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Morrison Very Wrong On Multiculturalism

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According to Augusto Zimmerman in The Spectator, our current Prime Minister, hoping to continue in that role for another three years, is contributing to the “diminished understanding of our national identity”.

This criticism is based on the PM's claim that our “founding fathers” revelled in 'diversity’ and 'multiculturalism’ - divisive dogmas that have only been around for about 50 years. Apart from his obvious faults, our PM is a history ignoramus. As a claimant to the Christian faith himself, Morrison should be aware that this country is founded on the “the Judeo-Christian culture of Western democracy which has given the world outstanding examples of freedom and prosperity”.

Nothing to do with multiculturalism which has brought people here who are not versed in Western values and who are, in many cases, opposed to them.

Multiculturalism “is basically an anti-Western and an anti-Christian ideology”, yet the person who wants to lead Australia is all for it - something that “promote(s) the complete deconstruction of the Australian cultural identity”.

Saying that Shorten would be worse does not excuse Morrison. We should not be encouraging either of these two people by voting for anyone representing them at the next election, if we value our country and way of life.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 26 April 2019 9:58:33 AM
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> Morrison should be aware that this country is founded on the “the Judeo-Christian culture of Western
>democracy which has given the world outstanding examples of freedom and prosperity”.

Firstly, where did that quote come from?
Secondly, do you really thin there's a Judeo-Christian culture of Western democracy"? There seems to have been little, if any, Jewish influence in the establishment of democracy in Europe. Maybe there was in the USA, but I doubt that played much role in the founding of this country.

>Multiculturalism “is basically an anti-Western and an anti-Christian ideology”,
On the contrary, multiculturalism, where all people have the freedom to determine their own culture, is the quintessential western value, and as a Christian I strongly support it.
Posted by Aidan, Friday, 26 April 2019 12:12:48 PM
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Talking about our national identity - I think that
the following lyrics sum things up rather well
for us all (Bruce Woodley - Seekers):

Ď came from the dream time
From the dusty red-soil plains
I am the ancient heart
The keeper of the flame
I stood upon the rocky shores
I watched the tall ships come
For forty thousand years I've been
The first Australian

I came upon the prison ship
Bound down by iron chains
I bought the land endured the lash
And waited for the rains
I'm a settler I'm a farmer's wife
On a dry and barren run
A convict then a free man
I became Australian

I'm a daughter of a digger
Who sought the mother lode
The girl became a woman
On the long and dusty road
I'm a child of the Depression
I saw the good times come
I'm a bushie I'm a battler
I am Australian

We are one but we are many
And from all the lands on earth we come
We'll share a dream and sing with one voice
I am you are we are Australian

I'm a teller of stories
I'm a singer of songs
I am Albert Namatjira
And I paint the ghostly gums
I'm Clancy on his horse
I'm Ned Kelly on the run
I'm the one who waltzed Matilda
I am Australian

I'm the hot wind from the desert
I'm the black soil of the plains
I'm the mountains and the valleys
I'm the drought and flooding rain
I'm the rock I am the sky
The rivers when they run
The spirit of this great land
I am Australian

We are onebut we are many
And from all the lands on earth we come
We'll share a dream and sing with one voice
I am you are we are Australian..."
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 26 April 2019 2:02:27 PM
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Well Foxy it is a nice song and the vision it presents is good.
However we all know who does not believe it as they are intolerant of
other cultures and religions.
Anyone under threat of death that converts to their religion is
abandoning the rest of us to their oppression.

"Threat of Death ?" "Oppression ?" I can hear you saying but it is real
enough. Just watch what is happening in Europe, and what makes you
think that it won't happen here ? Answer that if you can !
You can see the early signs of officialdom backing off and trying
to soften our freedom of speech.
Note the difference in reaction to Christchurch and to Sri Lanka.

In Denmark a woman blogger who has anti muslim opinions has been
threatened with the removal of her foster child who she and her
husband has raised since birth for eight years.
The authorities would not threaten a muslim family like that.

No Foxy it is time to speak up and put some stuffing up the back
of our politicians.

No reentry for ISI terrorists, cancellation of citizenship and
deportation of anyone who objects.

It is time !
Posted by Bazz, Friday, 26 April 2019 4:12:48 PM
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Dear Bazz,

I don't have a problem with what you're saying
regarding people who break our laws.They should
have the full force of the law thrown at them.

However the vast majority of mainstream Christian,
Jews, Muslims, and so on - modern people with normal
family and social relationships have rational views
of how the world works - they don't have the
theological minds of fundamentalists. We must keep
in mind that the religiously minded modern
person is not a "card-carrying"fundamentalist.
The "card carrying" fundamentalist of whatever faith
a psychologist would be likely to declare them
to be of unsound mind.

How do we as a country decide who to keep out - is
the question that needs debating. Because after all
fundamentalists are a tiny minority. Very, very sad.
and pathologically sick. I'm not sure how we solve this
problem. But it does need debating.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 26 April 2019 4:50:59 PM
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Muslims adhere to the Koran and that is the problem.

Get yourself a copy, read and study.

Free copies of the Koran, nicely bound and with gold embossed covers are free, on application, to the Saudi Embassy in Canberra.

Also free from other places and on line.
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 26 April 2019 8:23:58 PM
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If Islam is the religion of peace why are not radical Muslims radically peaceful?
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 26 April 2019 8:25:59 PM
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Tks Foxy, yes it is a problem which politicians are afraid to tackle.
The so called moderate moslem is a very difficult problem.
One suggestion I have seen is to ask a question,
Ask if they accept a verse in the Koran such as this;

“When your Lord was revealing to the angels, ‘I am with you;
so confirm the believers. I shall cast terror into the hearts of the
unbelievers; so strike the necks, and strike every finger of them!”
(Qur’an 8:12)

“We will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve for what
they have associated with Allah of which He had not sent down
authority. And their refuge will be the Fire, and wretched is the
residence of the wrongdoers.” (Qur’an 3:151)

and so on and on. They will not deny the Koran and believe to
implement Allah's wishes is holy.

Allah requires that we either become moslems, pay the Jizaj tax to
a moslem who demands it or die.
I do not feel comfortable with someone who accepts that I should be killed.
Of course they have a let out.
The Koran permits a moslem to lie to a kafur provided it advantages
the moslem. That is why it should not be used in court.
Posted by Bazz, Friday, 26 April 2019 8:30:48 PM
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Dear Bazz,

Well here you are again spouting talking points which mirrored those within the Christchurch killer's manifesto. Brilliant.

More so you are again plucking selective quotes from the Quran.

Well let me have a crack with the bible about Christian attitudes to the Jews;

"You testify against yourselves that you are descendants of those who murdered the prophets...You snakes, you brood of vipers! How can you escape being sentenced to hell?" Matthew 23:31-33

"I know that you are descendants of Abraham; yet you seek to kill me, because my word finds no place in you. I speak of what I have seen with my Father, and you do what you have heard from your father. They answered him, "Abraham is our father." Jesus said to them, "If you were Abraham's children, you would do what Abraham did. ... You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies. But, because I tell the truth, you do not believe me. Which of you convicts me of sin? If I tell the truth, why do you not believe me? He who is of God hears the words of God; the reason why you do not hear them is you are not of God."
John 8:37-39

"For you, brothers and sisters, became imitators of the churches of God in Christ Jesus that are in Judea, for you suffered the same things from your own compatriots as they did from the Jews, who killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and drove us out; they displease God and oppose everyone by hindering us from speaking to the Gentiles so that they may be saved."
Thessalonians 2:14-16

These verses represented a path to the holocaust.

