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Persecution of Christians
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Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 9 April 2019 1:40:45 PM
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They're a weird mob alright, in Parliament !
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 9 April 2019 9:04:19 PM
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The ones who think that they will always be in parliament no matter what, certainly are. If people are not comfortable with withholding their votes altogether from people who think they are entitled to them, they can at least put the Coalition and Labor last. People who think they were born to rule need a lesson. Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 9 April 2019 10:27:32 PM
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The problem with Christians is that by and large most of them support Israel unconditionally.
And so it is that the conservative side of politics (and associated Christian voters) is usually also supportive of Israel. The nation tries to pull back from unfettered progressive idiocy; But falls straight into the 'kiss Israels arse' camp every time. In my opinion Christians who foolishly support Zionism are being lead down the garden path. Not only that, they are walking us straight into middle eastern wars, and eventually armageddon. I support Christians in that I support 'good ethics' over societies 'no ethics'. But I won't ever back them or their beliefs unconditionally. I think a lot of their ideology lacks logic and is deeply flawed. And I don't support nuking all life on the planet in the hope that Jesus might return during my life, which seems to be the creed of these 'useful idiots'. Jesus spoke about Jews who are not Jews. The writings on the wall but some so called Christians are too entrenched in their own beliefs to see the bigger picture, sadly. For those stupid Christians, I recommend the 'TRUNEWS Daily Godcast'. Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 10 April 2019 9:06:24 AM
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Just to drive the point home.
Trump named Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (i.e the Iranian military) a terror organisation yesterday. (Iran responded by naming the US military a terrorist organisation) This means that US forces can now attack Iranian military anywhere and at any time. I hope all you idiots are ready for WW3 waged in the Zionists and petrodollars interest. Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 10 April 2019 9:36:51 AM
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“The problem with Christians is that by the by and large most of them support Israel unconditionally”. What is your basis for this claim? Is this claim relevant to the topic? Does this OK persecution of Christians? In my opinion, this comment and the rest of your post has nothing to do with the persecution of Christians and the fact that freedom of discussion about a Christian conference will be blocked, no matter what opinions and comments would have evolved. You have the right to lay into Christianity if you wish, but this thread is not the place to do that. Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 10 April 2019 10:18:50 AM
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"The problem with Christians is that by and large most of them support Israel unconditionally" Rubbish, most Christians hardly ever think of Israel; and as there are about 2.2 billion Christians I rather think that my statement has more chance of being true than yours. Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 10 April 2019 11:49:29 AM
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Dear Is Mise,
You are correct, or if they do think of Israel it is not in a favourable light given that only the more fundamental types agree with the Israeli treatment of the Palestinian people. It also instructive to see Israel topping the list of countries earning a "High" score of government restrictions on religious freedom. It places them above countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan and the UAE. And New Zealand was fourth last over all categories yet this is where an far right-wing activist chose to make his point. Posted by SteeleRedux, Wednesday, 10 April 2019 12:32:43 PM
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Whether or not Christians give two hoots about Israel, it is not relevant to the the persecution of Christians. My support of Israel has nothing to do with Christianity or Judaism. And it us bugger all to with the topic.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 10 April 2019 12:58:25 PM
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Hey ttbn,
"What is your basis for this claim?" Really? I'm not sure that remark is worthy of a response. I didn't think I had to explain the bleeding obvious. "Is this claim relevant to the topic?" Yes, I believe it most certainly is. "Does this OK persecution of Christians?" Yes, it certainly seems to. Let me ask do you and / other Christians; (that is if you identify as one) - understand the relationship between actions and consequences? That is, that actions have consequences. Are you familiar with this logical concept? Now I know Christians are pretty dumb. Anything more complex than that of a Year 7 student is too hard and they have a propensity to 'Leave it up to God' and put on evangelical music instead. But here's what I see: 1. Trump gets voted in with the help of Evangelicals. 2. Trump supports Israels Zionist foreign policies including wars on behalf of Israel. 3. Israel and US neoconservative wars include arming Islamic terrorists. 4. Armed Islamic terrorists kill middle eastern Christians. - Actions and Consequences - Christians support Trump; Results in: Christians being killed. Christians are so dumb they're willing to let their actions and support result in the killing of other Christians; for their blind support of Israel and the deranged glee they feel from Jesus's 2nd coming. You support Israel. Don't you think it's a little hypocritical / ironic / talking out of both sides of you mouth when you whinge about persecution of Christians, but your blind support of Israel results in exactly the same thing; - No different than if you took a knife and slit those fellow Christians throats yourself? Get it now? Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 10 April 2019 1:01:01 PM
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Dear Is Mise,
