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Employment, Social Security and Poverty
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Posted by Aidan, Monday, 7 May 2018 8:57:36 PM
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Yutsu and paul
I heard an interesting opinion recently whereby the reason the baby bonus was set up as it was, was to aid in the dumbing of society. When you think about it, common logic suggests that a far better way would have been rather than pay any Mums to have babies, would have been to provide free child care up to $5,000 in total for working Mums having babies and returning to work. Of cause this would have assisted greatly in the problem of unwanted kids to irresponsible parents but the fact is that what the governments may have actually dome was to produce a generation of people who have a large portion reliant on welfare, therefore making them somewhat controllable. Harsh, but quite possibly spot on the money. I mean why else would a government give two dead beats five grand when the chances were high that they would have another dead beat. Hence, we are what we sow. Like it or not, $250 per week to stay in bed till all hours is truly bizzar. Posted by rehctub, Tuesday, 8 May 2018 8:35:49 PM
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Dear Paul,
«Would it not be better if for every new born hatched, two old farts were dispatched.» No. Well not if you believe that life has a purpose, otherwise indeed, why not kill'em all? Retirees are in fact in the best position to fulfil life's purpose: now that they no longer have to waste their time in the workforce, they can finally afford to pursue the spiritual path full-time without such distractions. New-borns, on the other hand, still have a long and arduous road ahead, first they need to go through complete helplessness and being misunderstood, then they need to go through painful childhood illnesses, the debilitation of schooling and associated bullying, the teen-stupidities and their repercussions, then in some cases the worst of all - conscription and wars, then many years of struggling to pay bills and raise children, all that before they can really push the gas full ahead on spiritual progress. New-borns, since they still did not receive any education, have little to lose by dying or by not being born to begin with. --- Dear Aidan, If people weren't slaves to their animal nature, then why would they bring children into this already-overcrowded world? Sorry, I've read this most depressing book, "The selfish Gene" by Richard Dawkins, where he details how those swindler genes trick us around insidiously to believe that what they want is also what we want. Other than for our genes, ourselves have no good reason to eagerly desire to become grandparents. Now why must the order of magnitude of humans be reduced? Because with current population, regimentation cannot be avoided and that in turn defeats life's purpose. In the previous century, it was still possible in rare cases to escape civilisation and its regimes, yet to do that, one already needed to withdraw into very harsh conditions such as deep Siberia: With current population, however, and the technology that is needed to keep it alive, this is tragically no longer possible - and why should one have to suffer such a harsh climate anyway just in order to be free? Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 9 May 2018 7:12:52 PM
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Dear Rehctub,
How true, thanks for this insight about "child-care". «Like it or not, $250 per week to stay in bed till all hours is truly bizzar.» Well given the machines' gradually taking over beneficial, down-to-earth productive work and the increase in professions that do more harm than good, as well as the demands on employees to behave unethically, perhaps paying someone $250 to stay in bed and do no harm is a good idea after all. Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 9 May 2018 7:21:41 PM
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"If people weren't slaves to their animal nature, then why would they bring children into this already-overcrowded world?"
Because they choose to. But few nowadays choose to have big families, even though that's what would fit best with out animal nature. And this world isn't really overcrowded. Bits of it are crowded, but that's because most people prefer to live near lots of other people. There's more interesting things to see and do, as well as more opportunities to make money. I don't know where you got the idea that life's purpose is to escape regimentation. There are still plenty of places you can go to get away from the crowds. But completely cutting yourself off from civilisation for decades at a time is the very antithesis of life's purpose! Posted by Aidan, Thursday, 10 May 2018 12:10:37 AM
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Yuyutsu, is it not incongruous of the old farts, say those over 75, that they wish to bat on even though they have (possibly) enjoyed a good long innings already. The magnanimous thing to do is a Good(for)all and volunteer for the high jump. I also suggest a one off government cash payment of $20,000 for the voluntary, to provide a spoofo funeral, and a decent nosh up, including party pies and sausage rolls, after woulds down at the local RSL. Can't be fairer than that.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 10 May 2018 7:48:55 AM
Who exactly do you imagine would say: "Ah, now I can bring even more children to the world because the government will care for them"?
People are not slaves to their animal nature, and the biological urge to reproduce can usually be satisfied by having one or two children. A few people have big families, but in rich countries most don't except in situations where there's a perception of underpopulation. The countries with very big families tend to be those where the parents can't be confident of all their children surviving long enough for them to become grandparents.
As poverty falls, so too (usually) does family size. But wanting population to decline an order of magnitude is far from sensible.