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Climate change stories.

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//None of you have any scientific knowledge//

A sweeping statement, made as if you're an authority on a topic you know absolutely nothing about.

But if you really are as knowledgeable on my level of scientific knowledge as you claim, what does constant does the 'k' in my tattoo represent, and from what other two well known constants can it be derived?

Yeah, I thought so.

//and yet you make sweeping statements as if an authority on topics you know 'absolutely' nothing about//

Perhaps you could try leading by example and not do it yourself? Might make you seem slightly less of a halfwit.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Sunday, 16 December 2018 1:27:32 PM
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Dear Foxy,

You beat me to it.

A clueless Hasbeen once again making up rubbish. Where would our Christmas be without him in full and glorious flight.

You are perfectly right about the credentials of Sir David Attenborough. He has deep scientific knowledge butressed even further by being extremely well travelled over a long period of time which puts him uniquely placed to have observed the impact of climate change.

As well as his degree in Natural Sciences from Cambridge University he is a full Fellow of the Royal Society, membership of which is only given on the basis of excellence in science.

There are other like Bill Bryson of the  A Short History of Nearly Everything fame who are given honourary membership which is awarded to candidates who have given distinguished service to the cause of science, but do not have the kind of scientific achievements required of Fellows.

No, Sir David Attenborough is very much the real deal and you are perfectly justified in quoting him.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Sunday, 16 December 2018 1:38:07 PM
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I left the thread see one of our trolls said it was a private conversation
Another has chosen yet again to use weird insults against, well any one who does not share his views
In the spirit of Hasbeens reason to post here, please know
*My supplier is ALG,* I get a thirty 30 percent discount for paying on time*
My bill comes via e mail, another saving
It will come tomorrow or tuesday, meter read thursday
YOU MUST DEMAND a cheaper rate, tell AGL you know they do better for others, me
ALTRAV, along with ttbn you are far from bright, please leave you unhinged anger before getting close to the key board
PS the insulting who am I realy is trash, all documents drivers license birth certificate house deeds here for any one to see any time, so be careful
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 16 December 2018 1:41:22 PM
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Listen Steeley, you are in no position to pontificate about anything.
If you are so 'right' about everything you tell me why after a lifetime of banging on anout CC and your beloved bloody scientist and experts, why have we not had these panacea's of renewables from heaven, at least 30years ago?
What I argue against is people like you quoting so called experts who have done NOTHING but write, talk and bang on about this HUGE life threatening problem once called 'global warming' only to have been caught out and now called 'climate change'.
I don't care about your attempts to try to intensify and justify CC, because actions or the lack of have neutralised or negated your arguments about CC.
That is where my angst and frustration comes from, I can see pollution all around me, just like everyone else, but at least I can see it, taste it, it's real.
My negativity is aimed at the gravity or size of the pollution, if it is as bad as made out to be, the amount of money being stolen in the name of reducing it, and the fact that after a very, very long time, nothing tangible or conclusive has come from all that money and research.
Now you may want to bury your head in, down or up whatever medium makes you feel comfortable, and that's the problem with you and your lot, you will do or say anything to not have to move away from your comfort zone, even if a train is barrelling down on you, rather than have to face an unpleasant or uncomfortable truth.
I tell you what if someone actually comes up with a real and workable solution with a 100% duty cycle, at a cost lower than what we have now, does not rely on expensive maintenance or upkeep, I'll shut up, because there will be nothing to scrutinise any more.
But until then, even if you grabbed a brain and started asking questions rather than being ignorantly patronising or overly and un-authoritively condescending, I would still keep asking questions.
Posted by ALTRAV, Sunday, 16 December 2018 1:59:35 PM
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does not surprise me Toni that you would manifest with the mention of the truth.
Posted by runner, Sunday, 16 December 2018 2:24:29 PM
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Don't blame the scientists - they've been warning us
for decades. And telling us what needed to be done.
Regarding the threats to the ecological balance of the
planet and the health of many of its species, including
ourselves. Put the blame where it belongs. On
governments. World Leaders. The problems are extremely
difficult to solve. Some people and many governments see
pollution as a regrettable but inevitable by-product of
desired economic development - "Where there's smoke, there's
jobs." Control of pollution requires international
coordination, for one country's emissions or pesticides
can end up in other country's air or food.

The effects of pollution may not show up for many years, so
severe environmental damage can occur with little public
awareness that it is taking place. Preventing or correcting
pollution can be costly, technically complex, and sometimes
when the damage is irreversible - impossible.

The problem is that all this is not an inevitable outcome
of industrial technology. The problem derives also from
political decisions to tolerate pollution and other bad things,
rather than bear the costs of fixing them. Fixing things
is politically difficult because the economic interests behind
"smokestack" industries are a powerful political lobby that is
reluctant to commit the necessary resources to the task.

No intelligent person can deny that the planet has a finite
amount of resources or that it can tolerate only a limited
amount of pollution. If world population continues to grow
rapidly, if industrialisation spreads around the world, and
if pollution and resource depletion continues at an increasing
rate - and all these things continue to happen - where is
human society headed?

The most optimistic answer to these questions would be that,
one way or another, sweeping changes await us. And that's
being polite.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 16 December 2018 2:47:55 PM
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