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The Forum > General Discussion > A ‘Voice’ for all Indigenous People

A ‘Voice’ for all Indigenous People

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Perhaps we could get the place back on an even keel.
You mean disband the guilt industry ? Deny all these bureaucrats their heinous satisfaction of perpetuating disharmony ? Hmh !
Posted by individual, Friday, 22 November 2019 6:33:53 PM
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“They [the Australian Aborigines] are, of course, nomads — hunters and foragers who grow nothing, build nothing, and stay nowhere long. They make almost no physical mark on the environment…They move about, carrying their scant possessions, in small bands of anything from ten to sixty persons…Their tools and crafts, meagre — pitiably meagre — though they are, have nonetheless been good enough to let them win the battle for survival, and to win it comfortably at that. With no pottery, no knowledge of metals, no wheel, no domestication of animals, no agriculture, they have still been able to people the entire continent…”

- W.E.H. Stanner, Australian anthropologist who worked extensively with aborigines.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 23 November 2019 9:04:56 AM
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Reminds me when our local indigenous tour operator plucked a handful of leaves from a bush & told the tourists "this is what the Aboriginals used for tea".
When one of the tourists asked what they boiled the water in, the tour operator was left speechless.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 23 November 2019 12:05:02 PM
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Thanks, Individual ! A beauty !

But there is so much bullsh!t like that:

* young men not allowed to take fish from traps except in a blue moon (i.e. Aboriginal people had 30- and 31-day months in a 12-month annual cycle);

* the 'stolen generation' with its lonely single example (Bruce Trevorrow from Meningie here in SA);

* 'deaths in custody', with lower incidence of deaths in custody for Indigenous prisoners than for non-Indigenous prisoners - the real scandal is why are Indigenous people so disproportionately in custody in the first place ?

* and now, farming: no conclusive evidence whatsoever, and none of the artifacts or evidence that one would expect to find IF there had been farming here in Australia before 1788, except perhaps for Dutch influences from ship-wrecked crews in WA and perhaps western Victoria, and on Cape York, as well as influences from Torres Strait Islanders on Cape York. But farming, as asserted by someone who claims to be Indigenous but has no evidence for that either, who claims that Aboriginal farmers were superior to 'mere' hunters and gatherers.

* and so on and on.

After fifty years, one does grow tired of lies and misrepresentation. I'm all for the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so I can't wait for some government to set up a Truth-Telling Commission to blow some of this rubbish out of the water.

Posted by loudmouth2, Saturday, 23 November 2019 1:30:40 PM
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My question would be, in regard to a published 'voice' for Australians with Aboriginal ancestry, is how much common ground could there be?

Is someone living in a remote community in WA, whose ancestry is fully Aboriginal, sharing any interests or common ground with someone living in Sydney who had a part Aboriginal parent, grandparent or great-grandparent?

I would think not. Are the issues facing someone living remotely in WA identical to those living remotely in NT or FNQ, enough to create common ground, regardless of different tribal ancestries?

Are there any issues which are particular to those with Aboriginal ancestry, regardless of tribal ancestry and how much Aboriginal ancestry they might have? I would have thought not. The only common language can be English, not that that is a bad thing.

We already have Indigenous television etc., and I wonder how widely watched that is by the target audience.
Posted by rhross, Saturday, 23 November 2019 4:57:50 PM
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how widely watched that is by the target audience.
NITV is watched very widely & I watch it quite often as it is generally better programming than the Commercial rubbish. They have some great historical footage. As I said, good viewing !
Of course there are times when the racial overtones get heavily exploited by the odd white Indigenous but hey, that's the way things are. I like watching the real Aborigines who don't bleat racism when there isn't any !
Posted by individual, Monday, 25 November 2019 5:58:04 PM
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