O yet some would gladly burn us at the stake for our opinion
Yet science has it right evolution wins that race hands down What do you think of my view without God humans would be one? Posted by Belly, Saturday, 14 December 2019 3:38:33 PM
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Quote >>Many express sorrow about resettlement, lamenting that "we were better off in a war zone or refugee camp than in Australia".<< I'm willing to chip in for airfare money if someone wants to pass the hat around, that is if she's not just saying it to get attention. - Don't say you you're better off in a warzone or a refugee camp when you've already gotten your citizenship. How much do you get from the Australian taxpayer and how much do you and you stupid criminal kids contribute? How much tax do you lot contribute compared to how much you cost the nation? Some of us are really quite happy to pay for your ticket back. The only problem is it wouldn't matter if you sent one back anyway because 2 more would come in their place. Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 16 December 2019 12:43:42 AM
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Sudan, small country very badly served by its leadership
War took place and South Sudan was formed, things did not get better We [love beats hate types liked it] brought migrants refugees here Melbourne has a few too many unruly kids youths, committing crimes Their mums told us on TV we are racists, no true saw it, the criminal kids? said so too Emerging totally racist acts from those who claim, and some times are, to be victim of racism? We, not them, are expected to be better, to say the poor little dears are ok to? be the criminals they are Suburb of Newcastle NSW corner coffee shop, everyone has one some time each day, from all races all backgrounds it is a place of welcome Mine was often with a Lebanese shop keeper we liked each other Sudanese walked past every day Good day, from both of us big honest smiles Snarls the only result, he not me, said you are importing trouble We often are but do not say that It would be racist to say that Even when it is true Posted by Belly, Monday, 16 December 2019 5:59:08 AM
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Maybe it would be a good idea to reintroduce national conscription and put all of those new Aussie multifunctionals to good use. When they're not tied up doing military training they could be used to fight bushfires, build dams, etc.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Wednesday, 18 December 2019 5:38:09 AM
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Mr Opinion indy will like that.
I agree IF the thing is service to the nation not military. We can innovate and get something back out of whatever the cost is. First outcome? build a national tourist trail fit for cars horses bicycles and walking, around our country rest areas include Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 18 December 2019 6:21:50 AM
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Maybe we could put together a wish list of all the things we want from our new Aussie multifunctionals and send it to ScuMo and his mates to put into action. Maybe Barnaby 'I'm as nutty as a fruit cake' Joyce could head up the department in charge. Posted by Mr Opinion, Wednesday, 18 December 2019 6:37:44 AM
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Mr Opinion indy will like that.
Belly, Yes, he likes the gradual change in mentality towards a common good ! Posted by individual, Wednesday, 18 December 2019 8:13:50 AM
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Indy we have had thread lots of them, about that subject
I always agree if it is not military service. You always say no make it military. Time long gone that saw such service make men out of boys We may need to re introduce your national service, war make things change If we must leave the threads intended path, ignore a very real future that needs addressing, let's think outside the square Why not follow at least one Nordic country? use such a national service even instead of prison, for some lesser crimes?. Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 18 December 2019 10:53:21 AM
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Thanks to every contributor just end it with this thought
Within the next ten years, this and the thread about refugees will not look as outrageous as some see it now Impaction on worldwide politics both issue will become the next big thing Along with sorry Loudmouth, world population, and its impacts on the environment climate change and just plain harmony in many countries Some future time may see one world one people but not without massive pain, and in the end, it is forced on us Again thanks let us find other things to talk about Posted by Belly, Thursday, 19 December 2019 5:48:13 AM
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Hey Belly,
Trump Impeached Told you all he'd be lucky to make it till Christmas Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 19 December 2019 12:52:43 PM
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AC fact is he is safe, no way his team will act against him
Prediction for 2020, Trump will FAKE illness and leave, not standing again Fox, within six months, will dump him Murdock is too smart to go down with him Old punter from way back, like putting a bit on the outsider Democrats seem intent on delivering another term to Trump Too many candidates currently relooking and find only Biden could win. So watch the pick Warren. Maybe not have my sixpence each way Trump will not stand if he does he will not win Posted by Belly, Thursday, 19 December 2019 2:39:50 PM
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Nancy Pelosis's venom glands must be just about bursting !
Posted by individual, Thursday, 19 December 2019 6:50:36 PM
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indy I am in debate, on another site, first thread.
