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The Forum > General Discussion > Stopping welfare payments to those who refuse to take a drug test. Why?

Stopping welfare payments to those who refuse to take a drug test. Why?

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Hi all,

Look I could be sitting here explaining how the cost per person to run the Cashless Card trial is approximately $10,000 and is done by a private company with Liberal Party links.

I can probably say with confidence that this will be a bloody windfall for whoever gets the extended contract and will line pockets every which way but Sunday.

But these were not issues I have canvassed because I wanted to explore the very simple contention that if the reason for bringing in those who tested positive to go on to a Cash Card to limit their discretionary spending why aren't we putting people who refuse a drug test on the same Card with the same arrangement rather than stripping them of their benefits?

I am not here to challenge anyone's belief that this will reduce drug dependency although I don't share that belief at all.

All I want is for someone to stick their hand up and tell me why stripping benefits from someone for refusing a drug test makes any kind of sense in this situation?
Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 12 September 2019 10:24:43 PM
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why stripping benefits from someone for refusing a drug test makes any kind of sense in this situation?
It'll never make sense to people with your mentality ! You need to learn how to care ! You need to learn that the moment you give an inch, the kind of people we're talking about will take a mile in the blink of an eye & then demand more. There's a right way & a wrong way to meaning well & doing good. How do you expect drug abusers will ever pull their finger out when people like you are perpetually making excuses for them ? Don't you realise that they'll never learn until they're forced to learn ? Not forced by the rest of us but left to their own initiative. Then & only then will they change & be of no burden to anyone because a burden they are ! Why is always us that has to give in because of their lack of self-discipline. I have been robbed several times & did not receive any sympathy let alone compensation. The culprits received Legal Aid to which I am forced to contribute to as a taxpayer. I got nothing ! I'm sorry if that goes against your thinking but I'm done with constantly being asked to worry about those who don't give a damn about others ! They decided to crap in their bed, let them experience the feeling !
The very least they can do is to accept the tests !
Posted by individual, Thursday, 12 September 2019 11:27:58 PM
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The leading question is; how does the Government identify a need to create a situation with this outcome?

I don't see that question answered anywhere.

To encourage a drug dependant to seek help maybe. Then that raises the question of why would they care?
The proposed method of penalising those refusing the test, is counter productive towards those ends, according to the interview with drug and alcohol medical doctors, at St Vincent's hospital in Sydney.

The next question is; who are the cohort of five thousand to be subjected to the regime. And what is the Government motivation for selecting them, above the myriad of other unemployed?

One could assume, this cohort of five thousand, are a troublesome group, inclined to be evasive with authorities on other levels not presented, along with the announcement.

I'd like to address these questions for the answer to what appears on the surface, the creation of an injustice. Evidence!

Posted by diver dan, Friday, 13 September 2019 6:03:44 AM
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Don't worry, things will be a lot different when China takes over the country.

Australia now has what appears to be its own Manchurian Candidate in Gladys Liu and ScuMo is seemingly playing the race card to protect her against questions from Labor and others about her connexion with the Chinese Communist Party.

What the hell is going on here! Who the hell is the LNP government working for, the Australian people or Xi Jinping?
Posted by Mr Opinion, Friday, 13 September 2019 6:23:59 AM
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ok some will be upset, even in my party, be honest however
some, not near all,do not want to work
some use drugs, in every walk of life
while ever both sides,with differing views, think they can use this subject as a weapon in politics it will be used
so yes work at basic wage for the dole, any refusal, must be confronted, we owe no one who will not work anything
fair wages, for some the work will be education
some can not even read, some use drugs to hide other problems
i know people in their mid thirty's who have never worked
people who grow drugs , who work five day weeks for cash in the hand, and get the dole
we can do better than the card, give reason for those committing fraud to turn up, and maybe get caught
defending such is defending theft from the welfare basket
Posted by Belly, Friday, 13 September 2019 6:38:03 AM
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I live in an area where cash at the till in businesses is becoming unacceptable. It must be card in these businesses even for a $2 transactions, as too many leave without paying. Less likely the till to be raided or the casual staff make mistakes. Those on the welfare card are not discriminated against, as all cash cards are accepted.
Posted by Josephus, Friday, 13 September 2019 6:58:33 AM
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