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The Forum > General Discussion > What influences you in casting your vote?

What influences you in casting your vote?

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Dear Belly,

The voters usually get it right in the end.
Dirty tactics are now becoming a turn-off
to most people. They see right through them.
And those that try these tactics will do so at
their own peril. You'll see.

Shadow Minister,

I've worked for various government organisations and
departments over the years. I also have many contacts
within those departments. So I'm not so sure if
being "naive" is an apt description of me. Except that
I was raised to be positive - that was the influence
of my parents who lived through some horrendous times.
As the old adage states - "You can't be positive with
a negative mindset."

Of course, nobody is perfect - that's why pencils have
erasers. (smile).

Canem Malum,

You enjoy reading Plato?
Kudos to you!
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 25 June 2018 11:44:55 AM
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While I salute your time in the public service unless you were in the highest echelons it is not relevant to our discussions.

Perhaps you could ask your labor buddies to avoid negative propoganda such as the mediscare campaign.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 25 June 2018 1:30:52 PM
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How to vote next time ?
That is a very difficult decision.
The problem is energy. Electrical energy in particular.
Both Labour & LNP do not understand that 4 - 5 = -1.
That is the fundamental problem, you cannot take four large power
stations off the grid without generating a large problem.
Neither party seems to understand that.
Labour with the Greens help will just go one worse.

Neither party has a viable policy. Vote for either of them and you
are voting for blackouts.
I watched Sth Australia's wind & other on the weekend and it varied
between ZERO and about 140 Megawatts.
The majority of that day was below 10 Mw.
Sth Australia lives on Queenslands Coal and Tasmania's hydro.
It is interesting to watch the Dashboard of the AEMO.
It will convince any greeny that wind & solar are a lost cause.
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 25 June 2018 2:16:36 PM
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Shadow Minister,

I've always enjoyed a top position.

And, my colleagues are a mix of people from all
sides of politics. I am selective in who I
associate with in the real world. I don't
choose them according to their political outlooks
or agendas.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 25 June 2018 3:44:15 PM
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PS; At this moment Sth Aus wind & solar is generating ONE Megawatt.
That would not even charge their battery in 100 hours.
Must be an overcast still day.
And this is a weekday.
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 25 June 2018 3:45:23 PM
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Dear Bazz,

Wind and solar are a lost cause?

You probably mean - for now?

But the sooner we start the less expensive it will
become and the more we will advance. And it's
something that has to be done. Because sooner or later
our finite resources will run out. So the sooner we
make a beginning, the better. So logic dictates.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 25 June 2018 3:48:52 PM
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