This is another aspect of religious intolerance which I'm not sure got picked up in the Pew report. "It is a criminal offense for Jews in Israel to marry in weddings performed outside the state’s religious authority, and doing so can result in a jail sentence of up to two years. Hiddush ranked Israel as the only Western democracy that is on a par with Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia and other Islamic states in relation to freedom of marriage." Wikipedia. Posted by SteeleRedux, Wednesday, 10 April 2019 1:07:09 PM
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It will probably surprise you to learn that runner is not typical of Christians! If you weren't as dumb as you wrongly assume Christians to be than you'd know that persecution of Christians has long predated Trump running for president. Christians generally don't unconditionally support Israel. Millions of Christians opposed trump. And most of those who supported him are more likely to have done so because of his stance on abortion laws rather than anything to do with Israel. Posted by Aidan, Wednesday, 10 April 2019 1:19:44 PM
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There are problems with the logic of all of your premises which make them ludicrously invalid: 1. Trump gets voted in with the help of Evangelicals. 2. Trump supports Israel's Zionist foreign policies including wars on behalf of Israel. 3. Israel and US neoconservative wars include arming Islamic terrorists. 4. Armed Islamic terrorists kill middle eastern Christians. 1. Many people (almost a majority) voted for Trump, overwhelmingly non-Evangelicals; 2. Which wars are you referring to ? Has Israel attacked any sovereign country lately, apart from a few air-strikes in Syria, to warn both Syria and Iran to keep their armed forces away from the border and to rein in Hezbollah. 3. Do you mean that israel provided medical care for people fleeing the fighting in Syria, including Islamist terrorists, as the Hippocratic Oath would demand ? Any evidence of Israel 'arming Islamist terrorists' ? 4. Armed Islamist terrorists are sort of equal-opportunity killers, happily killing Shi'ites, Yazidis, Mandeans, Kurds, Jews, Druse, and 'apostates' amongst Sunnis, as well as Christians. So your conclusion, from all those rubbery assertions, doesn't necessarily follow, not even from one flawed premise to the next. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Wednesday, 10 April 2019 1:49:31 PM
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academia and our political class are full of Christophobes. They are happy to embrace death cults like Islam and secularism. That is why they excuse murdering the unborn and Islamic terrorism while making it illegal to speak truth. Inside these Christophobes know they are corrupt and will one day face judgement. Instead of humbling themselves they continue pushing their sick ideologies through schools and unis and demonising anyone who stands for decency. Some of our pollies are brave enough to call these hypocrites out however they are few. It has taken someone like Trump to show what these lying liberals are made of. No wonder they hate him so much.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 10 April 2019 5:53:40 PM
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Dear runner,
You on the sauce yet again? Bloody hell mate your president Trump is a pathological liar of the first degree and to argue otherwise would be a sign of an enfeebled mind. And this from you; "Christophobes know they are corrupt and will one day face judgement" Mate the leaders of your religion in this country have raped and molested their way through thousands and thousands of young innocent Australians. What kind of judgement will they face? What kind of corruption did they indulge in? Or they get special dispensation from you because they are 'close to God'? There is nothing that comes close to the deep hypocrisy that your fellow Christians like Pell indulged in yet and yet you still want to defend him. You sir will face your judgement day too and if there is any justice either here or there you will hopefully be held to account, may God have mercy on your soul. Perhaps asking forgiveness from the rest of us for the deplorable crimes of your faith would be a start. I'm waiting. Posted by SteeleRedux, Wednesday, 10 April 2019 6:33:36 PM
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It's no wonder fewer and fewer people are putting up topics for discussion when the same non-contributing cranks use just about any post, on any subject, to vent their irrelevant hatreds and obsessions.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 10 April 2019 7:39:00 PM
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You amaze me steelie that you have even found a moral base to call child molestation wrong. But only if its been done by those you hate eh steelie. You should know that in the Maori culture like our Indigenous culture, the abuse of girls has been epidemic. But don't let facts get in the way of your hatreds.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 10 April 2019 7:49:03 PM
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Posted by SteeleRedux, Wednesday, 10 April 2019 12:32:43 PM
And New Zealand was fourth last over all categories yet this is where an far right-wing activist chose to make his point. Answer- From what I remember Brenton Tarrant in his Manifesto claimed to be an "environmental activist". I'm sure there are more than one reason for his actions but I'm not sure how SteelRedux gets the idea that he was a "right-wing activist". I haven't done an exhaustive analysis- but I'd be interested in how SteeleRedux backs up his claim. Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 10 April 2019 9:08:23 PM
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“I didn't think I had to explain the bleeding obvious”. It is not bleeding obvious. It is unsubstantiated, ignorant bulldust. How is this stupid remark of yours relevant to anyone being persecuted? You say it is but you can't say why. And, if Christians did all support Israel, that means they should be persecuted, you say. What a sicko! Pronouncing that Christian are “pretty dumb” reveals you as uneducated, red-necked bigot. Your slanderous ravings are appalling, even for you. Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 10 April 2019 11:11:18 PM
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Just note the persecutions of Christians in general on "Online Opinion" by people who have not read and practised the teachings of Christ.
