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Is there life after death?
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We can witness here some destructive and negative persons by comments made here they will pass to the next generation. Avoid negative persons as they offer nothing to a healthy society of the future. There is the continuation of life, more than just organic; life that is represented by character.
Posted by Josephus, Tuesday, 20 March 2018 7:59:10 AM
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I would like to think I would be reunited with past friends, family and pets. (Ones I liked and loved not the ones I would rather do without) I had a strange OUJI board experience that meant nothing to me at the time. The Men, mainly military pilots, gave it up but three gals took over, and asked what sex would my 7 month old pregnancy be. Well straight away it went to DO-DO we interpreted this as a DOE. How many children I would have a 2 and a 1. Well I had two sons already and one on the way. Well it wasn't a girl, but a boy, whom my 15 month old son looked tenderly at him and called him DO-DO, or he meant 'doll-doll' the nick name stuck, he was a great sportsman, but tragically died when he was 21. Was it a premonition as I didn't realize it until after his death. It was a shock as of all the boys he was naturally a survivor and winner.
My mother died of AML and two nights before she passed told me and my doctor, she had a dream of my Father and my other late son coming to get her, Dodo wasn't there nor was I. Look the brain has away of doing strange things, but doctors say, under anesthetic the brain can not dream. Others suggest the brain can release certain chemicals when in extreme stress that can account for the NDE. Well I think the person who has just died must have an effect on those mourning. After my mother died, twice I felt someone nudge me in the back. I thought I heard my two deceased sons talking to me almost immediately after I learned they died. One played chicken with a train and lost and said 'I almost made it Mum'. The other committed suicide and said to me 'They killed me mum' On his suicide notes, he blamed others for his mental and emotional/sexual identification state, We wait and hope death will be kind to us and our loved ones. Posted by Bush bunny, Tuesday, 20 March 2018 10:20:57 PM
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Did Jesus get die at the crucifixion?
Most people don't study so let's show you a few things regarding Jesus' so called crucifixion. What was in the wine (vinegar)? Why would they call it vinegar and not wine?...Did he really drink it or not? The verses contradict each other as to whether he drank and the substances in the vinegar....PLUS some show two attempts to give JESUS fluid and others only 1. John 19:29-30 Now there was set a vessel full of vinegar: and they filled a spunge with vinegar, and put (it) upon hyssop, and put (it) to his mouth. When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost. OR the differing passage Mark 15:23 And they gave him to drink wine mingled with myrrh: but he received (it) not. Mark 15:23 mentions the oil Myrrh - Mark 15:36 And one ran and filled a spunge full of vinegar, and put (it) on a reed, and gave him to drink, saying, Let alone; let us see whether Elias will come to take him down. OR the next differing passage. Did he swallow or was just tasting enough to have the desired or intended effect? Matthew 27:34 They gave him vinegar to drink mingled with gall: and when he had tasted thereof, he would not drink. Matthew 27:34 mentions gall (hemlock) Gall means bitter but hemlock (a poison) can cause unconsciousness and death. Matthew 27:48 And straightway one of them ran, and took a spunge, and filled it with vinegar, and put it on a reed, and gave him to drink. Then after he was taken down from the cross. John 19:39 And there came also Nicodemus, which at the first came to Jesus by night, and brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about an hundred pound weight. "...Nicodemus took Myrrh and Aloes" Myrrh has antiseptic qualities and alloes have healing properties (they are not embalmers) Why did Jesus die so quickly compared to others who were crucified?...Was he unconscious only? Posted by Opinionated2, Tuesday, 20 March 2018 11:43:52 PM
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Not Now Soon may have quoted me earlier but misrepresented things if it was me.
I had a near death experience (NDE) after a car crash. It's no biggy I wasn't upset that people wouldn't listen...most people don't know how to listen and interpret evidence anyway. This happened in another experience! I used to work with two older gentleman. One an Atheist, and one a Catholic, we used to debate the afterlife and religion all the time. We couldn't agree on things so I suggested that we make a pact - "That when we die we attempt to make contact with the others to let them know." I was 30 years younger than these guys and hadn't seen them for 20 odd years.. One night about 10 years back I drempt of one of the guys...The Catholic. In the dream he told me that he had passed I logged onto the internet (The Herald Sun I think) and checked online obituaries. I had the dream on a Monday and he had died on the previous Thursday. I was amazed! About a month later I had a dream about the Atheist guy who told me he had died. Again I went online and he had passed away 4 days earlier. Once again I left some kind words about the man. I did this in the middle of the night so regretfully I failed to keep a copy of the obituaries and my comments. At the time, as I had studied the Bible and realised that it was a load of rubbish that totally denigrates God...I was well on my way to no longer wasting my time on such matters. If it had been one occurrence I would have laughed it off... but two people SEEMING to contact me as per our agreement was much more interesting and worth investigating further. I can't change that it happened and I have never drempt of them since. They just appear to have kept their part of the agreement. This is simply the truth of what happened! Posted by Opinionated2, Wednesday, 21 March 2018 12:17:23 AM
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Op2, I have vivid dreams every night of past events including family and friends and even people whom I do not know. But I must investigate one dream of a woman of 20 years ago who worked in the same company whose funeral the family asked me to conduct. All this in a dream as I have no contact or thoughts of for 20 years, she was just a packer in the company of which I was a sales rep.
What is factual is the lives and spirit of great persons influenced by the life and spirit of Christ. Persons like Mother Teresa, Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Dr, Victor Chang. We would hope their spirit lives on in the next generation, displaying that same humility, and self sacrificing for the benefit of mankind. Today we live in a world of war and violence and ego-centric individuals, many following that war Lord Mohamed, they are worshipped as gods, they are the same as the world of the Roman gods, of war and power. A world into which Jesus came and his power was humility. Posted by Josephus, Wednesday, 21 March 2018 7:13:38 AM
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After my post yesterday regarding the two guys who seemed to have contacted me in dreams as we had agreed I decided to search for my posts to their obituaries but could only find one.
The second man, the Atheist, came through to me in my dream on the 11/10/2011 so it hasn't been 10 years. That means that the Catholic man would have died some time in September 2011. Now Josephus you generalise too easily on the humility of Jesus. Jesus, if any of the story is factual, afterall the Bible is a load of rubbish allegedly came with a message of love but as he couldn't sell love to the believers he ended up getting angry and threatening more and more. In fact Jesus threatens hellfire and damnation around 24 times in the Gospels. I doubt threatening hellfire and damnation shows Now of course as hell doesn't exist it means the threats are just that, threats! Luke 12:46 The master of that servant will come on a day when he is not looking for him, and at an hour when he is not aware, and will cut him in two and appoint him his portion with the unbelievers. So is Jesus saying God will cut people in two in this verse? In many versions Master represents God and servant should be slave. So Jesus thinks we are slaves... Again no humility here! He repeats these type of threats in the parable of the Gold coins. Luke 19:11-27 Now note the last verse.... Luke 11:27 But as for these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and SLAUGHTER them before me. Once again the Bible proves that people don't study correctly and that the Bible is a load of rubbish. To think sweet baby Jesus wants to cut people in two and slaughter people before him. But all you believers miss these verses and don't tell people about these verses if you know tham... and that makes you all deceivers! Posted by Opinionated2, Wednesday, 21 March 2018 9:16:29 AM