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The Forum > General Discussion > Indonesia threatens genocide of Papuans

Indonesia threatens genocide of Papuans

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Indonesia has imposed a complete blackout on all media; internet and phones, and deported all non Indonesians from Papua. We are not likely to get news reports. However anyone, Papuan who has expressed independence or has been seen with a display of the morning star flag will be shot on site. The Army being Muslim have a record of shooting pigs and dogs. Also depriving the Papuans of their food sources, and rape of women and girls, this is sanctioned in a Muslim invasion. The latest I hear is 6,000 soldiers are deployed in Papua.

The United Nations needs to send in an observation team to report on the genocide.
Posted by Josephus, Sunday, 8 September 2019 8:01:33 AM
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Indonesia has imposed a complete blackout on all media; internet and phones,
Are you trying to tell us that the West Papuans can't get news across the border into PNG ?
If you believe that you believe anything !
Posted by individual, Sunday, 8 September 2019 9:17:00 AM
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Josephus seems your thread, one I agree totally with has bought out some sad truths
Some here seem to agree with modern colonialism, Indonesia has no right to be in that country
And they are and always have murdered anyone in their way
Humanity is weaker if any of us ever try to paint treatment such as these poor people are getting as alright
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 8 September 2019 4:12:39 PM
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Indonesia has no right to be in that country
They have more right to be in New Guinea than the British or the Germans when you look at it from a historical & moral perspective.
Posted by individual, Sunday, 8 September 2019 5:18:20 PM
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Of course it is always difficult to judge what is right/wrong when overrun indigenous people desire to be independent after decades of occupation by others.
I think people need to avoid emotional arguments & instead work on practical & economical solutions. Would those West Papuans who received free education in Australia be content to move back to Papua & live under the conditions that inevitably arise at such momentous events as Independence ?
Have the proponents for independence worked out what road to take ? Or, are they secretly hoping Australia would give them too 1.2 Million Dollars a day as it has been doing since New Guinea's independence in 1975 ?
They should refrain from calling it Independence because it isn't ! A handful of educated Academics aren't a great foundation for a new Nation.
West Papua has more to lose than to gain. Bougainville is an example how such moves work out !
Posted by individual, Sunday, 8 September 2019 7:07:53 PM
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Can you please offer your opinion on how you envisage the West Papuans being more successful in managing their affairs then the Bougainvillians or indeed any of the newly independent Nations of late?
Posted by individual, Monday, 9 September 2019 9:16:31 AM
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