What holocaust are you determined to set us on?
Posted by SteeleRedux, Friday, 26 April 2019 8:55:00 PM
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What is wrong with plucking selective quotes from the Koran?

The quotes plucked are the same quotes that justify ISIS and others, they are the same quotes that justified Muslims in Sydney who help up placards calling for beheadings.

Can you find a spot in the Bible that tells those that follow it that it is OK to lie?
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 26 April 2019 10:29:54 PM
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Remember, Muslims are only part of the muliticultural mess. There are other cultures that have shown no inclination to assimilate, preferring to maintain their own culture in a more affluent country. They might not pose the physical threat of the Muslims, but they have still diluted the Western ethos that established Australia. The lumping together of just about every race or culture together in television commercials as though mixed race families were the normal thing here is not very convincing when ordinary Australians know that they are not even on speaking terms with most of the non-European types whose numbers are increasing. We have allowed Australian politicians to turn the country into a hotchpotch of disparate tribes. It will not end well.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 26 April 2019 11:35:04 PM
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Hey ttbn,

Firstly, Judaism and Christianity have little in common.
Judaism and Democracy have little in common for that matter.
Herein lies the whole entire problem.

It's all done by design.

No nation that puts its tribal interests ahead of its national interests will survive for long.
Using names such as 'White Nationalist' is a concerted effort to silence me and deny my free speech.
Its a deliberate effort to label me a racist dissident and deny my right to a public voice in the public forum, and deny my ability to easily reach out to those who have hold similar beliefs.
White Nationalists built this country.
This is a concerted effort to steal my country and its sovereignty and to label me a dissident if I dare speak the truth or oppose it.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 27 April 2019 1:20:30 AM
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You do know that Jesus Christ was a Jew, don't you? Why do you think scholars refer to Judeo-Christianity? Why don't they refer to Islamic-Christianity, Hindu-Christianity, Bhuddist-Christianity? Because the last three have nothing whatsoever in common with Christianity. Judaism does.

Judaism has little in common with democracy? Please explain that one.

“No nation that puts its tribal interests ahead of its national interests will survive for long”.

Dead right. That's what this is all about. Australian politicians and the neo-coms are doing JUST THAT. Australia will not survive it.

Name-calling is most certainly a crude, childish tool used by the neo-coms in attempt to shut people up. It doesn't seem to be working in your case; I am impervious to it, so why worry about? It doesn't work.

Many people, including about 80% of OLO posters, living in adult bodies, are really bored children, always seeking change, always looking for something different because they can't find anything within themselves. Fatal fascinations with 'diversity’, new and exotic people, homosexuals, transgender people, freaks, the witchcraft of climate change; anything to take their minds off their own inadequacies. Sadly for Australia, these people have the ear of our gutless politicians. They are winning, AC, and there is little we can do about it. Great empires and civilisations have perished in the past because of what is happening to our civilisation right now.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 27 April 2019 10:46:51 AM
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Armchair Critic,

This country was built by many hands - not all
of them white. And nationalists come in many
colours and races. Many have given their lives
for this country. And did so willingly. If you
are complaining for being silenced - what about
the ones you are trying to negate? You certainly
do have rights. But so do they.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 27 April 2019 10:48:12 AM
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Dear Bazz,

Modern people are focused on improving the human condition
on earth. Their attitude sits in direct
contrast to the vision of the fundamentalists.

Religious fundamentalism - where belief is in the literal
word of the Bible, the Qurán or the Torah, as the rule
book for how to live and die - is the arch enemy of achieving
the good sustainable life. Why? If the good life in another
(mythical) world, heaven, is what you seek (and, for some
fundamentalists you want to get there as soon as possible)
what you do on earth today, and what you do to your fellow
human beings does not matter. In fact,
you will destroy and kill to accelerate your embrace
by God in the hereafter.

It is this particular view that allowed the murderers of
11 September 2001 to fly those planes into the Twin Towers, and
more recently, the acts in Sri Lanka. Every suicide bomber is
soothed by the same religious belief.

To get to heaven as soon as possible is an extremely
dangerous mindset. It is one thing if this is an individual's
choice and no one else is hurt (something difficult to
achieve because family and friends are inevitably involved
in suicide). It is entirely another thing to deliberately
take others' lives in pursuit of this most selfish and
irrational goal. It is horrible that some of them get to
ignite their strapped on home-made bombs.

Buddhist monks setting fire to themselves in protest against
the American war in Vietnam was a different thing. The monks
killed themselves. Today's fanatics set out to kill as many
non-believers as they can when exploding their own bodies.

Humanity cannot afford to have fundamentalists with their
fingers on the nuclear war button.

All we can do is try to elect rational people into government.
People who will have the right policies to protect us and
keep us safe.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 27 April 2019 11:26:41 AM
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Foxy, your mention of nuclear weapons, that are in the hands of one
Islamic country now and another, Iran, is trying to build them.
Iran's slogan is "Death to America" and "Death to Israel".

Should we take them at face value or think it is just bravado ?
Can either country take the risk of guessing wrong ?
While Mohammad never knew about nuclear weapons so when he, or whoever
wrote the Koran, he could not ban their use, but Allah would have
known and He never banned them.
A Fundamentalist Moslem country successfully testing a nuclear weapon
should expect a nuclear strike immediately after.
Israel would be fully justified judging by Iran's previous behaviour.
The Koran fully affirms the justification for killing unbelievers.
Shocking thoughts aren't they, but you cannot afford to get it wrong.
I find it quite reasonable to think that US & Israel have made such plans.
Posted by Bazz, Saturday, 27 April 2019 12:07:59 PM
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There are some comments pertinent to this discussion in the Daily Chrenk today. The blogger, an immigrant himself (but not one of the “cool” ones)
expresses his desire to shake politicians by the shoulders and tell them: “For God’s sake, it’s your damned country ..... it’s for immigrants to adjust and fit in, not for you to change to accommodate them”.

The world does not “revolve” around people just because they “shift themselves and their families 10,000 miles.

In most cases, he says, these people need their new home more than “your country needs them”.

Red carpets, multiculturalism, diversity and inclusion is the wrong way to go about.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 27 April 2019 12:26:14 PM
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The argument that most Muslims are peaceful, compassionate people is fine until you start looking for a predominantly Muslim country that has the same commitment to human rights as we do here. Democracy, equality of sexes, equality under law, universal health care, welfare etc.
If the majority of Muslims truly believed in those things then they would exist in their own countries.
And in western countries where the Muslim population is more than 4 or 5%, look at the problems that exist with sexual assaults, no go areas, violent demonstrations etc.
When I see actual examples of significant numbers Muslims living peacefully with western culture I will reconsider my view.
Posted by Big Nana, Saturday, 27 April 2019 12:50:48 PM
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Looks as though cultural differences are causing a problem with the bewilderingly stupid submarine contract between Australia and France.

