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Would you pay more? Always?
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Posted by Canem Malum, Monday, 1 April 2019 7:11:54 AM
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"We took the name 'Liberal' because we were determined to be a progressive party, willing to make experiments, in no sense reactionary but believing in the individual, his rights, and his enterprise, and rejecting the socialist panacea."
Robert Menzies From the about Menzies quote the Liberal Party is "Right Liberal". Ayn Rand, Fountainhead 1943 had motivated a concept of the "Heroic Businessman" at about the same era- perhaps that is what Menzies was tapping into when he formed the Liberal Party in 1944. David Nolan, one of the founders of the Libertarian Party, stated that "without Ayn Rand, the libertarian movement would not exist" Posted by Canem Malum, Monday, 1 April 2019 7:12:42 AM
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CM hard stuff, seeing you stick to the view any one not a conservative is a Lefty
Time, if we both have enough, will prove the very right has got it very wrong Posted by Belly, Monday, 1 April 2019 10:41:40 AM
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will prove the very right has got it very wrong
Belly, Anything extreme is wrong left or right or extreme party loyalty ! Posted by individual, Monday, 1 April 2019 2:05:18 PM
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in your view indy!
Once again my mate you get in to trying to read my mind KNOW I voted against Labor in NSW the year the filth saw us beaten KNOW I CONSTANTLY, take them on ,demanding true reform true honest selection of our leaders Demand the death of that word solidarity because it has hidden some true filth Now yes, yes again, every extreme is wrong left and right Posted by Belly, Monday, 1 April 2019 3:43:32 PM
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Belly said- you stick to the view any one not a conservative is a Lefty
Answer- I didn't say that- I said that those that promote Socially Liberal policies are promoting Left policies- no matter what side of politics they stand officially. Posted by Canem Malum, Monday, 1 April 2019 8:39:40 PM
This poster is not from the left. That you in saying such, about anyone not a Republican/Trump supporter do your image little good. Right now on facebook [AND IT IS NOT ME] a list of Sir Robert Menzies quotes and policies is on show. He formed today's Liberals, then he had policies very very much like today's ALP. From the right [controlling faction] of my party the true left is no better than your awful right
Only some form [everyone pays tax??] form of capitalism will work for us tax the 61 Australian millionaires who paid zero and we have made a start.
Answer- According to Patrick Deneen. The Social Liberals are the Left/ the Economic Liberals (Menzies) are the Right. But- due to historical factors- Conservatives usually sit with the Right even though they are against "Liberalism / Blind Freedom / Change" in a broad sense.
If your policy views are about Social Freedom then this would suggest that you have leftist views- this can be motivated by Economic considerations- then you could be a supporter of the Left Wing of the Australian Liberal Party.
Perhaps for Conservatives Economics is more about stability than growth because of its inherent boom bust nature.
The terms of Left, Right, Conservative, etc appear to be often misused either intentionally or not. I find it necessary to give a definition when I discuss them.
There are links between Communism and Socialism and Social Liberalism from the developments in history through various individuals and movements