Posted by Josephus, Thursday, 11 April 2019 7:56:23 AM
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The palestinians who give payouts for anyone that manages to kill Jews can't be doing too flash either!! Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 11 April 2019 8:16:28 AM
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There is an increasing Christophobia in the West generally. And, some bishops, priests and ministers are twisting scripture to 'get in good' with secular society. When Christianity gets to be like secular society,it might as well not exist.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 11 April 2019 10:18:12 AM
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Dear CM,
The manifesto was a pretty disjointed rant for most of it with prevarications and diversions throughout such as; “Were/are you a christian? That is complicated.” … “Were/are you “right wing”? Depending on the definition, sure. Were/are you “left wing”? Depending on the definition, sure. Were/are you a socialist? Depending on the definition.” But he could be very direct when he wanted to make a point; “To Antifa/Marxists/Communists I do not want to convert you, I do not want to come to an understanding. Egalitarians and those that believe in heirachy will never come to terms. I don’t want you by my side or I don’t want share power. I want you in my sights. I want your neck under my boot. SEE YOU ON THE STREETS YOU ANTI-WHITE SCUM.” Pretty hard to make the case he wasn't hard core right especially when he says the former leader of the British Fascist Party was “the person from history closest to my own beliefs”. He also regarded the leader of the United Patriot Front in Australia as an emperor and threatened someone who had criticised the clown. Further he is clear that he “only really took true inspiration from Knight Justiciar Breivik”. But I'm interested to hear how you distinguish ecofascism from rightwing extremism given it has deep roots in the Nazi party? Bloody and soil and all that? Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 11 April 2019 4:34:44 PM
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Sorry for the delayed response everyone,
Firstly ttbn, (To your earlier comment) "In my opinion, this comment and the rest of your post has nothing to do with the persecution of Christians and the fact that freedom of discussion about a Christian conference will be blocked..." Yes, point taken and sorry; - If your thread was more concerned with facebook censorship - But it's all part of the same larger picture anyway. We could have a bigger discussion on social media censorship which has been going on for ages, but this isn't the direction I'm going to go with my comment at this time. - I'll come back for your other comments - SteeleRedux, I've heard some interesting things about marriage laws in Israel. Wives falsely accusing men of domestic violence and husbands ending up in jail for being unable to pay child support; As well as foreign men being jailed because they got a divorce whilst in Israel. Aidan, "Christians generally don't unconditionally support Israel." Come on, be serious. Most 'REAL' Christians support Israel. 'Gods chosen people', 'King of the Jews' etc. - But I'm starting to see a schism amongst them in their beliefs though. The 'REAL' ones are waking up, the others are still walking the rest of off a cliff. - Most still stand with Israel, whilst a small but growing group seem to be opposing Zionism. Take in everything I post here including the links and you'll find out what I mean. - And yes you're right about the abortion laws, but Trump did more than that to woo the evangelicals vote, don't play it down, he did make an genuine show of winning their votes. Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 12 April 2019 12:31:21 AM
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Hey Loudmouth,