Clashes are occurring, according to News Media. "Not everyone thinks like the French," (thankfully) said said Jean-Michel Billig, contract director; and they (the French) will have to make an ‘effort’ to understand that Australians don’t think like them. The differences vary from how Australians and the French view the importance of eating, to language, to punctuality.

The French admit that the might have to actually listen and show some humility! They are going to run “intercultural courses” (on top of doing some actual submarine work).

French personnel working here will have to be taught how to behave, and Australian personnel in France have to send their children to expensive private schools because of the language difference.

How much better things would have been if we, a) built the things ourselves or, b) stuck with our own kind in the Anglosphere. The U.S has a perfectly good ready-to-go submarine.

Apart from export/import, tourism, diplomacy and defence pacts, we should all stick to our own kind. Immigration, apart from that vitally needed by Australia, should cease
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 27 April 2019 1:47:47 PM
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Dear Bazz,

Humanity, as I wrote earlier, cannot afford
to have fundamentalists with their fingers
on the nuclear war button.

One of the saving
graces of the Cold War was that it was conducted by somewhat
rational people in Washington and Moscow. Christian fundamentalists
did not gain control of the White House during the Cold War, and
the Soviets for all their wrongdoings believed in life on earth
because that was all there ever could be in their atheistic world.
There is no greater reason for living
than accepting that this life is the only one we have.

Today we have people who will destroy and kill to accelerate
their embrace by God in the hereafter. These are people
we cannot stop by reasoned discussion.

I certainly don't have the answers for you as to what we
should do. All I can suggest is that we concentrate on
electing rational people as our leaders, who can come up
with policies that will give us the safety net that we
desperately require.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 27 April 2019 2:36:08 PM
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For me Morrison is miles ahead of Shorten in character and policy. Pity though I will be putting Fraser Anning above him as he has bowed to pc correctness by putting the toxic Australian hating Greens above Anning.
Posted by runner, Saturday, 27 April 2019 2:47:14 PM
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Here is a link on Australian immigration and what
the data tells us:
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 27 April 2019 3:35:01 PM
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I have chosen my '12 below the line' Senate candidates. Not a LNP, Labor, Green or anything to the left among them. Still not prepared to vote for any of the fools nominated for the lower house in my electorate.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 27 April 2019 3:35:26 PM
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ttbn, I have not seen an how to vote card or a senate htv either.
Perhaps you know re the senate paper; if you vote above the line and
you wish to vote below the line for a particular group do you also
have a number above the line for that group, or is it left blank ?
Does the sequence of numbers go across the top down the column where
you wish to change the order and then continue across the top.
I suspect not, but nothing I have read makes either of those queries
Posted by Bazz, Saturday, 27 April 2019 4:59:44 PM
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I looked up the Senate candidates for SA on the AEC website.

It’s either 1 to 6 above the line, or at least 12 below the line - not both. I am doing the latter because I want to select my own preferences.

You might have seen a few months ago how Jim Molan was put at the bottom of the ticket by the Liberals because he is probably not PC enough. If enough voters follow what the Liberal Party want, Molan can say goodbye to his seat in the Senate, a great loss in my opinion. He was on the media shortly after this dirty trick, asking people to vote below the line, putting him first. That’s what NSW voters should do if they want him back. Parties have no business, in my view, telling people where to put their preferences. It’s a pity voters don’t take the trouble to vote below the line. There are 42 candidates on the SA ticket, but only 12 have to be selected. And it's only a three-yearly event; not that onerous.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 27 April 2019 5:29:24 PM
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History and as a matter of record, tells us that Australia has been the beneficiary of many of the worlds cultures and creeds.
We have enjoyed a relatively calm and trouble free development and growth period, once we took care of any settlement issues upon arrival.
What is, and has always been clear, to anyone with a modicum of maturity and common sense, is that the world has never seen this current style and volume of attacks on the general public, EVER!
The odd 'nut job' with a gun does not qualify for this league.
It is again clear, to those of us with the ability to identify and conclude that we have a problem, that we must stop making excuses for these egregious acts of terrorism and murder, and show those who defy and reject our laws that we will not stand for it.
Anyway, forget the law for a moment, because they are facilitating these miscreants, otherwise they would be in jail or deported.
No I would prefer the closing of borders for any Muslims.
We'll just have to put more pressure on the ones who are already here to see none of them turn on us.
For those who would question my decision, I say, look back and tell me out of the many other races and creeds already living here and have done so for, well since settlement, which ones have openly, either orchestrated mass killings or told us in no uncertain terms that their God has groomed them to kill us for not believing in him.
And the list of criminality goes on and on, so much so that the Koran is in fact one of the best documents of material statements for the prosecution, I've ever seen.
Just to shut up the kids, other 'bibles also have disparaging versus, but NONE of them openly preach to go out and kill another for not believing, or for no reason.
And as for quoting some words of a song as some kind of reference to and attempting to make a point.
Huge fail!
Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 27 April 2019 8:23:24 PM
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ttbn, Tks I will look on the Electoral Commissions website.
Re Gen Moran, yes that is one reason I want the info.
Posted by Bazz, Saturday, 27 April 2019 9:38:03 PM
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Altav one thing I do not agree with you on is;
is that the world has never seen this current style and volume of
attacks on the general public, EVER!

Well, these type of assaults on communities with mass casualties has
been going on for 1400 years.
Mohammad has a well earned reputation as a genocidal maniac.
He personally organised the mass murder of many towns and villages
in Arabia.
His followers outdid him and it is believed that moslems killed about
EIGHT MILLION Hindus when India was invaded and occupied.
The descendants of those who converted now live in Pakistan.
It explains why India & Pakistan are always on the edge of warfare.

The Moslem slave traders raided southern Europe for centuries and
raided many coastal towns in England, Wales, Ireland and even as far
afield as Iceland. Blondes had, and still do, a premium price.
The moslem Barbary Pirates from Nth Africa attacked ships in the
Mediterranean for centuries until the US got fed up with paying
Jizaj tax to them and sent the US Navy to deal with them.
Hence the US Marines hym "To the shores of Tripoli--"

We are really being let off easily, just 253 killed this time.

It is just what moslems do.
Posted by Bazz, Saturday, 27 April 2019 10:08:09 PM
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Altrav; your comment about the Bible and other texts speaking
about the attacking of other communities are really records of history.
They are never used as instructions and incentive to carry out attacks
in this day and age.
Even the crusades were not intended to be an excuse to kill moslems
but they became unruly and committed atrocities.
However no one advocates killing unbelievers except moslems.

I believe as do some geneticists that their custom of marrying their
cousins has badly damaged their genome and cause behaviour problems
which we see as easily raised anger and an inability to compromise.
There is a movement amougst Pakistani women in the UK to stop the practise.

