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The Forum > General Discussion > Burgeoning Population Leading To Make- Work Schemes

Burgeoning Population Leading To Make- Work Schemes

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People working in the hospitality industry do have an impact, and they do provide a wanted service. They are often unappreciated and under paid. It is when you get into administration you find the really useless jobs.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 28 July 2018 10:02:15 AM
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There's also volunteers in many industries that do
a great job and provide a remarkable service. Be it
at schools, in libraries, local councils, aged care
facilities, and the list goes on. Making many lives
all the better.

There's always something to do. You just have to be
willing to get up off your rear end and look for it.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 28 July 2018 10:34:05 AM
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Agree with you FOXY; volunteering is a superb and satisfying way to fill any excess time a person my have, especially retiree's who've subsequently exhausted their 'bucket list' and are looking for fresh ideas in order to fill in their time.

I've always had a soft spot for the aged or elderly people who're not as well off as we are. So I had a bit of a look about to see what exactly folk in this genre needed. Many were nervous about living alone, due to the loss of a spouse, and the children all grown up, and flying the coop.

So I got together with the people I/C of my local; 'University of the 3rd Age' and we put together an eight week package designed for; 'Living alone, without worrying unnecessarily about Safety'. I reckon I got just as big a kick out of it, as they did. Consequently I was asked to, both lengthen it to ten weeks, and stage it during each of the three terms! I've undertaken lecturing many times before, but none more so fulfilling, than those with the U3A. I thoroughly recommend volunteering, you'll get a great kick out. Elderly folk can be so lovely and gratifying to interact with at any level. And boy, are many of them smart, smart as whips, and wise, far more so then I expected. Wonderful people.
Posted by o sung wu, Saturday, 28 July 2018 4:59:04 PM
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God Bless You -
O Sung Wu!
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 28 July 2018 6:22:08 PM
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Dear Ttbn,

Thank you for this discussion.

«It's not particularly about immigration; there are just too many people in the world, and not enough use for them.»

I absolutely agree.

Overpopulation necessitates regimentation and excess technology, both reducing the quality of life. Some may consider those workers who provide this pair to be "useful", but they are not for our good, they are there only to enable this huge number of people to survive.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Saturday, 28 July 2018 9:23:48 PM
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And thankyou for sticking to the subject.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 28 July 2018 10:44:53 PM
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