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The climate might very well get 'worse’ or, it might get ‘better’; people only imagine that we can pick and choose the climate we want. At the very best, all predictions are just hypotheses. As I've wondered before, what are the climate obsessives going to do in five, ten, twenty years time when the climate does what comes naturally despite the billions of dollars they have wasted, and the hardship they have caused, all in the name of playing God and deluding themselves that humans have supremacy over nature. My guess is that they will just turn their backs and deny that they ever believed the bullshite they are jabbering about now. Just like after previous insane brainstorms such as the millennium bug, sailing off the edge of the world, burning people alive, proving guilt or innocence by ducking stool, and several doses of world endings. Not to mention leeches and bleeding, sacrificing goats and virgins and lots of other savagery. The climate hysterics are as primitive and superstitious as some people were hundreds of years ago.

In the meantime, American atmospheric physicist, Robert Lindzen, says that the climate has changed little in the 30 years he has been teaching. The temperature has increased about 1% from 1800 to the year 2000, and there are many reasons for this. C02 is believed by some to play a small part, but even IPCC scientists acknowledge that the long term effects of carbon dioxide CANNOT be gauged.

Lindzen says that it is not scientists and sceptics, many of whom are also scientists, (who agree on certain things) who are making more noise the less the climate changes, but politicians, environmental activists, and the media, all of whom are misrepresenting the science to gain money, power, and for ideological reasons. However, nature will have the last say on the matter, not humans, no matter what anyone thinks or says.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 9 February 2019 4:56:17 PM
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You are right about Western socialism, but I suspect it was only so because they could be voted out.

Going by my changing electricity charges over the last few decades I have great difficulty understanding how you think renewables to be a cheaper option. You also say that Australian coal generation is less reliable. Is that true for each coal generator? Is it true for other countries? Then there is the matter of defining reliability. Is it the percentage of time a generator is operating or the number of times it needs repair? My understanding is that coal generators will have an average output of about 80% of capacity. Solar would be lucky to deliver 25% of capacity. Wind, I wouldn't know.

I am also concerned about the environment, but I think Bjorn Lomborg has presented good argument that strong economies are far better at environmental protection.

Congratulations on your rejection of radicalism.
Posted by Fester, Saturday, 9 February 2019 6:36:09 PM
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'As I've wondered before, what are the climate obsessives going to do in five, ten, twenty years time when the climate does what comes naturally despite the billions of dollars they have wasted, and the hardship they have caused, all in the name of playing God and deluding themselves that humans have supremacy over nature. '

ignore al their failed predictions and pig headedly move on to the next lot. Its been going on for 50 years. The Great Barrier Reef was facing impeachment since the 1970's. The money will continue to flow as the poorer will pay for much higher energy prices while the high priests continue to preach and hashtag.
Posted by runner, Saturday, 9 February 2019 6:36:30 PM
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I cannot but weigh in on this topic.
I have read all the comments.
I find some to be of value, others not.
One point I have been making since all this CC hoo haa began, is that there are too many factors, and variables involved in this topic to oversimplify the data by reading into it simply what is recorded.
My question has been, OK if we are to believe this info why are there anomaly.
The science says one thing, such as the BOM, but the environment is not complying by doing the exact opposite.
I can recall as a younger man, the 'heat waves' we used to endure, and they went on for days.
Day after day, it was debilitating, especially without air conditioning.
I am much older now, and still HATE the heat, yet I cannot recall any 'heat waves' for decades now.
A gentle correction to the person who was flippant and dismissive about the suggestion someone made about Dorothea Mackellar's poem; MY COUNTRY.
In it you will find a perfect description of Australia.
I can't be bothered writing it in, if you truly are interested in the truth, you will look it up.
So for that person who was so quick to dismiss this lady and her poem, because it compromised his stance on climate change, I say, bad luck Sir, you've been outed by history, and a poem at that.
So if you climate change folks want to know why there is so much skepticism around about CC one has only to read this poem and it is a wonderful rendition of Australia and it's weather and antics and how hard a place it was to live in.
So all that is happening around us, apparently, is nothing new.
Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 9 February 2019 9:40:29 PM
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A couple of weeks ago, Adelaide experienced its hottest day ever, 46.6 degrees.

In The Australian, Chris Kenny (an Adelaide boy, after all), went back to look at the previous record, back in 1939, officially half a degree cooler. But at the time, using different screens over the gauges, it seems that the 'unadjusted' recorded temperature then was half a degree hotter still.

In the meantime, Adelaide has grown from a country town of a couple of hundred thousand to 1.3 million. With air-conditioning. I know, I know, air-conditioning produces cooler air, so the temperature would have been higher now than then without it. Except that AC generates heat in. order to produce cooler air: stand next to the machine thing outside that does the work and you'll feel it. Across a bustling metropolis like Adelaide, the resulting urban heat island effect might be, I don't know, half a degree warmer ? A full degree ? Same with even bigger cities.

No, I didn't like that day, 46.6 degrees, but I'm even less convinced now about the effects of CO2 than before. Somebody prove me wrong :)

Even if the measuring was comparable, half a degree in eighty years doesn't seem like a descent into hell.

Posted by Loudmouth, Sunday, 10 February 2019 3:16:38 PM
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Dear Loudmouth,

So you seem to be accepting a boost in the 1932 temperature upwards while wanting a marking down of the current record temperature.

Anyway, while daily records are not without their noteworthiness it is far more instructive to use monthly, annual, or decade averages to get a feel for climate change.

For instance the annual average temperature for 1932 at the Torrens gauge was 21.4 C while for 2018 it was 23.2 C.

However it should be acknowledged that having such a large body of water in the prevailing weather direction means both Perth and Adelaide will not be impacted as much as the eastern seaboard capital cities.

Ultimately the global temperatures are the only real currency and they continue to head in just one direction.

Posted by SteeleRedux, Sunday, 10 February 2019 4:24:01 PM
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