What to do that is the question our politicians must face.
We can stop any moslems from immigrating here, but that leaves a
very difficult problem with those born here.
We could say to them, reject Islam or pay a Jizaj tax to fund the
special surveillance that will be needed all your life.
They could hardly object to that.
They would have to wear identifying clothing.
They could hardly object to that.
When they imposed those rules on dhimminis many converted to Islam
because it was easier. Maybe the reverse will happen !
Posted by Bazz, Saturday, 27 April 2019 10:40:23 PM
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Bazz, thanks for that.
I guess I was aiming for the later years, as I know little to nothing about the history of this 'cult', and if I had to be honest I really don't care to either.
If I ever decide to join I'll read up on them, otherwise they are, in my view a very nasty inconvenience, that should be rebuked at all cost.
It does not make me feel good to say that because I have had history with them, and I can assure that in the main, they are people just like you and I, BUT, how can we detect the 'terrorists' amongst them?
We can't, so as much as it pains me to say it, they must ALL be held up as a possible threat.
There is no feasible alternative, as long as they have been taught/groomed to harm/kill the 'non-believers'.
Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 27 April 2019 10:47:39 PM
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It is just what moslems do.
And those who don't do it appear not to condemn it !
Posted by individual, Saturday, 27 April 2019 10:53:06 PM
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Mulitculturalism brings enclaves & anyone with an ounce of brain knows what that entails !
Diversity, on the other hand, brings diversity !
Posted by individual, Sunday, 28 April 2019 1:06:19 PM
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Not every ethnic group, Individual. The Polish community here in Adelaide used to have a very active community centre, Dom Polski, back in the 50s and 60s and 70s. But as people intermarried and moved around, away from any population concentration, the need for such a vital community point withered away. Nowadays, there is a Polish cafe-restaurant in southern Adelaide, but Dom Ploski is no more.

Similarly, the Dutch community in Adelaide, and others as well. It's a bit the same for Australians overseas - as the song goes,

'Wherever you go, no matter how far,
You'll find Aussies together, under some distant star.'

I visited Hanoi about ten years ago and around the corner was an Australian cafe, serving Vegemite on toast. But Emu beer. Never mind, we can't have it all.

Posted by Loudmouth, Sunday, 28 April 2019 1:33:07 PM
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Loudmouth, interesting.
The way the Chinese are handling their muslim problem is interesting.
Anyone who steps out of line like refusing Haram food is put in a
situation where they have no alternative. They have established
education camps where they reside for an indeterminate time.
They are re educated in the traditional communist party manner.
No Greens Party jumping up and down on this kindly gesture by the party.
Posted by Bazz, Sunday, 28 April 2019 2:48:04 PM
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Not every ethnic group,
Of course the ethics of the ethnicity comes into play but in general enclaves are regessive !
Posted by individual, Sunday, 28 April 2019 4:23:34 PM
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Dear Bazz,

You write;

““They have established education camps where they reside for an indeterminate time.”

Well here you are, reduced to applauding concentration camps. What a miserable little person you are.

Here is some more 'good' news for you;

“When parents are interned, younger children are sent to de facto orphanages known as “child welfare guidance centers” and older children are sometimes sent to state-run vocational schools, Feng reported. One former teacher told her: “The child is forbidden to go to school with the normal children because the parents have a political problem.” Children have been taken by the state even when grandparents pleaded to be able to keep them, according to Feng. She cited local media reports that Xinjiang has been building dozens of new, typically massive orphanages, with 18 popping up in a single county in the city of Kashgar last year. A worker at one Xinjiang orphanage described serious overcrowding and “terrible” conditions there, telling Radio Free Asia that children aged six months to 12 years are “locked up like farm animals in a shed.”

Here is a BBC story on the camps just to get you even more excited;

You might as well be spouting “Arbeit macht frei”.

One sick puppy aren't you.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Sunday, 28 April 2019 10:10:38 PM
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“Arbeit macht frei”.
Steele Redux,
You know it actually does ! It's only when the hangers-on start taking too big a slice that things get ugly !
Posted by individual, Sunday, 28 April 2019 11:21:39 PM
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MULTICULTURALISM is a word or a theory that utterly offends me due to the fact it hasn't worked on so many levels. Let me advise you good folk on OLO; there has been no other single government initiative that's caused so much division, social dislocation, and serious crime; then this 'open slather' style of Multiculturalism.

Of course, we need to have measured immigration in order our Nation may grow. Therefore only those people who should be permitted to enter this country (after careful screening) as permanent residents, are individuals who harbour similar, cultural, social and religious proclivities, identical to ours.

As far as our UN responsibility towards refugees is concerned - For a long time now, those who have the job of interdicting crimes committed by this group have maintained - A special task force should be formed, equipped and interfaced strategically with the:- ABCI; ASIO; ASIS; and ONA. 'before' any refugee is permitted to leave the various Detention Centres.
Posted by o sung wu, Monday, 29 April 2019 12:20:04 PM
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Talking about multiculturalism.

This morning - we had two tradies installing our NBN
connection. My husband heard them talking in a
foreign language and asked them what the language
was? He was told it was "Indian." One of the traides
said, "I'm from Afghanistan" and the other said he
was from Nepal (neighbouring - one from the East of
India, the other from the West). And being neighbours
they were able to speak a common language.

We told them where our ancestry was from - Lithuania.
They'd never heard of it. Until we said it was across
the sea from Sweden. They knew Sweden (Abba). Anyway,
two nicer tradies we couldn't hope to get. They did
a brilliant job. We offered them tea or coffee with their
lunches. But all they wanted was water.

They made a great impression on us. Great guys!
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 29 April 2019 1:24:45 PM
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The best countries in the World to educate true Muslim faith, are the Cultures that are so unlike Islam. Australia is the current leader in developing Islam how it was meant to be lived and die for; example ISIS, Sri Lanka. The most radical examples of the peaceful religion are produced in Western countries as they promote the freedom of cults to express themselves. There is only one law the law of Allah, which cannot be changed. There is only one religion the belief that Allah is God and Mohamed is his prophet. Australia is now a security risk for innocent people, from allowing all cults to our freedoms. We have guards, bollards and barriers which we never had before Islam raised its threat.
Posted by Josephus, Monday, 29 April 2019 1:46:58 PM
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Dear Josephus,

Wait a second, Australia has produced a terrorist steeped in Christian lore who sought and received a blessing from the cult of the Knight Templar;

“I did contact the reborn Knights Templar for a blessing in support of the attack, which was given.”

“But I have only had brief contact with Knight Justiciar Breivik, receiving a blessing for my mission after contacting his brother knights.”

“... really took true inspiration from Knight Justiciar Breivik”

This individual slaughtered 50 innocent people as they were worshiping and you put up this?

“There is only one religion the belief that Allah is God and Mohamed is his prophet. Australia is now a security risk for innocent people, from allowing all cults to our freedoms.”

You really are in your own world aren't you.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 29 April 2019 2:25:24 PM
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I don't know if Sri Lanka thinks that their ban on hijabs reported today is some sort of retaliation to the Muslim atrocities in that country, but the bans that they should have enacted a long time ago consisted of total bans on Muslims.

Once terrorists are inside, it's too late to start banning anything.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 29 April 2019 3:49:20 PM
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Hi Steele,

And a fascist arm of Islamism murdered two hundred and fifty innocent men, women and children in Sri Lanka. As an atheist who does not believe that anybody has an after-life - this is their one and only, I do think that Christians have as much right to draw attention to that as Muslims have to the fascist atrocitiesof innocent people in Christchurch.

Fascism is a pre-civilized, evil, many-headed system: probably all religions and ideologies and philosophies can conceivably degenerate into fascism. Fascists often hate each other, since they are usually exclusivist - Aryan-German, Italian-Roman, Islamist and white-supremacist. In fact, they use each other as pretexts for their own atrocities. One could even say that they need each other, and feed off each other.