With an American Trump supporter. He is quite lucid, no way using terms like Trump supporters here. Rather nice to not see the venom used here to damn anyone with another opinion AC knew [surely] Trump is not guilty, oh he is! but the result is known as not guilty. After Trump, is the interesting bit, he will be unmasked by his strongest supporters. Dumped on defamed [if it is possible to defame such a man] We, you and I will read thousands of words, millions of them, talking about how he used Fake news to? hide the truth he is Fake everything Posted by Belly, Friday, 20 December 2019 6:09:06 AM
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The whole circus is full of fake clowns & all the fake intellectuals are falling fake over fact for it ! Posted by individual, Friday, 20 December 2019 7:33:14 AM
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Truth stand on its own legs, truth warns us Trump is a fraud
Tells us offshore detention will become normal. Too warns Multi Culturism in at least some parts of the world is harmful Warns too, it will not continue in the west while the country's these folk fee would kill us for trying to live it in their lands Posted by Belly, Friday, 20 December 2019 11:04:16 AM
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Doesn't the Bible warn of the false prophet ?
Perhaps the false prophet is what we call Democracy ? Posted by individual, Friday, 20 December 2019 3:24:06 PM
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IF you insist on dragging the thread out please stay on subject
How many ways did that post HIGHLIGHT you are indeed lost? You tell us you believe in no God Yet drag the myth into prop up a view the Democrats are evil You in answering posts, get lost in your own mind. Have a great Christmas enjoy all Posted by Belly, Saturday, 21 December 2019 5:03:07 AM
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Isn't it Multiculturalism that brought on Brexit ?
Posted by individual, Sunday, 22 December 2019 7:50:18 AM
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yes! ah at last! yes, individual my old buddy yes!
We agree, it too, opposition to it brought about the protests in India. It will bring about a FIRMNESS in the west that the silly idea must end That ordering humans at any cost to murder the guest country's culture to bring about racial harmony will not work or be excepted ever Now my early shopping, not yet over, includes wonderful people from all over the world, even , as their faith says, wearing Turbins as the sub-continent does whatever, but we need not become ten countries. Posted by Belly, Sunday, 22 December 2019 12:52:34 PM
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Multiculturalism in Australia is a success if you are Chinese. The Chinese are the big winners in multiculturalism and Australia now has a Chinese future, especially with ScuMo hinging his promises of jobs and growth on bringing cashed up Chinese migrants into the country.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Sunday, 22 December 2019 1:00:11 PM
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NO! Mr. Opinion, if China is the threat you claim they by recent actions are clearly mono culture supporters
Over a million Muslims confined to re-education camps supports my view Posted by Belly, Monday, 23 December 2019 4:41:48 AM
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You misunderstood my comment. I encourage you to come to Sydney and have a look for yourself. It's not the Australia you are used to seeing at home. You won't find too many people like yourself walking around the streets. Mostly Chinese. At Sydney Airport all the signs and notices are written in both English and Chinese. A lot of shops around Sydney cater only for Chinese customers. If you cannot come to Sydney and see for yourself then maybe you know others who have been here and can tell you what it's like. Posted by Mr Opinion, Monday, 23 December 2019 8:40:53 AM
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If Hong Kong is anything to go by China will have to deal with so much internal strife that they won't even give Australia a second thought except perhaps, wondering how on Earth they'll pay for our coal !
Posted by individual, Monday, 23 December 2019 8:50:45 AM
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Mr. Opinion, Mate, please know I regarded Sydney as my home as a youth, went back three times to live
Grandville was my home Work took me back, and my Sydney no longer exists. But briefly, before leaving forever, lived in Summer Hill, near the center of Chinese Australians city within a city. I KNOW Chinese are in big numbers Too MANY think every Asian is in fact Chinese. Again know, for sure and certain, China is a threat, that we one day will find our selves at war with them But Bob Hawke brought about 80.000 of them hereafter that infamous massacer. Too many many more than you want to know, CHINESE HERE are feeing from? Chinese authoritarian rulers. Mate a truth, and fact, read our own official statistics. See eyes open the truth number of them here, more Greeks live here than Chinese, maybe more Indian continent, how many of Italian background China one day, bet on it will invade, but we are until that day, not under any country's control unless it is via scomo, Trump's America,. My Christmas wishes Mr. O remain safe PS we should, without doubt, push for Nuclear arms to at least wound the beast when it comes for us Posted by Belly, Monday, 23 December 2019 6:15:36 PM
Not enough to drop the middle eastern desert dress, not enough, some, to understand our faith is not theirs but we have every right to be whatever we want
Separatism hurts them more than us
A total belief far too many have, their God is the only true one, harms them more than us
Watch the bitter racism this thread brings but too see other places they use to talk in their own langadges about us
Nothing wrong with integration
If the UN wants one world it must stop creating silly things like this