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The Forum > General Discussion > Have Conservatives lost the plot?

Have Conservatives lost the plot?

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indy the state of the world is worth talking about
No longer expect you to understand so will lay it out for you
The America Tea Party set out to make the Republican party their property
Australian Liberal right followed
Trump mastered that movement
Liberal right followed
My point was /is both here and in America that movement went too far
And is about to crumble, here and there
Caught up?
Having followed those supporters, are about to confront those two movements, never ever had the numbers to hold on to power
Now indy, do you still see my comment as wrong
Sorry but it clearly is a justification of the thread I started,s title
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 5 March 2019 10:27:27 AM
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is mise
Sir, you have trolled me many many times about not answering questions
Are you in hiding
Why no answers to my questions
Have you any sympathy or concern for victims of Catholic Pedaphils
Do you think those who gave evidence against Pell are lying
Are you prepared to accept that SOME Catholics did commit such acts
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 6 March 2019 4:08:02 AM
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Dear Belly,

It is worth discussing that social issues do have so
much power to divide a party. History has shown that
major parties can and do splinter. What's so
debilitating for the Liberal Party is the constant
argument that saps the party's energy in disputes
about climate change, the treatment of women,religious
freedom, gay rights, and more. It's telling that social
issues have so much power to divide the party when its
message to Australia is that it stands for stable
government and careful economic management.

In the language of the leaders we hear one thing - they try
to assure voters that their priority is a stronger economy.
Yet in the bickerings of its back-benchers and ministers
it seems they're more concerned about who's allowed to
get married, what students are taught about sexuality in
state schools, or whether schools can sack gay teachers
or not giving quotas to women, and so on.

Libs are free to crusade for their social agenda in
Parliament, of course. But they can't complain when
voters laugh at them at the next election when they claim
that they've spent the past 3 years totally focused on
economic management and national security.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 11 March 2019 10:20:02 AM
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cont'd ...

I see a formal divorce between moderates and
conservatives in the Liberal Party as only a
matter of time. There's no perfect answer for any
political party debating its direction. As I've
stated previously - history has shown that major
parties can and do splinter. Whether this one
can rise from the ashes - we'll have to wait and see.
Strong leadership is required - but where will it
come from?
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 11 March 2019 10:25:43 AM
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Foxy agree with much you say, back after 6 days no net, after 4 no service, and ten night only
Survived that horrible music while waiting for human contact
Even made it past the worse go online and check? why you can not get online?
This election , more than most, has small teams who do more good for those they oppose
Clive Palmer[ unworthy of any one vote] harms the LNP
As do super conservatives within and running against them
Labor must confront the greens are [in their current lowest state] our enemies not friends
Two teams can govern LNP Labor
A vote for one of the rest harms the side voters want to win
No dream team is standing we pick one or the other
IT CHUFFS ME! to see QUEENSLAND super conservatives greatly assisting Labor to win both that state and the election
Posted by Belly, Monday, 11 March 2019 11:52:18 AM
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Dear Belly,

We live in a safe Liberal seat in Melbourne.
I don't think that much is going to change
in our electorate. Still it would be great
to have a different candidate given a chance.
This guy has been in his seat for 29 years and
the only time we see him is prior to every
election. Very frustrating.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 11 March 2019 12:11:38 PM
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