We must condemn fascism wherever we can identify it, including amongst white-supremacists and Islamists. I'm sure you would agree, Steele :)


Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 29 April 2019 4:02:40 PM
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an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.

What is the left-wing equivalent of Fascism ?
Posted by individual, Monday, 29 April 2019 7:00:00 PM
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Dear Loudmouth,

Of course I agree.

The shootings in the synagogue in California we inspired by our own Fascist terrorist who holds the past leader Mosley of the British Fascists as his absolute role model.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 29 April 2019 8:11:13 PM
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Fascism is also feature of the Left; it is not restricted to the Right.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 29 April 2019 10:08:17 PM
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Individual said;
What is the left-wing equivalent of Fascism ?

National Socialist of Deutschland.
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 29 April 2019 10:14:28 PM
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What makes you think that there is a huge distance between fascism and some forms of left-wing ideology ? i.e. Leninism or Maoism - and I'm writing as an ex-Leninist and ex-Maoist. Pol Pot ? The Marxist regime in Ethiopia twenty five and thirty years ago ? Where Venezuela is heading ? In fact, where all socialist/communist regimes inevitably move to ?

Back in the twenties, many writers seemed to be favorable to both Mussolini's fascism and Lenin's 'socialism' - G. B. Shaw, Sorel, Titmuss, etc., and couldn't easily distinguish between the two. After all, Mussolini had been head of the Italian Socialist Party. And Hitler called his party the German National Socialist Workers' Party.

So perhaps there is some overlap between what appear now to have been opposites. To the extent that socialism and communism lurch to authoritarianism in practice, which we take for granted to be a mark of fascism, and to the extent that both ideologies make a fetish out of their Grand Utopian Plans, then it would be accurate to suggest that they do have many features in common.

And the common enemy of both is: democracy, the rule of law, freedom of expression. Those are the benchmarks.

Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 29 April 2019 10:39:43 PM
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Bravo Loudmouth, says it all !
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 29 April 2019 11:02:21 PM
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Hear, hear.
Posted by ALTRAV, Tuesday, 30 April 2019 12:16:54 AM
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Under socialism / communism you must have laws that remove the right to own more assets or make more money than the average person. Take away that right and distribute equally to the poor and non workers. This is where the conflict occurs as the workers are carrying the free loaders. The State owns all public assets and the workers are employed by the State. The State owns the minds of the workers, so any political aspirations different to State opinion must be quashed i.e. China.

We have the threat of that happening in some elements of current Party Politics. "Give it all for free". However if an able bodied person cannot create enough wealth to sustain himself and his family and several disabled then socialist /communism does place us in Venusalia category.
Posted by Josephus, Tuesday, 30 April 2019 6:59:43 AM
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Josephus, I agree with your theme, but I must point out that there are millions of millionaires in China, as well as billionaires.
I don't know how they did it with the type of govt structure they have.
There must be some kind of financial or business freedom that we are not aware of.
I certainly have been confused, based on what I know and what you write, as to how this is possible.
They must have changed some laws or policies, which would now allow private individuals to succeed.
Maybe the central govt is a partner in the business so the state earns as well.
I don't know, but if anyone has an update on China's policy on this, I would sure like to know.
Posted by ALTRAV, Tuesday, 30 April 2019 7:30:56 AM
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2018. Lowy Institute: 54% of Australians wanted lower immigration.

ABS figures: Population grew by 400,000 per year over the previous 3 years.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 30 April 2019 9:55:53 AM
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Altrav, the people in business are able to make a lot of money in China.
However it does seem to be on call from the party.
I notice the party is demanding that many of those invested in
Australia are being told to return the money to China.
This is why many buildings with pre-build sales of units are not being
I do not think there are rules, it is just at the whim of the party.
Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 30 April 2019 10:56:50 AM
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I'm still not quite sure why some people are objecting
to what they call "multiculturalism."

People talk about the "Australian identity."
Can anybody tell us what that is precisely?

The Australian identity of the past would be very
different to the Australian identity of today.
And of course migrants to Australia have contributed
significantly over the past centuries and therefore
influenced our identity.

As someone wrote on the web - We are a country
obsessed with coffee (Thank You Italy), who loves
Yum Cha on week-ends (Thank You China), have a drink
with friends at the pub (Thank You UK) and celebrating
St Patrick's Day (Thank You Ireland) and the Chinese
New Year (Thank You China), and so on.

I realise that there are concerns among some people that they
feel certain groups will not ässimilate" into our
society. But we need to look at things logically.
Should someone fleeing persecution and war - who moves to
Australia be really expected to speak the same lingo?
Should they support Australia above every other sporting
team? Should they enjoy the same sense of humour?
Would an Australian moving to another country such as
France or Oman adopt all of their values?

Do they need to join the RSL, walk the Kokoda Track,
eat meat pies with tomato sauce and love vegemite
sandwiches, enjoy watching cricket and speak English
at home, all of the time? How many of us really do that?

Just a few thoughts - to lighten things up a bit...

Multiculturalism destroying Australian identity?
Or adding and enriching it?
And please lets leave extremists and fundamentalists out
of this equation!
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 30 April 2019 11:22:35 AM
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I think the figure was more like 35 % disapproving of current immigration levels and 65 % either approving (51 %) or unsure about (14 %) current levels:

Unless you have other figures ?

Posted by Loudmouth, Tuesday, 30 April 2019 11:53:49 AM
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AHH, Foxy, deflecting again I see.
I don't think Aussies give a sh!t as to whether migrants want to follow our sporting or cultural beliefs.
Again you intentionally avoid the root cause of our angst, and highlight it by telling us to ignore the very thing we are all talking and concerned about.
And guess what?
Let's not leave extremists and fundamentalists out of the equation.
How dare you try to sell your vial ideology.
It is precisely those things you are trying to ignore that are the problem.
What is the matter with you?
Why would anyone deflect from the obvious?
No we will include the extremists and fundamentalists, because they ARE the problem.
So until you or anyone else creates a device which, let's say, can be used at the airport, like our current screening electronic devices, which can identify these undesirables, as much as I feel torn, we must stop any further migration of this group.
I think Australia is doing fine with the mix we have.
I don't think we will suffer as a country if we stop any more Muslims from migrating here.
And in future, do not think us fools by trying that old trick again.
Show some fortitude and guts, and debate things with facts and not by omission.
Posted by ALTRAV, Tuesday, 30 April 2019 12:21:34 PM
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You know my "other figures" came from the Lowey Institute, generally a Left-wing organisation. Your figures come from SBS, a generally extreme Left wing organisation. So, who knows? It suits me to believe the former, and you the latter. But we both know that, when it's all boiled down, we don't know who to believe, and that polls could be total bullshite, anyway, because they never reveal their sampling methods. There are all sorts of tricks to get the answers whoever is paying you wants to hear.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 30 April 2019 12:32:37 PM
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If we don't take assimilation and values to the
extreme, then most migrants and refugees do
as we well know assimilate into Australian culture.

Many have become doctors saving people's lives,
successful human rights lawyers, scientists who find
cures for diseases, award-winning chefs, business
owners, I could go on. A couple have even become
Prime Ministers.

Of course there will always be a few (minority) who
don't attempt to assimilate. But their children will
and do. It is unfortunate that these people who
don't/won't assimilate are the ones the media fixates
on. Sadly controversy sells more papers. The media
also forgets to mention that these people can be
found all over the world, of all colours and religions -
some will be Caucasian Australians.