"Many people (almost a majority) voted for Trump, overwhelmingly non-Evangelicals" Oh here we bloody go again... You people amaze me; we all argued for 2 years over it, then you all act dimentia-like. Articles and Opinions; Facts and statistics; - of 'Why Trump won the evangelical vote when he was so UN-Christian. - "Grab 'em by the pussy", 'Cheated on his wife' etc; remember? It would take too much time to answer your other questions accurately and I can just add links to get you started and you can find out for yourself if you look hard enough. If not stay dumb to the facts as I expected some of you would. Hey runner, I've spoken heaps about One Word Government, But there's also a One World Religion. If you want to know more about this; You and the other Christians REALLY DONT WANT TO MISS THIS VIDEO; What do you know about the Babylonion Talmud and the Noahide Laws? Also watch this one, which has some info at the start about big tech and Israel. Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 12 April 2019 1:05:15 AM
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Hey ttbn,
"And, if Christians did all support Israel, that means they should be persecuted, you say." No, you got my response mixed up. To clarify: I wasn't commenting on whether or not they 'should' be persecuted; - I was simply stating that that is the end result of their support. Hey Josephus, "Just note the persecutions of Christians in general on 'Online Opinion' by people who have not read and practised the teachings of Christ." Don't you be too quick to chip your 2 cents in. You're one of the 'dumb' Christians that supports Israel unconditionally, but doesn't realise that the Jewish Messiah you're helping Israel to bring back is the ANTI-CHRIST. You shouldn't just watch the above links, you should watch 'em twice. Maybe even several times until it bloody well sinks in. - Seriously, watch them - Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 12 April 2019 1:32:45 AM
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Dear Critic,
No foreign men are jailed in Israel because they got a divorce; what you probably heard is about men (Israeli and foreign visitors alike) who were arrested because they refuse to ceremoniously agree to the divorce. According to Jewish law, once a court of law approves a divorce, the husband must take an active step to make the divorce happen - otherwise the woman remains forcibly "married" indefinitely, cannot marry anyone else and if she then has children then these are considered bastards (who in turn face a life of sanctions). Such unfortunate women wither in agony, especially if they are religious and wouldn't have any other relationship with men while "married". When a husband refuses a court-order to divorce, usually because they wish to blackmail their ex-wife or just to torment her, then the court has the power to arrest them until they declare that they agree to the divorce. Some husbands manage to escape the country beforehand, but if they return for any reason then they can be arrested. Some have returned under a different identity, but once uncovered, they were arrested (and immediately agreed to release their ex-wife so they can catch their flight back home). All those men need is to say the word "OK" or anything to that effect to indicate that they accept the divorce - then they are instantaneously freed. If they still refuse to agree even in jail, then they are placed in solitary confinement and as they continue to refuse, more and more privileges are taken away from them until eventually they are left with just four walls without even a mattress and only bread and water as meals. You may say "what rubbish, the court should just free the wife with or without the husband", but this is sadly not allowed by thousands-of-years-old Jewish scripture. Believe me, the Rabbis already search in every nook and cranny for loopholes to allow them to free the wife on their own. The most sad cases are when the husband lies in hospital in a vegetative state, never to be conscious again. Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 12 April 2019 1:45:56 AM
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Thanks Yuyutsu for adding some more info.
