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The Forum > General Discussion > The Greens call on Coalition and Labor to back bill to abolish religious schools firing gay students

The Greens call on Coalition and Labor to back bill to abolish religious schools firing gay students

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What I was trying to point out and perhaps I did not
express myself clearly was that no matter what we
discuss on what the government should or should not
do, the ultimate decision will be that of the government.
Hopefully the government will listen to the
the voters. Of course there's no guarantee that all of us
will be pleased with the results - as happened with
same sex marriage. In this case however - we don't get a
chance to have a say - as we did the last time. This will
be a government decision.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 29 October 2018 4:08:40 PM
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"The outcomes still remain in the hands of our courts
and our judicial system."

But that outcome can favour Traditional Law and then Traditional Law applies, so there is more than one law in Australia; I note that you had nowt to say regarding Jews and Jewish Religious Law.
Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 29 October 2018 4:29:39 PM
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Shadow Minister,

"The list of stupid consequences is endless"

Including the aim of the whole exercise, making all religions marry same-sex couples.
Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 29 October 2018 6:07:32 PM
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Is Mise,

I also did not comment on Muslim, Catholic, or any other
religious group. The beauty of our democratic system is
that any group - can lobby for what they want changed - they
can even run for office to further try to influence changes.

According to the Australian Law Reform Commission's Report
on Aboriginal Customary Law -

Since 1992 - common law has admitted the existence of
Indigenous customary laws but to date the use of Indigenous
customary law in matters such as sentencing, including through
in circle courts, remains sparse, patchy and inadequate.

Formal recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
people in the Constitution will pave the way for negotiations
and a sustained dialogue between the civilisations,
including for significant levels of self-determination.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 29 October 2018 6:16:57 PM
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"Since 1992 - common law has admitted the existence of
Indigenous customary laws but to date the use of Indigenous
customary law in matters such as sentencing, including through
in circle courts, remains sparse, patchy and inadequate."

Particularly spearing an offender.

Well there you are, two separate laws for different groups within Australia, nor one law for all, at all.
Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 29 October 2018 7:15:12 PM
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Issy, is that why there are twice as many black fella in jail than white fella, they get sentenced twice?
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 30 October 2018 3:56:42 AM
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