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Morrison Very Wrong On Multiculturalism

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You do know that Jesus Christ was a Jew, don't you? Why do you think scholars refer to Judeo-Christianity? Why don't they refer to Islamic-Christianity, Hindu-Christianity, Bhuddist-Christianity? Because the last three have nothing whatsoever in common with Christianity. Judaism does.

Judaism has little in common with democracy? Please explain that one.

“No nation that puts its tribal interests ahead of its national interests will survive for long”.

Dead right. That's what this is all about. Australian politicians and the neo-coms are doing JUST THAT. Australia will not survive it.

Name-calling is most certainly a crude, childish tool used by the neo-coms in attempt to shut people up. It doesn't seem to be working in your case; I am impervious to it, so why worry about? It doesn't work.

Many people, including about 80% of OLO posters, living in adult bodies, are really bored children, always seeking change, always looking for something different because they can't find anything within themselves. Fatal fascinations with 'diversity’, new and exotic people, homosexuals, transgender people, freaks, the witchcraft of climate change; anything to take their minds off their own inadequacies. Sadly for Australia, these people have the ear of our gutless politicians. They are winning, AC, and there is little we can do about it. Great empires and civilisations have perished in the past because of what is happening to our civilisation right now.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 27 April 2019 10:46:51 AM
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Armchair Critic,

This country was built by many hands - not all
of them white. And nationalists come in many
colours and races. Many have given their lives
for this country. And did so willingly. If you
are complaining for being silenced - what about
the ones you are trying to negate? You certainly
do have rights. But so do they.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 27 April 2019 10:48:12 AM
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Dear Bazz,

Modern people are focused on improving the human condition
on earth. Their attitude sits in direct
contrast to the vision of the fundamentalists.

Religious fundamentalism - where belief is in the literal
word of the Bible, the Qurán or the Torah, as the rule
book for how to live and die - is the arch enemy of achieving
the good sustainable life. Why? If the good life in another
(mythical) world, heaven, is what you seek (and, for some
fundamentalists you want to get there as soon as possible)
what you do on earth today, and what you do to your fellow
human beings does not matter. In fact,
you will destroy and kill to accelerate your embrace
by God in the hereafter.

It is this particular view that allowed the murderers of
11 September 2001 to fly those planes into the Twin Towers, and
more recently, the acts in Sri Lanka. Every suicide bomber is
soothed by the same religious belief.

To get to heaven as soon as possible is an extremely
dangerous mindset. It is one thing if this is an individual's
choice and no one else is hurt (something difficult to
achieve because family and friends are inevitably involved
in suicide). It is entirely another thing to deliberately
take others' lives in pursuit of this most selfish and
irrational goal. It is horrible that some of them get to
ignite their strapped on home-made bombs.

Buddhist monks setting fire to themselves in protest against
the American war in Vietnam was a different thing. The monks
killed themselves. Today's fanatics set out to kill as many
non-believers as they can when exploding their own bodies.

Humanity cannot afford to have fundamentalists with their
fingers on the nuclear war button.

All we can do is try to elect rational people into government.
People who will have the right policies to protect us and
keep us safe.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 27 April 2019 11:26:41 AM
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Foxy, your mention of nuclear weapons, that are in the hands of one
Islamic country now and another, Iran, is trying to build them.
Iran's slogan is "Death to America" and "Death to Israel".

Should we take them at face value or think it is just bravado ?
Can either country take the risk of guessing wrong ?
While Mohammad never knew about nuclear weapons so when he, or whoever
wrote the Koran, he could not ban their use, but Allah would have
known and He never banned them.
A Fundamentalist Moslem country successfully testing a nuclear weapon
should expect a nuclear strike immediately after.
Israel would be fully justified judging by Iran's previous behaviour.
The Koran fully affirms the justification for killing unbelievers.
Shocking thoughts aren't they, but you cannot afford to get it wrong.
I find it quite reasonable to think that US & Israel have made such plans.
Posted by Bazz, Saturday, 27 April 2019 12:07:59 PM
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There are some comments pertinent to this discussion in the Daily Chrenk today. The blogger, an immigrant himself (but not one of the “cool” ones)
expresses his desire to shake politicians by the shoulders and tell them: “For God’s sake, it’s your damned country ..... it’s for immigrants to adjust and fit in, not for you to change to accommodate them”.

The world does not “revolve” around people just because they “shift themselves and their families 10,000 miles.

In most cases, he says, these people need their new home more than “your country needs them”.

Red carpets, multiculturalism, diversity and inclusion is the wrong way to go about.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 27 April 2019 12:26:14 PM
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The argument that most Muslims are peaceful, compassionate people is fine until you start looking for a predominantly Muslim country that has the same commitment to human rights as we do here. Democracy, equality of sexes, equality under law, universal health care, welfare etc.
If the majority of Muslims truly believed in those things then they would exist in their own countries.
And in western countries where the Muslim population is more than 4 or 5%, look at the problems that exist with sexual assaults, no go areas, violent demonstrations etc.
When I see actual examples of significant numbers Muslims living peacefully with western culture I will reconsider my view.
Posted by Big Nana, Saturday, 27 April 2019 12:50:48 PM
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