Neil Barringham said - "The grass is greener when you
water it!" In this context it makes sense. If a new
migrant is discriminated against or racially abused
they of course will be reluctant to assimilate and prefer
to stick with their own kind. And the more reluctant they
are to assimilate the more they will be abused and
discriminated against. It's a vicious circle.
I'm not suggesting that we should try to fit in with them.
But I do believe that if we could try to help each other,
live more kindly, and generously - it may just help.
It certainly can't hurt!
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 30 April 2019 1:55:30 PM
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Foxy, I know you have the mind and emotions of a mix between a five year old and Mary Poppins, but please stop sprouting all these dreamy, unrealistic and fanciful claims.
You refuse to understand and accept that it is the 'few baddies' amongst certain nationalities that are the problem.
Your wanting us to embrace them ALL in the belief that if we show them we care, they will renounce the koran and assimilate or at least not kill us.
Will you get it into your thick skull that the chances of a certain race being more a threat than others is a very real prospect and no end of trying to show them that we care is going to change that.
In fact with their particular mindset, they see it as a sign of weakness and will use it to their advantage.
Also will you once and for all accept that NO-ONE except themselves know who the bad guys are.
So the ONLY sure way of protecting ourselves is to cease the intake of Muslims.
Even then we have to be extra vigilant of who is already here.
If you are so smart then please you tell us who is going to harm us next, otherwise, stop it with the nicey, nicey stuff, it's honestly, quite disturbing and brings you across as being a little un-hinged.
DO you honestly believe even half of what you write?
"But I do believe that if we could try to help each other, live more kindly, and generously-it may just help.
It certainly can't hurt".
Where do you get off making dangerous statements like that?
You are not an authority on anything other than what you gleen from books, and you have no experience of the world, outside of your books.
So please,unless you have a fact that you have witnessed or makes sense, don't bother, you,re just getting in the way.
Posted by ALTRAV, Tuesday, 30 April 2019 6:33:34 PM
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Somebody said of America that, with continued immigration of any old Tom, Dick and Harry, the country has changed from being a melting pot into a chamber pot.

The same thing - or worse because of 400,000 extra people per annum coming into our relatively small population every year - can be said of Australia.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 30 April 2019 11:14:29 PM
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I can't wait to see what new term they're going to come up with to replace multiculturalism now that they can see that it's on the nose because it doesn't work ?
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 1 May 2019 12:35:38 AM
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I caught something on the news this evening...
Something about reporting white nationalists to police;
'QLD government is tracking over 100 white nationalists'.
'Rise in Nazi sympathisers'...
Don't they understand that the person who usually waves a flag on Australia day is white?

They're polarising the nation from a 'multicultural' viewpoint.
They're making it so that white people are unable to speak their mind in this country.

"We're multicultural and white nationalists are bad"

That's the narrative.
Its really just a big play with words.
You could change it and make it a valid argument.

"The white nationalists say that multiculturalism is bad"

- Would they be wrong? Show me where it worked -

When I stand up for white nationalism, it's not because I support Aryan nation, sport a Hitler mustache, support the KKK.
I don't support those things.

It's because the nations traditional white population are being sidelined from the public forum with this 'white nationist' 'racist' 'multicultural society' narrative.

Why is this country so intent on sidelining it's own people?
What kind of country backstabs its own people and then carries on with ANZAC day like they have dementia;
Don't they realise ANZACS were majority white nationalists?

I guess with all this immigration 29% of people not born here;
We may be reaching a critical mass where the majority of people in Australia DON'T identify as the traditional Australian.
They identify as 'foreigner or immigrant in a multicultural Australia'

You know what sucks,
Someone left the door open, all the foreigners piled in;
and now I'm retroactively being labelled a terrorist for daring to complain about multiculturalism;
Now that their immigration has made foreigners the majority and me 'just a normal kid like any other in my school day' in the minority.

You call it democracy?
I call it 'How to steal a nation' out from under it's people.

Once upon a time we citizens were the owners of this country.
Not anymore, the nations been sold off to the UN.
I was never consulted once...
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 1 May 2019 2:25:01 AM
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"I can't wait to see what new term they're going to come up with to replace multiculturalism now that they can see that it's on the nose because it doesn't work ?"

They won't replace the word 'multiculturalism'.
It's working extremely well separating us from our country.
They'll double down.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 1 May 2019 2:30:42 AM
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The problem is with multiculturalists is that they don't think that it is “on the nose” and it is working for them; it is a divide-and-rule technique, combined with identity politics.

Here's a piece of rubbish for you:

In the UK, Subway has removed ham and bacon from almost 200 outlets, and switched to halal meat alternatives in an attempt to please its Muslim customers.

It has confirmed turkey ham and turkey rashers will be used instead in 185 of its stores, where all the meat will now be prepared according to halal rules.

The chain, which has around 1,500 outlets across the UK, explained its decision by saying it had to balance animal welfare concerns with ‘the views of religious communities’.

As one commentator asked: “How about balancing it with the views of pork-eating Britons?” But, of course, your pork-eating Brits have long been subdued by the multiculturalists.

By the way: continue using your one-liners. They really infuriate unskilled people who use lots of words as battering rams to cover up the fact that they really have nothing to say
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 1 May 2019 10:15:36 AM
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Talking about "multiculturalism?"

The definition of multiculturalism is "relating to
or containing several cultural or ethnic groups
within a society." Australia has been a
multicultural country for at least the last 166 years.

Outside Australia's Indigenous people we are all
immigrants or descendants of immigrants - some earlier
than others - but all with an experience of immigration
during the foundation of modern Australia. Australia's
immigration experience has also been a broad one.
And all immigrant communities have made successful
contributions to Australian life.

We are different from
Europe and the UK in that our political and cultural
institutions have given Australia harmony and
tolerance. We have an institutional framework that
preserves tolerance and protects order so we are able to
celebrate and enjoy diversity in food, music, religion,
language and culture.

Terrorists and those who do not support our rule of
law and break the law - end up
paying for the consequences of their actions.

We have nothing to fear from multiculturalism. Our
history is proof of that. People who suggest otherwise
unfortunately have opinions that are always rooted in
generalisations that ignore the differences among individuals.
Their negative attitudes veer towards any individual of a
chosen group in the belief that they all share the same
supposed traits (Muslims, Asians, and so on).
These people see the world in
very rigid and stereotypical terms.

