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The Forum > General Discussion > Extinction rebellion, A bridge too far?

Extinction rebellion, A bridge too far?

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cont'd ...


There's a difference between the tolerance of
dissent, a tolerance of criticism and of
dissenting opinions, which is
fundamental to democracy, and the preaching of hatred and
inciting violence.

You should know that.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 13 October 2019 3:06:16 PM
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Hey Loudmouth,

The 'left' is about to go out on the streets to protest in huge numbers against the betrayal of the Kurds, who did most of the fighting against ISIS.

They didn't do most of the fighting.
You forgot another group, like you read too much news and forgot they even existed.

- The Syrians -

When I was a kid we rebelled AGAINST authority.
These morons rebel in support of it.

That's not rebelling, that's being a Millennial Aged Muppet.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 13 October 2019 3:14:22 PM
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Hey ttbn,

"We need to eat the babies!"

That was funny, but I'm pretty sure it was staged to try and catch Ocrazyo Cortez off guard and make her look stupid.
She handled it pretty well, actually.

- And usually she doesn't need any help saying something to look stupid -
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 13 October 2019 3:18:32 PM
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I didn't see that video. I can't recall where it was that I read about the baby eating. But it's the sort of stuff that would come out in any gathering where that mad-eyed young woman AOC was in attendance.

It's hard to tell if it's serious or not, because there are so many really deranged people mixed up in the ER. I don't think that I could extend the benefit of any doubt to them.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 13 October 2019 4:39:43 PM
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It is pretty funny. Enjoy.

'We need to eat the babies' says woman to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 13 October 2019 5:01:54 PM
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Roger Franklin, editor of Quadrant Online, writes of ER:

"Anyone who followed last week’s Extinction Rebellion disruptions will have seen news footage and interviews of protesters attempting to explain why blocking traffic, impeding productive citizens and parading in one’s underwear will help Gaia to recover from mankind’s alleged abuses. Incoherent, inarticulate and infuriatingly vague, they did not present as any sort of endorsement for Australia’s schools."

Incoherent, inarticulate and vague - a bad look for Australia's education. But, also dumber than their British counterparts who get paid for rioting and disrupting traffic and normal people trying to go about their legitimate business.

The nutters in England are being paid up to AU$800 per week to cause havoc over there
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 13 October 2019 5:04:41 PM
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