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Australian Greens
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Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 12 November 2019 10:52:14 AM
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- and wait eagerly for the day when renewable energy infrastructure, panels and wind-towers, etc., can be made entirely by using unsubsidised renewable energy. Say, around 2050-2080. In the meantime, China and India and eventually Africa WILL need coal to build up their industrial capacity. They will get crap coal from elsewhere if they can't get ours. And that's their right to do so. I wish them well. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Tuesday, 12 November 2019 12:06:07 PM
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Loudmouth well no!
By twenty thirty renewables will be about eighty percent of power supplied For get climate profit is driving it right now So banning coal now remains madness why kill our economy? Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 12 November 2019 3:17:22 PM
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So banning coal now remains madness why kill our economy?
Belly, Probably won't affect the Economy as such but it'd really reduce the passenger numbers on the Bandwagon. Posted by individual, Tuesday, 12 November 2019 7:42:39 PM
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I saw on the news yesterday where Barnaby Joyce said that the people who died in the fires around Glen Innes had themselves to blame for their deaths because they voted for The Greens. What a sick twisted thing to say!
This is an example of what you get from people with a one dollar brain. Any of you one dollar brains like to offer an apology for Joyce's comments? Posted by Mr Opinion, Wednesday, 13 November 2019 5:35:32 AM
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Amazing load of rubbish from the 'Usual Suspects'. The ALP has voted in an idiot for its leader. The LNP is crawling with what-a-be Nazies. Did you catch Albo and his Berejiklian look a like, no one can be bothered giving her name, having strips torn off them by a poor woman who had experienced the bush fires personally, what a pair of clowns, she's right they belong in a circus. Bonking Barny a political failure from the Nationals is claiming people who die in a bushfires are Green voters, are pyromaniacs who start fires National voters? The Fuhrer of the Nationals, McCormack is a total clueless fool when it comes to environmental management.
Remember the LNP and Labor are the same bunch of jerks who "fixed" the Murray-Darling for us. Now they are "fixing" the rest of the country. The Australian Greens policies, they are more comprehensive than any other political party in Australia. Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 13 November 2019 5:50:24 AM
IF we ever did it will be the death of my party
Share your thoughts in fact know only by returning to the center can we win government
Mr Opinion, mate, do you think if we do as you say other countrys will not take over the market?
Coal will still burn while our jobs and yes national exports suffer
TIME is against coal, sell it while we can