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A ‘Voice’ for all Indigenous People

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cont'd ...

Dear Joe,

There's more at the following link:
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 14 November 2019 5:50:04 PM
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Maybe it could be run as an adjunct to the "Australian ".

More likely the Guardian though.

Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 14 November 2019 7:40:06 PM
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Umm yeah ok, righto

1/ So long as there is a genuine need for it and it is of genuine benefit to indigenous Australians;

I'll support:

2/ A one-off payment of a million to get started, and;
3/ A million in funding per year.
4/ Don't bother asking for any more because you're not getting it
5/ The idea must be practical, relevant and of benefit to everyday indigenous people, as well as Australia as a whole.

Oh yeah hang on, one simple clause:

6/ The newspaper can't be used to promote divisive bs like organising civil unrest on Australia Day;
- Or promoting not respecting the national anthem etc;


- It's perfectly fine to discuss these topics or for individuals to voice their own opinions on the issues, just the newspaper itself can't promote divisive actions or activities or funding is removed.

Now take the money and go away and make it happen;
And it better be bloody good.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 14 November 2019 8:46:34 PM
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Dear Foxy,

Well, yes, and the National Indigenous Times as well:

and of course, NITV and Imparja. But are they enough ? Do 'ordinary' Indigenous people feel able to contribute their opinions or news that otherwise wouldn't reach any media. I sometimes get the feeling that 'ordinary' Indigenous people are a bit alienated from existing media, yet have a lot that they could throw into the ring.

Perhaps you're right, another newspaper might not make much difference to the opportunities already available for people's voices to be heard. But surely it can't hurt ?


Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 14 November 2019 9:49:58 PM
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Loudmouth just a thought me, bad spelling and all, started a two page newsletter for the states road workers [once 8 thousand, then near two]
It gave the coverage you are thinking of in this state at least
I put it out in my office on a Sunday, unpaid but cleared to use the computer and fax
Every one of the 32 arrival points was asked to re print and hand it on
After becoming an official, others took over, sadly its distribution would now be for far less than two hundred
The method would work
Worth knowing we had a great Aboriginal rep she wrote for me about once every two months and it went out via fax to every one
Grants exist to buy computers
Posted by Belly, Friday, 15 November 2019 7:56:41 AM
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Dear Joe,

You asked me - are they enough? Of the current
publishing outlets for our Indigenous People?
My answer is - YEs! I feel there are enough
current outlets that are successful and adding
even more will stretch the money amongst a
small population trying to garner support. Resources
are limited as it is. I'd rather that publishers
like Magabala Books for example, and Koori Mail be
supported instead.

But having said that, I don't want to knock your idea
entirely. You tell me - it can't hurt? Well, actually it
can. dividing resources as I explained from an already
small group is not wise. But, what the heck. It might be
worth a try. With the proviso that - the new venture is
Aboriginal owned and led, and the talent and diversity of
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voices is nurtured
and celebrated.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 15 November 2019 8:06:40 AM
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