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The Forum > General Discussion > Extinction rebellion, A bridge too far?

Extinction rebellion, A bridge too far?

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I agree with their right to protest, share their concerns would protest too if it was close enough
But not the rather silly way they are going about it
Take their clothes off and line the edge of the road if they want headlines
But do not stop peoples freedom to move around and build total dislike in doing it
Stop hanging under bridges climbing buildings
Do safety process and know if some one dies res-queuing them they will forever be blacked
Respect the reason but the public too
Posted by Belly, Friday, 11 October 2019 11:08:06 AM
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The TWU was balls deep in this action and only pulled out when they lost control and realised that it was a PR disaster. Of course the Truckies were pissed at the union after they had been stabbed in the back.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Friday, 11 October 2019 12:14:00 PM
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So, lets stand out in the sun all day long to protest global warming.
Lets block traffic and cause extra carbon monoxide to be pumped into the environment to protest climate change.
Lets leave garbage everywhere to show others how we care about the environment.
Lets eat at McDonalds whilst hypocritically demanding an end to factory farming....

If you step back and look at the bigger picture;
Just ponder it for a moment...

Then clearly these people are dumber than a box of rocks.

- Extreme Low Level Morons -

It's the only real argument that holds any merit.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 12 October 2019 2:19:08 AM
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It doesn't matter anyway it's all decided.

The IMF is advising governments on how they can screw their populace over.

That's why we have articles like this:

The $75 amount is also quoted in a Washington Post article

"In the United States, a $75 tax would cut emissions by nearly 30 percent but would cause on average a 53 percent increase in electricity costs and a 20 percent rise for gasoline at projected 2030 prices, the analysis in the IMF’s Fiscal Monitor found."

This is that report.

"At the international level, the report calls for a carbon price floor arrangement among large emitters, designed flexibly to accommodate equity considerations and constraints on national policies."

Australian Financial Review quotes $111 price

A $111 carbon tax in Australia would still be too low, says IMF

Where do they get this price?
It's the current exchange rate: US$75 = AU$111

If you're not in control of your own wallet then what are you in control of?
This is foreign bankers helping themselves to everyones wallets.

Which part of ROBBED BLIND don't you people get?
Which part of 'There is no democracy' don't you understand?
Which part of 'We do not decide our future anymore'

- Do you all not comprehend? -

I bet the dirty government will still fine our asses in an instant if you don't vote and make a show of support for their flawed corrupt 'democracy' though hey?
They have to make it seem like people agree and believe it works.

You're all chumps.

Look up Hegelian Dialectic - Problem, Reaction, Solution.

Greta Thunberg was 'The Problem'
Extinction Rebellion was the 'The Reaction'
And a US$75 a ton Global Climate Tax is the 'Solution'.

You're all being played like Muppets.
Might as well give Statler and Waldorf an encore...
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 12 October 2019 4:55:53 AM
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Since when did we sign up to communism?

- Socialism at the barrel of a gun -

Am I wrong?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 12 October 2019 5:02:59 AM
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Yes AC you are wrong but what is the point of telling you?
My warning given to you, that such as your self are merely fodder for a very real conspiracy, one clearly working against your own best interests fell on infertile ground
Not that the well intention-ed but unwise young folk are in any way helping them selves by their current lack of concern for the very people they need to convince
Protest yes, highly visible yes disrupt traffic? no
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 12 October 2019 5:47:27 AM
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