The Forum > General Discussion > The Greens call on Coalition and Labor to back bill to abolish religious schools firing gay students
The Greens call on Coalition and Labor to back bill to abolish religious schools firing gay students
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Are you suggesting that a valid comparison was made to highlight the flaw in your argument and your best response is to dismiss it as 'religious clap trap'?
The example IS valid and was in response to a comment which ultimately called for reasons why religious institutions should get exemptions from certain laws.
My response was to confirm that they already do, and that the helmet example was only one such exemption.
It IS relevant because it means that GOD's law over-rides common law.
Mate I don't make this stuff up, for crying out loud, just read it and accept it, it won't kill you, or are we now seeing an example of Foxy's softly softly, submission just posted, that I shouldn't say something if it's going to offend you or anyone else?
Well you can all relax in the knowledge that I didn't make it up, it's already out there and has been for as long as.
So, YES, exemption do and have existed for as long as laws have, there you have it, all people have to do is accept it.