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Climate change stories.

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IF we were smart we would study the reasons for the flood that wiped out the earth thousands of years ago. It certainly did not fit any climate model.
Posted by runner, Sunday, 16 December 2018 11:10:43 AM
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//IF we were smart we would study the reasons for the flood that wiped out the earth thousands of years ago.//


Yeah, and while we're at it we should conduct some proper scientific research into how the White Witch of Narnia was able to alter the climate so that it was always winter.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Sunday, 16 December 2018 11:58:00 AM
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Foxy you are doing it again.

David Attenborough, like his brother was an actor. He was given the job of narrator of a wildlife documentary by the BBC, & did a great job. They continued to use him for that job, & he became famous for it, ultimately becoming the face of BBC nature documentaries.

He has no qualifications, or special knowledge, & has probably become indoctrinated by the much more dedicated people who actually do the work of shooting the documentaries.

In fact in the more recent ones I have been disgusted that he is flown all over the world to get his face in the productions, simply to maintain his fame. Typical BBC. As with the IPCC crowd, their massive generation of CO2 by their air travel they justify somehow. It is only ours that is a problem.

Again I can see how you can have such a wrong slant on global warming, when you quote actors as your source of information.
Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 16 December 2018 11:58:30 AM
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Sir David Attenborough is not an actor. He is the younger
brother of director, producer and actor - Richard
Attenborough. Sir David has a degree in Natural Sciences
from Cambridge University. He has an amazing background
and has dedicated his life to celebrating and preserving
wild-life. He has written, produced, hosted, and narrated
countless award winning nature-focussed programs.

He began his career as a producer at the BBC where he
launched the successful "Zoo Quest" series. He was
made controller of the BBC and later the Director of
Programming. He was instrumental in expanding
the natural history content. He left the BBC to begin
writing and producing various series including the smash
hit - "Life on Earth, which set the standards for the
modern nature documentary. He's considered to be a
British National Treasure. And his reputation as a
naturalist is beyond reproach.

But then I suspect that you as an educated, supposedly
knowledgeable, and intelligent man,
would already have known that. You're
just stirring the pot.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 16 December 2018 12:45:01 PM
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OK, Steely, Foxy and Belly, having been given the right to respond in kind, I will gladly take up the challenge.
Now let's see where to begin?
So you buffoons believe we are too harsh in our deliveries and lacking factual content.
None of you have any scientific knowledge and yet you make sweeping statements as if an authority on topics you know 'absolutely' nothing about other than what you read.
Us 'mindless minions', are always asking for 'actual' examples of something and not just taking someones word for it.
For you to be 'pillorying' us for daring to question or dis-agree with you and your fellow blow-hards is the height of hypocrisy, when it is clearly by your own admission, are the 'ignorant, 'pissant' bunch of 'deniers', who have attached yourselves to the very same mob of people who have accepted the stories as facts, when there are too many gaps and questions, to just blindly follow and worse still, dare to enforce or instill a particular dogma or theory, without absolute and conclusive evidence to confirm it completely.
You have found refuge and comfort in each other because you are too gutless to actually speak of your own ignorance on any one topic, for fear of being called 'smug' or 'bombastic'.
Now to get to the point of reality and not some ramblings of a 'smug' self righteous prick, and that is:
If this CC thing is as serious and dangerous as it's made out to be, why, when we have been crapping on about it for nearly a century, do we not have the new technologies in place as of decades ago?
Why are we still crapping on about CC and the billions stolen in the name of research, technology and renewables.
Mankind is not that stupid when it comes to inventing or creating new things, especially if it's need is urgent.
Well, even though the general population are morons, as is displayed on OLO, those entrusted with the job of solving problems are not, especially ones that, 'allegedly', threaten the very lives of humans WORLDWIDE.
Posted by ALTRAV, Sunday, 16 December 2018 12:54:16 PM
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You wrote;

“OK, Steely, Foxy and Belly, having been given the right to respond in kind”

In kind? Oh please spare me the victimhood crap. You lot love to dish it out but when someone responds in kind you act all righteous.

These are just some of the terms you used earlier in the thread; “usual bunch of clowns”, “ the know-nothings of the world” and “the CC clowns”.

The only right you are exercising here is the right to be offended and is typical of bullies.

Anyway you banged on with; “None of you have any scientific knowledge and yet you make sweeping statements as if an authority on topics you know 'absolutely' nothing about other than what you read.”

Are you really that thick? We rarely make sweeping statements rather what we do is quote the bloody authorities themselves, you know those people who have spent years studying and decades researching climate science, the bloody climate scientists!

This is what I said in my last post “The vast majority of those working at the cutting edge of climate science are deeply concerned about the clear present and future impacts of climate change. Many are trying to figure out what that world will look like because human greed will likely stymie much of the action required to halt the warming.”

You see, I'm referencing the science and the scientists.

It is you lot, with little to no scientific knowledge, who feel you know more that these leaders in their fields and come up with all kinds of crap in order to to try and challenge the bleeding obvious. It makes you look like absolute fools and you really need to consider giving it a rest.

Posted by SteeleRedux, Sunday, 16 December 2018 1:14:58 PM
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