Thank Goodness, they are a tiny minority
and have little impact on the rest of the country.
Eventually they will end up on the ash heap of history.
Australia will not only survive but thrive.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 1 May 2019 2:07:02 PM
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Just a quick fact check on Foxy's posting.
She contends that, 'outside Australia's indigenous people, we are all immigrants or descendants of immigrants'.
Err, correction, EVERYONE on this land known as Australia are immigrants from another country.
It's just that some migrated thousands of years ago and others much, much later.
So let's keep it real people.
Over the course of history lands have seen many people travel through or settle down.
Then allowance has to be made for those who invade and wipe out any trace of any previous inhabitants.
The victors will always clarify any misunderstandings, by explaining that a land belongs to the conqueror.
This has always been the case, and for those wanting to dispute this, stop and look at the ground your standing on.
This is not abo ground, it may have been once, now there is a new kid on the block, all thanks to Queen Victoria and then having bequeathed and past it on down the line through inheritance, to our current ruler and Sovereign, Queen Elizabeth.
The current 'owner', yes owner, of Australia.
So remember folks, we are ALL immigrants or descendants of.
Posted by ALTRAV, Wednesday, 1 May 2019 7:36:20 PM
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Europe is a great example of Multiculturalism, is that what we want here ?
Could any indigenous please provide their views on this ? Many have expressed their disproval of the mainly caucasian migrants in the past, would they approve more of more African migrants or have immigration terminated full stop ? Do the indigenous Australians have a preferred group of migrants ? Please let us know so we can plan on future policies !
Posted by individual, Thursday, 2 May 2019 8:45:41 AM
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Australia in the past has accepted migrants from many countries and they have settled to play the same sports, eat the same food and accept the same laws, live in the same localities. We were multinational in origin and became Australian. Since Muslims and their sympathisers have worked their way into border security and welfare positions, conflict has arisen in localities where ghettos are formed that do not accept our social values [do not make infidels, Christians and Jews your friends], Democratic politics [there is only one Ruler, Allah], assimilation, foods [only halal taxed foods] and laws [only the laws of Allah].

Anyone that objects to conformity to Islam is homophobic and among those that are extreme Right Wing. Extreme Right has become the new term for normal Australian.
Posted by Josephus, Thursday, 2 May 2019 9:23:21 AM
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The review of scientific evidence published in the
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
tells us that Aboriginal Australian's claim to
having always been here is indeed the case. Their
ancestors and traditional learnings tell them of
this history, and their precise place within it.

Their ancestors arrived shortly after 50,000 years
ago - effectively forever - given that modern human
populations only moved out of Africa 50,000 - 55,000
years ago.

Aboriginal Australians have effectively been on their
country as long as modern human populations have been
outside of Africa.

This helps us better understand Aboriginal history by
appreciating the enormous depth of time that
Aboriginal groups have been on their own particular
country and the extent to which all their history,
knowledge, and ancestors form part of that country.

It is this gulf between European history of constant
migration and global dispersal, and the profoundly deep
Aboriginal connection to one particular part of the
world that leads to failures to comprehend why being
on country is not simply a " lifestyle choice" but
a fundamental part of their identity.

As the following link explains:
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 2 May 2019 10:59:54 AM
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cont'd ...

Ooops - sorry for the typo - I left out the zero.
Here's the link again:
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 2 May 2019 11:02:53 AM
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When we hear of 'sucessful multiculturalism' it is from the elites who forced it on us without our permission, the politicians who were too weak to combat it, or ordinary plebs who can be trained to believe anything if it's repeated often enough.

Multiculturalism, a white-anting of the West, has not worked anywhere in the Western world - unless you are talking on behalf of the social engineers who started it. It is a dangerous add-on to normal societies who were fine without it. It is nothing more than another assault on Western values and on white people. You won't find any non-white countries importing white people.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 2 May 2019 11:04:48 AM
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"Multiculturalism, a white-anting of the West, has not worked anywhere in the Western world - unless you are talking on behalf of the social engineers who started it."

'social engineers' that serve to nefariously divide and conquer for their own interests and profit, more likely...
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 2 May 2019 12:47:57 PM
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The entire world contains several cultural or ethnic
groups within a society. In other words - it's
multicultural. People travel, move, and settle
where ever they choose to live. Australia has been
multicultural for the last 166 years - and is still
thriving and will continue to do so. Our political
and cultural institutions that govern this country
within an institutional framework that preserves
tolerance and protects order is what makes it all
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 2 May 2019 2:47:42 PM
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Dearest Foxy,

To see where the 'discussion' on Indigenous issues may go, have a listen to Neil Mitchell on:

I think he's spot-on.


Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 2 May 2019 3:53:06 PM
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Which of the non-western countries promote multiculturalism by encouraging immigration to their societies?
Posted by individual, Thursday, 2 May 2019 10:40:46 PM
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“ Political correctness is the anaesthetic, preventing society (from) waking up to the distortions imposed by subservience to multiculturalism's that all differences be accepted without complaint. If the abrasive cultural norms of some new arrivals are called to account, it's comment on unacceptable behaviour, not racism”. (Geoffrey Luck)
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 2 May 2019 10:56:21 PM
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If you want to see where multiculturalism has taken Europe just read
this and it is not hard to see that we are on this track.
Not as far as Europe but only a few years ago they were like us now.

Just read it and see if you can see something unique with Australia
that will enable us to escape the fate that Europe now faces.
Further reading, The Strange Death of Europe.
Have not read it myself but it is recommended.
Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 2 May 2019 11:12:21 PM
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The really stupid thing, Bazz, is that the downfall of Europe via multiculturalism is ignored by our politicians because they are the same sort of invertebrates as the ones who have brought about the 'death of Europe' as chronicled by Douglas Murray in his book. Our 'death' will be just a bit later than Europe's, but it will occur. We are well on the way.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 2 May 2019 11:27:21 PM
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I have read 'The Strange Death of Europe', which is now available on Google Books for $11.05.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 2 May 2019 11:32:04 PM
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ttbn, finally some reason for a change.
I'm sick of these back patting simpletons, telling each other how wonderful they are, when everyone else around them is trying desperately to explain and demonstrate to them that they are wrong.
Geoffrey Luck, put it very well, and without embellishments.
Unfortunately the deplorables refuse to see the fallacy in their beliefs.
When someone only sees and promotes one side or belief, even if 'they' feel 'they' mean well, it is ignorance accompanied by sheer arrogance, and a very large dose of naivety to continue pushing an agenda even after many have proven them wrong.
Words like 'preserves tolerance and protects order'?
What a load of crap.
Again none of the comments in this particular post are a tried and proven fact, just another pathetic example of self importance and trying to appear viable in an attempt to be seen as someone with something worth saying or worth hearing.
I would like to hear, just once, some original words or thoughts of their own doing, (aka opinions) and not stupid quotes from just another plagiarized excerpt from someone else.
It simply demonstrates, by their own hand, that they do not have an original thought, thereby exhibiting a total lack of personal and 'real' knowledge, about anything and everything.
And so it is their comments should be taken as satire and not as serious.
Posted by ALTRAV, Thursday, 2 May 2019 11:40:07 PM
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"I have read 'The Strange Death of Europe', which is now available on Google Books for $11.05."

By any chance was it actually 'strange'?
Or was it just simple cause and effect;

- What happens when you put idiots in charge -
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 3 May 2019 2:24:18 AM
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First, please accept my belated congratulations on your description of one of the “back patting simpletons” as a cross between a “5 year old and Mary Poppins”. Very apt. The luvvies have the need to crowd together in their echo chamber because they don’t manage at all well in the larger world.

I no longer read their nonsense, having returned to scrolling upwards, noting the names, and whizzing past the cranks and idiots. The only posts I bother with are those expressing sentiments and opinions similar to my own. There is no point dealing with people who you know will oppose everything you say, no matter what you say. If the poor fools think that they have any influence over others, let them have their illusions: they have nothing else. I won’t name the posters I read because I don’t want to accidentally leave anyone out; but I think they will know who they are.

I am content to have the opportunity to express my opinions and have the occasional yarn with like-minded people.


