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Morrison Very Wrong On Multiculturalism

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I looked up the Senate candidates for SA on the AEC website.

It’s either 1 to 6 above the line, or at least 12 below the line - not both. I am doing the latter because I want to select my own preferences.

You might have seen a few months ago how Jim Molan was put at the bottom of the ticket by the Liberals because he is probably not PC enough. If enough voters follow what the Liberal Party want, Molan can say goodbye to his seat in the Senate, a great loss in my opinion. He was on the media shortly after this dirty trick, asking people to vote below the line, putting him first. That’s what NSW voters should do if they want him back. Parties have no business, in my view, telling people where to put their preferences. It’s a pity voters don’t take the trouble to vote below the line. There are 42 candidates on the SA ticket, but only 12 have to be selected. And it's only a three-yearly event; not that onerous.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 27 April 2019 5:29:24 PM
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History and as a matter of record, tells us that Australia has been the beneficiary of many of the worlds cultures and creeds.
We have enjoyed a relatively calm and trouble free development and growth period, once we took care of any settlement issues upon arrival.
What is, and has always been clear, to anyone with a modicum of maturity and common sense, is that the world has never seen this current style and volume of attacks on the general public, EVER!
The odd 'nut job' with a gun does not qualify for this league.
It is again clear, to those of us with the ability to identify and conclude that we have a problem, that we must stop making excuses for these egregious acts of terrorism and murder, and show those who defy and reject our laws that we will not stand for it.
Anyway, forget the law for a moment, because they are facilitating these miscreants, otherwise they would be in jail or deported.
No I would prefer the closing of borders for any Muslims.
We'll just have to put more pressure on the ones who are already here to see none of them turn on us.
For those who would question my decision, I say, look back and tell me out of the many other races and creeds already living here and have done so for, well since settlement, which ones have openly, either orchestrated mass killings or told us in no uncertain terms that their God has groomed them to kill us for not believing in him.
And the list of criminality goes on and on, so much so that the Koran is in fact one of the best documents of material statements for the prosecution, I've ever seen.
Just to shut up the kids, other 'bibles also have disparaging versus, but NONE of them openly preach to go out and kill another for not believing, or for no reason.
And as for quoting some words of a song as some kind of reference to and attempting to make a point.
Huge fail!
Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 27 April 2019 8:23:24 PM
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ttbn, Tks I will look on the Electoral Commissions website.
Re Gen Moran, yes that is one reason I want the info.
Posted by Bazz, Saturday, 27 April 2019 9:38:03 PM
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Altav one thing I do not agree with you on is;
is that the world has never seen this current style and volume of
attacks on the general public, EVER!

Well, these type of assaults on communities with mass casualties has
been going on for 1400 years.
Mohammad has a well earned reputation as a genocidal maniac.
He personally organised the mass murder of many towns and villages
in Arabia.
His followers outdid him and it is believed that moslems killed about
EIGHT MILLION Hindus when India was invaded and occupied.
The descendants of those who converted now live in Pakistan.
It explains why India & Pakistan are always on the edge of warfare.

The Moslem slave traders raided southern Europe for centuries and
raided many coastal towns in England, Wales, Ireland and even as far
afield as Iceland. Blondes had, and still do, a premium price.
The moslem Barbary Pirates from Nth Africa attacked ships in the
Mediterranean for centuries until the US got fed up with paying
Jizaj tax to them and sent the US Navy to deal with them.
Hence the US Marines hym "To the shores of Tripoli--"

We are really being let off easily, just 253 killed this time.

It is just what moslems do.
Posted by Bazz, Saturday, 27 April 2019 10:08:09 PM
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Altrav; your comment about the Bible and other texts speaking
about the attacking of other communities are really records of history.
They are never used as instructions and incentive to carry out attacks
in this day and age.
Even the crusades were not intended to be an excuse to kill moslems
but they became unruly and committed atrocities.
However no one advocates killing unbelievers except moslems.

I believe as do some geneticists that their custom of marrying their
cousins has badly damaged their genome and cause behaviour problems
which we see as easily raised anger and an inability to compromise.
There is a movement amougst Pakistani women in the UK to stop the practise.

What to do that is the question our politicians must face.
We can stop any moslems from immigrating here, but that leaves a
very difficult problem with those born here.
We could say to them, reject Islam or pay a Jizaj tax to fund the
special surveillance that will be needed all your life.
They could hardly object to that.
They would have to wear identifying clothing.
They could hardly object to that.
When they imposed those rules on dhimminis many converted to Islam
because it was easier. Maybe the reverse will happen !
Posted by Bazz, Saturday, 27 April 2019 10:40:23 PM
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Bazz, thanks for that.
I guess I was aiming for the later years, as I know little to nothing about the history of this 'cult', and if I had to be honest I really don't care to either.
If I ever decide to join I'll read up on them, otherwise they are, in my view a very nasty inconvenience, that should be rebuked at all cost.
It does not make me feel good to say that because I have had history with them, and I can assure that in the main, they are people just like you and I, BUT, how can we detect the 'terrorists' amongst them?
We can't, so as much as it pains me to say it, they must ALL be held up as a possible threat.
There is no feasible alternative, as long as they have been taught/groomed to harm/kill the 'non-believers'.
Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 27 April 2019 10:47:39 PM
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