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CFMEU a Union out of control

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Despite your blindly ant-union narrative, it was the combination of the high Aussie dollar and the Abbott government's refusal to continue subsidies that destroyed our car industry.
And ITYF the UK still has a car industry: there's a large Nissan factory at Sunderland.
But when I was in Britain around the turn of the millennium, some industries still had dinosaur unions who wanted to be paid according to the value of the economic damage they could do by striking. Their ultra-adversarial style was very different to Australia where the '70s slackers were no longer calling the shots, the BLF had been outlawed a decade earlier, and there was a strong consensus that productivity is important, and that employers and employees should share the benefits of productivity gains.

Setka is the most prominent of the ex-BLF militants now in the CFMEU, and it's not at all surprising that Albo wants to get rid of him on any available pretext.
Posted by Aidan, Wednesday, 12 June 2019 2:16:16 PM
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Aiden stand midst 400 construction workers, two Unions AWU CFMEU hear an out of control thug tell them you, in this case me, should be kicked to death [promise he refused combat after the workers left]
Not city workers, not CFMEU heartland, not Setka, just a clone, see they train men to be thugs
Almost every delegate from that union joined mine that day
Sit outskirts of a regional city, at a shut down,[rebuild of existing plant] after finding out a contractor has not paid super
I closed his job, sat him down to wait for bank evidence he had done as promised
CFMEU official? screamed at him! threatened to? *rape him*[he could have that on his own]
Such behavior is standard for a union living in the past, hating for the sake of it, proudly on its web page naming itsself *Australians only true militant union*
Yes Australia's Weakest Union, because we never ever can be as dreadful as them
But the insults to every union can be laid at the feet of a few far left lost unions
Labor has a leader that will return us to power, it too will confront idiots harming unionism
CFMEU is such a union
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 12 June 2019 4:57:22 PM
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Aiden, in truth did not read your post in full, you have my respect, you understand the subject
Many do not, unwell and out of bed early, I am heated at the Marine union [now part of the thugs and mugs]calling for Albo to go
If any single thing I say, about this creepy thuggish union, is untrue then I am worthless
Stood in their HQ in Lidcom [Sydney] negotiating a two union construction agreement
Had to listen as a thug [standard issue but unknown here]asked in a loud voice who did the very nice female IR person, have to *have sex with* to get her job
NSW Government multi union forum, an ex thug[but still worthless] asked another female IR person *how many bars of gold she had to pay her husband* as a wedding gift [ she is from India]
Labor must move forward the real union movement too, the leftist thugs unions [there are three] are yesterday
The future needs unions that * at the least* can find Australians to lead them
It was from these sleazy fools the RUMOR Labor was to imposed death taxes came
A Labor party that lets such as them set the agenda is no friend of the workers
Thankfully that rumor while damaging was untrue, now must mark the start of the deregistration of Australia's worst union
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 13 June 2019 3:36:52 AM
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Needs to be said, outside the city's this union struggles, see while picking huge men brains is not a consideration
Call a bush worker Comrade and you may end up on your back
Promise him 8 percent wage rise per year and he may forget he has a brain
City rates, set with the help of hard core unionists and less workers with the abilities and skills are not transferable
Bush/country towns cities, struggle after a while because the rates can not be sustained there
Effects? casualisation of the workforce, once highly paid now a victim of one unions stupidity
AWU Australia's Weakest Union?
Throw away insult,because on two union sites they/we must demand the same, over priced rate
But on our own site we traded lower increase for no casuals more paid time away from work better work conditions
That last few lines is why country bosses pursued that union for an agreement not the vile left of reality thugs and mugs
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 13 June 2019 3:48:41 AM
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The CFMMEU is a tough union operating in a tough environment, where accidents and death are still common place. The namby pamby office types will never understand the different industrial world the large scale construction site is. When it comes to getting the best for the workers during negotiations the CFMMEU does its job, its no place for the faint-hearted sellouts.

As for John Setka and his Labor Party membership, the ALP claims to be a broad based inclusive party where members with differing opinions are welcome, in Setka's case that does not seem to hold true.

What Albo should be deriding is the unacceptable number of injuries and death in the building industry. What does he have to say about the shonky operators, the unsafe practices, the exploiters and the unqualified cowboys that still exist within the building game and else where, the very things and people that the CFMMEU fight against, Albo is silent on.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 13 June 2019 5:08:01 AM
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Paul you are entitled to have your opinion, so am I
CFMEU are bottom feeders
Many more stories exist about foul low insults to women, more smashing of bosses offices
UNLESS the ALP understands the true left harms us, invites us to be no more likely to ever govern than the greens, my movement dies
This country will never elect a socialist government
It will never fall for the scripted acts of unwed parents this mob, nationwide is
Hunter Valley, home of the owner of a small, 20 men, construction firm, 4am INVASION, no knock on door kick it open, wife at home alone terrified
by it, however she was screamed at told her husband would be harmed[killed] if he did not put his team in that union
I found [after being invited at 9 am, to address the workers] in that home, they fished and played golf with their boss, had friday bar b qs before work, and wanted to be in a union, not that one, no mate industrial thugs have no place in unionism
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 13 June 2019 7:18:59 AM
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