Yes, the title is strange in my view too. ‘Inevitable’ would have been better, and the death was really suicide by stupid politicians. However, it is a very good book and a warning (that is being ignored) to us. Murray is the leader in thoughts on the European sickness, which we are slowly succumbing to here
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 3 May 2019 10:15:42 AM
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" The practitioners of the politics of resentment
recognise one another," writes Francis Fukuyama in
his new book on identity politics, helpfully titled -

He tells us that "You didn't have this white identity
politics till the last couple of years in the US."
Or at least not in a mainstream political party.

"It's Trump - he's basically a racist and he's
encouraged others so it's not surprising they've come
out of the woodwork."

There are calls for
dramatic cuts to immigration intake and a toughening
of citizenship criteria. Yet, in Australia we don't
have the problems that others do. For example we don't
have the rigid class structures of Britain and the
self conscious humanist idealism of America - these
are missing DownUnder. Our Penal colony roots and the
celebration of the larrikin are a part of it.

That opens the way for all migrants
to join. The key to becoming an Australian is not the
fact of letting go of another culture. It is the act
of holding onto it from afar. That's the paradox of who we

In 2014 Francis Fukuyama wrote that American and global
institutions were in a state of decay as the state
was captured by powerful interest groups. Two years later
his predictions were borne out by the rise to power of
a series of political outsiders whose economic nationalism
and authoritarian tendencies today threaten to destabilise the
entire international order.

These populist nationalists seek
direct charismatic connection to "the people" who are
usually defined in narrow identity terms that offer an
irrisistible call to an in-group and exclude large parts
of the population as a whole.

The demands of identity direct much of what is going on in
world politics today.

The universal recognition on which liberal democracy is
based has been increasingly challenged by restrictive forms
of recognition based on nation, religion, race, ethnicity or
gender, which has resulted in anti-immigrant populism, the
upsurge of politicised Islam, and the hideous emergence
of white nationalism.

Unless we forge a universal understanding of human dignity
we doom ourselves to continual conflict.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 3 May 2019 12:14:28 PM
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ttbn, thanks, I'll take any comments of positivity over the self indulgent tripe this particular group continually dish out.
As for you not reading their nonsense, I find that it is almost compulsory to do so, because firstly, I don't think I've come across such a mis-guided, self-centered, belligerent bunch, in quite a while.
Don't tell em' but I enjoy seeing just how far to the wrong they will go to win a point.
Knowing I am objective, makes for some entertaining moments when I read their comments that are without question, subjective.
This latest horse and the old maggot saga has proven it and sealed their fate.
I have always 'sussed' them soon after I began following them, and it is now clear, they add a touch of fiction and drama to an otherwise boring article.
But I am prepared to forgo my being entertained by these people in exchange for some honesty, maturity, and acceptance of the truth, even if they don't like it.
It appears that some of them refuse to be compromised emotionally, and therefore will always reject the truth if it in any way sounds like it might upset them.
So they prefer to 'live a lie', in an unrealistic world of their own making so they never have to be sad again.
All the while, because they have their heads buried in this fanciful sandbox, they can't see the precipice approaching, and of course as usual, when they do it's too late.
No I will be in the wings waiting for more rubbish to be put out by this lot, and I will correct them, if and where necessary.
I follow your comments with interest.
Keep up the good and enlightening work.
Posted by ALTRAV, Friday, 3 May 2019 12:24:28 PM
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I wish some people could hear themselves.
Or at least, 'proof read' their comments.
On another topic a man on a horse is criticized for being a 'larrikin',
Now we read that apparently because of certain people's penal colony roots, 'we celebrate', prisoners and 'larrikins'.
So it is once again that I am vindicated by the fact that, as much as the mindless ones try to make a point, they do so without first thinking.
Oh and it's suddenly been discovered that, apparently, all our problems began two years ago, when Trumpy became President.
HAH, Really?
Posted by ALTRAV, Friday, 3 May 2019 12:58:02 PM
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" .... I don't think I've come across such a mis-guided, self-centered, belligerent bunch, in quite a while .... I enjoy seeing just how far to the wrong they will go to win a point".

Agreed. But they never win. Like gambling addicts, they keep on nagging and harping because they think they eventually will win. They won't.

If you enjoy toying with them, don't stop. I just don't have the patience to bother with them any longer, but I always enjoy what you have to say about them.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 3 May 2019 1:01:42 PM
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Before I leave this discussion I would just like
to add a few last thoughts:

History tells us that good, thoughtful policy
and strong political leadership is paramount to
fostering and maintaining social cohesion. It also
tells us that policy in this area is most effective
when accompanied by leadership and champions for
multiculturalism across all sectors of society.

We have seen in recent years that discourse on diversity
from a small minority of voices in politics can capitalise
on fears, myths, and misunderstanding, and undermine
the invaluable contributions of our diverse society.

Multiculturalism means accepting
the nuance of our many accents and the differences in our
experiences - whether that means accepting the rich history
of Australia's First Nations People or welcoming newly arrived

Immigration is just the beginning of a longer journey for
all of those who have been given a second chance at a new
life in Australia.

It is important to remember that
while we are characterised by individual cultural differences
and certainly possess differing points of view,
such differences should not be used as the basis
of misconstrued notions of
an "us versus them"mentality.

Rather leaders, - both at the top levels of government and
in local communities must work together to remind people
that our diversity of views and our differences of culture
have been the cornerstone of many of Australia's shared
achievements throughout history. Therefore maintaining
and strengthening cohesion in the future is the
responsibility of all of us.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 3 May 2019 2:01:06 PM
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Altrav & ttbn, well I think it is a lost cause so the only consolation
I can expect is that they will go after the "Useful Idiots" first.
Then the politicians will pay the Jizyah tax with our money and submit.
A word of advise for you Foxy, make yourself scarce when it happens.
Or buy a prayer mat
Posted by Bazz, Friday, 3 May 2019 2:12:43 PM
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Dear Bazz,

I was given - ( not a prayer mat - I don't need a mat to
pray - I talk to God all the time and quite freely) but a
gorgeous Persian rug as a gift that now sits
in my study.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 3 May 2019 2:21:09 PM
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Foxy said;
such differences should not be used as the basis
of misconstrued notions of
an "us versus them"mentality.

Are you really that naive Foxy ?

I see that a Labour candidate in Melbourne looks like he will get the
boot because he remarked that Moslims should not migrate to Australia.
He is probably a bit slow on the uptake if he thought he could speak
freely and truthfully about anything to do with Islam.
I see Bill is going to reinforce the 18c paragraph to ensure that we
could go to gaol, unless we get a fine, for criticizing Islam.
This is to bring our legislation into line with the UK's legislation.
Posted by Bazz, Friday, 3 May 2019 2:24:10 PM
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"I see Bill is going to reinforce the 18c paragraph to ensure that we
could go to gaol, unless we get a fine, for criticizing Islam.
This is to bring our legislation into line with the UK's legislation".

That's why it is imperative that we get some conservatives into the senate. 18C still needs to be abolished.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 3 May 2019 5:03:21 PM
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Shouldn't 18 c apply to everyone, not just white males ?
Posted by individual, Saturday, 4 May 2019 10:36:56 PM
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What about 18c paragraph for migrants ?
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 14 May 2019 8:13:15 AM
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