I found a playlist of videos relating to this and was going to look into it more but unfortunately I lost the link to it; - And I only mentioned it because of SteeleRedux's comment. - I did hear one point being that only the husband can approve or allow the divorce; as you mentioned. Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 12 April 2019 2:11:41 AM
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Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 11 April 2019 4:34:44 PM
Comment2- "Were/are you “right wing”? Depending on the definition, sure. Were/are you “left wing”? Depending on the definition, sure. Were/are you a socialist? Depending on the definition.” “To Antifa/Marxists/Communists I do not want to convert you, I do not want to come to an understanding. Egalitarians and those that believe in heirachy will never come to terms. I don’t want you by my side or I don’t want share power. I want you in my sights. I want your neck under my boot. SEE YOU ON THE STREETS YOU ANTI-WHITE SCUM.” Answer2- It's not totally inconsistent perhaps to be a Socialist but be against Cultural Marxism ie. Antifa/Marxists/Communists. When he says "Egalitarians and those that believe in heirachy (Hierarchy) will never come to terms" he seems to be indicating that the ideologies of Equality and Meritocracy are incompatible. This seems to support SteeleRedux's comment that Brenton Tarrant is against "Locke Social Libertarianism". This therefore implies that Brenton Tarrant is either (or even multiples of) 1. Economic Libertarian 2. Economic Conservative Traditionalist or 3. Social Conservative Traditionalist. Usually perhaps if one favours Economic solutions to governing you are considered right of centre such as Economic Libertarianism, Economic Conservative Traditionalism. Perhaps if one favours Social solutions to governing you might be considered left of centre such as a Social Libertarist. Given that a Socially Conservative Traditionalist would favour Social policies over Economic ones perhaps they should be considered as part of the Left. Perhaps the reason that they are normally considered as part of the right is more to do with historical reasons rather than ideological alignment. I would say that perhaps Brenton Tarrant is a Conservative Centrist Moderate but admittedly a militant one. Maybe there should be a militancy continuum in the political "state space". There are times and places where the attribute of militancy is valued. But I'm sure it can be a problem for government when the ideology of militant individuals is against the governing ideological principles embodied in the laws and policies Posted by Canem Malum, Friday, 12 April 2019 8:33:27 AM
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Pretty hard to make the case he wasn't hard core right especially when he says the former leader of the British Fascist Party was “the person from history closest to my own beliefs”. Answer3- Former leader of the British Fascist Party- Oswald Mosley. Comment4- He also regarded the leader of the United Patriot Front in Australia as an emperor and threatened someone who had criticised the clown. Further he is clear that he “only really took true inspiration from Knight Justiciar Breivik”. But I'm interested to hear how you distinguish ecofascism from rightwing extremism given it has deep roots in the Nazi party? Bloody and soil and all that? Answer4- You could argue that diversity politics doesn't take diversity and equality far enough given it only values the equality of humans and not fauna and flora. This view being perhaps ecofacist would indicate that it should be located on the extreme left- but how is this different than communism- as it appears to be? As I've said before political terms seem to be arbitrarily placed on the political spectrum perhaps due to an ideological desire to be seen as being on "the side of good". I'm not the expert on Nazism that apparently SteeleRedux is- however I understand that Nazism has it's roots as a Socialist party- so I can understand that Nazism would have elements of "the left"- interesting how "all paths of badness" seem to go to Nazism again- as if no one else is capable of it. "Bloody and soil and all that?" - I think the Nazi party is not unique in discussing Blood and Soil. ________________________ There are those pragmatic people that don't care about "the good" but understand the "importance of perception"- there are also people that naively believe they are good. The world and the universe is a much stranger place than we realise a lot of the time. Questions are important but so is stability- balance. Sometimes the questions need to be sacrificed for stability- and the progressive for traditional. Stick to the plan- even if it's sub-optimal. Posted by Canem Malum, Friday, 12 April 2019 8:36:42 AM
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Perception is influenced by thought.
Posted by Canem Malum, Friday, 12 April 2019 8:42:04 AM
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Hey ttbn,
Whilst not specifically relating to Christians, this is an excellent video that discusses the issues surrounding social media and online public forum censorship. They bring to focus some good logical arguments and valid points. It really is a must watch for everyone. Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 12 April 2019 2:02:19 PM
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Hey ttbn,
'The problem with Christians is that by the by and large most of them support Israel unconditionally'. "What is your basis for this claim?" A website and author you've quoted so you should know. Christians - Conservatism - Israel. And if that's not enough... I also mentioned conservative / Nationalist parties always are alingned with Israel. So I went and checked out Fraser Annings 'Conservative National Party'. Read the policies and damn they look pretty good. I wondered about their position on Israel. A bit more of a search online and damn, there it is. You see? Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 27 April 2019 4:11:05 AM
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Killing In The Name Of Islam: Christian Death Toll Rises To 1,870 In 190 Days. Posted by Josephus, Tuesday, 30 April 2019 7:11:24 AM
As part of, hopefully not violent persecution and discrimination in Australia, Facebook has banned a conference called ‘Religious Freedom at the Crossroads – The Rise of Anti-Christian Sentiment in the West’, to be held in Perth on June 14-15”.
You don't have to be a Christian to be alarmed by this move, probably triggered by our PM's trumpeting about cracking down on ‘extreme’ sentiments on social media. Funny old country, Australia, where Christians will need to start looking over their shoulders while our government, which still mouths the Lord's Prayer, allows a Muslim group which the rest of the world has declared a terror organisation, a free go here